Aykroydian Horror Story.
Aykroydian Horror Story
Dan Aykroyd TF with psychic themes and meta elements, this borrows some elements from the Goosebumps movie with the whole monsters from the book coming alive and is based on numerous dreams I have had and personal experiences. And it features a monster transformation.
Being a horror writer is never easy because people always demand you satisfy them and for Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 it was particularly hard, he discovered this himself while he was reading the new edit of an old classic novel of his...'Revenge Of The Mummy Prince', he recently found he didn't like the original ending because it was too gory and graphic and took away what made the titular monster so sympathetic and so he decided to give the story a much happier ending. 'Just as I was about to have my soul-sucked out by the mummy prince, he stopped...as he looked over at my friend Kara. And he recognized her. Kara definitely had an uncanny resemblance to the prince's lost love Princess Arapaita. And that's what made him stop as he used his powers to hypnotize Kara, making her want to love him as she kissed him and the two embraced.' 'What the hell did you do?' 'What do you mean?' 'I don't like this new ending, it's too sappy...I know you want to humanize the prince but having him reunite with his lost love is too sappy. I like the original ending where the character has their soul-sucked out and are stuck as his slaves while Kara drinks some of his blood from a goblet and becomes possessed...this isn't the ending I grew up with.' 'Well that's too bad, because I like this ending better than the original one.' 'This isn't how it's supposed to go, Prince Kuratari is supposed to be a fierce and menacing villain who sucks the souls out of his victims and zombifies them, here...you basically made him one of those sexy hearthrob monsters with a tragic backstory.' 'True, but Kuratari wasn't always a bloodthirsty villain and ruler, he was human once too you know.' 'What happened to you? You used to be so good at writing scary stories and monster stories but now you...you pretty much just don't do that anymore. All of your recent work...is mediocre and only mildly scary.' 'Look pal, i've been typecast as the weirdo/werecreature guy for more than 4 years in the DA-Verse and I think it's time I showed them what i'm really like.'
'But you're not supposed to be writing stories like The Unbelievable Adorable Werecat or Worm Pie For Lunch. You're supposed to be writing stories like Fish-Faced Freaks From The Deep End, the Demon Horse's Curse, and Museum With No Exit.' 'While those are all good and are classics I wrote, it's just I don't like my old work.' 'Oh...is this because of your werejohncandy story?' 'That story is arguably my worse and i'm not going back to doing that one again.' 'What are you doing here anyway? Go back and tell more horror stories, more monster stories.' Nathan couldn't stand this, this one obnoxious fan that was driving him crazy and harassing him. 'Oh you want more monster stories, do ya you little pest? Well then...' He took out one of his books and started reading from it. 'There once was a reclusive horror writer who couldn't catch a break, everywhere he went...people mocked him. They called him washed up and unoriginal and they thought of him as nothing more than a monster maker who was there for their amusement.'
The events of the story started taking place as imagery from the book bled off the page and came to life, images of various monsters from the previous books sprung to life. 'There was this one bratty fan who disliked his latest piece, this one fan had a ratish looking appearance and didn't care for his latest work at all...he pretty much hated anything new. The author could hear him from a mile away, it was hard not to really...especially with those almost oversized feet.' The fan began to feel a little bit nervous, as he suddenly felt himself slowly altering in appearance as shaggy matted dark grey fur sprouted on his body, his hands slowly swelled and contorted...as his fingernails sharpened. He began to put on a bit of weight as his feet slowly burst out of his sneakers, growing larger and also developing fur on them as his toenails sharpened, blackening in the process. 'Hey...what's going on? What are you doing?' 'I'm not doing anything except reading this story.' 'Clearly you've got some freaky powers and are using them on me.' 'Am I? I don't know...maybe you're just imagining it.' Nathan always did enjoy teasing his so called adversaries. Having actual supernatural powers came in useful for purposes like that, messing with people's heads..confusing them, making them question what was real and what wasn't.
That obnoxious brat of a fan was panicking even more as a pair of wings slowly burst out of his jacket and his hair grew into a long tangled mess as his ears slowly grew rounder, rounding out into rodent-like ones as his eyes turned a piercing shade of red, a rat-like tail was clearly seen from behind as his teeth sharpened and his face slowly pushed out into a demented looking rodentian muzzle. 'What have you done to me?' He cried. 'Well would ya look at that? He looks just like the monster in the story. Doesn't he ladies and gentlemen?' Nathan gestured to the rest of the fans who looked over at the monsterfied fan-boy in disgust and horror.
