TftW: Call Me Ash.

TftW: Call Me Ash.
Ash Williams FTM TG/MC.

This is an FTM TG into Ash from the Evil Dead franchise and deals with fear and the concept of a horror movie star having to fight monsters for real,    the main character's last name comes from the character Drew Decker from Scary Movie.   This story is also based on a dream I had.   Also includes a Leeroy Jenkins reference.

Fear is an odd and rather unusual thing but there is nothing to be afraid of,   as it is a perfectly normal and rational response to situations one isn't accustomed or situations that are dangerous and frightening in nature.    Ashley Decker was one of those people who knew that,  she was part of a horror survival team and was the resident action girl but unfortunately she was a bit of a fraidy cat,   this was normal though as she hadn't been up against real monsters before.

She had only been facing monsters in movies and now those monsters were real and were after her and her friends,   as she and the rest of the group emerged from their hideaway to see if the horde of creatures that were chasing them,   luckily most of them were gone except for one and that was one of the main enemy monsters.   This monster was a female Chud/Deadite hybrid dressed up like a Disney style princess -  she had a possessed bluebird on her shoulder.    Going by the name of Princess Deidra,  this creature seemed rather sweet and harmless at first.

While Deidra didn't come across as a threat at first,  she did prove to be much more frightening than she appeared once she summoned her undead animal friends to attack Ashley's team-mates,  she also managed to hypnotize a few male victims with her singing voice and make them into her thralls before turning them into similar beings to what she was.    Luckily though Ashley was able to fight them off in the best way she could before finding herself a place to hide,   after finding a good hiding spot she got the copy of the Necronomicon that she had been keeping and tried to find a means to get rid of it,  but each time she tried the book tried to bite back.

With the last few attempts she attempted to hide it but it jumped out from behind her and opened up,  unleashing a blast of dark supernatural energy that formed an aura around her, sending a whole rush of adrenaline through her body and her entire being,  in addition to this,  it slowly began to alter her in several ways.   Starting with her skintone which started to roughen and become a little bit dirty as her arms slowly broadened and gained musculature,  her hands also enlarging as this happened,  she would normally be freaking out but she didn't seem to be frightened by this ordeal at all.

One thing she noticed was one of her hands was being covered with a glove of sorts that had mechanical aspects to it,  her chest and torso expanded and gained musculature as her breasts retracted into the former.   Her tank top morphing itself into a ripped dark blue denim shirt as her jeans dirtied and turned leathery,  turning dark brown with a blackish belt around them as her hips retracted in size while her legs broadened,  her privates altering into the more mannish variant.

Her back and shoulders broadened as she elevated in height to 6'ft,  her sneakers morphing into a pair of leather boots as her neckline altered,  she now weighed 160lbs of lean, athletic musculature,  in addition to this her hair slowly turned from dark brown to jet black and slicked itself back,  becoming slightly messy as well.  Her brow became a bit more pronounced as her eyebrows thickened,  her eyes widening and turning from greenish to a dark shade of brown.

In addition to this her nose broadened as her features became more masculine in appearance,  scars appearing on her face as her jawline altered,  her lips losing their feminine aspect as her chin jutted out,  forming into a  lantern jaw of sorts as her features looked more...Campbellian,  yeah that's the word...Campbellian.   After all,  she now resembled a character played by Bruce Campbell.   In fact she was now starting to think that she was just that.

She thought for several minutes and as she did,  her memories and thoughts shifted as certain names and words came into her mind.  One name in particular was one she instinctively remembered having was 'Ash',  and she was also remembering  how she was the lone survivor in a group of people who were possessed by Deadites and how she was put through hell constantly but made it out fine in some cases

Her voice shifted in pitch,  becoming mannish which was to say it elevated and lowered in pitch and tone to suit her appearance as it also altered to become that of the character she was remembering herself as -  the voice of Ashley J. Williams.   Her or rather his memories altered several more times until the woman known as Ashley Decker wasn't there,  instead there was now Ash Williams.  

Ash instinctively grabbed his shotgun or 'boomstick'  as he affectionately called it, and put the book back in his satchel before hurrying back outside to help the rest of the team-mates,  he knew just what to do in this situation.   He alerted the team-mates about the deadite armies and the team leader decided to put a plan he was working into action,  he then turned to them and they nodded in approval.

"So we've all in agreement?"

"Oh yes...."

"Good...because I feel this plan is going to work."

"We better do something fast...I feel they might be catching up to us.."

"That's a good point..."

"Now isn't the time for's the time for action."

"So what do you suggest?"

"What do I suggest?  What do I suggest?  What do I suggest?  I suggest that we start charging in,  put our plan into action and kick deadite ass.   I suggest that we take no prisoners and show these sons of witches who the boss is around here."

"Are you sure,  Ash?  I mean it could be dangerous.."

"Danger is like a best friend to me.   We're a team, remember?"

"Yeah...we are..."

"True we're getting ourselves into an even bigger mess than the one we were in before but that's not to say we cannot clean it up if we don't work together.  There's nothing we can't handle,  right?  You gotta trust me on this.   We can all sit around and wait for them to get us or we can charge into action, all prepared and start kicking ass.   If I was you,  i'd choose the latter."

"You're right..."


And with that the deadite fighting team charged into action and started kicking deadite ass, preparing themselves for the deadite army that was coming in their direction,  Ash serving as second in command and also as the  'take no prisoners'  type.    Of course in the end, they managed to survive and avoid ending up like the victims that were turned,   proving themselves to be quite an effective team.

As for what happened later,  the team celebrated their victory with a hangout session and our deadite slaying hero got to meet his adoring fans and invite them all to hang out with him afterwards,   he really grew to enjoy being who he was and embraced it 100%,  being the best he could be and he truly was the best anyway so it all melded together perfectly - he couldn't have asked for anything more.

Remember,  teamwork is always an important part of any mission,  even if the odds are against you,  working as a team can help and even the odds -  even if those 'odds' are deadites or similar monsters.    Oh and also...being Ash Williams is quite indeed as he himself would put it...groovy.


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