In The Hall of the Walken King
In The Hall of the Walken King
This story is based on In The Hall of the Mountain King by Edward Grieg and inspired by King Sombra from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Sometimes when we write stories about ourselves or others transforming...we often have it so we become what we often view ourselves or others as...or our dream selves if you will. I'm one of those people.
It was a rather special night in the neighbourhood as this would be the first appearance of the rare super blood moon.
A night where all supernatural secrets would be revealed....and i'm the one to talk about that sort of thing, after all I am a supernatural being myself.
That night I was on the computer looking up Christopher Walken while at the same time listening to Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. My Hessian Horseman figure was watching me...and even though it was inanimate, I always felt that I had some kind of bond with it.
Those piercing aquamarine eyes...those sharp, pointed teeth - that menacing pseudo snarl - there was just something hypnotic about that figure.
That was the way I felt with anything to do with Walken. I felt like I could relate to Walken in more ways than one and it wasn't just because he played supernatural roles. But I couldn't exactly remember what it was.
Just as I was about to continue....I heard the teleporter in my lab going off - I ran over to see who had been teleported over - it was Jon. This triggered a series of instincts in me that made me want to come over to him and obey him.
"Ah, I see you are ready."
"What am I ready for, exactly - master?"
"Don't you remember? It's been 4 months since your last night on the town as your true Walkeny self....Chris."
"What did you call me, master?"
"Oh yeah....that's my name."
"It're such a smart Walken."
"I am?"
"Yes...I have a special something for you."
"What is it?"
"This thing is good for you, good FOR YOU. It will help you become more of a Walken and get rid of all your pesky human troubles."
"It will?"
I was curious to see what it was, as I looked in Jon's direction. He obviously had some kind of surprise for me but I didn't know what it could be.
He pulled out a challice containing a transparent liquid that was bronze in colour, the challice was made out of fine gold and had my name imprinted on it. In addition to this he pulled out a needle.
I grabbed the challice and started to drink from it, happily lapping it up as I let out a series of soft semi-growling moans.
"Mmmm...what is this stuff?"
"It is liquified will alter your DNA, eraticating all human cells in your body and causing the sound of cowbell to resound inside your body, peneate your very being and transform you into a full blown Walken."
" tastes so nice."
Jon injected a needle into my left arm, the needle also contained the liquified cowbell inside it.
"I'm glad you like I mention cowbell will resound inside your body, peneating your very being...and altering you into a full Walken so that you may get be ready to hunt for your desired human victims. I also injected it into your arm."
"Do you know what you need now?"
"Ummm....I know...I know!"
"You had your drink and injection of cowbell. So now I need you to say the magic words.. You know what they are, right?"
"Say the had cowbell shot, cowbell what do you need..?"
"Good...go on."
A low growl escaped from my throat as the cowbell craving started burning up inside me, the 'tinking' sound of the cowbell resounding in my very cells - even my heart was making cowbell sounds - beating and tinking in time to a song of its own.
"There you go! You ready for more cowbell then?"
"Are you ready to crawl out of the bucket that was your human life and emerge out of it as a full blown Walken?"
"Then I need to give you a cowbell suppository. Bend over."
I bent over as he inserted a large gold cowbell into me, causing me to let out of another small groan that sounded like a low, semi Walkenesque growl.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, feels nice."
"I'm glad you like are going to be a fine alpha Walken."
"Now...what happens next?"
"Look up at the super blood moon. It will help with the hypnotic process as the cowbelll will disolve inside your body as you begin to lose your humanity."
I looked up at the moon and was immediately entranced by it, by its size - and by its blood red tint and the unearthly glow that surrounded it.
"Gaze at the moon, and the cowbell will dissolve as you fall under my hypnosis. Relax...relax and listen to the sound of my voice."
"'s so pretty..sooo pretty."
" pretty you cannot look don't want to look away..."
"No...I don't."
