WB Rants: RP Characters.
Hello everyone and welcome to another installment of Werebelushi rants and oh boy have I got a doozy for you today, you know that I love to interact with other monsters online and take part in RP sessions, right? Well one of my pet peeves is certain types of RPers, specifically ones that seem to do the same thing over and over and then try to shove it down your throat and make you accept that they're doing this. I'm not going to name names but let's just say that there is this one user who does this and it's annoying, and there are types that always seem to do this one particular quirk of theirs over and over.
Like this one character who keeps running away from home because apparently they dislike their own parents enough to not even include them in the storyline at all and to the point that they go off and wind up accepting a monster they haven't even know for more than a minute as their real parent. Don't you even think or consider that your real parents might be worried about you? Didn't you stop to think that maybe it isn't a good idea to put your trust in a monster that in normal situations like this could possibly kill you? Oh I get it, you're one of those unoriginal douche-bags who thinks that making their role an orphan is cool and that maybe just maybe you can be like Bruce Wayne/Batman. Here's the thing though, Bruce Wayne's parents were both shot when he was a child and the reason he chose the 'Batman' persona was because he used to be afraid of bats. Batman is tragic, you're not.
Also....yeah, i'm willing to bet that in this case the parents in the storyline are either portrayed as being like Bojack Horseman's parents or suffer from that common thing that happens to every mother character in Disney movies. And then there's this other type, you know the guy. He comes across as a lovable loser. He's an average looking guy who comes across as charming and friendly but he turns out to be a jerkass who only wants to take over the world and enslave everyone. Oh and he happens to be the kind of guy who gets more than one girlfriend per-episode.
Seriously....how are we supposed to believe this guy is a 'lovable loser who can't get a date' when female monsters are always fawning over him and putting him under their spell? If he's a lovable loser, then the late Charles Manson was a misunderstood and tragic soul who just needed someone to comfort him. I mean if you have the women flocking around you, then you clearly aren't a loser by any means. Also...he doesn't seem lovable to me. I mean THIS is the supposed to be the guy we're rooting for? He comes across as a Bitch In Sheep's Clothing to me.
Also can we talk about the Pokemon one? I love Pokemon related adventures but I just don't like how some Pokemon are negatively portrayed. For example in this...ghost types are evil and apparently Giratina is evil too. I'm sorry but there is a trope called Dark Is Not Evil and there are such a thing as good monsters, just as there are good ghosts. Having ghost types portrayed as being evil and not only that but he uses the cliche take over the world plot over and over.
Ugh....I am sick and tired of this plot/trope being used for monsters, including ones that aren't even evil to begin with. It's flawed and cliche...the reason it's flawed in this case is well...they are freaking ghost types. How exactly can a ghost operate a tv station yet alone appear on camera? Yes, I know there are tricks for that sort of thing and I know of Pepper's Ghost and the Hitchhiking Ghosts but still...that's an optical illusion. I know about a certain supernatural camera as well but that is also different.
Also....I don't think you know this or even realize this but...ghosts are essentially the spirits of dead people or dead animals, and thus the same applies to ghost type Pokemon as well considering some of them are possessed objects or even the souls of dead children that have taken over inanimate objects or plants. They are tragic and have really dark and depressing backstories, their Pokedex entries range from horrifying to horrifyingly tear-jerking, heck...Pokedex entries in general seem to be really sad. Komala for instance, it's basically Sleeping Beauty only Komala doesn't wake up when you kiss him/her.
I don't approve of ghost types being vilified, or any Pokemon being viewed as a villain for that matter. Hypno and Mr Mime both get vilified for a number of reasons, with the former it's because of a Creepypasta and with the latter it's because they think he looks creepy. I don't like seeing tragic Pokemon being put into the category of being a villain just because they're well...ghosts, wouldn't dark types be the evil ones though considering in Japan they are called the 'evil' type?
