Ugh..just ugh

My ED problems may be over but a much worse enemy has emerged....Combusting Herpes. Get this...these utter losers on there claim I have no life of my own and that i am sub-human because of my autism and do nothing but put me down based on my interests and the like claiming that it's all my fault rather than theirs. First of all who names a site after a disease? Second...are they insane? Well the majority of users on there are either teenagers who are stoned off their ass, nutjobs who make pedophilic comments and attempted sucididal references and are preduijice against Autistics and bronies so I wouldn't be surprised.

To top this whole thing part of is this failtroll's fault. This failtroll by the name of Dragan who pretends to be a Serbian extremist started getting in a tizzy just because I said Combusting Herpes wasn't funny.

Look I don't care if they think I started it -    if they are going to pull the ol "oh you brought this on yourself" card then so be it.

And's NOT slandering if I say that I hate the site in general.


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