WB Rants: Bad Taste.
WB Rants: Bad Taste
Well well well...looks like Mr Monkey Fetishist is at it again and this time has sunk an even lower low than the time he did an episode based on Puro. Yeah, I went there. So guess what? He has done an episode based around a virus at the same time as the recent Corona attack, sorry dude...but even I have to say that's disgusting and in terrible taste. Yes I know he said 'i'm not affected' but that's the worst excuse ever. Especially since Corona is a SERIOUS issue and not one of those 'hurr hurr it's so totally not a serious disease' at all scenarios, making light of something like that for the purpose of doing an episode based around it...ugh, distasteful, bad monkey bad. I'm sorry but I thought he'd know better than that, but apparently since he likely got the STDs from being in so many oversexual episodes with his supposed bestie Pervo the Clown (I blame him for the reason Mr Monkey Fetishist tends to be so awful regarding his choice in friends as a whole, he's a toxic influence). Although to be honest if I was stuck having to choose between a Skyrim fanboy who needs therapy and a guy who tries to make everyone into a sex slave of his I would probably rather opt to hang out with any character from a Rob Zombie movie, at least I wouldn't have to worry about being fucked up the ass by a clown (and besides, we all know that Captain Spaulding is a trustworthy guy, he's a man of his word after all) or having to deal with that Skyrim fanboy whining about how unfair it is that Mel doesn't like him. I'm sorry but I will never Monkey-Boy AND Pervo, it's not a willing relationship since he's basically being forced into being a submissive and there's not even any consent. It's just 'Me Pervo want you inside me Monkey' 'No no no please I don't wanna be your fuckbuddy, I think this is wrong.' 'Me waaaant you.' That's not how that sort of ordeal works, I have seen every single sex themed movie or at least the ones that reference this sort of thing or are themed around it including Body Of Evidence AND Exit To Eden. For the record I watched the latter on my own and a multitude of times with Mel and Eucalyptus, who is obsessed with one of the movie's co-stars Dan Aykroyd. And Mel has told me that these episodes with Pervo wanting to screw Monkey-boy over and over have given her nightmares (Mel: Whenever I attempted to close my eyes, all I could see was rubber goon-animal freaks fucking each-other and two of them were Pervo and Monkey-Boy and they were fucking each-other and Pervo was clearly bulging in the private area despite lacking visible private parts. I couldn't sleep for weeks), well thanks a lot Pervo. I will look forward to stalking you in your own worst nightmares and making your life a living hell.
The thing is...saying 'i'm not affected' and 'just for fun' don't excuse the shitty decision to make a transformation episode based around one of the worst things to happen this year so far. Was I around to experience world war 2 and the cold war in general? No, but I have been around people who were affected by it and some who were even in the war but you don't see me doing this . *he clears his throat* 'Attention class, today for our RP gaming session we will be doing a session where we are all soldiers in a war and we are all fighting against one major enemy, some of you may perish but all is fair in love and war.' Note that I didn't exclusively say that the soldiers you'd be RPing as would be British or American soldiers or even German soldiers, I didn't mention the red menace regarding the cold war, but the keywords are soldiers, war, and the possibility of perishing. Or like this...*he brings Mel and Eucalyptus here*
So how does this work?
Like this...she gets out her roleplaying book. This one's called 'Sunken Boat Mystery' basically we are all passengers onboard a fancy cruise-liner and we're all hoping to have a good time when all of a sudden our ship crashes into an iceberg.
Excuse me Eukie sweetie-pie but...isn't this basically an RPG adaptation of the tragedy of the SS Titanic? The plot sounds EXACTLY like what happened to the Titanic. Are you sure that we should be doing this game?
I didn't say.. 'it's totally a Titanic adaptation', now did I? I just said it's about a cruise-ship and we crash into an iceberg. I didn't say it was based on the Titanic tragedy or anything. Was I around to see the ship sink? No. I'm just asking to do this because it's a fun game. Especially the part where half of the players are sunk down to the ocean and have to adapt to being underwater.
But there's nothing fun about what you just said, and that basically IS what happened to the passengers on the ship, they drowned. You are asking us if we'd like to take part in a roleplaying game based on one of the most world-known tragedies in history. Isn't there a roleplaying game you have that isn't obviously based on a disaster/tragedy?
Well we could play my second choice...'English Serial Killer Murder Case'...basically in this game you can choose to play as an infamous serial killer who goes around grabbing sexy women and ripping out their insides.
