Favorite Pokemon by Region.
- Persian. As a cat-lover, I adore Persian because it's very much like a Siamese Cat, and the fact that this one and Meowth are inspired by a cat in Japanese folklore known as the 'Beckoning Cat' makes it even better.
- The Squirtle family. I love water types, always have.
- Pikachu. How could I leave out Pikachu? I wouldn't even think of doing that. It's the mascot for Pokemon for pete's sake!
- Chansey. Anyone who is a fan of ER would totally love this Pokemon, for one thing..it's a Pokemon that teaches you about nursing and mothering.
- Ponyta. It's a fire horse...it's basically a Nightmare, which in case you don't know is a demon horse with a mane and tail made out of hot fiery flames.
- The Clefairy family. Before I say anything, i'd like to say that to those who judge the concept of Fairy being made an official Pokemon type, fairy types are not girly and stupid - they're pretty cool. I would have put Jigglypuff on here but you know...Jigglypuff's song creeped me out when I saw her singing it in the anime. Besides, I like Clefairy and Clefable because of the whole connection to the stars and the moon, i've always been into mysticism and magic.
- Snorlax. I LOVE this one, he's huge! And yet you could use him as your very own bean-bag chair. He's huggable and soft too. And as someone who likes plus sized characters in general, this one is one of my alltime favorites.
- Gengar. As a horror fan, I LOVE all things to do with monsters of all kinds and the supernatural, including ghosts - yes, I am one of those people who believes in ghosts (there's nothing wrong with that though) and i'm proud of it. Gengar is wicked but wicked in an awesome way, for one thing it comes out on full moon nights and impersonates other people and Pokemon's shadows as a means of playing tricks on them. Reminds me a bit of that skit on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno where Jay turns into Evil Jay when the full moon rises and plays pranks on unsuspecting people (yes, it's on Youtube. You just need to look up Tonight Show Evil Jay) and also a bit of the Cheshire Cat, actually from what i'm read...Gengar is inspired by the Cheshire Cat...it even has the same smile. I know I have said how much I think that most creepypastas and 'theories' are cliche but the Gengar being Clefable's shadow theory is unique and also very interesting to look into. It kind of reminds me of that movie 'Dead Ringers' where Jeremy Irons plays a duo-role as a gynecologist and his twin, and also of the whole Ash and Evil Ash thing from Evil Dead II, Army Of Darkness and Ash VS The Evil Dead.
- Drowzee. I love the concept of this Pokemon and the whole 'eating dreams' theme, again...I find the concept of dreams to be very fascinating on many levels because I have a lot of dreams that I use as inspiration for my stories sometimes. So this one appeals to me in a lot of ways.
- Mr Mime. I know there are some people that tend to be creeped out by Mr Mime because well...it's basically based on clowns and there are lot of people who are afraid of clowns, but the fact it's based on a clown AND a mime is pretty clever.
- Teddiursa. Simply because it's well...a teddy bear. It's so cute, plus it grows up to become Ursaring which is pretty badass in itself, especially if you've ever fought against one.
- Wooper. You're going to be a seeing quite a bit of water types on these - for each region. Wooper is the first Johto Pokemon I got exposed to mainly due to a book I have about Pokemon that came out at the type of the time of the Gold and Silver games that showed all the Pokemon for the then upcoming Johto region...at the time I only knew Wooper by its Japanese name 'Upa' and its evolved form Quagsire by its Japanese name 'Nuo' but I became obsessed with this one.
- Miltank. I think adding sexual dimorphism from the Johto region onward was a good idea and having a female version of a mostly male cattle based Pokemon (i.e Tauros) was a pretty neat idea too. Miltank is just adorable, plus those who have faced Whitney know how dangerous this gal can be once she uses Roll-Out.
- Ledyba and Ledian. I've always had a soft spot for bugs, in fact bug is my second favorite Pokemon type next to water. Ledyba and Ledian are both really cute and have an appealing look to them, plus they're based on my favorite type of insect...the ladybug.
- Houndoom. There's something about the hell/Underworld theme that works well for this one and appeals to me.
- Smeargle. I love that this Pokemon is art-based and uses its tail to paint. That is just so creative in many ways.