"This isn't fair..."
"You should mess with someone who actually has supernatural powers like that. You have no idea how it feels to be typecast like I have. Always the weirdo, always the psychopath...I have thoughts and feelings. There's more to me than just crazy supernatural mishaps. Maybe now you will understand that this is not a show, this is real and I take it seriously. It's not nice to berate a horror author you know, the author might get you back."
"Please turn me back to normal."
"I'm afraid I cannot...that's not my job to do that. Yes I narrate these stories and share them with my readers, but I don't entirely have control over what happens. Sometimes it just happens and you're one of those things that just happened. Besides, even if I could...what book would I use? I surely would not use the book used by the evil emperor Aloouka of the Ooga Wooga tribe. You know, that ancient book of the dead."
"Book of the dead?"
"Yes, it's real...I managed to get from emperor Aloouka a long time ago."
"But...how? Emperor Aloouka would have..."
"Eaten me? Enslaved me? Drained me of my lifeforce? You forget, that the emperor and his tribe always had a deep love of respect for mystics and others with the 'gift'. Did you forget that part of the story? I would be surprised if you did because i'm sure a fan such as yourself would have known that."
Nathan looked over at the Ooga Wooga book of the dead, which was a book that contained many dark spells and incantations, it was just like in the book 'The Ooga Wooga Tribe Is Coming After You', he listened closely to the book as he could hear voices...the same kind of voices that belonged to the souls of the victims of the Ooga Wooga tribe, those souls were those of people that had been captured by the tribe. It was then that a few of the undead victims of that tribe started circling the cowardly ratified fan, lurching in as to say...'one of us...one of us.' 'No i'm not like you, i'm not.' He looked over at the fan's ID badge and shook his head. 'Oh i'm so sorry...Jordan. But it looks like you are one of them and they are taking a liking to you.' 'I hope they don't drain me.' 'Why would they do that? The only go after stupid humans who ignore their warnings. Not to fellow monsters.'
'Can't you turn me back to normal? Isn't there an incantation you can use?' 'Oh no no no..I shouldn't. All of the monsters are already out. And what good would turning you back to normal do? Apart from making it easier for the monsters to get you...not much. As a monster, you can actually get on their level.' Jordan shook his head as he attempted to nab the book from Nathan, but Nathan used a dark spell to send him flying backwards. 'Let me have that book!' 'Oh no you don't...i've been tasked with protecting the book and I won't let anyone else touch it, not even my friends and family.'
Jordan snarled as he reached for the book, desperate to find a way to return to normal...but just as he was about to steal it from him...several more monsters leap out at him including a demogorgon from Stranger Things, Brundlefly, Pumpkinhead, the Tall-Man, the Silence and the Weeping Angels. 'Are those?' 'Yes, a demogorgon, Brundlefly, Pumpkinhead and two Doctor Who monsters. I'm such a monster fanboy myself.' Nathan petted the demogorgon and hugged Brundlefly as if he was a teddy bear. 'You like those monsters?' 'Of course I do. They're some of my favorites. I've always wanted to befriend Brundlefly.'
"Can I have the book?"
"I told you...you can't, besides...I told you, even if I could turn you back to normal...what good would it do?"
"But I..."
"You're going to have to adjust to being a monster, if you're anything like the boy who grew up to being Grizzly Barry the werebear, i'm sure you'll be a natural in no time. However, if you need help...you could always call on my old friend Count Vectius."
The name Count Vectius was a familiar one to Jordan, he remembered reading The Vampires Of Bloodbayne Manor and being enthralled by the story and the antagonist's vampire army and also the twist...oh that twist ending where the owner of the manor drank Vectius's blood and became a vampire. 'That twist ending though..' 'Yes, that twist...where the manor owner turns out to be a rival would be vampire and his reason for destroying the count was to take his place as the head vampire. Remember when he drinks Vectius's blood? I sure do.' 'You know him?' 'Know him? He and I go way back.' Without warning, a floating letter G that made look it was made of slime floated around, weaving its dark magic on everyone and everything.
