WB Rants: What Happened.
Werebelushi: I'm just going to clear this up about the whole Mr Metokur video thing, a while back...Mr Metokur mentioned my friend Nathan on Deviants when talking about the old Metokur page, for the record the reason Nathan commented on the video and didn't like it was because well he was surprised Mr Metokur even remembers the troll war days at all seeing as nobody outside of people like that Homestuck fanboy really remembers him or likes him, no offense to him but a lot of his material to me is just because just doing whatever anti-Deviantart hateblog on Tumblr does. I just didn't see the humor in it. And the goes for that Ovarypunchers group, since that sounds like bullying to me. And Combustingherpes...does anyone even remember THAT place? I sure don't. I only remember that one guy who pretended to be Serbian for laughs.
Yes, Nathan has said he is embarrassed about how he acted during the Drmusic2-1 era, mainly because he feels that a lot of his original material sucked. And that pretending to be the werejohncandy was a stupid idea and he got too carried away with it, some people make it out like he thinks highly of his own work or that he's egotistical but he really is self critical, he is his own worst critic, yes he can be an asshole at times but he only gets truly paranoid in the case of people who block him because even though some do have a legit reason, he thinks of that as 'this person hates my guts and so I must hate them in return', he can't cope with a friend leaving him even if it's for a good reason and that's why he treated one of his friends like a possession in the end, that he and tends to get jealous when he sees a friend of his with someone else, he can't cope well with being blocked either, even if it's for a good reason.
Also Mr M got a few things wrong, first of all Nathan didn't ask to join the anti-Metokur movement back then, he got invited AFTER the troll war had ended. And by then, the only members of that group included somebody who clearly actually liked Metokur as opposed to hating it. Also, Nathan says he definitely identifies as a man, a cisgender male. Mr M said Nathan was a woman posing as a man pretending to be John Candy. Nathan doesn't identify as anything other than himself, all this talk about 'is he really a woman?' or him/her/it questions, I don't like those since frankly it's none of their business to ask such questions anyway. What my friend identifies is as none of your buisness. Does it even matter what gender or species he identifies as? For all you know he could say he identifies as a cosmic anthropomorphic tardigrade, a postal worker, Keith Richards, or even as a former Tonight Show host (no, not Conan. Jay).
I don't get why you can't just respect him for sticking to one thing to identify as and not make assumptions about him. For the record he is bisexual and not in the 'take that critics, my character is gay/bi so you cannot mock them anymore' way, he's always been like that...he gets to flirt with both male and female characters on a regular basis. Also am I the only one who thinks it is creepy for sites that are focused on trolling to go after one person solely because they find them lulzy? I'm just saying that even if the person is a shithead or basketcase don't they at least deserve their privacy? It's practically stalking if you ask me.
Also while I do think CWC deserves to be punished for everything he has done and said, i'm not going to say that it's okay for people to 'document' or 'stalk' him unless it's for entertainment purposes only. And note I referred to him with a male pronoun since I don't believe he knows how being trans actually works. Also, those /chan boards, even the sports ones keep mentioning Nathan in unrelated posts and to me that sounds desperate, like they know Nathan used to be a big name and they're just using #Drmusic2 to get more upvotes or something. Guys, the OG troll war ended in 2011 and the second troll war ended in 2013, you're all a little too late to take part in it. The other one...that's not even a troll war, just a bunch of people with nothing better to do berating him and creepily obsessing over him while being hypocritical douchebags, the third one didn't even come close to being one as it was just petty threats and 'where is your job?' questions.
I'm just saying the Mr Metokur video did not get taken down by Nathan himself, it was reported, yes...but it got taken down by COPPA. Because you know, Papa Metokur isn't exactly 'family friendly' when it comes to his choice of his words. Do I look like I run COPPA? No I don't. I just wanted to clear this up.
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