- Dellibird. The fact this one is based on a penguin is awesome...but the fact it's holiday themed it's even better, because it's basically like Santa in the way it delivers gifts.
- Donphan. Elephants rule...and this one is no exception.
- Entei. Badass...simply badass.
- Mareep. I love this one because it's a play on the nursery rhyme 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' and the novel 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?' (the novel that inspired the movie Blade Runner), since it's well...an electric sheep.
- Gardevoir. Lots of good things have been said about this one already so I don't need to tell you why this one made the list.
- the Mudkip family in particular Swampert. If it hasn't been made clear already I LOVE water types and always have, water types are my specialty in the Pokemon games and I am especially skilled at training them, take my Swampert for instance...my Swampert (a male Swampert named Limburger, after Lawrence Limburger from the 1993 cartoon Biker Mice From Mars) is in his early 70's in terms of his level and strength and he keeps getting stronger everyday, he's a prize-winner too - having won various contests in Sapphire.
- Duskull. A Pokemon based on the Grim Reaper? Awesome! Duskull is a very cool ghost type and the fact it's based on skulls and most importantly the Grim Reaper or rather the iconic depictions of the reaper as a skeletal being makes it even better. It's the kind of Pokemon Christopher Walken would have because well...Walken played the angel of death a couple of times including in the Madonna music video 'Bad Girl', an SNL skit that didn't quite make it (It's on Youtube, search for Christopher Walken SNL angel), as Gabriel in the Prophecy trilogy and yes as Morty in the Adam Sandler comedy 'Click' (Morty's name is a play on Mort which means death in Latin). I can see Walken with several ghost types actually, and a Meowth as well since well..Walken likes cats.
- Sharpedo. Its unevolved form Carvanha was already pretty awesome being based off a pirahna and all, but Sharpedo just takes it up a notch by being based on a shark. Speaking of aquatic Pokemon, yes...I do love Wailmer and Wailord as well.
- Mightyena. A hyena/wolf hybrid Pokemon? Now that's incredible..and awesome as well.
- Volbeat and Illumise. Of course I had to put a bug on here, so I thought why not both of the firefly Pokemon? Volbeat and Illumise are both very cute and friendly looking and have an old-timey theme in terms of their design with Volbeat taking after greasers of the 1950's and Illumise taking after flappers of the 1920's.
- Milotic. The George Clooney of the Pokemon world, and like Clooney - Milotic is extremely beautiful and very difficult to catch. Of course this little beauty's inspiration comes from sirens of mythology, anyone who has read their fair share of Greek mythology knows a siren is a seductive mermaid-like woman who lures innocent sailors to their doom with her singing as seen in the classic tale 'The Oddysey' (which the movie 'O Brother, Where Thou Art Thou' takes its inspiration from as it's a retelling of the story set in the Great Depression).
- Jirachi. This is a Pokemon the late Robin Williams would have loved because it's all about spreading joy and happiness to others and also it's a wish-granting Pokemon that's a nod to not only the classic 'wishing on a star' method of making dreams come true but to also creatures like genies. You know, given that Robin loved video games...I have no doubt that he would have had one of those in his Pokemon team.
- Swellow. Another magnificent flying type.
- Kyogre. My second favorite Pokemon to use in Sapphire and my second most trusted, and for obvious reasons.
- The Piplup family in particular Empoleon. Dellibird isn't the only Penguin based Pokemon anymore, thanks to Piplup and its evolved forms. I LOVE the regal look Empoleon has, and the fact its name is a play on Napoleon Bonaparte. Also, I love how regal it looks like and how it looks like it's wearing armor.
- Purugly. Glameow and Purugly both remind me of my late cat Nico who had a very big appetite, and I love that this cat is a plus-sized one because it makes it look rather big, soft and cuddly.
- Lopunny. The fabulous Lopunny took everyone's heart by storm including mine. The fact she is inspired by Playboy bunnies and bunny-girls in Japanese sub-culture makes it even more stylishly adorable and dare I say it...even attractive.