A dog animatronic someone had created sprung to life, becoming vicious and Cujo-like as its eyes glowed an eerie golden color, a poster/billboard of a cheerful woman in a Vampirella costume changed to one of the woman now looking like a Buffyverse type vampire with a snarling expression on her face, a Zuni doll figure sprung to life along with replicas of the lawn gnomes from the Goosebumps movie. The G's influence even took hold of a group of bronies and pegasisters, turning them into monster ponies including zomponies (zombified ponies), wereponies, vamponies and bat-ponies. The vamponies hissed before adorably drinking from juice boxes that had fruit juice them. 'Aren't those vampire ponies the sweetest thing ever?'.
Nathan examined his good luck charm, a mystic all knowing crystal skull with glowing red eyes, he always carried it with him and asked it for advice. 'W-W-What is that?' 'That's the skull. He knows and sees all. He's one of the characters in my novels.' 'Which ones does he come from?' 'Diabolical Doctor Voo-Dude, of course. He tells the story.' He juggled the skull around for a little. 'He also has mystical powers. He who doesn't heed the skull's warning pays the price.' Jordan was a bit confused even though he had read that book and seen the episode. 'Wasn't the skull a person that got affected by Voo-Dude's spell?' 'Not entirely, you see..Voo-Dude intended to have his dark essence transferred into Toby, he wanted Toby to become evil like him and to use his magic for evil. However, Toby was a pure good type and couldn't be persuaded to join him.'
He was about to explain the meaning of the story when a spirit from inside the skull flew out and dove into his mouth and down his throat, possessing him in the process. 'What the? The skull is not supposed to do that. He's supposed to keep the spirits in.' He scratched himself for a little bit only to stammer back a little as his skin lost a few of its imperfections, he looked at his arms for a little bit only to see them both enlarge and bulk up, as his hands followed suit. 'Huh? This isn't supposed to happen either. I should know since I wrote up all that stuff about him.' His chest and torso bulked up a little bit too as his stomach swelled, his outfit contorting a little to fit. His legs and feet slowly changed to match what had happened to his arms and hands. Two of the toes on both feet were even a little bit webbed, which reminded him of the story he wrote about the fish-man. 'Ah yes, the fish-man. I remember that story..it was based on a trip I went to and I saw this odd looking man who looked like he lived in the water, he always seemed to be at aquariums just staring at the fish tanks and talking to the fish like they were his brothers.'
His back broadened as he inspected himself, consulting the skull for any advice on the situation..as he slowly elevated in height from 5'7 to 6'1 as his shoulders broaden and his neckline altered. His straight brown hair became a bit wavier as it darkened, he rubbed the back of his neck with his hands and then examined his outfit. 'Reminds me of my great aunt. You know, she has a cat obsession..not just that, but I used to think she was one.' 'You did?' 'Oh yes, I certainly did. She had these long fingernails that definitely did have a resemblance to claws, and her hair...was rather long and curly. She had those bright green eyes too.' 'Bright green eyes?' 'Yeah...and she could stare for a thousand years.' 'So...was she one?' 'Probably..knowing my family and all. She probably is one.' He recalled visiting his great aunt's place around the holidays and sometimes staying over there, he recalled how he would often hear piercing yowling sounds at night. 'And what made those sounds?' 'It certainly wasn't our cat that was for sure.'
He recalled how he would often check on his great aunt and sometimes he would notice her lying on the sofa like a big cat. 'Sometimes when I was asleep. I swear I saw a cat-monster, a werecat..crawling into my room. And that cat-monster looked just like her. Of course I actually DID see her turn into one.' 'You did?' 'Yes...and I saw her on the move.' He responded as his eyebrows darkened a little, his brow altering as his eyes widened, one eye turning blue while the other turned green. His nose contorted as his cheekbones sharpened.
'Have you always looked like that?' 'No...I don't think I have.' 'Because you look like you're morphing into Dan Aykroyd.' 'I am? Well I never thought that would happen outside of one of my adventures.' Nathan chuckled to himself as his features morphed and reshaped themselves, morphing themselves into Aykroyd's likeness as he examined himself in the mirror app on his phone. He also thought about the gifts that his mother sent him, specifically the werebears. He remembered being taken by surprise by the fact that these weren't ordinary teddy bears. 'Have you always had those teddies?' 'Yeah. I think mother gave them to me. The amazing thing about them is that they're not normal teddies, they're werebears.'
