Mini-Rant 2.
I'm just going to give a brief revew of this comic that doesn't exist anymore, basically this comic is supposed to parodying Nathan's concepts but it does it poorly, basically really...MS-Paint? Yeah, not even Andrew Hussie is that lazy and that guy made Homestuck look crappy on purpose. The comic begins with a stick figure character...he has no name and no personaltiy traits so let's called him Generic Gary, is Generic Gary supposed to represent the Josh Peck lookalike character Warwick? Because he looks and acts nothing like him. The author goes on complaining about it's 'never explaining' how Warwick got the ring in the original,'s a magic ring, it came from a supernatural store which is common place in any piece of supernatural fiction. What? Do you need some deep complciated explanation as to how this ring isn't just a regular ring but is in fact a supernatural ring that a dark and powerful overlord from a dimension very close to our own had in his possession and used it to transform people into monsters to be his subserviant minions for the purpose of world domination and how if someone finds that ring any and all life on earth would cease? Do you need me to explain that the ring was crafted in ancient tmes by dark elder gods who intended on using it for the purpose of enslaving all mind and only a pure force of light with the power to stop the forces of evil? And oh no...i've been waching way too many Aykroyd movies again.
Look, i'm sorry if you think the ring is never explained and that there was never a plot to this original story. Not every single story needs a deep and intricate plot. So Generic Gary finds the ring and...really, this guy can't even draw a piece of jewelry? No offense, but even the person who came up with 'Siren-ducks' laughs at you. So basically we get a scene of the ring glowing and we get a transformation scene, yaaaaay! We get to see some fur growing on this guy's arms and yet this author still complains about it, saying that the main character doesn't even feel anythng when he's transforming. Uh dude...your Generic Gary doesn't even have a face, well he does...he's just lacking a nose and is a stick figure, at least give him an actual human body. He's not even doing anything in the comic, you didn't even give him a personality, even a piece of cardboard would make a better main character than him.
So we get some epic transformation effects that way too good for this crappy comic. I mean it, the transformation low budget as they are in photo form are actual pretty good, and make me want to see an ACUAL story based around it and not this crap. And aaaaw come on, now he's going on about the additional thumbs thing? Yeah yeah I know 'growth' refers to something like a tumor but in the words of the Governator himself...;it's not a tumor' so stop immediately assuming growth refers to things like blemishes, scabs or tumors when it also means progress and to undergo a GROWTH spurt means to grow taller. And he keeps questioning the additional thumbs thing.
Dude, my species - the werebelushi family has parts of koala, bear and porcupine in it, the additional thumbs on this guy are a nod to koalas. So basically all this guy does throughout this comic is all 'this character doesn't even react' or 'this doesn't make sense' over and over and it's annoying, yeah it sounds hypocritical coming from me. We get it, you like nitpicking, now please shut up because you're ruining my enjoyment of the only good part of this comic! I was enjoying the transformation scene up until this guy complained about the additional thumbs thing, worst commentator ever.
And just when you think he doesn't have any more complaints, he goes on about the quills saying that the character should be in pain. Dude, this isn't YOUR story it's one Nathan did and you're just doing a crappy comic retelling of it for the prupose of a review. The character IS supposed to be in pain but clearly your petty stick figure character Generica Gary can't even emote. Obviously he went to the Kristen Stewart School Of Wooden Acting. Look how wooden this character is, he doesn't even react to the fact he has quills bursting out of the back of his shirt. In the original story at least Warwick's reason for not feeling any pain is because he's already what he is (a werejoshpeck) and thus has already transformed a multitude of times so he'sused to it and that's why he always thinks it's 'cool' when he transforms because he just enoys it.
Also dude, quills are a NATURAL part of my species...we have them on our backs and they are retractable. Yes, they make giving hugs difficult, but it's not that painful though. And so we get to the part of the transformation that bothers me, rather than simplying than redoing the entire comic and having it done in a much better art-style and actually making Generic Gary actually look like a real human who is transforming, he just pats a photo of Josh Peck's head on top of his body to make it look like what he thinks the 'werejoshpeck' looks like. Oh, and the best part? This comic was made in 2010 and the picture he used of Josh Peck was from 2001 when Josh was still chubby, least use a photo of him from the era you posted that in. That is a screenshot of Josh as Robe from the Disney movie Max Keeble's Big Move.
So that's it...the comic ends and well what can I say? The choice of art style is horrendous, Generic Gary is the most bland male protagonist I have seen, he doesn't resemble the character he is a parody of, he is a stick figure with no personality and no defining traits, even when he transforms (which is the best part) he remains bland. Seriously at least give the dude a personality. Also...the transformation scene is the only good part and the author does nothing but complain about the quills and additional thumbs (both of which are species traits of Warwick's species, the former is a species trait in general regarding my species), all he does is whine and complain about it and nitpick, he shouldn't be the one complaining when he can't even think of a good way to make this crappy comic good.
The art style makes Peppa Pig's art style look like Disney and I wish the transformation was part of a story that was much better than this. If this was made to make fun of Nathan, dear author who wrote this comic, you have failed
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