I gazed up at the moon, fixated on its beauty - as I did, I heard a distinctive tinking sound beating away in my heart as the cowbell disolved inside my body - I groaned once more as it began to alter my DNA.
"So makes it hard to think of anything but my words.."
Another low moan escaped from my throat as my thoughts were slowly being drained away, making it hard to think of anything except for Jon's felt
"Now you must voice masters your will and your are Chris and you are one of many fierce, loyal Walkens..."
"I will obey you...everything you say.. I am a loyal Walken..."
"Let the blood moon become your lover...she is waiting for you...beckoning you...reach for her."
I gazed up one more time at the moon, feeling entranced by it - I reached for it, moaning and growling softly.
"You are deeply in love with her, yes?"
"Aaaargh. Yes...I...rrr.. love herrr...."
"She want you to obey me..I speak for her..
She wants you to be like one she loves..Christopher Walken."
"Yes...I must be...a good a Walken..."
"You must become see that, don't you?"
"Yes..I cannot impress her as a mere human."
"Also, you want to be Walken. You must be a loyal, obedient - Walken..."
" must.."
I felt the cowbell disolve inside my stomach as it altered my DNA, according to the scanner the human DNA began to shrink and disolve as the Walken gene began to take hold.
A series of growls and grumbling noises came from my stomach as I moaned once more.
"Good....she wants you to transform, change, shift, Walkenize. Transform, shift, Walkenize..obey."
"Transform, shift...Walkenize."
That mantra echoed in my mind as the cowbell inside of me tinked away to the In The Hall of The Mountain King.
Much like the song it started off slowly as the colour on my jeans peeled off, my jeans reforming into a pair of elegant dark grey trousers as a dark brown belt snaked itself around my list.
The skin tone on my legs was turning lighter and lighter until they slowly turned pale, the cowbell continuing to beat from within. My legs grew longer, and thinner - as my slipper socks morphed into a pair of black dress shoes.
"That's it, my Walken...let your transformation are a very fierce Alpha Walken but you are loyal to me, because I am your master..."
"Yes...rr.... I am loyal to you, master."
I moaned slightly as my dark blue shirt lost all colour and remolded, morphing into an elegant black and white dress shirt with buttons on the side.
I gazed at my arms as my arm hair receeded, leaving only smooth skin as the skin tone on my arms paled to match my legs - my arms slenderised as they grew longer and thinner, along with my fingers.
My nails also grew slightly longer and quite sharp as the changes took hold, the cowbell continued to beat to the song from inside as the craving for it increased.
I felt an incredible urge and an incredible thirst from within...the need to have cowbell increased as I reached over to the challice and began to drink up more of the liquified cowbell, lapping it up happily as it disolved in my stomach.
"That's it my Walken...drink, feed, shift, grow, change...Walkenize."
"Feed, shift, drink...grow, Walkenize..."
I was so entranced by the process and from my cowbell craving that I didn't even notice as my carrdigan tore away and remolded into a beautiful black jacket.
The other thing I didn't notice was that my slight body hair was receeding only to be replaced with a pale skin tone that crept up my upperbody starting from my chest up to my neck.
I found myself slowly stretching as I grew in height to 6'ft, as I continued lapping up the liquified cowbell - not noticing that I was growing thinner and more lithe.
My senses heightened as my strength and agility increased to inhuman levels, making a lot stronger and more agile.
"Yes...grow, shift, drink, feed....Walkenize."
My neckline elongated and grew longer and thinner as the pale skintone crawled up it, from the upper and lowerbody - I looked like a Walken but from the neck-up I still looked like a human.
That was about to change as the cowbell tinked several more times, speeding up more and more just like the song.
My hair slowly prickled up and bristled as it turned from its normal brownish colour to a sandy colour and spiked up, this was my 'Walken' hair.
"Feed...drink, shift, Walkenize..."
"Oooo...feed, drink, shift, Walkenize."
I repeated the mantra a few more times as the cowbell sped up, altering my DNA even more so until the human DNA cells began to fade.