He chuckled to himself once more as his voice deepened, altering in tone and pitch to align with his appearance...deepening and becoming much different than his normal one....in terms of his voice, he greatly sounded like the person he resembled, which is to say his voice had an uncanny resemblance to Aykroyd's complete with a similar tone to it. His personality altered a few times, giving him a few bits of Aykroyd's personality while also retaining his adorkable love of horror and monsters, he let out a fanboy squee as he picked up a werebear (specifically Growler, who coincidentally shared a similar personality to his grinch-man alter-ego). He inspected himself as the changes completed themselves. 'How the hell did you do that? Some type of special effect?' 'Nah, it's all real. 100% and I can assure you that since you were so kind as to suggest I get back into monsters and horror...i'm going to do that. Clearly I was trying to impress the wrong people.'
Jordan seemed to have simmered down from the monster transformation he underwent and wasn't mad at him, after all Nathan was just doing his job as an author. 'You know what?' 'What?' 'You were also right, judging your latest work based on what you're known for was awful of me. I'm sorry.' 'That's much better.' Nathan/Dan adjusted his shirt for a little as he grabbed his papers, just in time to catch the flying G.
"Ah ha...looks like i've caught it this time."
"Need any help with these monsters?"
He shook his head as to confirm..'no,I can handle these...some of these guys are my friends'. He got out his monster-hunting kit and went after the more villainous monsters, running around the area and following the trail the floating G had left behind, fighting off the monsters and also befriending new monsters. 'Even if this is weird to some, to me it's basically my life and that's how I am going to live it.' Which is a very true statement, you shouldn't let other people's opinions on you get you down and if others treat you like you're nothing more than an oddball, embrace it...in a world full of seemingly perfect people, embrace your own weirdness. Weirdness is a gift, not a curse...no matter what you are, shine on...whatever you are.
Embracing your weirdness is never wrong and that's what makes you who, don't change for anyone especially if someone tries to tell you otherwise, remember...always be proud of who and what you are. In a world of Brad Pitts, be an Aykroyd. Be an Aykroyd indeed. To all the Gonzos, Abeds and Adam Goldbergs of the world...don't let others get ya down, just embrace who you are...for we're all a little monstrous and a little bit kooky and spooky. Embrace your spooky side and don't let others tell you otherwise.
Dan Aykroyd TF with psychic themes and meta elements, this borrows some elements from the Goosebumps movie with the whole monsters from the book coming alive and is based on numerous dreams I have had and personal experiences. And it features a monster transformation.
Being a horror writer is never easy because people always demand you satisfy them and for Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 it was particularly hard, he discovered this himself while he was reading the new edit of an old classic novel of his...'Revenge Of The Mummy Prince', he recently found he didn't like the original ending because it was too gory and graphic and took away what made the titular monster so sympathetic and so he decided to give the story a much happier ending. 'Just as I was about to have my soul-sucked out by the mummy prince, he stopped...as he looked over at my friend Kara. And he recognized her. Kara definitely had an uncanny resemblance to the prince's lost love Princess Arapaita. And that's what made him stop as he used his powers to hypnotize Kara, making her want to love him as she kissed him and the two embraced.' 'What the hell did you do?' 'What do you mean?' 'I don't like this new ending, it's too sappy...I know you want to humanize the prince but having him reunite with his lost love is too sappy. I like the original ending where the character has their soul-sucked out and are stuck as his slaves while Kara drinks some of his blood from a goblet and becomes possessed...this isn't the ending I grew up with.' 'Well that's too bad, because I like this ending better than the original one.' 'This isn't how it's supposed to go, Prince Kuratari is supposed to be a fierce and menacing villain who sucks the souls out of his victims and zombifies them, here...you basically made him one of those sexy hearthrob monsters with a tragic backstory.' 'True, but Kuratari wasn't always a bloodthirsty villain and ruler, he was human once too you know.' 'What happened to you? You used to be so good at writing scary stories and monster stories but now you...you pretty much just don't do that anymore. All of your recent work...is mediocre and only mildly scary.' 'Look pal, i've been typecast as the weirdo/werecreature guy for more than 4 years in the DA-Verse and I think it's time I showed them what i'm really like.'
