Werebelushi rants: Anti-TF
(We see a male werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi, he is sitting at a table of sorts.)
Hello everyone i’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and welcome back to another Werebelushi rant. Today’s rant is about those negative nellies who tend to hate on furries or anyone with a transformation fetish based on negative stereotypes.
Like for example...it is a popular online misconception that all furries wear fursuits and yiff like crazy. When only a small portion of the more extreme half of that community act like that. The rest are completely normal and sane.
And they DON’T wear their fursuits all the time, if you know anything about mascot costumes - it’s that like with heavy makeup and any XXL sized costume with padding in them - you’d know that it gets pretty hot in there.
For example I remember when Nathan went as John Candy for halloween in 2009, he wore a fatsuit that was homemade and if you know anything about those - it’s that they can be very heavy and hot on the inside. Okay, he did do something a bit silly by going as him the day afterwards on the count of it was the day after halloween. After all...not everyone can rock out the large and in charge fatsuit look for long, with the exception of maybe Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor, Mike Myers as Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers franchise, Gwyneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal, Michael Jackson in Ghosts as the Mayor (And yes...that WAS Michael in that role), or John Travolta as Edna Turnblad.
Speaking of which. For those idiots who complained about Travolta and the whole homophobic thing that came with casting him as Edna….it was NOT a jab at homosexuality in anyway. For the record the role of Edna has ALWAYS been played by a man. It’s nothing new, it’s a tradition. And Adam Shankman said he was very easy to work with, and didn’t even bring up anything to do with Scientology.
Cross-dressing in stage musicals and in media in general is nothing to be concerned about, as it is a tradition. Like how in Japanese pantomime how the men are played by women sometimes,
So yes, he actually did dress as John Candy - but only for a short time. He didn’t actually go out dressed like that for the rest of the week. He did that for fun. And no, he did NOT go all Buffalo Bill, he did NOT make a suit out of the real John Candy’s skin and he did NOT perform necromancy, he just wore a good old fashioned homemade fatsuit and John Candy mask he made from a photo he printed out.
He likes dressing up, but he dresses up and roleplays just for fun or because it helps him brainstorm and think of new ideas for stories. It is a hobby and nothing more. What does it matter if he likes to dress up and pretend?
That’s what roleplayers and furries like to do as well. It’s all in good fun and it’s something that is perfectly harmless as long as they are not harming anyone.
Also….what is wrong with a transformation fetish or transformation in general? Absolutely nothing. It’s pure fantasy and it’s fun. It does NOT make anyone who is into it a sexual deviant or insane at all.
True, there are a lot of aspects of TF that sort of make it a fetish, I mean you do have the whole TG scene, you have weight gain, inflation, and even expansions as well as the whole Giant/Giantess scene.
So what if there are some weird aspects to it and what if isn’t scientifically possible? If it makes them happy and they enjoy doing art and stories about it, then there is absolutely harm in it whatsoever.
True, there are a lot of fetishes out there I don’t get, but I at least give reasons as to why I do not understand them. I don’t bash them in any way whatsoever, I am honest when I describe the aspects about them that I don’t like. And if there’s anything I need to clear up, I immediately address that.
For the record….I may have said some negative things about diaper fetishism, and hybristophilia...but that’s only because how I personally feel about it - it does not mean that I hate people who are into that sort of thing.
So what if they like the idea of being transformed into animals or inanimate objects? Or if they like the idea of being hypnotized in some way? Or if they like the whole BHM/BBW scene? No matter what our ‘thing’ is, we are comfortable with it and comfortable of who and what we are and we wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Besides...a lot of these negative nellies tend to forget there are two definitions of the word ‘fetish’, it’s true, there are. The first definition is the one that refers to the sexual kind of fetish and the second one refers to a magical amulet that is worshipped because it is said to have supernatural powers due to being inhabited by spirits.
I really wish those people would learn to read a dictionary once and a while instead of making assumptions based on negative stereotypes and stuff they read on sites made strictly for trolling or pissing people off. After all - nothing on sites like those are true, they’re just for the purpose of making others look bad in a biting pseudo-satirical manner, so yes - what you read on those type of sites is NOT meant to be taken seriously.
Also they are highly contradictory about it - they use the ‘not a single shit was given that day’ meme as an excuse for every complaint thrown at them - but yet they are responding to said complaints by using that meme as an excuse. Contradiction, much?
Not everyone who has a fetish is a sex-crazed maniac, nor do they act like they belong in a r-rated American Pie rip-off. Also lastly..they DON’T all act like a lust crazed sex-addict.
And no - Russell Brand! You CAN’T get by on sexuality alone. And you CAN’T simply hit on any adult female you see without being accused of sexual harrassment. And you CAN’T get away with it because it’s a persona. You are Russell! And you’re a perfect representation what is wrong with the male gender. True, you are an intelligent man, but your behavior and overactive sex-drive is akin to Quagmire from Family Guy!
Look...I DON’T care if some women clamor over you because of how attractive they think you are, there is nothing appealing about you. Russell, you can be tolerable when you need to, but would it to be too much for you to stop with the womanizer routine already? Also...please keep your lust reptile in your trousers, thank you! Any woman who likes you is either insane, blind, deaf, or has a fetish for body hair.
Phew. Now that that’s out of the way, i’d like to say that I really hate that there are people out there who judge furries and other fetishist types out there based on negative things they hear on the internet.
It’s all about taking chances. Even if you think you’re not going to like something, it doesn’t hurt to take chances - that way, if you give it a shot, you will learn to appreciate it more. Even if it’s something you don’t like or know nothing about.
Take me for example, I used to hate My Little Pony because of how overly girly and bland generations 1-3 were. I thought the new MLP series was going to be like them, but when I saw bits of it...I was blown away!
Mainly because it is its own separate entity and is good for children of all genders and ages, hence the existence of bronies. It differs from the previous generations because it actually has heart and actual storylines. Which is something that most kid shows of today sadly lack.
Just because you had negative feelings towards certain things doesn’t mean that you can judge others based on their interests or their fandom appreciation and fetishes. I mean if you take a chance, then you’ll grow to like them eventually.
To conclude - furries, bronies and the like do not deserve the hate they get, because most of that hate is based on negative stereotypes and misconceptions. We all have things that we like, love or are attached to and we’re all different, different strokes for different folks. But that doesn’t make us any less human than anyone else.
Be proud of who and what you are and don’t let other people tell you otherwise, you are your own person and you are just one very important cog in the giant clocktower that we call life. Whether you be of a different sexual orientation, from a different country or ethnic background, heavy-set, transgendered, a furry, a person with a mental or physical disability, young, old, a brony/pegasister or even someone who enjoys doing stories about the things you love...we are all wonderful in our own way, even if we don’t think that we are.
I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on people who judges others online based on negative misconceptions and stereotypes. Now if you excuse me, i’m going to work on my next rant.
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