My eyebrows thinned out a little and turned the same colour as my hair, the pale skin tone now replacing the normal skin tone on my face.
The colour of my eyes shifted, turning from hazel brown to blue with dark green inner rings before becoming aquamarine and giving off a supernatural glow.
My forehead slowly thickened and grew, growing higher and higher up until it was that of a proper Walken. I was so entranced that I wasn't even noticing that I was changing, all I was thinking about was obeying and pleasing my master.
"Good...your features are beginning to change.., change...Walkenize, shift....grow..."
I groaned slightly, letting another low growl escape my throat as my facial features were starting to morph, alter and reshape themselves.
My Walken-like forehead made the shape of my eyes alter to become narrow and become slightly sunken as my nose grew thinner in length until it was a proper Walken nose.
"Good..good...let your face change now... Walkenize...shift..."
"Walkenize...shift, change..."
I licked some of the liquified cowbell up as my lips thinned out and darkened, developing slightly pointed corners and becoming a crescent shape. These were my more Walken-like lips.
I felt my teeth with my tongue and saw them lengthening and sharpening to become akin to fangs.
"Looking soon as you finish up the transformation I will reward you with some blood. You would like that, wouldn't you?"
I felt all my Walken-like traits taking over and returning to me as the cowbell's song sped up more and more, tinking away as it did.
My cheekbones became more pronounced as the shape of my jawline became more anguluar, my cheeks became slightly hollow as my features looked more like my true Walkeny self.
"That's it...your voice now..try your voice."
I took a deep breath and moaned a little, as I did my voice slowly grew deeper and gruffer, before developing a gravelly tone and a very haunting and distinctive tone with a slight New York accent.
The voice sounded more like my Walkeny self, and from within, the human DNA cells were continuing to shrink and disappear.
"Say something..!"
"I..look so handsome....oooh....oooh..i sound so hypnotic too."
"It does! Say something walkenish.."
"Two little mice..they fell in a bucket of cream..and one drowned but the other churned the butter into cream and crawled out...that other mouse was me."
"Very good! Now let your humanity slip away and let your thoughts be Walkenized. Tink...tink...tink."
The cowbell's song reached its climax as I moaned once last time, the human anti-bodies that were trying to fight off the Walken gene gave up the ghost as my brain shifted to that of a bloodthirsty Walken.
Walken-like thoughts filled my mind and my love of science was replaced by a newfound love of acting and dance as well as my human thoughts slowly evaporating away into nothingness - only to be replaced with Walkeny thoughts and instincts.
Along with the urge to comply and obey my new master...I acquired a love for cowbell and a taste for blood - all of my previous human thoughts were gone and reformed, completely Walkenized.
"Soon, yes.... ,you will be 100% Walken. What does the DNA Meter say?"
"Soon...I will be free..then I shall roam the night and Walkenize all of humankind..making them, my Walkenized minions. Aaaaaaawwwr!"
The DNA scanner gave one last series of beeps as the Walken DNA cells replaced the human ones, completely Walkenizing me from within.
I still had the memories of my old human life...but I didn't really care anyway, so I just shrugged.
"That's it my Walken, give it up, and embrace your Walkenishness."
"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrgh. Yes..I feel's returning."
"Good! Ahaha! Lets hear you roar, and I shall ring the cowbell!!
With that my human thoughts were no more and my human side was no more as well, now I had been fully transformed mentally and physically into a full blown Alpha Walken.
It felt so good to be a Walken again...being a human for a while was okay but I missed being a Walken so much.
"Yes! Now...tink tink tink tink tink..."
I gave in to my Walkeny instincts as Jon played the cowbell, as I did - I let out a soft growl in my Walkeny voice.
"Aaaah...that beautiful, enchanting..haunting sound...the sound I have saught after for so long...I have finally found it."
"Now, I pour the blood of conquest over your face."
I panted as my stomach growled one last time, the thought of being able to drink as much blood as I wanted without getting in trouble for it appealed to me on so many levels.
