Monstermaster13's Reviews: Catch Me If You Can
Monstermaster13's Reviews: Catch Me If You Can
Hi...everyone and welcome back to the Walken-A-Thon, we've already covered quite a lot of Walken here but there is one movie we have not covered yet.
Yes..i'm still Walken btw.
That movie is the 2002 biographical thriller Catch Me If You Can and the reasons why I haven't covered this movie is for two reasons - one is because of its main stars.
Ugh. I despise Tom Hanks. The guy has two Oscars and yet the only type of movie roles he can play are only pseudo morons or Average Joes. I know he is a beloved actor and all but godamn it...he is utterly boring. He makes Ben Stein seem more energetic by comparison.
I'm sorry but I just can't stand Tom. I don't care if he's good...I just think that he needs to grow out of playing idiots and play decent characters for once.
I mean everything Tom has since Forrest Gump has been Average Joe: The Movie. And he's really bland and boring. We get it, he's playing stupid...we already got it last 50 thousand times.
His earlier works such as Splash, Volunteers and Big were very funny and also entertaining - the former were entertaining because Tom worked with John Candy in both movies. And you know how much I love JC.
As much as I love the Toy Story trilogy...I can't stand Tom Hanks as the voice of Woody. I know he's the main protagonist but in the first movie he acted like such a jealous jerkass to Buzz all because he was getting more attention than he was. I mean the guy got Buzz pushed out of the window. In the second and third movies he is a lot better and a lot nicer towards Buzz which is a good thing.
The other lead star in this is Leo DiCaprio...who is pretty much the living definition of "The Pretty Boy" even though he is versatile. He's just another one of those "Pretty Boy" types that were popular in the 90's and spawned others like Bieber, Zac Effron and the like.
This movie revolves around a con-artist played by Dicaprio as he cons people and is persued by Hank's character. There are a series of chase scenes and the action is pretty amazing too.
But i'm not actually hear to talk about Tom "Mr McBoring of the McBorington Family"
Hanks or Leo "Too Adorable To Even Exist" Decaprio.
I'm here to talk about Chris Walken and his performance as the lead characters dad. Chris is the reason I wanted to review this movie.
Don't get me wrong , this is a great movie but there are two specific reasons why I decided to review it.
The first is Chris Walken and the second is that The Simpsons parodied it.
I liked this movie, acting wise...I actually thought Tom and Leo were decent and I liked their performances here.
Spielberg is as always a genius when it comes to directing and his direction skills are put to good use here.
But of course the main reason we all remember this movie is because of the speech that Chris's character makes about the two mice and the bucket of cream. Which is a truly rivetting and powerful performance.
It reminds me of a similar story I once told my was about two mice and both of them fell into a bucket of cream, one drowned, and the other managed to get out....and yes....I am that second mouse.
The music and sets are very good, the script is flawless, there are plenty of thrills to be had and overall this was a great movie despite my personal grudges against Hanks and DiCaprio.
I give it 9 and a half out of 10, a 100% good to go rating, and a high reccomendation stamp. Check it out if you haven't seen it already.
I'm Monstermaster13 and this has been another Walken-A-Thon review, now if you excuse me...i've got some Walken buisness to attend to.
Hi...everyone and welcome back to the Walken-A-Thon, we've already covered quite a lot of Walken here but there is one movie we have not covered yet.
Yes..i'm still Walken btw.
That movie is the 2002 biographical thriller Catch Me If You Can and the reasons why I haven't covered this movie is for two reasons - one is because of its main stars.
Ugh. I despise Tom Hanks. The guy has two Oscars and yet the only type of movie roles he can play are only pseudo morons or Average Joes. I know he is a beloved actor and all but godamn it...he is utterly boring. He makes Ben Stein seem more energetic by comparison.
I'm sorry but I just can't stand Tom. I don't care if he's good...I just think that he needs to grow out of playing idiots and play decent characters for once.
I mean everything Tom has since Forrest Gump has been Average Joe: The Movie. And he's really bland and boring. We get it, he's playing stupid...we already got it last 50 thousand times.
His earlier works such as Splash, Volunteers and Big were very funny and also entertaining - the former were entertaining because Tom worked with John Candy in both movies. And you know how much I love JC.
As much as I love the Toy Story trilogy...I can't stand Tom Hanks as the voice of Woody. I know he's the main protagonist but in the first movie he acted like such a jealous jerkass to Buzz all because he was getting more attention than he was. I mean the guy got Buzz pushed out of the window. In the second and third movies he is a lot better and a lot nicer towards Buzz which is a good thing.
The other lead star in this is Leo DiCaprio...who is pretty much the living definition of "The Pretty Boy" even though he is versatile. He's just another one of those "Pretty Boy" types that were popular in the 90's and spawned others like Bieber, Zac Effron and the like.
This movie revolves around a con-artist played by Dicaprio as he cons people and is persued by Hank's character. There are a series of chase scenes and the action is pretty amazing too.
But i'm not actually hear to talk about Tom "Mr McBoring of the McBorington Family"
Hanks or Leo "Too Adorable To Even Exist" Decaprio.
I'm here to talk about Chris Walken and his performance as the lead characters dad. Chris is the reason I wanted to review this movie.
Don't get me wrong , this is a great movie but there are two specific reasons why I decided to review it.
The first is Chris Walken and the second is that The Simpsons parodied it.
I liked this movie, acting wise...I actually thought Tom and Leo were decent and I liked their performances here.
Spielberg is as always a genius when it comes to directing and his direction skills are put to good use here.
But of course the main reason we all remember this movie is because of the speech that Chris's character makes about the two mice and the bucket of cream. Which is a truly rivetting and powerful performance.
It reminds me of a similar story I once told my was about two mice and both of them fell into a bucket of cream, one drowned, and the other managed to get out....and yes....I am that second mouse.
The music and sets are very good, the script is flawless, there are plenty of thrills to be had and overall this was a great movie despite my personal grudges against Hanks and DiCaprio.
I give it 9 and a half out of 10, a 100% good to go rating, and a high reccomendation stamp. Check it out if you haven't seen it already.
I'm Monstermaster13 and this has been another Walken-A-Thon review, now if you excuse me...i've got some Walken buisness to attend to.
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