'But you're not supposed to be writing stories like The Unbelievable Adorable Werecat or Worm Pie For Lunch. You're supposed to be writing stories like Fish-Faced Freaks From The Deep End, the Demon Horse's Curse, and Museum With No Exit.' 'While those are all good and are classics I wrote, it's just I don't like my old work.' 'Oh...is this because of your werejohncandy story?' 'That story is arguably my worse and i'm not going back to doing that one again.' 'What are you doing here anyway? Go back and tell more horror stories, more monster stories.' Nathan couldn't stand this, this one obnoxious fan that was driving him crazy and harassing him. 'Oh you want more monster stories, do ya you little pest? Well then...' He took out one of his books and started reading from it. 'There once was a reclusive horror writer who couldn't catch a break, everywhere he went...people mocked him. They called him washed up and unoriginal and they thought of him as nothing more than a monster maker who was there for their amusement.'
The events of the story started taking place as imagery from the book bled off the page and came to life, images of various monsters from the previous books sprung to life. 'There was this one bratty fan who disliked his latest piece, this one fan had a ratish looking appearance and didn't care for his latest work at all...he pretty much hated anything new. The author could hear him from a mile away, it was hard not to really...especially with those almost oversized feet.' The fan began to feel a little bit nervous, as he suddenly felt himself slowly altering in appearance as shaggy matted dark grey fur sprouted on his body, his hands slowly swelled and contorted...as his fingernails sharpened. He began to put on a bit of weight as his feet slowly burst out of his sneakers, growing larger and also developing fur on them as his toenails sharpened, blackening in the process. 'Hey...what's going on? What are you doing?' 'I'm not doing anything except reading this story.' 'Clearly you've got some freaky powers and are using them on me.' 'Am I? I don't know...maybe you're just imagining it.' Nathan always did enjoy teasing his so called adversaries. Having actual supernatural powers came in useful for purposes like that, messing with people's heads..confusing them, making them question what was real and what wasn't.
That obnoxious brat of a fan was panicking even more as a pair of wings slowly burst out of his jacket and his hair grew into a long tangled mess as his ears slowly grew rounder, rounding out into rodent-like ones as his eyes turned a piercing shade of red, a rat-like tail was clearly seen from behind as his teeth sharpened and his face slowly pushed out into a demented looking rodentian muzzle. 'What have you done to me?' He cried. 'Well would ya look at that? He looks just like the monster in the story. Doesn't he ladies and gentlemen?' Nathan gestured to the rest of the fans who looked over at the monsterfied fan-boy in disgust and horror.
"This isn't fair..."
"You should mess with someone who actually has supernatural powers like that. You have no idea how it feels to be typecast like I have. Always the weirdo, always the psychopath...I have thoughts and feelings. There's more to me than just crazy supernatural mishaps. Maybe now you will understand that this is not a show, this is real and I take it seriously. It's not nice to berate a horror author you know, the author might get you back."
"Please turn me back to normal."
"I'm afraid I cannot...that's not my job to do that. Yes I narrate these stories and share them with my readers, but I don't entirely have control over what happens. Sometimes it just happens and you're one of those things that just happened. Besides, even if I could...what book would I use? I surely would not use the book used by the evil emperor Aloouka of the Ooga Wooga tribe. You know, that ancient book of the dead."
"Book of the dead?"
"Yes, it's real...I managed to get from emperor Aloouka a long time ago."
"But...how? Emperor Aloouka would have..."
"Eaten me? Enslaved me? Drained me of my lifeforce? You forget, that the emperor and his tribe always had a deep love of respect for mystics and others with the 'gift'. Did you forget that part of the story? I would be surprised if you did because i'm sure a fan such as yourself would have known that."
Nathan looked over at the Ooga Wooga book of the dead, which was a book that contained many dark spells and incantations, it was just like in the book 'The Ooga Wooga Tribe Is Coming After You', he listened closely to the book as he could hear voices...the same kind of voices that belonged to the souls of the victims of the Ooga Wooga tribe, those souls were those of people that had been captured by the tribe. It was then that a few of the undead victims of that tribe started circling the cowardly ratified fan, lurching in as to say...'one of us...one of us.' 'No i'm not like you, i'm not.' He looked over at the fan's ID badge and shook his head. 'Oh i'm so sorry...Jordan. But it looks like you are one of them and they are taking a liking to you.' 'I hope they don't drain me.' 'Why would they do that? The only go after stupid humans who ignore their warnings. Not to fellow monsters.'