- Combee. This one and Ledyba aren't the only bugs you're going to be seeing here, as Combee has earned its spot on here for numerous reasons - all of which are good ones including the fact it is modeled on honeycombs like the ones you find in beehives, plus it's got a cute design too.
- Carnivine. It's Audrey II from Little Shop Of Horrors in Pokemon form! There should be an AMV of it singing along to 'Feed Me' from the 1986 movie musical.
- Bidoof and Bibarel. As Leslie Nielsen said in Naked Gun..."Nice beaver!". It's no surprise that beavers are some of my favorite types of animals and this one speaks for itself.
- Lucario. Total badass, plus the fact it's based on Anubis (in Egyptian mythology Anubis's job was to judge the hearts and souls of the recently deceased before they passed) makes it even better.
- Darkrai. As I mentioned when I talked about Drowzee...a Pokemon based on the concept of dreams is fascinating, but a Pokemon centered around nightmares? Even better. It's the Pokemon equivalent to Freddy Krueger in that way, and that makes it a perfect candidate for this list.
- Drifblim. There's a lot to admire about this particular ghost type, like how it sounds genuinely creepy and mysterious according to the Pokedex entries and it's also pretty inventive in many ways.
- Staravia. Now THAT is one cool looking bird.
- Emolga. The electric rodent types just seem to be getting cuddlier every year and this is a good example, Emolga is just so precious and adorable plus I love that it is based on a flying squirrel. That just adds to my list of many reasons to like this one so much, well that and the nifty yellow and black color scheme.
- Mandibuzz. Now THIS is a fascinating Pokemon indeed, for one thing it's a female only species and it's based on a vulture, she evolves from Vullaby which is based on a vulture chick and has a broken egg shell around its lower body as if it was a diaper, and wow...she looks impressive, creepy but very stylish. Especially with the eye-makeup and that bone armor that resembles a dress/apron. She reminds me very much of the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal especially since well...the Skeksis are very vulture-like themselves. I can just imagine this one making those signature whimpering sounds that Skeksil makes.
- Simipour. All three elemental monkeys in general are pretty great but I chose this one because well it's a water type, all three of the monkeys are based on the 3 wise monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. This one has its eyes closed so it represents the 'see no evil' monkey. After all...as the classic song by the band Dragon says..."Baby, don't speak no evil".
- Lillipup. Dog-like Pokemon have never failed, and this guy is no exception. Since this one is based on a Terrier - in particular a Yorksire Terrier or a Scottish one, this one is definitely one of the cuddliest dog-like Pokemon i've ever seen. Also the nod to 'Lilliput' the infamous island from the classic novel 'Gulliver's Travels' is awesome.
- Chandelure. You know how in most ghost themed movies or shows that ghosts are able to possess inanimate objects? Well this Pokemon is a very good twist on it by having it so each of the flames represents the soul of its victims that have been drained out, spooky but very unique in a lot of ways.
- Purrloin. Leave it to a cat to make it on another list of my favorite Pokemon. This one has a really sleek design to it and even reminds me a bit of Selina Kyle/Catwoman especially since the purple reminds of the costume she originally had in the comics, and also because of how this one reminds me of the version of Catwoman from Batman Returns.
- Zebstrika. What's better than a horse Pokemon? Why, a zebra Pokemon of course. This one...wow, so stylish and cool looking with the reverse zebra look going on, plus those lightning bolts. Now THAT's a very stylish design if I ever saw one.
- Confagrigus. Even though I like many people - am afraid of death and am a little squicked out by the process that happens once you die and your soul goes to that big palace in the sky, I LOVE this Pokemon because it's based on mummies and also inspired by zombie movies. Also its ability 'Mummy' can infect other Pokemon and change that Pokemon's ability to 'Mummy' as well, and it can create more mummies that way too. Like how the Nosferatu vampires in 'Vampire: The Masquerade' can turn others into their kind via the 'Embrace' power that they have.
- Garbodor. I know this one may seem like a controversial choice because well everyone I know seems to hate this one, I don't really think it's all that bad really, in fact it's pretty much an Anti-Totoro in a lot of ways. It also reminds me of something you'd see in a Lloyd Kaufman (of Troma Entertainment fame) movie. I like to think of this one as the Pokemon version of the Toxic Avenger.