Why would this Giratina incarnation want to take over the world anyway? Giratina is the freaking devil...what good would conquering the whole world do for him? He doesn't need to do that when he is literally Satan. And I bet all he wants to do is spend time with his adorkable socially awkward son Yveltal. A lot of this guy's views seem to be pretty racist towards humans and kind of hypocritical considering this character usually IS human or a humanoid when he's not an animal-person or a Pokemon.
Humans are animals too, you know...they're part of the primate family and there are mammals. Humans and monsters are more alike than you think they are. In fact the word monster has more than one meaning, the word monster also refers to someone who is physically or morally detestable (an aberration in appearance and behavior) and the word monster is generally associated with the concept of evil both in thought and action, humans who behave in reprehensible ways are referred to as monsters as well. So you yourself are a monster, don't deny it.
Also...I don't think that genocide is a good idea. You do realize that by turning humans into ghost types is essentially killing them right? Genocide is not something that belongs in something based on a FAMILY FRIENDLY franchise. Pokemon is a game not just for kids but adults play it too, families play it. I refuse to believe that this is the real Giratina, I know the real Giratina and this isn't him.
All of this guy's creature characters have the same shallow mindset regarding humans, and that is basically that all humans are either worthless or evil. I hate that mindset and it just proves that he is racist against his own kind, and Mel is right...i'm getting Donald Trump vibes from this guy. And that's not a good thing. And then there's the guy who always gets nude for transformation scenes...uh...why? Why do you feel it is good to remove your clothes? I get it, you don't want to rip them in anyway but stil...I don't think anyone wants to see your privates.
And then there's this motherfucker....who I swear breaks his own rule. Oh sure..you say no mature but everytime I see you are trying to force ANOTHER character into being your slave or your lover and are inserting sex scenes into every adventure you're in. Can't you keep your dick in your pants just this once? He gets a new morbid fetish every week. Remember the clown episode? And the one with the stereotypes? Oh and remember rubber-mania? And remember the inflatables? Remember the drones? Oh and you possibly can't ever forget the horrifying episode involving foul smells? And then comes sissifyication and diapers followed by of all things..butt sniffing?
For pete's sake...I don't even know if butt-sniffing/butt-licking is a real thing or not. It may be pet play related I don't know but daaaamn, that's the weirdest thing i've ever seen from him so far. Also...can we talk about the sex scenes? There was whole second act in the middle of a Zootopia episode with a sheep orgy..a rubber sheep orgy because of course he likely wouldn't be able to do any sort of transformation that doesn't involve rubber. And it feels like hours for me, and it was so excessive I was just wanting it to end. For pete's sake, Mel was lucky enough to survive watching it the first time, but lately it drove her to the point of insanity and it made her go all Jack Nicholson.
Tone down the sex scenes please or at least ask if they are okay with it before doing it. I'm not asking you to stop them all together, just at least warn someone before-hand. And also too much yaoi...I HATE yaoi. You know how I feel about yaoi. Especially after that awful Blues Brothers yaoi smut stuff nearly broke me. Even if the victim was previously female but turned male, it still sort of counts as yaoi.
Also....when the other character says 'no', they mean it. They probably don't wanna be assimilated by you or made into their personal slave/thrall and they probably want to keep their free will, there's nothing that feels good about being forced to be someone's slave in any way whatsoever, it's horrible. I would pretty much go berserk if you tried to do that to me and when I go berserk, it's not a pretty picture.
These types of people really irk me and they really need a new act because if they're going to keep rehashing the same one over and over again then clearly they have failed, if you're stooping to use that old environmental special cliche of 'MAN is the ultimate evil' or 'humans are horrible and must be abolished' or the 'world domination' cliche, then you need a new act because those acts stopped being surprising ages ago. Also the same goes for the aforementioned guy I mentioned with the ghost type Pokemon adventure, the Face Heel Turn act was only shocking the first time, it just got really predictable as it went on.
Stay away from these types of people at all costs, i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and i'm here to remind you that sometimes even someone who comes across as being likable can turn out to be a backstabbing asshole in the end.