He poured the blood on my face and I happily lapped it up, growling happily in my Walken-like manner.
"Drink my Walken..drink and enjoy the dulcet tones of cowbell!
Tink tink tink tink...."
The DNA scanner beeped one last time before a voice intoned:
"Human antibodies and cells = eraticated. Walken cells and aura = Completed. Humanity left = 0. Subject is now 100% Walken." good...i feel...soooo..aaaaarr...good."
"YES! Success at last! Now are you ready to venture forth and slay for me?"
" am your loyal 'Walken'. No longer human..humans are weak....Walkens are fierce, agile, powerful and hypnotic...better than humans...rrr."
"Mount, ride, and collect heads!"
I looked up at the moon one last time, cleared my throat and roared triumphantly, it felt so good to be a fierce, loyal Walken.
"Yes!! Now bring some heads for your collection!"
"Aaaaawr! Yes..master....I shall not fail."
I roared and I jetted off with inhuman speed off into the night to go and hunt for some human victims.
"I'm so proud of him..." Jon sighed.
I headed off to the streets of New York where I saw a group of humans leaving a nightclub of sorts.
"Aaaawr..look at all the foolish humans. My soon to be Walkenized soon to be cowbell crazed servants!"
With that I slinked off and whisped into a shadow-like form akin to King Sombra and headed off to follow the humans.
It wasn't long until I had four new heads to add to the 16 I already owned, there was one human however I knew that I would be able to make a Walken out of - and I did. That was a good friend of mine by the name of Will Oswerman aka Walkenmeiser.
With his Walken expertise and my hypnotic abilities I was able to turn him into an apprentice Walken to help me search for victims. Giving him a special cowbell pendent and giving him a fine homemade mix of liquified cowbell, he mentally and physically shifted into a fine alpha Walken.
I was a full blown Walken and it felt so good to finally be back as a Walken, and as a Walken I felt a lot better than I did as a human.
Being human was okay...but I much prefer being a bloodthirsty Walken, this way I can work on building my own Walken clan.
This story is based on In The Hall of the Mountain King by Edward Grieg and inspired by King Sombra from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Sometimes when we write stories about ourselves or others transforming...we often have it so we become what we often view ourselves or others as...or our dream selves if you will. I'm one of those people.
It was a rather special night in the neighbourhood as this would be the first appearance of the rare super blood moon.
A night where all supernatural secrets would be revealed....and i'm the one to talk about that sort of thing, after all I am a supernatural being myself.
That night I was on the computer looking up Christopher Walken while at the same time listening to Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. My Hessian Horseman figure was watching me...and even though it was inanimate, I always felt that I had some kind of bond with it.
Those piercing aquamarine eyes...those sharp, pointed teeth - that menacing pseudo snarl - there was just something hypnotic about that figure.
That was the way I felt with anything to do with Walken. I felt like I could relate to Walken in more ways than one and it wasn't just because he played supernatural roles. But I couldn't exactly remember what it was.
Just as I was about to continue....I heard the teleporter in my lab going off - I ran over to see who had been teleported over - it was Jon. This triggered a series of instincts in me that made me want to come over to him and obey him.
"Ah, I see you are ready."
"What am I ready for, exactly - master?"
"Don't you remember? It's been 4 months since your last night on the town as your true Walkeny self....Chris."
"What did you call me, master?"
"Oh yeah....that's my name."
"It're such a smart Walken."
"I am?"
"Yes...I have a special something for you."
"What is it?"
"This thing is good for you, good FOR YOU. It will help you become more of a Walken and get rid of all your pesky human troubles."
"It will?"
I was curious to see what it was, as I looked in Jon's direction. He obviously had some kind of surprise for me but I didn't know what it could be.
He pulled out a challice containing a transparent liquid that was bronze in colour, the challice was made out of fine gold and had my name imprinted on it. In addition to this he pulled out a needle.
I grabbed the challice and started to drink from it, happily lapping it up as I let out a series of soft semi-growling moans.