- Swanna. Ducklett (its original unevolved form) is based on the Ugly Duckling - one of the most iconic and timeless fairy tales ever written and just like the duckling in the story...Ducklett grows up to become a swan...a very beautiful swan-like Pokemon. Swanna is simply stunning and very elegant.
- Gredinja. Frog + ninja = awesome combo. I love this one, it has such as a slick look to it.
- Pancham and Pangoro. When I saw these I reacted in the following manner: "Finally! An actual panda based Pokemon!", I know Spinda is based on a Panda too but Spinda is based on a Red Panda and the Quinling Panda, Pancham and Pangoro are based on the Giant Panda. I LOVE how fierce they both look, in particular Pangoro. I had been waiting a long time for an actual Panda Pokemon to be created and it looks like my waiting finally paid off. Oh and dear Gamefreak...get to work on a koala Pokemon would you? I think we deserve a koala too.
- Noivern. As I mentioned when I talked about Gengar...I LOVE monsters and all sorts of supernatural beings but my favorites would have to be vampires and no I don't mean sparkly emo vamp wannabes like in Twilight or those vamps with bladder issues and rashes from Being Human, I mean honest to Arceus vampires - the really scary and cool ones you see in movies like Blade, Fright Night (original not the remake), Lifeforce, Vamp, From Dusk Till Dawn, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Lair Of The White Worm and The Hunger, in fact this one does in fact remind me a lot of Vlad's Bat-like form from Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992). Bat Pokemon are ALWAYS cool and this one is no exception.
- Dedenne. The electric rodent types just keep getting cuter and cuddlier every year. And this one...aaaaw! It's an honest to Arceus electric mouse as in an actual mouse Pokemon, for the record Pikachu is based off a rabbit although it's called the 'mouse' Pokemon, Raichu is based off a Kangaroo rat, Rattata and Ratticate are well..rats, Sandshrew and Sandslash are basically based off a Pangolin and an armadillo, the Marill family are based off water-rats (with Azumarill being based on a swamp-rabbit) with aspects of beach-balls, a water molecule and floatation devices, as far as I know Plusle and Minun both have mouse and rabbit-like traits as well as chipmunk traits too but are mainly inspired by and based on the 'plus' and 'negative' sides of electric charges or the 'plus' and 'minus' signs you see on batteries, and well...Emolga is a flying squirrel. Dedenne is mouse-like in general since mice and also rats are known for chewing on things including electrical wires, the reason they do this is because with rats their teeth keep growing so they have to keep chewing to stop their teeth from getting too big. Dedenne also has aspects of a gerbil or hamster but is mainly based on the Japanese Doormouse combined with television antennae.
- Hawlucha. We've seen wrestler type Pokemon before like for example the Machop family, but this one is based on Mexican wrestling or as it is called...lucha, hence its name. I love the look of this Pokemon, it's very flashy and stylish plus I love the wings.
- Aromatisse. This one teaches you a history, you see...this Pokemon and its unevolved form are both based on plague doctors combined with perfume bottles, can-can dancers and flamenco dancers, but mainly plague doctors. In the dark ages, these people would use these bird-like masks to keep themselves safe from the plague, these masks would have a perfume scent inside them to keep out the scent of the plague and also of the deceased.
- Gothitelle. The Gothita family invokes one of my favorite tropes in horror fiction the 'Evil Doll' trope and also the 'Creepy Child' trope and they are based off gothic lollita fashion trends too.
- Pyroar. As I have mentioned countless times I am a cat-lover especially domestic cats and wild cats - in particular lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs and jaguars. This is one AWESOME looking lion, the male version has a very slick fiery mane, and has a very Lion King influence in the way he looks - the orangey red and yellow colors of his mane remind me of adult Simba, while the appearance in general reminds me of Scar. The female looks pretty rad too.
- Durant. Every generation of Pokemon has bug types of their own and this one...wow. I love that it's based on an ant.
- Phantump. Ghost Pokemon ALWAYS have the most mysterious and fascinating backstories especially if you've read their pokedex entries. This one tells you that according to legend, these Pokemon are created as a result of the spirits of deceased children possess old tree stumps.
