Werebelushi rants: JSU

Werebelushi rants:  


(We see a male Werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi,  he is sitting at a computer of sorts.)

Hello everyone,  i’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and welcome back to another Werebelushi Rant.  Well…*sigh*,  here we go again.  Another rant directed at the idiots of the OL community.  Oh well,  let’s see what we have lined up this time.   It’s time for the next category...the Just Shut Up Award!   This is where I rant on the winner of this specific award and the comments they’ve made.

Oh look, another attempt at trying to bash the furry community.  And via blog comments no-less.  Looks like my friend Nathan is trying to help.   Ugh!  Some moron screencapped his comment AGAIN?

When will these idiots learn that taking something that doesn’t even belong to them to begin with is wrong?   I mean i’ve had to deal with crap like that ever since I started doing this show,  you’d think by now that they would have learned that taking something that belongs to someone else without asking or screencapping others work for the sake of trolling is wrong.

Look,  I KNOW what goes on the internet stays on the internet,  but still...if the author or artist or whoever made the work in the first place doesn’t want to have their work stolen or just has very strict rules regarding said work -  then you should just listen to them and NOT steal their work or screencap it for the sake of trolling,  and the same goes for screencapping comments too.

I mean are you going to keep doing this everytime Nathan tries to defend someone who’s been an unfortunate trolling victim?   Because i’m getting pretty bucking tired of this shit!  Oh...and don’t you dare reference the Barbra Streisand  Effect.   Because Streisand didn’t even deserve half the hate that resulted in that trope being named after her in the first place!

What you are basically doing is akin to stalking...which is illegal as is stealing.  There’s a reason so many websites ban that type of behavior.   I mean if you are going to steal someone’s work for the point of trolling or whatever - then that makes you a stalker and a thief.   It’s like art theft or posting copyrighted screenshots or pictures on Deviantart in the main gallery instead of scraps.

You gotta love the idiot who calls Nathan a ‘human fursona’.   Clearly he/she knows nothing about furries.   Like how can there be a human fursona if most furries depicted in furry art are depicted as anthro animals anyway?

Anthropomorphic strictly refers to the fact that despite it isn’t human that it is still has human-like characteristics.   How can you be essentially be an anthropomorphic human when humans ARE humans to begin with?   Looks like someone fell asleep during biology class!   Of course the creationists out there would argue by saying that humans evolved from apes or whatever,  but i’m not here to start a religious debate.

Heck...that’s the reason I have to keep explaining the joke behind the whole humanoid based werecreatures concept because apparently you idiots don’t get it.   If I have to keep explaining said joke,  then there is no joke!

Also if this is a jab at the fact you people still think the werejohncandy was real,  then it’s NOT FUNNY!   Everyone knows the werejohncandy doesn’t exist in real life.   Especially seeing as its namesake John Candy passed away in 1994...which was about 20 YEARS AGO!  The closest thing we could have to these days is Kevin James dressed up in a bear costume.   Heck the second closest thing to have was Philip Seymour Hoffman and now he’s gone too!

And the closest thing you could possibly either have to a real Werebelushi these days would have to be Dan Fogler or Seth Rogen dressed in black dyed yak fur -  you know like the same kind of fake yak fun made to make the furry costume for the Grinch in the live action Grinch movie.   And besides...don’t you know that my namesake passed away from a drug overdose in 1982?  I’m pretty sure you already did.  But in case you haven’t - it happened 32 YEARS AGO!

Yeah,  it pretty much blows when you’re the only member of a family of werecreatures that actually has a deceased namesake.   The WereElvis family members don’t count because i’m pretty sure Elvis is still alive somewhere.  

It sucks even more so when you have people to rub it in,  and those people keep asking me if I am going to end up dead from a drug overdose.   I keep telling them that I have NEVER done drugs in my life,  except when dealing with the likes of these idiots -  because let’s face it,  i’m going to need all the alcohol I can get my claws on if I am going to put up with these people.  And yet despite this,  I am still alive and well.

And another thing that sucks about this is that the constant asking of the same stupid question: “Which Belushi are you,  John or James?”.    The answer is and always will be John!  James or ‘Jim’  or as I call him ‘The Other One’  is NOT even worthy of being a true Belushi.   Even i’m more Belushi than he is and in your world I would probably be considered fictional -  oh that’s right,  I AM fictional.   It’s just that many idiots OL believe everything they read is real.