"Mmmm...what is this stuff?"
"It is liquified will alter your DNA, eraticating all human cells in your body and causing the sound of cowbell to resound inside your body, peneate your very being and transform you into a full blown Walken."
" tastes so nice."
Jon injected a needle into my left arm, the needle also contained the liquified cowbell inside it.
"I'm glad you like I mention cowbell will resound inside your body, peneating your very being...and altering you into a full Walken so that you may get be ready to hunt for your desired human victims. I also injected it into your arm."
"Do you know what you need now?"
"Ummm....I know...I know!"
"You had your drink and injection of cowbell. So now I need you to say the magic words.. You know what they are, right?"
"Say the had cowbell shot, cowbell what do you need..?"
"Good...go on."
A low growl escaped from my throat as the cowbell craving started burning up inside me, the 'tinking' sound of the cowbell resounding in my very cells - even my heart was making cowbell sounds - beating and tinking in time to a song of its own.
"There you go! You ready for more cowbell then?"
"Are you ready to crawl out of the bucket that was your human life and emerge out of it as a full blown Walken?"
"Then I need to give you a cowbell suppository. Bend over."
I bent over as he inserted a large gold cowbell into me, causing me to let out of another small groan that sounded like a low, semi Walkenesque growl.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, feels nice."
"I'm glad you like are going to be a fine alpha Walken."
"Now...what happens next?"
"Look up at the super blood moon. It will help with the hypnotic process as the cowbelll will disolve inside your body as you begin to lose your humanity."
I looked up at the moon and was immediately entranced by it, by its size - and by its blood red tint and the unearthly glow that surrounded it.
"Gaze at the moon, and the cowbell will dissolve as you fall under my hypnosis. Relax...relax and listen to the sound of my voice."
"'s so pretty..sooo pretty."
" pretty you cannot look don't want to look away..."
"No...I don't."
I gazed up at the moon, fixated on its beauty - as I did, I heard a distinctive tinking sound beating away in my heart as the cowbell disolved inside my body - I groaned once more as it began to alter my DNA.
"So makes it hard to think of anything but my words.."
Another low moan escaped from my throat as my thoughts were slowly being drained away, making it hard to think of anything except for Jon's felt
"Now you must voice masters your will and your are Chris and you are one of many fierce, loyal Walkens..."
"I will obey you...everything you say.. I am a loyal Walken..."
"Let the blood moon become your lover...she is waiting for you...beckoning you...reach for her."
I gazed up one more time at the moon, feeling entranced by it - I reached for it, moaning and growling softly.
"You are deeply in love with her, yes?"
"Aaaargh. Yes...I...rrr.. love herrr...."
"She want you to obey me..I speak for her..
She wants you to be like one she loves..Christopher Walken."
"Yes...I must be...a good a Walken..."
"You must become see that, don't you?"
"Yes..I cannot impress her as a mere human."
"Also, you want to be Walken. You must be a loyal, obedient - Walken..."
" must.."
I felt the cowbell disolve inside my stomach as it altered my DNA, according to the scanner the human DNA began to shrink and disolve as the Walken gene began to take hold.
A series of growls and grumbling noises came from my stomach as I moaned once more.
"Good....she wants you to transform, change, shift, Walkenize. Transform, shift, Walkenize..obey."
"Transform, shift...Walkenize."
That mantra echoed in my mind as the cowbell inside of me tinked away to the In The Hall of The Mountain King.
Much like the song it started off slowly as the colour on my jeans peeled off, my jeans reforming into a pair of elegant dark grey trousers as a dark brown belt snaked itself around my list.
The skin tone on my legs was turning lighter and lighter until they slowly turned pale, the cowbell continuing to beat from within. My legs grew longer, and thinner - as my slipper socks morphed into a pair of black dress shoes.
"That's it, my Walken...let your transformation are a very fierce Alpha Walken but you are loyal to me, because I am your master..."
"Yes...rr.... I am loyal to you, master."