Hello everyone and welcome to another installment of Werebelushi rants and oh boy have I got a doozy for you today, you know that I love to interact with other monsters online and take part in RP sessions, right? Well one of my pet peeves is certain types of RPers, specifically ones that seem to do the same thing over and over and then try to shove it down your throat and make you accept that they're doing this. I'm not going to name names but let's just say that there is this one user who does this and it's annoying, and there are types that always seem to do this one particular quirk of theirs over and over.
Like this one character who keeps running away from home because apparently they dislike their own parents enough to not even include them in the storyline at all and to the point that they go off and wind up accepting a monster they haven't even know for more than a minute as their real parent. Don't you even think or consider that your real parents might be worried about you? Didn't you stop to think that maybe it isn't a good idea to put your trust in a monster that in normal situations like this could possibly kill you? Oh I get it, you're one of those unoriginal douche-bags who thinks that making their role an orphan is cool and that maybe just maybe you can be like Bruce Wayne/Batman. Here's the thing though, Bruce Wayne's parents were both shot when he was a child and the reason he chose the 'Batman' persona was because he used to be afraid of bats. Batman is tragic, you're not.
Also....yeah, i'm willing to bet that in this case the parents in the storyline are either portrayed as being like Bojack Horseman's parents or suffer from that common thing that happens to every mother character in Disney movies. And then there's this other type, you know the guy. He comes across as a lovable loser. He's an average looking guy who comes across as charming and friendly but he turns out to be a jerkass who only wants to take over the world and enslave everyone. Oh and he happens to be the kind of guy who gets more than one girlfriend per-episode.
Seriously....how are we supposed to believe this guy is a 'lovable loser who can't get a date' when female monsters are always fawning over him and putting him under their spell? If he's a lovable loser, then the late Charles Manson was a misunderstood and tragic soul who just needed someone to comfort him. I mean if you have the women flocking around you, then you clearly aren't a loser by any means. Also...he doesn't seem lovable to me. I mean THIS is the supposed to be the guy we're rooting for? He comes across as a Bitch In Sheep's Clothing to me.
Also can we talk about the Pokemon one? I love Pokemon related adventures but I just don't like how some Pokemon are negatively portrayed. For example in this...ghost types are evil and apparently Giratina is evil too. I'm sorry but there is a trope called Dark Is Not Evil and there are such a thing as good monsters, just as there are good ghosts. Having ghost types portrayed as being evil and not only that but he uses the cliche take over the world plot over and over.
Ugh....I am sick and tired of this plot/trope being used for monsters, including ones that aren't even evil to begin with. It's flawed and cliche...the reason it's flawed in this case is well...they are freaking ghost types. How exactly can a ghost operate a tv station yet alone appear on camera? Yes, I know there are tricks for that sort of thing and I know of Pepper's Ghost and the Hitchhiking Ghosts but still...that's an optical illusion. I know about a certain supernatural camera as well but that is also different.
Also....I don't think you know this or even realize this but...ghosts are essentially the spirits of dead people or dead animals, and thus the same applies to ghost type Pokemon as well considering some of them are possessed objects or even the souls of dead children that have taken over inanimate objects or plants. They are tragic and have really dark and depressing backstories, their Pokedex entries range from horrifying to horrifyingly tear-jerking, heck...Pokedex entries in general seem to be really sad. Komala for instance, it's basically Sleeping Beauty only Komala doesn't wake up when you kiss him/her.
I don't approve of ghost types being vilified, or any Pokemon being viewed as a villain for that matter. Hypno and Mr Mime both get vilified for a number of reasons, with the former it's because of a Creepypasta and with the latter it's because they think he looks creepy. I don't like seeing tragic Pokemon being put into the category of being a villain just because they're well...ghosts, wouldn't dark types be the evil ones though considering in Japan they are called the 'evil' type?
