WB Rants: Hivemind.

You know what really blows my organ pipes? People who get certain types of monsters wrong.  Like for example, werecreatures.  People, werecreatures are NOT hive-minded and they aren't assimilator types.  Here are a list of creatures/characters that DON'T fit the assimilator type: The Tiger Dancers from Zootopia (they're just characters who are there to be eye-candy,  there's nothing to them apart from the fact that if that movie was rated R they would be strippers or porn stars),  The Beagle Boys (i'm sorry but giving the Beagle Boys the ability to absorb people and birth them back out as 'Beagle Boys' doesn't qualify them,  that just makes them a rip-off of Power Rangers monsters and the Absorbaloff),  Dragaux (sorry to all those who like this character but I most definitely would NOT want to be a vain, egotistical dragon-man who looks  he like the lovechild of Chernabog and Drake from The Pebble And The Penguin, also Richard Simmons called...he wants his wardrobe back), any Kongs or Kritters (my Donkey Kong knowledge isn't all that good but last time I checked...I don't recall a part in any of the games where being bitten by a Kong or a Kritter turns you into one especially considering there are little to no humans in the franchise),,  werecreatures,  , zombies and also demons.

Name a single piece of werecreature related media where the person being transformed immediately decides they are going to be evil as soon as they get transformed. And we're supposed to route for this guy?  I'm sorry but if someone I was supposed to route for decided upon immediately being turned to turn every human on earth into a non-human being regardless of  whether or not they're done anything wrong,  i'd kick that person's ass.  I'd tell him or her...'HOW DARE YOU PULL A FACE HEEL TURN ON ME YOU LITTLE PRICK!  YOU CAN'T JUST turn evil like that and infect everyone.  Screw you man,  you were my friend, and now you're deciding to doom humanity to a life of being of servants to the monster you gave you your soul too?  Fuck you. I hope your plan fails!'.  Because  I am sick of THIS type of character, the supposed likable loser who are we supposed to relate to and we hear so much about how much his life supposedly 'sucks'  but he's actually doing rather well and then he's the one stupid enough to actually  go up to said monster and get turned and immediately decides 'screw humanity,  i'm going to make them all pay even though they haven't done anything to me at all.'   The problem is...it's not a good idea to out right do a face heel turn as soon as he gets transformed,  maybe just maybe i'd be willing to believe it if said character wasn't actually the main character's best friend and was just pretending and taking advantage of them for personal gain and that lovable loser act was a means of fooling that character into trusting him,  or maybe if he actually was a straight out villain to begin with who is only best friends with this character because they know that character is easy prey and are easy to manipulate and control.

Also...not ALL werecreatures are evil, they're not hive-minded,  and last time I checked...they don't all hate humans.  This kind of portrayal of them comes across as racist, and I don't like that..heck, i'm a werecreature that actually lives with humans and has no problems with them,  yes...a monster who likes humans.  I have a lot of fans who are humans and some who ask to be on my show,  so i'm a werecreature who likes humans.  And in case you're wondering, no...I don't have an Aykroyd yet but am accepting offers...that is if I can find someone willing to become him or a character he has played.

Then there's the Pokemon one....yeah,  how would Obstagoon licking everyone and turning them into the same species work?  From what I recall that is a strictly masculine Pokemon, what would a female Obstagoon even be like?  Also last time I checked...isn't Obstagoon a 'dark' type,  yeah he is.  So Lick is out of the question because only ghost types can learn that move.  Also regarding demons, demons do NOT bite people...that is an exclusively werecreature,  vampire and general undead thing.  I've seen almost every demon related show and movie and in none of them has the transformation been caused via a bite...demons are NOT hive-minded/assimilatory types,  they don't have mind control powers.  If you think looking in a demon's eyes is also a way to get possessed or that looking at them in general is a way to become a demon,  looking away from them is not a way to stop them, you have your demons mixed up with the monsters from Bird Box.

Demons also do NOT cackle,  that is strictly a stereotypical witch or stereotypical villain thing, demons don't cackle.  Has this guy even seen a single demon related piece of media at all? This kind of racism towards monsters in general must stop.  And it's this kind of portrayal that I can't stand when it comes to monsters.


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