- Persian. As a cat-lover, I adore Persian because it's very much like a Siamese Cat, and the fact that this one and Meowth are inspired by a cat in Japanese folklore known as the 'Beckoning Cat' makes it even better.
- The Squirtle family. I love water types, always have.
- Pikachu. How could I leave out Pikachu? I wouldn't even think of doing that. It's the mascot for Pokemon for pete's sake!
- Chansey. Anyone who is a fan of ER would totally love this Pokemon, for one thing..it's a Pokemon that teaches you about nursing and mothering.
- Ponyta. It's a fire horse...it's basically a Nightmare, which in case you don't know is a demon horse with a mane and tail made out of hot fiery flames.
- The Clefairy family. Before I say anything, i'd like to say that to those who judge the concept of Fairy being made an official Pokemon type, fairy types are not girly and stupid - they're pretty cool. I would have put Jigglypuff on here but you know...Jigglypuff's song creeped me out when I saw her singing it in the anime. Besides, I like Clefairy and Clefable because of the whole connection to the stars and the moon, i've always been into mysticism and magic.
- Snorlax. I LOVE this one, he's huge! And yet you could use him as your very own bean-bag chair. He's huggable and soft too. And as someone who likes plus sized characters in general, this one is one of my alltime favorites.
- Gengar. As a horror fan, I LOVE all things to do with monsters of all kinds and the supernatural, including ghosts - yes, I am one of those people who believes in ghosts (there's nothing wrong with that though) and i'm proud of it. Gengar is wicked but wicked in an awesome way, for one thing it comes out on full moon nights and impersonates other people and Pokemon's shadows as a means of playing tricks on them. Reminds me a bit of that skit on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno where Jay turns into Evil Jay when the full moon rises and plays pranks on unsuspecting people (yes, it's on Youtube. You just need to look up Tonight Show Evil Jay) and also a bit of the Cheshire Cat, actually from what i'm read...Gengar is inspired by the Cheshire Cat...it even has the same smile. I know I have said how much I think that most creepypastas and 'theories' are cliche but the Gengar being Clefable's shadow theory is unique and also very interesting to look into. It kind of reminds me of that movie 'Dead Ringers' where Jeremy Irons plays a duo-role as a gynecologist and his twin, and also of the whole Ash and Evil Ash thing from Evil Dead II, Army Of Darkness and Ash VS The Evil Dead.
- Drowzee. I love the concept of this Pokemon and the whole 'eating dreams' theme, again...I find the concept of dreams to be very fascinating on many levels because I have a lot of dreams that I use as inspiration for my stories sometimes. So this one appeals to me in a lot of ways.
- Mr Mime. I know there are some people that tend to be creeped out by Mr Mime because well...it's basically based on clowns and there are lot of people who are afraid of clowns, but the fact it's based on a clown AND a mime is pretty clever.
- Teddiursa. Simply because it's well...a teddy bear. It's so cute, plus it grows up to become Ursaring which is pretty badass in itself, especially if you've ever fought against one.
- Wooper. You're going to be a seeing quite a bit of water types on these - for each region. Wooper is the first Johto Pokemon I got exposed to mainly due to a book I have about Pokemon that came out at the type of the time of the Gold and Silver games that showed all the Pokemon for the then upcoming Johto region...at the time I only knew Wooper by its Japanese name 'Upa' and its evolved form Quagsire by its Japanese name 'Nuo' but I became obsessed with this one.
- Miltank. I think adding sexual dimorphism from the Johto region onward was a good idea and having a female version of a mostly male cattle based Pokemon (i.e Tauros) was a pretty neat idea too. Miltank is just adorable, plus those who have faced Whitney know how dangerous this gal can be once she uses Roll-Out.
- Ledyba and Ledian. I've always had a soft spot for bugs, in fact bug is my second favorite Pokemon type next to water. Ledyba and Ledian are both really cute and have an appealing look to them, plus they're based on my favorite type of insect...the ladybug.
- Houndoom. There's something about the hell/Underworld theme that works well for this one and appeals to me.
- Smeargle. I love that this Pokemon is art-based and uses its tail to paint. That is just so creative in many ways.