Why would this Giratina incarnation want to take over the world anyway? Giratina is the freaking devil...what good would conquering the whole world do for him? He doesn't need to do that when he is literally Satan. And I bet all he wants to do is spend time with his adorkable socially awkward son Yveltal. A lot of this guy's views seem to be pretty racist towards humans and kind of hypocritical considering this character usually IS human or a humanoid when he's not an animal-person or a Pokemon.
Humans are animals too, you know...they're part of the primate family and there are mammals. Humans and monsters are more alike than you think they are. In fact the word monster has more than one meaning, the word monster also refers to someone who is physically or morally detestable (an aberration in appearance and behavior) and the word monster is generally associated with the concept of evil both in thought and action, humans who behave in reprehensible ways are referred to as monsters as well. So you yourself are a monster, don't deny it.
Also...I don't think that genocide is a good idea. You do realize that by turning humans into ghost types is essentially killing them right? Genocide is not something that belongs in something based on a FAMILY FRIENDLY franchise. Pokemon is a game not just for kids but adults play it too, families play it. I refuse to believe that this is the real Giratina, I know the real Giratina and this isn't him.
All of this guy's creature characters have the same shallow mindset regarding humans, and that is basically that all humans are either worthless or evil. I hate that mindset and it just proves that he is racist against his own kind, and Mel is right...i'm getting Donald Trump vibes from this guy. And that's not a good thing. And then there's the guy who always gets nude for transformation scenes...uh...why? Why do you feel it is good to remove your clothes? I get it, you don't want to rip them in anyway but stil...I don't think anyone wants to see your privates.
And then there's this motherfucker....who I swear breaks his own rule. Oh sure..you say no mature but everytime I see you are trying to force ANOTHER character into being your slave or your lover and are inserting sex scenes into every adventure you're in. Can't you keep your dick in your pants just this once? He gets a new morbid fetish every week. Remember the clown episode? And the one with the stereotypes? Oh and remember rubber-mania? And remember the inflatables? Remember the drones? Oh and you possibly can't ever forget the horrifying episode involving foul smells? And then comes sissifyication and diapers followed by of all things..butt sniffing?
For pete's sake...I don't even know if butt-sniffing/butt-licking is a real thing or not. It may be pet play related I don't know but daaaamn, that's the weirdest thing i've ever seen from him so far. Also...can we talk about the sex scenes? There was whole second act in the middle of a Zootopia episode with a sheep orgy..a rubber sheep orgy because of course he likely wouldn't be able to do any sort of transformation that doesn't involve rubber. And it feels like hours for me, and it was so excessive I was just wanting it to end. For pete's sake, Mel was lucky enough to survive watching it the first time, but lately it drove her to the point of insanity and it made her go all Jack Nicholson.
Tone down the sex scenes please or at least ask if they are okay with it before doing it. I'm not asking you to stop them all together, just at least warn someone before-hand. And also too much yaoi...I HATE yaoi. You know how I feel about yaoi. Especially after that awful Blues Brothers yaoi smut stuff nearly broke me. Even if the victim was previously female but turned male, it still sort of counts as yaoi.
Also....when the other character says 'no', they mean it. They probably don't wanna be assimilated by you or made into their personal slave/thrall and they probably want to keep their free will, there's nothing that feels good about being forced to be someone's slave in any way whatsoever, it's horrible. I would pretty much go berserk if you tried to do that to me and when I go berserk, it's not a pretty picture.
These types of people really irk me and they really need a new act because if they're going to keep rehashing the same one over and over again then clearly they have failed, if you're stooping to use that old environmental special cliche of 'MAN is the ultimate evil' or 'humans are horrible and must be abolished' or the 'world domination' cliche, then you need a new act because those acts stopped being surprising ages ago. Also the same goes for the aforementioned guy I mentioned with the ghost type Pokemon adventure, the Face Heel Turn act was only shocking the first time, it just got really predictable as it went on.
Stay away from these types of people at all costs, i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and i'm here to remind you that sometimes even someone who comes across as being likable can turn out to be a backstabbing asshole in the end.
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