'Can't you turn me back to normal? Isn't there an incantation you can use?' 'Oh no no no..I shouldn't. All of the monsters are already out. And what good would turning you back to normal do? Apart from making it easier for the monsters to get you...not much. As a monster, you can actually get on their level.' Jordan shook his head as he attempted to nab the book from Nathan, but Nathan used a dark spell to send him flying backwards. 'Let me have that book!' 'Oh no you don't...i've been tasked with protecting the book and I won't let anyone else touch it, not even my friends and family.'
Jordan snarled as he reached for the book, desperate to find a way to return to normal...but just as he was about to steal it from him...several more monsters leap out at him including a demogorgon from Stranger Things, Brundlefly, Pumpkinhead, the Tall-Man, the Silence and the Weeping Angels. 'Are those?' 'Yes, a demogorgon, Brundlefly, Pumpkinhead and two Doctor Who monsters. I'm such a monster fanboy myself.' Nathan petted the demogorgon and hugged Brundlefly as if he was a teddy bear. 'You like those monsters?' 'Of course I do. They're some of my favorites. I've always wanted to befriend Brundlefly.'
"Can I have the book?"
"I told you...you can't, besides...I told you, even if I could turn you back to normal...what good would it do?"
"But I..."
"You're going to have to adjust to being a monster, if you're anything like the boy who grew up to being Grizzly Barry the werebear, i'm sure you'll be a natural in no time. However, if you need help...you could always call on my old friend Count Vectius."
The name Count Vectius was a familiar one to Jordan, he remembered reading The Vampires Of Bloodbayne Manor and being enthralled by the story and the antagonist's vampire army and also the twist...oh that twist ending where the owner of the manor drank Vectius's blood and became a vampire. 'That twist ending though..' 'Yes, that twist...where the manor owner turns out to be a rival would be vampire and his reason for destroying the count was to take his place as the head vampire. Remember when he drinks Vectius's blood? I sure do.' 'You know him?' 'Know him? He and I go way back.' Without warning, a floating letter G that made look it was made of slime floated around, weaving its dark magic on everyone and everything.
A dog animatronic someone had created sprung to life, becoming vicious and Cujo-like as its eyes glowed an eerie golden color, a poster/billboard of a cheerful woman in a Vampirella costume changed to one of the woman now looking like a Buffyverse type vampire with a snarling expression on her face, a Zuni doll figure sprung to life along with replicas of the lawn gnomes from the Goosebumps movie. The G's influence even took hold of a group of bronies and pegasisters, turning them into monster ponies including zomponies (zombified ponies), wereponies, vamponies and bat-ponies. The vamponies hissed before adorably drinking from juice boxes that had fruit juice them. 'Aren't those vampire ponies the sweetest thing ever?'.
Nathan examined his good luck charm, a mystic all knowing crystal skull with glowing red eyes, he always carried it with him and asked it for advice. 'W-W-What is that?' 'That's the skull. He knows and sees all. He's one of the characters in my novels.' 'Which ones does he come from?' 'Diabolical Doctor Voo-Dude, of course. He tells the story.' He juggled the skull around for a little. 'He also has mystical powers. He who doesn't heed the skull's warning pays the price.' Jordan was a bit confused even though he had read that book and seen the episode. 'Wasn't the skull a person that got affected by Voo-Dude's spell?' 'Not entirely, you see..Voo-Dude intended to have his dark essence transferred into Toby, he wanted Toby to become evil like him and to use his magic for evil. However, Toby was a pure good type and couldn't be persuaded to join him.'
He was about to explain the meaning of the story when a spirit from inside the skull flew out and dove into his mouth and down his throat, possessing him in the process. 'What the? The skull is not supposed to do that. He's supposed to keep the spirits in.' He scratched himself for a little bit only to stammer back a little as his skin lost a few of its imperfections, he looked at his arms for a little bit only to see them both enlarge and bulk up, as his hands followed suit. 'Huh? This isn't supposed to happen either. I should know since I wrote up all that stuff about him.' His chest and torso bulked up a little bit too as his stomach swelled, his outfit contorting a little to fit. His legs and feet slowly changed to match what had happened to his arms and hands. Two of the toes on both feet were even a little bit webbed, which reminded him of the story he wrote about the fish-man. 'Ah yes, the fish-man. I remember that story..it was based on a trip I went to and I saw this odd looking man who looked like he lived in the water, he always seemed to be at aquariums just staring at the fish tanks and talking to the fish like they were his brothers.'