I moaned slightly as my dark blue shirt lost all colour and remolded, morphing into an elegant black and white dress shirt with buttons on the side.
I gazed at my arms as my arm hair receeded, leaving only smooth skin as the skin tone on my arms paled to match my legs - my arms slenderised as they grew longer and thinner, along with my fingers.
My nails also grew slightly longer and quite sharp as the changes took hold, the cowbell continued to beat to the song from inside as the craving for it increased.
I felt an incredible urge and an incredible thirst from within...the need to have cowbell increased as I reached over to the challice and began to drink up more of the liquified cowbell, lapping it up happily as it disolved in my stomach.
"That's it my Walken...drink, feed, shift, grow, change...Walkenize."
"Feed, shift, drink...grow, Walkenize..."
I was so entranced by the process and from my cowbell craving that I didn't even notice as my carrdigan tore away and remolded into a beautiful black jacket.
The other thing I didn't notice was that my slight body hair was receeding only to be replaced with a pale skin tone that crept up my upperbody starting from my chest up to my neck.
I found myself slowly stretching as I grew in height to 6'ft, as I continued lapping up the liquified cowbell - not noticing that I was growing thinner and more lithe.
My senses heightened as my strength and agility increased to inhuman levels, making a lot stronger and more agile.
"Yes...grow, shift, drink, feed....Walkenize."
My neckline elongated and grew longer and thinner as the pale skintone crawled up it, from the upper and lowerbody - I looked like a Walken but from the neck-up I still looked like a human.
That was about to change as the cowbell tinked several more times, speeding up more and more just like the song.
My hair slowly prickled up and bristled as it turned from its normal brownish colour to a sandy colour and spiked up, this was my 'Walken' hair.
"Feed...drink, shift, Walkenize..."
"Oooo...feed, drink, shift, Walkenize."
I repeated the mantra a few more times as the cowbell sped up, altering my DNA even more so until the human DNA cells began to fade.
My eyebrows thinned out a little and turned the same colour as my hair, the pale skin tone now replacing the normal skin tone on my face.
The colour of my eyes shifted, turning from hazel brown to blue with dark green inner rings before becoming aquamarine and giving off a supernatural glow.
My forehead slowly thickened and grew, growing higher and higher up until it was that of a proper Walken. I was so entranced that I wasn't even noticing that I was changing, all I was thinking about was obeying and pleasing my master.
"Good...your features are beginning to change.., change...Walkenize, shift....grow..."
I groaned slightly, letting another low growl escape my throat as my facial features were starting to morph, alter and reshape themselves.
My Walken-like forehead made the shape of my eyes alter to become narrow and become slightly sunken as my nose grew thinner in length until it was a proper Walken nose.
"Good..good...let your face change now... Walkenize...shift..."
"Walkenize...shift, change..."
I licked some of the liquified cowbell up as my lips thinned out and darkened, developing slightly pointed corners and becoming a crescent shape. These were my more Walken-like lips.
I felt my teeth with my tongue and saw them lengthening and sharpening to become akin to fangs.
"Looking soon as you finish up the transformation I will reward you with some blood. You would like that, wouldn't you?"
I felt all my Walken-like traits taking over and returning to me as the cowbell's song sped up more and more, tinking away as it did.
My cheekbones became more pronounced as the shape of my jawline became more anguluar, my cheeks became slightly hollow as my features looked more like my true Walkeny self.
"That's it...your voice now..try your voice."
I took a deep breath and moaned a little, as I did my voice slowly grew deeper and gruffer, before developing a gravelly tone and a very haunting and distinctive tone with a slight New York accent.
The voice sounded more like my Walkeny self, and from within, the human DNA cells were continuing to shrink and disappear.
"Say something..!"
"I..look so handsome....oooh....oooh..i sound so hypnotic too."
"It does! Say something walkenish.."
"Two little mice..they fell in a bucket of cream..and one drowned but the other churned the butter into cream and crawled out...that other mouse was me."
