WB Rants: Journal.

WB Rants: Journal.
*we see a monster who looks and sounds like John Belushi,  he is talking about fandoms to his friends and sharing which ones he is a part of,  he then turns to the viewers and greets them*

Hello everyone,   i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and welcome to another werebelushi rants episode...this one was requested by Mel.  Mel tells me that there's this one jerkass who made a hate journal about her solely because of her opinion on Changed.  I'm sorry, but to whoever wrote that journal...you're a moron.  First of all, when did she say she wants to kill Dragonsnow who invited that game anyway?  She made jokes about it yes,  but she didn't say she actually would kill him.   Granted I think the game is creepy and overrated and it's pretty much just a furry themed rip-off of I Am Legend mixed with I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream but I wouldn't actively bash Dragonsnow or want to kill him.  

Second,  Mel isn't real...she's fictional,  like I am. And yes, she revealed Changed and busted it and Puro but for good reason.  She was sick and tired of Changed and everything to do with it, and frankly I too got sick of it too.  Especially since Ciel got obsessed with it and did that 46 page  saga about it.  I didn't mind chapters 1-20,  those were interesting and while chapters 20-30 had a few snags I didn't hate them,  but it was chapters 40-46 that made me go..'we get it Ciel, you love Puro and so do some of your fans. ENOUGH with the Changed shit already'.

And yet apparently the insane bird bitch thought Mel was being bossy by telling her that?  I'm sorry,  but I agree with Mel...Changed is overrated and it stopped being popular after a while which was a good thing,  because I didn't need to see a dozen more artists jumping in on the Puro band-wagon.   There was no personality to Puro anyway apart from being dorky and liking comics and having beastly 'urges',  the latter is something almost every movie monster has anyway.  Also Ciel had no right to call Mel bossy given that one picture of her on Furaffinity is of her as Puro while someone who is also transforming into the same species as Puro is giving her a blowjob.  *sarcastically* Thanks to that Ciel,   i've always wanted to know if latex wolf monsters have nards.

He doesn't even have a backstory...all we know that he is sometimes affectionate towards the human hero and that's it.   There's not even any flashbacks to give us hints of an origin. Was he one of the original survivors of the plague that killed/mutated all of humanity? Is he Dr K's son or assistant who got transformed voluntarily so he could be with his father/teacher?   Is he the human hero's conscience?   Was he the person who originally owned the lab who was working on a cure before he was turned?

The plot is one we've seen before,  the end of the world and the whole plague that wipes out humanity thing.   But the problem is with this particular person.  Mel had a reason to bust Puro and to defeat him,  Puro was very disgusting to her...he tried to force her to be his friend numerous times even though she said so no to him,  he touched her inappropriately, stalked her on a regular basis and Mel had to file a restraining order against him and he only wanted Mel for her body,  he wanted to take over Mel and make her into another Transfur while using the nice guy act as a facade.  He was no saint.

Luckily Mel has an immunity to goo based monsters so he had no effect on her,  however she did have an effect on him...oh boy, his Karmic Punishment.  Basically he got transformed into a clone of Mel and lost all of his goo-monster attributes.   Changed had its chance to shine,  it did...and then....nobody else showed interest in it outside of Ciel and a few others and then the whole thing faded and now some new game character is the internet's sweetheart.  

Also 'death threats'?  She's a critic...and a bad media slayer.  And as far as I know there are no talks for sequels to that game.  She has killed all things to do with it.  Also please spell sincererely correctly next time,  and also...you spelled hole wrong too.  The hole that you spelled is the one meaning a complete collection or item in general...for example when used in a sentence: 'While George wanted to share the cake,  Ben wanted the whole cake for himself.' And hole as in the one small animals live in is spelled like this...H-O-L-E.  When used in a sentence: 'We have to hide in this hole so the undead hordes won't get us.'

Telling someone to go die in a hole is such a kinder garden level insult,  how old is this douche anyway?  I stopped using those kinds of insults when I realized it made me on the same intellectual level as Adam Sandler's brand of comedy.   Geesh, and I thought the Homestuck fanbase was the whiniest.   Also if a mere opinion is enough to make your friend considering killing themselves,  your friend has issues.  Reminds me of that whiny Kong kid Bowsette keeps telling me about and his whiny friend who is obsessed with Skyrim and Fire Emblem.  

The latter was the bastard that started the whole argument to begin with. *sarcastically*  I'm so sorry that Mel didn't agree with your opinions on Skyrim and Fire Emblem and that she doesn't think they are gods gift to gaming.    If this is what the fanbase for both of those are like i'm not ever going to play them ever.
The point is....it's fine if you like Changed but don't go bashing Mel for doing her damn job and for supposedly killing your beloved golden boi Puro.  Besides, we all know that Bowsette is the REAL internet star of 2018 and beyond.


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