- Dellibird. The fact this one is based on a penguin is awesome...but the fact it's holiday themed it's even better, because it's basically like Santa in the way it delivers gifts.
- Donphan. Elephants rule...and this one is no exception.
- Entei. Badass...simply badass.
- Mareep. I love this one because it's a play on the nursery rhyme 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' and the novel 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?' (the novel that inspired the movie Blade Runner), since it's well...an electric sheep.
- Gardevoir. Lots of good things have been said about this one already so I don't need to tell you why this one made the list.
- the Mudkip family in particular Swampert. If it hasn't been made clear already I LOVE water types and always have, water types are my specialty in the Pokemon games and I am especially skilled at training them, take my Swampert for instance...my Swampert (a male Swampert named Limburger, after Lawrence Limburger from the 1993 cartoon Biker Mice From Mars) is in his early 70's in terms of his level and strength and he keeps getting stronger everyday, he's a prize-winner too - having won various contests in Sapphire.
- Duskull. A Pokemon based on the Grim Reaper? Awesome! Duskull is a very cool ghost type and the fact it's based on skulls and most importantly the Grim Reaper or rather the iconic depictions of the reaper as a skeletal being makes it even better. It's the kind of Pokemon Christopher Walken would have because well...Walken played the angel of death a couple of times including in the Madonna music video 'Bad Girl', an SNL skit that didn't quite make it (It's on Youtube, search for Christopher Walken SNL angel), as Gabriel in the Prophecy trilogy and yes as Morty in the Adam Sandler comedy 'Click' (Morty's name is a play on Mort which means death in Latin). I can see Walken with several ghost types actually, and a Meowth as well since well..Walken likes cats.
- Sharpedo. Its unevolved form Carvanha was already pretty awesome being based off a pirahna and all, but Sharpedo just takes it up a notch by being based on a shark. Speaking of aquatic Pokemon, yes...I do love Wailmer and Wailord as well.
- Mightyena. A hyena/wolf hybrid Pokemon? Now that's incredible..and awesome as well.
- Volbeat and Illumise. Of course I had to put a bug on here, so I thought why not both of the firefly Pokemon? Volbeat and Illumise are both very cute and friendly looking and have an old-timey theme in terms of their design with Volbeat taking after greasers of the 1950's and Illumise taking after flappers of the 1920's.
- Milotic. The George Clooney of the Pokemon world, and like Clooney - Milotic is extremely beautiful and very difficult to catch. Of course this little beauty's inspiration comes from sirens of mythology, anyone who has read their fair share of Greek mythology knows a siren is a seductive mermaid-like woman who lures innocent sailors to their doom with her singing as seen in the classic tale 'The Oddysey' (which the movie 'O Brother, Where Thou Art Thou' takes its inspiration from as it's a retelling of the story set in the Great Depression).
- Jirachi. This is a Pokemon the late Robin Williams would have loved because it's all about spreading joy and happiness to others and also it's a wish-granting Pokemon that's a nod to not only the classic 'wishing on a star' method of making dreams come true but to also creatures like genies. You know, given that Robin loved video games...I have no doubt that he would have had one of those in his Pokemon team.
- Swellow. Another magnificent flying type.
- Kyogre. My second favorite Pokemon to use in Sapphire and my second most trusted, and for obvious reasons.
- The Piplup family in particular Empoleon. Dellibird isn't the only Penguin based Pokemon anymore, thanks to Piplup and its evolved forms. I LOVE the regal look Empoleon has, and the fact its name is a play on Napoleon Bonaparte. Also, I love how regal it looks like and how it looks like it's wearing armor.
- Purugly. Glameow and Purugly both remind me of my late cat Nico who had a very big appetite, and I love that this cat is a plus-sized one because it makes it look rather big, soft and cuddly.
- Lopunny. The fabulous Lopunny took everyone's heart by storm including mine. The fact she is inspired by Playboy bunnies and bunny-girls in Japanese sub-culture makes it even more stylishly adorable and dare I say it...even attractive.
- Combee. This one and Ledyba aren't the only bugs you're going to be seeing here, as Combee has earned its spot on here for numerous reasons - all of which are good ones including the fact it is modeled on honeycombs like the ones you find in beehives, plus it's got a cute design too.