That's so obviously Jack the Ripper. I mean there's no hiding that, it's an roleplaying game based on Jack The Ripper and you mentioned how Jack's victims were supposedly hookers who had their insides ripped out. And you clearly didn't hide the fact that it takes place in England.
What about this one? 'Case Of The Shroud Dulma'
Anyone can tell you that RPG is a retelling of the Black Dahlia murder case where the murderess is part of a coven. It doesn't even hide the fact that it's inspired by the Black Dahlia case.
I've got another exciting one...it's called 'Freedom Fighters Of America', it's possibly not based on any tragic events.
I don't know...in the second act there is a whole installment where you have to guide your team through a conjoined set of tower-like buildings and evacuate them before the buildings get blown up by an alliance of bombers. I know they don't explicitly say it's based on September the 11th but still.
I know an even better one...how about this? It's called 'Koala Rescuers', this game is a harmless and cute game about a family of hero koalas who go around helping other koalas, there's no similarities to a real life tragedy whatsoever.
Actually Eukie, there is....the most recent storyline has included an entire plot mirroring the Australian bushfires. *she points to the website*
But what about this? It's called...'The Case Of The Murderous App'.
*he reads the instruction book and plot for that RPG* That's based on the deaths associated with Pokemon Go. I know they don't explicitly say it's based on the game or anything, it's that obvious.
Illness Contaminators?
That's a game where you literally catch diseases like they are Pokemon and it's also a blatant Ghostbusters knockoff too, even the vehicles and gadgets look like the ones from the movies. Swinor is based on swine flu, Froztoiko is based on pneumonia, Craztona is obviously based on Corona especially given in her character bio how it explains that victims of her powers often have to cover their faces with masks to prevent themselves from being corrupted further, and Spitzaduk is based on bird flu because he always has a runny beak, is sneezing a lot and is a very sick bird-monster.
This is why doing an episode with a virus theme at the same exact time as an actual deadly virus is a bad and dangerous idea. I mean think about it this way...how would you like it if I did this? *he pulls out one of Eukie's other RPs* Ah here we go, 'The After Dark Zone Crash-Site Mission'. It's where you play as a movie director working on a segment for an anthology movie known as 'After Dark Zone: The Movie' and you have to tell a helicopter pilot how to land their helicopter and prevent a horrific crash related accident from happening.
In case you're wondering, yes...this is based heavily on Twilight Zone: The Movie and the infamous crash that killed Vic Morrow, it's just they don't explicitly say that on the box, they don't say the director is John Landis. But come on, on the box you can clearly see that this character is a bearded director with glasses and he has a werewolf puppet, obviously very much based on John Landis because the director is seen with a werewolf puppet or werewolf doll and the doll is obviously a nod to Landis's famous werewolf movie American Werewolf In London and the director is clearly modeled on him. But I didn't explicitly reference the infamous helicopter crash, but let's face it...that's the plot of this game.
Basing an episode on something that while it may not have 'affected' you still affects millions of other people is not a good idea, especially if it affects them in a bad way. Yes, I was NOT a a political person prior to 2015-present but when Trump ran for president that pretty much all changed, I strayed away from doing political humor as prior to the election of 2016 all political humor was just jokes about how Bill Clinton is a supposed womanizer who gave Monica Lewinsky a 'good time', or how George Bush Jr is so stupid he can't even tie his shoes yet alone lead a country. Now? The jokes are different. Instead of 'Bush is so dumb he can't even spell his own name' and 'You know that Bill must have shown Monica his cigar.' it's...'Oh brother Trumpty Dumpty never learns.' I'm not pro Trump or anti-Trump, I just like making jokes about him. I' m basically Dennis Miller only I don't left wing or right wing and i'm not an asshole, at least not to people I care about.
Was I affected by the election? No. I wasn't. I didn't vote. I kept up on it, yes and have been keeping up with news regarding his administration and I watched the SNL parodies of the election with Alec Baldwin and that South Park storyline with Mr Garison, yes...but apart from that prior to that my only knowledge of Trump was...'oh he's the host of The Apprentice' or when I saw the Cinema Snob's Ghosts Can't Do It review 'So he's the exact same guy who basically showed up in Home Alone 2 to tell Kevin where the lobby was only in this he is just trying to seduce Bo Derek?'. Or....'So Ronaldo from the 2006 revival of Biker Mice is based on this character?' 'So...he's Christopher Walken in Batman Returns?'.
