WB Rants: Kinkshame.


Today's big rant is about kinkshaming. The protagonist of the story is Nathan, the antagonist...let's just say he likes to wear face-paint that makes him look like a cow for some reason, why? Nobody knows. Cow-Guy calls Nathan's choices in fetishes disgusting while also condeming for his dislikes. He said that he found it baffling that Nathan didn't like weight gain transformations that were just a skinny character into a fat version of themselves, but Nathan has a good explanation for ths, mainly because it either falls into gross out territory due to the slob scenario, because it's a character who isn't normally fat just becoming a fat versions of themselves, or because of the focus on belly and/or butt worship, or it involves immobility, vore or absorbing innocent people and having said character becoming a grotesque moving blob. It is fine to have Rey or Princess Leia turning into a Hutt like Jabba, but not fine to just have them as themselves only with the body types of Hutts but are still humanoids that just have the body type and chararcteristics of Hutts, it's alright to have a character from Pokemon turn into a large sized Poke like Snorlax or Emboar or even Lickitung, but it's not okay to have them just have the same build as that Pokemon while just being gross versions of themselves. Transformations into Shrek style ogres are the exception as are tfs into Shrek or Fiona themselves. Same with the plutarkians from Biker Mice, they're supposed to be disgusting and overweight because most of the plutarkian characters in the show are overweight (there are thin ones though) and are known for their terrible odor and cheese related names (most of them are named after cheeses).

If it is just a skinny character into a fat slovenly version of themselves it's not much of s change, it's just them being gross. And I should know, my species are the champions of this sub-genre of gross-out comedy. It's like if you made Donkey Kong a Saiyan, he wouldn't turn into an Oozaru on a full moon night because he's already a primate and also he wouldn't be albe to do it anyway because he wouldn't have a tail (remember, he's an ape, apes don't have tails). It would be like if you tried to make Jason Voorhees a zombie, all you'd do was making Jason an even more unstoppable undead kiler, granted you probably could kill him by beheading him or something since that's how zombies are killed sometimes, but stlll..Zombie Jason would still be Jason Voorhees, just ten times scarier. If you tried to make Hannibal Lecter into a vampire, he'd still be Hannibal only he'd be substituting that chianti with human blood. A skinny character becoming a gross, slovenly version of themselves isn't much of a change.

Also...yeah I know the butt thing seems hypocritical, but at least Nathan and I have an excuse, that excuse is Dan Aykroyd and how he constantly makes me feel jealous of hm not only in terms of on and off-screen relationships but also because of how he is much sexier than I am and I myself am a plus sized gentleman who is on the furry side. Seriously Aykroyd, why did you have to gain weight and become so THICC and sexy? You're making me feel embarassed about myself.

I don't get why this guy apparently condemns Nathan for being into pig transformations, ooh I get it, it's because the majority of the pig transformatons are female centric, oh sure..it's alright for men to be transformed into pigs because ha ha men are pigs anyway (get it?) but it's not okay for women because it could be mistaken as body-shaming. Then again if this guy saw all the female to dog transformations he would probably think it's sexist because of the whole bitch not only being a swear word but also being a name for a female dog, he would also probably think that it's also sexist for a woman to be turned into a table since to him it means that the woman is literally being an object. Oh well I guess I cannot like Willow or Spirited Away anymore because they have pig tfs and are problematic, better not introduce him to a few other pig transformation scenes then.

Oh so to him...to see a man who is obsessed with having a perfectly buff body being turned into a pig must be totally normal but he must that as male bodyshaming too, also speakin of which what's with the cow face-paint? If I had to guess, he likes cow transformations and likes cows, maybe he identifies as a woman or as an anthro cow and feels that nobody understands him for it and he kinkshames people because those people shamed him for it, he only hangs out with others who act the way he does because he can hide his obviously weird desire to be one with his inner bovine. He probably has a bovine fursona somewhere that he's hiding from everyone. Also obviously he wouldn't see the irony in seeing someone who wants to be physically fit/in good shape being turned into a species that is known for being on the heavy side.

I on the other hand would...in his mind he must think that if it is a woman turning into a pig that is body-shaming, sure..so it's okay if a macho 'bro' type gets turned into a grotesque pig-monster by Circe or a similar spellcaster but it's not okay for a woman to go from being a single mother who lost her husband to being suddenly a sow and mother of more than 8 children/piglets, because he thinks that is body-shaming. Also he doesn't even explain why he dislikes Nathan for liking race changes, racial changes are harmless, it's not like the authors and artists are portraying those ethnicities and cultures in a way that would be deemed offensive, it's just one ethnicity becoming another, it's not blackface or anything...I swear, this is the Apu situation all over again. If the ethinicity in question WAS being portrayed in an offensive manner maybe I could see why some people would hate it, but he doesn't give a reason. He just says 'race changes are bad' and that's it.

Also at one point one of his friends says Nathan wants to drink Dan Aykroyd's blood. You do know that Nate is half-vampire? Of course he drinks blood. That's what vampires are supposed to do. What? Do you expect him to drink lemonade or something? Also...for the record, in this universe...if you drink Canadian or in this Aykroydian blood, you TURN into an Aykroyd, basically you turn into a Dan Aykroyd character. Trust me, lots of those have been popping up recently and I have a friend who is a Were-Aykroyd, he's my bestie and he knows all about this. By the way, his Canadian blood potion is on sale now. To all you Aykroyd fans who want to see how to make this recipe stay after this for a how to make a Canadian Blood Potion of your very own, warning: You may become a Were-Aykroyd if you drink too much of it, and also it's extremely addictive. Also may cause you to act like and sound like Dan himself.

So far I don't think Nathan has ever talked to anyone about his current predicament of being a Were-Aykroyd himself, mainly because he's only a newly turned one. And well as far as I know he's one of the only two ones here, I just hope there isn't more. And yes...I KNOW I turned into one in my review of My Girl, but only because I wanted to do that for the Neighbors review to go with the theme of 'Belushi and Aykroyd swap characters' but never got to do it, I originally wrote down for me to become one in the review of Trading Places but that was before I met my aforementioned bestie.

In case you're wondering, I don't have a girlfriend...II have the same problem Bowsette has, basically i'm a real nice guy but most women I know are too repulsed by me to even consider dating me, they all run away from me. All of Bowsette's potiental boyfriends run away from her or do things to her that have broken her poor ol Koopa heart. I'm just saying, don't kinkshame or I will come after you.


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