
Showing posts from February, 2014

Story: Alpha Walken's Challenge.

Alpha Walken’s Challenge. Disclaimer: The following is a fictional story about how my character turned into actor Christopher Walken,  it is for the most part fictional which means it is not true.   Please do not copypaste this or screencap it for the sake of mocking it,   if you think it is real please seek professional help immediately. Warning: Looking at the picture associated with this story will cause you to slowly become like Christopher Walken.  You may feel the urge to break out into a dance,   attempt to do the 1812 overture with your armpit,  perch like an archangel,  chase Johnny Depp through the town of Sleepy Hollow,  get a job at Bed,  Bath and Beyond,  become a soldier in Vietnam,  take up ping pong and dress in Asian garb,  and come down with a severe desire for more cowbell. NOTE: It is also best that you read both the Walken voice lines and my character (as Christopher Walken) i...