- Carnivine. It's Audrey II from Little Shop Of Horrors in Pokemon form! There should be an AMV of it singing along to 'Feed Me' from the 1986 movie musical.
- Bidoof and Bibarel. As Leslie Nielsen said in Naked Gun..."Nice beaver!". It's no surprise that beavers are some of my favorite types of animals and this one speaks for itself.
- Lucario. Total badass, plus the fact it's based on Anubis (in Egyptian mythology Anubis's job was to judge the hearts and souls of the recently deceased before they passed) makes it even better.
- Darkrai. As I mentioned when I talked about Drowzee...a Pokemon based on the concept of dreams is fascinating, but a Pokemon centered around nightmares? Even better. It's the Pokemon equivalent to Freddy Krueger in that way, and that makes it a perfect candidate for this list.
- Drifblim. There's a lot to admire about this particular ghost type, like how it sounds genuinely creepy and mysterious according to the Pokedex entries and it's also pretty inventive in many ways.
- Staravia. Now THAT is one cool looking bird.
- Emolga. The electric rodent types just seem to be getting cuddlier every year and this is a good example, Emolga is just so precious and adorable plus I love that it is based on a flying squirrel. That just adds to my list of many reasons to like this one so much, well that and the nifty yellow and black color scheme.
- Mandibuzz. Now THIS is a fascinating Pokemon indeed, for one thing it's a female only species and it's based on a vulture, she evolves from Vullaby which is based on a vulture chick and has a broken egg shell around its lower body as if it was a diaper, and wow...she looks impressive, creepy but very stylish. Especially with the eye-makeup and that bone armor that resembles a dress/apron. She reminds me very much of the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal especially since well...the Skeksis are very vulture-like themselves. I can just imagine this one making those signature whimpering sounds that Skeksil makes.
- Simipour. All three elemental monkeys in general are pretty great but I chose this one because well it's a water type, all three of the monkeys are based on the 3 wise monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. This one has its eyes closed so it represents the 'see no evil' monkey. After all...as the classic song by the band Dragon says..."Baby, don't speak no evil".
- Lillipup. Dog-like Pokemon have never failed, and this guy is no exception. Since this one is based on a Terrier - in particular a Yorksire Terrier or a Scottish one, this one is definitely one of the cuddliest dog-like Pokemon i've ever seen. Also the nod to 'Lilliput' the infamous island from the classic novel 'Gulliver's Travels' is awesome.
- Chandelure. You know how in most ghost themed movies or shows that ghosts are able to possess inanimate objects? Well this Pokemon is a very good twist on it by having it so each of the flames represents the soul of its victims that have been drained out, spooky but very unique in a lot of ways.
- Purrloin. Leave it to a cat to make it on another list of my favorite Pokemon. This one has a really sleek design to it and even reminds me a bit of Selina Kyle/Catwoman especially since the purple reminds of the costume she originally had in the comics, and also because of how this one reminds me of the version of Catwoman from Batman Returns.
- Zebstrika. What's better than a horse Pokemon? Why, a zebra Pokemon of course. This one...wow, so stylish and cool looking with the reverse zebra look going on, plus those lightning bolts. Now THAT's a very stylish design if I ever saw one.
- Confagrigus. Even though I like many people - am afraid of death and am a little squicked out by the process that happens once you die and your soul goes to that big palace in the sky, I LOVE this Pokemon because it's based on mummies and also inspired by zombie movies. Also its ability 'Mummy' can infect other Pokemon and change that Pokemon's ability to 'Mummy' as well, and it can create more mummies that way too. Like how the Nosferatu vampires in 'Vampire: The Masquerade' can turn others into their kind via the 'Embrace' power that they have.
- Garbodor. I know this one may seem like a controversial choice because well everyone I know seems to hate this one, I don't really think it's all that bad really, in fact it's pretty much an Anti-Totoro in a lot of ways. It also reminds me of something you'd see in a Lloyd Kaufman (of Troma Entertainment fame) movie. I like to think of this one as the Pokemon version of the Toxic Avenger.
