WB Rants: Serbian Douchemonster.


Dear Mr Can't Stop Digging Up The Past, i'm sorry but what? You do realize that Combusting Herpes, the only site more pathetic more than most lulcow obsessed a-loggers is still around, right?  Yes, that trashy website that looks like a bunch of teenagers didn't grow out of their fucking Linkin Park/Defiler/My Chemical Romance phase trying to be edgy still exists but does anyone care? Nope.  Nobody liked that web site.  It's attempt at 'satire' sounded more like someone trying to be 90's MTV in the 2010's.  Just because you named your website after something gross doesn't mean that it's funny. Combustion and herpes are both horrible things,  why would you do this for shits and giggles when there's nothing funny about it?  Also yeah, don't get me started on the petitions they made about Nathan. Seriously? A petition to get him off the internet?  Newsflash, you can't petition someone to go away just because you hate them.  Yes I hate Chevy Chase but you don't see me making petitions saying 'Ban Chevy Chase's Movies from being shown on tv' do you? Of course not.  

I'm sorry but having multiple-accounts of sock-puppets signing Nathan's petition doesn't count since we all know they are yours. Nice try but I don't think that a piece of shit can talk unless it's Mr Hankey or that poop emoji from that dread emoji movie,  and also referencing 'It was me Austin' , a meme that I don't think that qualifies as a meme because it comes from 1999 way before memes were even a thing,  granted this was before the sucky PG era of WWE (i.e 2000-2013) but still.  Don't get me wrong, I love Vince Mchmahon - as mental as he is sometimes,  but really...referencing that?  Also I don't believe the real Vince Mcmahon would post on some random petition site either.  I don't know him myself but I can tell you that he wouldn't do that.

Also that guy challenging him to a fight, uhhh..internet tough guys always lose, those so called guns you have in your collection, they probably belonged to your much cooler older bro or possibly your dad or maybe you fucking stole them or brought htem using fake ID. Because I don't think people that unstable should be given guns.  Also, really? You call that video you made about Nathan a video?  If you're going to do a video mocking him, at least try better than just filming yourself pouring what is clearly bottled water on a photo of Christopher Walken as the Hessian Horseman.  Oh i'm sorry, is that supposed to be you pissing on him because that's clearly bottled water.  What? Too much of a pussy to show your private parts on camera because you don't want to get reported by people on Youtube for violating rules?  Too afraid to use real piss so you freaking used water?

And then there's the other one...please explain to me what does Tails the Fox or Knuckles, or whoever that orange furball character is got to do with Russell Brand?  Yes I am aware that both of those characters I mentioned are Sonic characters and Sonic got adapted into a live movie starring James Marsden who is also in hop which also starred Russell Brand, but I don't get it.  What does a questionable animated clip of the furball and Russell making out have ot do with anything to do with Nathan? Yes. Nathan used Russell as his avatar form once, but that was a joke. The joke being that even though he's not attractive by any means and apparently has 'terrible hair' that at least he isn't as bad looking as Russell.  And this was in 2013-2014 so Russell was popular in those two years too.

But apparently these jackasses don't know what a joke is and their idea is a joke to spell so badly it would make Andrew Hussie blush (I know Homestuck is written badly on purpose because it's paying homage to those really simple old adventure games for the PC and what not, but at least Hussie doesn't actually use the dialect - if you could call it that, that the characters use in real life) and to make jokes that haven't aged well, bad jokes that involving portraying someone who is a pervert and also potential sex offender for laughs (yes, one person portrayed an absolutely loathsome person who would bang absolutely anything even a little child for laughs and it was all kinds of crass and disgusting).  And that person...yeah i'm sorry, but rape jokes, pedophilia jokes, and jokes about wanting to sexually violate someone aren't funny, they never have been.  That's why I hate Michael Jackson jokes, they are all the same -  they're either 'Michael had plastic surgery and turned into a freaky pale mutant',  'Michael probably fucked a bunch of kids' or both.  

And yet you totally don't see any jokes saying how you shouldn't trust Matthew Broderick behind the wheel of a car or any other jokes like that.  I'm sorry but rape jokes aren't funny, fantasies about being raped, aren't sexy, rape isn't sexy, it's not funny, it's horrifying, stop trying to make it something it's not.  And also that stupid audio interview, did Nathan ask for it? Nooo but these stupid dickheads did an audio interview in which they bossed him around, questioned his taste and told him to turn his music down.  Yeah, i'm sorry but i'd turn him to play that music up louder just to drown out those assholes.  Also posting the interview online for all to see and hear,  screw you.  You violated him.   

Oh and nice try, but we all know the REAL Christopher Walken wouldn't talk in such a profane manner, also Walken doesn't even use a computer.  And can we talk why that whole thing even started?  His name was Dragan and he was a delusional fuckwit who thought he was from Serbia, he got in a hissyfit because Nathan said he didn't like Combusting Herpes and he threanted to kill him, he accused Nathan of being a terrorist and made a bunch of stupid comments that I have already talked about but I still find them to be stupid. Like seriously, he's questioning his interests and the contents of his DA page when he himself doesn't even own a DA account?  Yeah sorry but I side with Nathan. At least Nathan doesn't use a bunch of bizarre that are made to insult turkish people.  Nathan isn't even turkish, you moron.

What the hell was with that pro-serbia crap anyway, was it some kind of weird otherkin thing combined with nationalism where the person in particular claims they identify as another ethnicity and that they were born as said ethnicity and not the one they were actually born with?  Oh, great...he has the wisdom of eagle and strength of bison, I bet he also flies like a moron.  This Serbian warrior shit is just a bad combined parody of Borat and Yakoff Smirnoff and the Navy Seal/Appache Helicopter copypasta meme.  But at least with Borat, everyone knows it's a joke and at least Yakoff didn't threaten anyone.  I'm sorry but it's not fair that Apu gets shit upon by a documentary that was made by a comedian who couldn't book in New York so he blamed Apu for that yet this Serbian wannabe douchebag got off scott free.

And no it's not okay that he said that it was all a joke, that just made it worse because everyone was dumb enough to believe him.  I'm sorry but Dragan was Caucasian and a troll, also he tricked Nathan into going on Ask and made him ask about a fake movie that doesn't exist, he outright tricked him. That guy deserves to get banned for that.  Also those Combusting Herpes guys kept asking whether or not he has a job, they kept asking 'Will you get a job?' 'Do you have a job?'  over and over,  I don't think they themselves have jobs and even if they did, they'd likely be in a store like Hot Topic trying to impress people with how 'hardcore' they think they are,  because I don't think sucking dick is a job unless they want to be porn-stars.   Also 'welfare leech'...well, it has been several years CH, where all the jobs you guys claim to have?  I'm waiting.  Also yeah, dear person who mentioned this site in a post..were you even there? No?  Then shut up.

Also...just because it's hardly used anymore doesn't mean it's defunct, look up what defunct means.  I'm just saying if your idea of humor is to make crass jokes about sex and if you think naming a site after a disease is 'Social Satire', then you clearly don't know how real comedy works.   It's like if I named my rock-band Toxic Norovirus Project or Irritatible Bowel Syndrome or The Celliac Disease Initiative.  I'm just saying,  you don't know comedy.  Also next time, don't dig up shit we all know happened ages ago.  Sometimes dead is better.


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