My only thoughts at the time were...'This guy has obviously been going on and on about running for office before and all of those times he has backed out of it. He'll probably do it again this time' 'There's no way this guy can win. He's doofy and stupid and looks like he's trying to mug for the camera.' which were followed by 'Okay...so he was serious this time?' and 'He won? Are you kidding me? Who would seriously vote for a guy like that?'. I wasn't affected by the election, it's true since prior to 2015 I didn't delve in politics, I didn't vote, I did an election special and a whole rant about Trump in 2016 and 2017 but that's about it. I didn't say 'I'm going to do an episode based on a political event I have absolutely no connection to because I never voted for him or for Hillary but i'm going to make jokes about Trump anyway because it's just for fun, it's like totally just satire, okay?'. Did I vote for Hillary or Trump? No. I didn't vote at all. But that didn't mean I wasn't affected by it, i'm pretty sure everyone in the USA and all over the world has been affected by Trump's official inauguration into the White House.
I don't say 'well too bad for them frankly it's none of my buisness if they were affected' because that would make me come across as insensitive, something Monkey-Boy's comments regarding his decision to do an episode timed around the same time as the corona epidemic are coming across as to me. Saying you don't care about it because it doesn't affect you even though it is clearly affecting people is showing that you don't have sympathy for other people, it makes you an insensitive asshole who cares about nothing except their own satisfaction and what they consider to be fun. There's nothing 'fun' about something that could potentially kill people. I'm sorry but even if it is a lighthearted transformation episode, it is still in bad taste. Then again, Monkey-boy's friend the Skyrim-Obsessed-Loser-Who-Can't-Play-A-Good-Guy-To-Save-His-Life has made monster characters that pretty much are based around terrible things like child endangerment, kidnapping, bigotry, sexism, obesity, smoking, and anorexia...i'm just glad Monkey-Boy hasn't picked up that habit from him and just has that guy's whiny attitude.
And it's a real arrogant attitude to have as well. We're going to do an Elseworlds-esque version of that infamous Helicopter crash. I will be John Landis, Mel...you be Vic Morrow, and Eucalyptus you will be the helicopter pilot.
Okay...let's do this.
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
The studio didn't like the ending we had in mind, so we are going to do a new ending in which your character *points to Mel as Vic Morrow* rescues two children and this is a redemption ending.
Mel (as Vic Morrow):
Mr Landis...I have a question.
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
Yes...what is your question?
Mel (as Vic Morrow):
What was wrong with the original ending? Also...why are we using children as in an actual children as extras in this piece? Aren't we breaking child labor laws by doing this? I mean what willl the parents think?
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
The studio didn't like it...and it's called cutting corners.
Mel (as Vic Morrow):
But I feel unsafe about doing this ending...I mean with all those expositions and helicopters and everything, I understand there is a redemption angle to this ending but this is too dangerous even for me...I would have to be crazy in order to do this.
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
Alright now...helicopter pilot, remember when I tell you to go higher up you go higher and when I tell you to go lower you go lower.
Eucalyptus (as the pilot):
Yes, sir. *she listens to Werebelushi as Landis as he instructs them*
(Werebelushi as John Landis films the ending with Mel as Vic rescuing the two children, ne of them is played by Oats, he also instructs Eukie as the pilot)
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
Lower down, go lower.
Eucalyptus (as the pilot):
What? Are you insane? What if I go too low and someone gets crushed by the blades of the helicopter and Vic and the children die?
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
That would be unfortunate but I am NOT likely to be affected by it because i'm not the one starring in the segment Vic is and I know his friends and family might be affected too but really? I wouldn't be affected in the slightest since I am the director. Now go lower.
Eucalyptus (as the pilot):
No, stop this...you have to stop this.
*A reaction of the infamous crash is shown as doubles of Mel and the two children, one of them being played by Oats are shown being sliced apart by the helicopter's blades, Werebelushi as John Landis watches*
Werebelushi (as John Landis):
Ooops...sorry, don't worry...it won't affect me though. And that people is why you shouldn't arrogantly say that something like Corona won't affect you even though it is affecting other people in ways you can't imagine, don't make light out of something that is serious and/or dangerous, just don't...I don't care if it's just for fun, there's nothing fun about people's lives being at stake or people being in danger of dying for real. For pete's sake, Tom Hanks was confirmed to have this virus recently...yes, I was shocked too. Granted i'm not the biggest fan of his movies, but still...it's Tom Hanks, I feel bad for him and his wife.
If you ever do an episode that makes light of things like tragedies, pandemics and other things that affect others, don't outright say that you odn't care for it because it doesn't affect you, that just makes you an arrogant prick who doesn't have any sympathy, have some sympathy for pete's sake.
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