WB Rants: Kurvos is a Joke.


I already ranted about this guy before but he just won't shut up.  Dear people in the LGTBTQ community,  I am sorry that this fool has to be one of the people that represents you because as I mentioned in my previous rants he is whiny as hell.  I'm sorry...but if 'implied homosexuality' isn't even good enough for you then that is your fault mister, you suck at being representive of the community you are a part of.  Why are you going on like this? Honestly you are to reviewers what Trump is to politics, a joke...give it up, your opinions suck ass and I could write better reviews than you in my sleep, why do people even listen to you? Are they just that stupid?   I'm going to be honest here...I hate all of you as a reviewer and as a character,  now dear audience members I am not going to mention this guy's name but i'm just going to say he's the guy that got on Welshy's nerves by being a little dipshit about everything and he's the guy that Nathan got in a disagreement over Tangled with. Yeah, i'm sorry but I don't think Nathan was harrassing the guy, the guy clearly is a trigged little genderbent Karen who thinks his opinion is the only that matters and in my opinion he sucks at understanding criticism he sucks in general and he should give up.

My opinion on him is as follows...he's a prick, seriously if you are friends with this guy, please either block him or reconsider your life choices because he's not worth it, to anyone who stans him, why do you stan such a dickhead?  Here's a list of the stupidest things he has ever done: 1. Did a review of Tangled and claimed he loved it the first time only to notice some things in it that he didn't before the second time that made him like it a bit less.  2. Claims he loves Disney but complains about modern Disney princess movies being akin to the Barbie movies. 3. Complains about Invincible taking a homophobic turned gay character from the comics and making said character a 'walking gay best friend stereotype from the 90's'.  4. Claiming after seeing the Little Mermaid with his boyfriend that he viewed it as 'metaphor for being homosexual' and then complaining that there's no same-sex relationship in media that is akin to Disney movies and all that he has are 'metaphors/allegories'.  Look,  I am an overweight humanoid creature that hates that the overweight/ugly character never gets the girl but you don't see me pining for that type of relationship to be common. Especially not when there's pretty much every single sitcom that has a husband and wife pairing where the husband is slubby and the wife is gorgeous as hell and every single modern Adam Sandler movie.  Seriously, why does Adam Sandler always get an attractive love-interest or wife in his movies?  But hey, this guy should be glad he at least got something. 5. Complained about oversexualization of female rear ends in games while also trying to claim that male fanservice isn't the same thing.

I am sorry but this guy is a joke, as a critic I find him laughable and as a character...he sucks, i'm sorry but the whiny/angry critic that hates everything trope has been done to death, you need a new act.


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