So far my relatives the Werejackblack,  Werejoshpeck and WereHurley are pretty much fine as their namesakes are still around.   It’s only me and my friend the Werejohncandy that have the unfortunate problem of our namesakes being deceased.

Of course i’m still jealous of my friend the Wereleno,  and yes...he’s a good guy now.  Because his namesake is the last surviving host of the Tonight Show.  Oh that’s right,  the Wereleno’s namesake retired a few weeks ago.   Oh well,  at least he’s still alive.   Let’s just hope that  no weregorilla who looks like Jimmy Fallon tries to take over from him later on.

In case you completely missed the point here.   Just because someone or something is hairy does NOT make them a furry.   A furry is someone in the furry community who is into furry art and furry media in general and despite certain negative stereotypes are very well to do people.

It does NOT mean that they are hairy or look like an animal.  If that’s the case,  then I guess that Ron Jeremy is the real live action version of Sonichu then!  Or maybe Russell Brand is actually a descendant of Eddie Quist from The Howling!   Come to think of it when Russell smiles,  he does look a lot like him.

It’s not my fault that you obviously failed biology class or furry 101.   You should have paid more attention instead of bullying that poor anthropomorphic rat-kid in the sweater vest.  

Also..I couldn't help but bring up your mention of the whole living in the woods thing. Because after all, there are real life cases of children who were raised in the wild and isolated from civilization.  They are called 'Feral Children', and it's the inspiration for Tarzan, The Jungle Book and a few other similar stories about jungle children.  

But you are extremely wrong. Feral children do NOT live in the wild because you think they are percieved as freaks. But rather because of rejection from their parents or the like due to an impairment they have.

You see,  feral children act animal-like because like I mentioned they had been raised in the wild and thus isolated from the rest of society and thus have difficulty trying to adjust to human concepts like walking on two legs, using a bathroom or even talking like a proper human.  Because they have been living in the wild for so long, it is often difficult for them to adjust.

By the way there is a difference between a furry and a werecreature.   A furry is traditionally depicted as an anthropomorphic animal which means it has human-like qualities despite being an animal.   A Werecreature is a person who is cursed to turn into a more monstrous version of whatever animal attacked them - traditionally on nights of the full moon,  at least that is how classic monster movies depict it.

Furries are ALWAYS depicted in their animal form while werecreatures are human during the day but transform to their more animalistic forms at night.  Sometimes if lucky,  a werecreature can control the change and transform at will.    I am one of those lucky types,  I just remain in werebelushi form for my show or if I want to make guest appearances on other people’s shows in character.    You’ve all seen what my human form looks like already,  so it’s a little bit different than how I usually look.    Btw….most of what happens in the Monster World happens during the night anyway,  as there basically aren’t any daytime scenes in them at all except for a few exceptions.

Plus...most of the human characters in the Monster World happen to be in the same place as the monster characters and most of the time they are what I like to call ‘night owls’.  Speaking of which,  the werebirds were perching even before owling became a fad.   The same goes for angels,  especially if you’ve seen The Prophecy. 

Walkens also have been doing that for ages,  even before owling was a thing.  I may sound like a hipster here but it’s true.   Gargoyles have been pretty much doing that for their entire lives and centuries before fads were even invented.

Just like how my kind the Werebelushis did the eyebrow raise long even before Dwayne ‘The Rock’  Johnson used it as his trademark.   Heck i’ve been doing it even before Dreamworks started doing it with their posters for their animated movies!   Heck not just my namesake did that,  but also Jack Nicholson -  he’s pretty much the master of that.

I am sorry but if all you have to back up your theories on furries are negative stereotypes you read on some troll site,  then you sir - are an idiot and you shouldn’t even be here.  It’s a waste of your time and mine as well.

Also...screencapping other people’s works or comments for the sake of trolling them is wrong and also could classify as being illegal due to it being Slander,  Libel,  stalking and stealing all at once.    You’re basically taking something that doesn’t belong to you and ruining it by screencapping it.

But clearly you don’t care because all you care about are your precious lulz.  Like you only want to make people suffer for the lulz.   Well I won’t stand for this.   One of these days,  one of these days...I am going to have your sorry ass banned from every website you ever put your grubby paws on and then have your IP banned as well so you won’t be able to come back not even if you had a million sock accounts.

I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on today’s winner for the JSU (Just Shut Up) award.   Now if you excuse me,  i’m going to have a conversation with my relatives.


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