- Swanna. Ducklett (its original unevolved form) is based on the Ugly Duckling - one of the most iconic and timeless fairy tales ever written and just like the duckling in the story...Ducklett grows up to become a swan...a very beautiful swan-like Pokemon. Swanna is simply stunning and very elegant.
- Gredinja. Frog + ninja = awesome combo. I love this one, it has such as a slick look to it.
- Pancham and Pangoro. When I saw these I reacted in the following manner: "Finally! An actual panda based Pokemon!", I know Spinda is based on a Panda too but Spinda is based on a Red Panda and the Quinling Panda, Pancham and Pangoro are based on the Giant Panda. I LOVE how fierce they both look, in particular Pangoro. I had been waiting a long time for an actual Panda Pokemon to be created and it looks like my waiting finally paid off. Oh and dear Gamefreak...get to work on a koala Pokemon would you? I think we deserve a koala too.
- Noivern. As I mentioned when I talked about Gengar...I LOVE monsters and all sorts of supernatural beings but my favorites would have to be vampires and no I don't mean sparkly emo vamp wannabes like in Twilight or those vamps with bladder issues and rashes from Being Human, I mean honest to Arceus vampires - the really scary and cool ones you see in movies like Blade, Fright Night (original not the remake), Lifeforce, Vamp, From Dusk Till Dawn, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Lair Of The White Worm and The Hunger, in fact this one does in fact remind me a lot of Vlad's Bat-like form from Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992). Bat Pokemon are ALWAYS cool and this one is no exception.
- Dedenne. The electric rodent types just keep getting cuter and cuddlier every year. And this one...aaaaw! It's an honest to Arceus electric mouse as in an actual mouse Pokemon, for the record Pikachu is based off a rabbit although it's called the 'mouse' Pokemon, Raichu is based off a Kangaroo rat, Rattata and Ratticate are well..rats, Sandshrew and Sandslash are basically based off a Pangolin and an armadillo, the Marill family are based off water-rats (with Azumarill being based on a swamp-rabbit) with aspects of beach-balls, a water molecule and floatation devices, as far as I know Plusle and Minun both have mouse and rabbit-like traits as well as chipmunk traits too but are mainly inspired by and based on the 'plus' and 'negative' sides of electric charges or the 'plus' and 'minus' signs you see on batteries, and well...Emolga is a flying squirrel. Dedenne is mouse-like in general since mice and also rats are known for chewing on things including electrical wires, the reason they do this is because with rats their teeth keep growing so they have to keep chewing to stop their teeth from getting too big. Dedenne also has aspects of a gerbil or hamster but is mainly based on the Japanese Doormouse combined with television antennae.
- Hawlucha. We've seen wrestler type Pokemon before like for example the Machop family, but this one is based on Mexican wrestling or as it is called...lucha, hence its name. I love the look of this Pokemon, it's very flashy and stylish plus I love the wings.
- Aromatisse. This one teaches you a history, you see...this Pokemon and its unevolved form are both based on plague doctors combined with perfume bottles, can-can dancers and flamenco dancers, but mainly plague doctors. In the dark ages, these people would use these bird-like masks to keep themselves safe from the plague, these masks would have a perfume scent inside them to keep out the scent of the plague and also of the deceased.
- Gothitelle. The Gothita family invokes one of my favorite tropes in horror fiction the 'Evil Doll' trope and also the 'Creepy Child' trope and they are based off gothic lollita fashion trends too.
- Pyroar. As I have mentioned countless times I am a cat-lover especially domestic cats and wild cats - in particular lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs and jaguars. This is one AWESOME looking lion, the male version has a very slick fiery mane, and has a very Lion King influence in the way he looks - the orangey red and yellow colors of his mane remind me of adult Simba, while the appearance in general reminds me of Scar. The female looks pretty rad too.
- Durant. Every generation of Pokemon has bug types of their own and this one...wow. I love that it's based on an ant.
- Phantump. Ghost Pokemon ALWAYS have the most mysterious and fascinating backstories especially if you've read their pokedex entries. This one tells you that according to legend, these Pokemon are created as a result of the spirits of deceased children possess old tree stumps.
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