His back broadened as he inspected himself, consulting the skull for any advice on the situation..as he slowly elevated in height from 5'7 to 6'1 as his shoulders broaden and his neckline altered. His straight brown hair became a bit wavier as it darkened, he rubbed the back of his neck with his hands and then examined his outfit. 'Reminds me of my great aunt. You know, she has a cat obsession..not just that, but I used to think she was one.' 'You did?' 'Oh yes, I certainly did. She had these long fingernails that definitely did have a resemblance to claws, and her hair...was rather long and curly. She had those bright green eyes too.' 'Bright green eyes?' 'Yeah...and she could stare for a thousand years.' 'So...was she one?' 'Probably..knowing my family and all. She probably is one.' He recalled visiting his great aunt's place around the holidays and sometimes staying over there, he recalled how he would often hear piercing yowling sounds at night. 'And what made those sounds?' 'It certainly wasn't our cat that was for sure.'
He recalled how he would often check on his great aunt and sometimes he would notice her lying on the sofa like a big cat. 'Sometimes when I was asleep. I swear I saw a cat-monster, a werecat..crawling into my room. And that cat-monster looked just like her. Of course I actually DID see her turn into one.' 'You did?' 'Yes...and I saw her on the move.' He responded as his eyebrows darkened a little, his brow altering as his eyes widened, one eye turning blue while the other turned green. His nose contorted as his cheekbones sharpened.
'Have you always looked like that?' 'No...I don't think I have.' 'Because you look like you're morphing into Dan Aykroyd.' 'I am? Well I never thought that would happen outside of one of my adventures.' Nathan chuckled to himself as his features morphed and reshaped themselves, morphing themselves into Aykroyd's likeness as he examined himself in the mirror app on his phone. He also thought about the gifts that his mother sent him, specifically the werebears. He remembered being taken by surprise by the fact that these weren't ordinary teddy bears. 'Have you always had those teddies?' 'Yeah. I think mother gave them to me. The amazing thing about them is that they're not normal teddies, they're werebears.'
He chuckled to himself once more as his voice deepened, altering in tone and pitch to align with his appearance...deepening and becoming much different than his normal one....in terms of his voice, he greatly sounded like the person he resembled, which is to say his voice had an uncanny resemblance to Aykroyd's complete with a similar tone to it. His personality altered a few times, giving him a few bits of Aykroyd's personality while also retaining his adorkable love of horror and monsters, he let out a fanboy squee as he picked up a werebear (specifically Growler, who coincidentally shared a similar personality to his grinch-man alter-ego). He inspected himself as the changes completed themselves. 'How the hell did you do that? Some type of special effect?' 'Nah, it's all real. 100% and I can assure you that since you were so kind as to suggest I get back into monsters and horror...i'm going to do that. Clearly I was trying to impress the wrong people.'
Jordan seemed to have simmered down from the monster transformation he underwent and wasn't mad at him, after all Nathan was just doing his job as an author. 'You know what?' 'What?' 'You were also right, judging your latest work based on what you're known for was awful of me. I'm sorry.' 'That's much better.' Nathan/Dan adjusted his shirt for a little as he grabbed his papers, just in time to catch the flying G.
"Ah ha...looks like i've caught it this time."
"Need any help with these monsters?"
He shook his head as to confirm..'no,I can handle these...some of these guys are my friends'. He got out his monster-hunting kit and went after the more villainous monsters, running around the area and following the trail the floating G had left behind, fighting off the monsters and also befriending new monsters. 'Even if this is weird to some, to me it's basically my life and that's how I am going to live it.' Which is a very true statement, you shouldn't let other people's opinions on you get you down and if others treat you like you're nothing more than an oddball, embrace it...in a world full of seemingly perfect people, embrace your own weirdness. Weirdness is a gift, not a curse...no matter what you are, shine on...whatever you are.
Embracing your weirdness is never wrong and that's what makes you who, don't change for anyone especially if someone tries to tell you otherwise, remember...always be proud of who and what you are. In a world of Brad Pitts, be an Aykroyd. Be an Aykroyd indeed. To all the Gonzos, Abeds and Adam Goldbergs of the world...don't let others get ya down, just embrace who you are...for we're all a little monstrous and a little bit kooky and spooky. Embrace your spooky side and don't let others tell you otherwise.
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