"Very good! Now let your humanity slip away and let your thoughts be Walkenized. Tink...tink...tink."
The cowbell's song reached its climax as I moaned once last time, the human anti-bodies that were trying to fight off the Walken gene gave up the ghost as my brain shifted to that of a bloodthirsty Walken.
Walken-like thoughts filled my mind and my love of science was replaced by a newfound love of acting and dance as well as my human thoughts slowly evaporating away into nothingness - only to be replaced with Walkeny thoughts and instincts.
Along with the urge to comply and obey my new master...I acquired a love for cowbell and a taste for blood - all of my previous human thoughts were gone and reformed, completely Walkenized.
"Soon, yes.... ,you will be 100% Walken. What does the DNA Meter say?"
"Soon...I will be free..then I shall roam the night and Walkenize all of humankind..making them, my Walkenized minions. Aaaaaaawwwr!"
The DNA scanner gave one last series of beeps as the Walken DNA cells replaced the human ones, completely Walkenizing me from within.
I still had the memories of my old human life...but I didn't really care anyway, so I just shrugged.
"That's it my Walken, give it up, and embrace your Walkenishness."
"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrgh. Yes..I feel's returning."
"Good! Ahaha! Lets hear you roar, and I shall ring the cowbell!!
With that my human thoughts were no more and my human side was no more as well, now I had been fully transformed mentally and physically into a full blown Alpha Walken.
It felt so good to be a Walken again...being a human for a while was okay but I missed being a Walken so much.
"Yes! Now...tink tink tink tink tink..."
I gave in to my Walkeny instincts as Jon played the cowbell, as I did - I let out a soft growl in my Walkeny voice.
"Aaaah...that beautiful, enchanting..haunting sound...the sound I have saught after for so long...I have finally found it."
"Now, I pour the blood of conquest over your face."
I panted as my stomach growled one last time, the thought of being able to drink as much blood as I wanted without getting in trouble for it appealed to me on so many levels.
He poured the blood on my face and I happily lapped it up, growling happily in my Walken-like manner.
"Drink my Walken..drink and enjoy the dulcet tones of cowbell!
Tink tink tink tink...."
The DNA scanner beeped one last time before a voice intoned:
"Human antibodies and cells = eraticated. Walken cells and aura = Completed. Humanity left = 0. Subject is now 100% Walken." good...i feel...soooo..aaaaarr...good."
"YES! Success at last! Now are you ready to venture forth and slay for me?"
" am your loyal 'Walken'. No longer human..humans are weak....Walkens are fierce, agile, powerful and hypnotic...better than humans...rrr."
"Mount, ride, and collect heads!"
I looked up at the moon one last time, cleared my throat and roared triumphantly, it felt so good to be a fierce, loyal Walken.
"Yes!! Now bring some heads for your collection!"
"Aaaaawr! Yes..master....I shall not fail."
I roared and I jetted off with inhuman speed off into the night to go and hunt for some human victims.
"I'm so proud of him..." Jon sighed.
I headed off to the streets of New York where I saw a group of humans leaving a nightclub of sorts.
"Aaaawr..look at all the foolish humans. My soon to be Walkenized soon to be cowbell crazed servants!"
With that I slinked off and whisped into a shadow-like form akin to King Sombra and headed off to follow the humans.
It wasn't long until I had four new heads to add to the 16 I already owned, there was one human however I knew that I would be able to make a Walken out of - and I did. That was a good friend of mine by the name of Will Oswerman aka Walkenmeiser.
With his Walken expertise and my hypnotic abilities I was able to turn him into an apprentice Walken to help me search for victims. Giving him a special cowbell pendent and giving him a fine homemade mix of liquified cowbell, he mentally and physically shifted into a fine alpha Walken.
I was a full blown Walken and it felt so good to finally be back as a Walken, and as a Walken I felt a lot better than I did as a human.
Being human was okay...but I much prefer being a bloodthirsty Walken, this way I can work on building my own Walken clan.
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