WB Rants: Admins.

WB Rants:
You know what really pisses me off?  Forum admins.  Especially ones that let power go to their head and decide to actually side with the trolls other siding with the poor victim -  are you kidding me?  Are you saying that the troll is actually right rather than simply doing the right thing and banning said troll?   You sir,  are a moron.   How the heck did a jerk like that become an admin yet alone an owner of said site or forum?  What?  Did he bribe the previous owner into killing themselves or something?

Also what kind of excuse for banning people is...'they were rude to me'?  Oh boo hoo,  they hurt your precious non-existent feelings,  that doesn't mean you go all ban happy and ban them for no reason.  Chances are they were joking.  What? Can't you take a joke?  Oh that's right,  you have no sense of humor because you're not even human.   If they were polite to you about it...then there was no need for you to throw a hissyfit.

Speaking of hissy-fits....what kind of crybaby gets grossed out over a nude body?  'Oh noes, a nude woman who isn't attractive.  Eeeeeew'  'Oh no....there's a gross, fat naked body in those photos.  Eeeew,  how sickening'.  Dude,  it's just a naked or half-naked body...it doesn't matter what the person looks like -   nudity is just that.   Besides,  i've seen worse -  like the disgusting photos of an underaged user's private parts.  Either the user in general is a victim of a pseudo rapist or actually likes the idea of being a submissive little bitch for his slave master because there's no way a photo of somebody's naughty bits would be allowed on the internet.

If I were that user,  i'd tell that person trying to take photos of my privates..."NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE A PICTURE OF THEM.  SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME,  YOU PERVERT!" and then file a restraining order and have them commissioned as a registered sex offender.  And if they're into you because they only want lulz...fuck them,  they can rot in internet hell for all I care.   Also dude,  if the user you're in support of admits they have thoughts of wanting to rape or murder someone -  they're clearly not in their right mind.

Users like that have obviously psychological mental problems,  either that or they are A-Logger wannabes trying to leech off the popularity of a new potential lulcow and trying to mutate them into the next CWC which will never happen because even though this happened to my friend,  at least my friend is sane and capable of functioning in real life unlike CWC.   They didn't even ask to be a part of something like that,  it was the trolls that practically forced them into it and tried talking them into it.   There's a reason they don't go on forums anymore,  it's because of how badly treated they were on there.

Hurting other people's feelings OL and acting like a douchebag is NOT lulzy,  you are only making it worse both for your victims and yourself.  The same goes for you admins, look just because you have the gift of the almighty banhammer doesn't mean you can use it to be a complete dick to everyone.   And also...I don't care if the site you're running is a troll-centric site,  even those kind of sites need rules and several of the things your site in general is probably known for are probably what would be against the rules on a normal non-asshole forum. 

What's that?  You're telling me that people on the forum think you're nice?  Yeah right.  Was this before or after you ruined their lives by brainwashing them into joining the weening loser parade?  Also weening isn't cool,  it is unoriginal and it just shows how pathetic you are - mimicking other trolls/similar bad user types is not a good idea and it just makes you come across as the kind of user who is so desperate for lulz that they are digging up things that already dead.  Here's something you should do instead,  get a life.

I understand that admins have to uphold rules but letting power go to their heads like that is just said and it just shows how weak-willed they are if they allow themselves to be influenced by people who are obviously insane.  They should know better than to pull this sort of schtick.   What's that?  You say that my friend has been sending you videos that they definitely say are clever ways to insult you?    Well good for them,  they're standing up for themselves and I am 100% supportive of this.

Because frankly...you deserve it.  You screwed my friends over the way Jeff Zucker screwed over both Conan O Brien and Jay Leno.  And yes,  the crying baby video suits you and your attitude rather well.  I'm sorry,  but that kind of diva-like behavior is NOT how an admin should act on a forum.   A REAL forum admin would know when to close down a thread that's way past it's prime,  and would know who to believe and certainly wouldn't listen to a bunch of psychotic ramblings from a troll.

Also....fire that staff of yours,  they're all stupid and complete wusses.  I mean really? They told my friend their request was denied because apparently  they tried to put a curse on them?  "Oh noes,  a fake online curse that will turn us all into zombies.  We're doomed, doomed!"  *facepalm*  That's just pathetic.   It's also really pathetic to say the only way to get things fixed is by making ridiculous demands.   I mean really?  You want my friend to do a video about how much you think they love your site?  Screw you.   You know my friend hates your site so why the hell would they lie about it just to appease you?

Also?  What.  Why the hell would they talk about how supposedly attractive the dickhead admin is?   I've seen that admin.   They look like one of those people in the 'Meth: Not even once"  PSAs.  Come to think of it forum members NEVER look good in photographs,  for in real life they all look like they're fucking stoner wannabes.   I guess that explains why they're on that forum in the first place.

I think it's time I gave you a huge fuck you.  You shouldn't even be an admin,  you should be rotting in hell while vultures pick away at your corpse.  You should be shot dead in a matter of minutes.   You're not even a real admin,  you're a cowardly backstabbing asshole with nothing to do than to dig up what's already dead.
Yeah,  I'm bashing you -  because I can do what I bloody well want.  You can't order me around because I do and say what I want and in my personal opinion,   you suck and so does your website.    Anyone could do a much better job than you.   To back up my point,  here's two people i'd like you to meet.

Mr Admin:
Hi,  i'm Mr Admin.  The Admin who helps people on forums and is nice to others,  I respect everyone and tolerate them. 

Mr Badmin:
And i'm Mr Bad-Min.  His evil twin who hates everything including autistic people, bronies, furries and not getting lulz.   I'm a complete dickhead with no life outside of the forum and I am totally okay with perverts and psychopaths.

Now, let's say a user is being picked on by other members of the forums and hasn't done anything to the other members,   how do you react?

Mr Admin:
Oh my...you poor thing.  Did the other members do this to you?  Hush now,  it's okay...don't cry,  i'll sort this whole thing out and i'll teach them the error of their ways and help you - this isn't allowed on this forum.

Mr Bad-Min:
Ha ha,   you're  being picked on.   It's your fault you're getting picked on you pathetic attention whore wannabe.   I'm not going to do anything to help you because I feel it's better to let my lulzy friends pick on you because i'm such a dickhead.

Shame on you Mr Badmin,  you fail.   Next,  if a user wants to have something that is written about them taken down just because it has offensive material in it even if it's supposed to be humorous,  how do you react?

Mr Admin:
I'm sorry if that post I made about you was offensive in anyway.  I didn't mean to make fun of you or your tastes.   I respect your opinion and if you wish,  I really take down the offending post and replace it with something else.

Mr Bad-Min:
Oh surreeeeee....i'll take the offending post down.... and then i'll put it back up just to let my pathetic weening loser friends pick on you some more you little wuss.  Because you totally deserve it,  you wuss.

*hits Mr Badmin with a ruler*  Bad Mr Bad-Min,  for shame.  You should know better than to bash people like that for no good reason.    Next question,  now that the offending piece of work about said user is gone...what do you do?

Mr Admin:
I'll send an apologetic email expressing how sorry I truly am for hurting your feelings and offending you in anyway,   in the most sincerest of ways without sarcasm or insults and i'll do my best to make sure it never happens  again.

Mr Bad-Min:
That post was pure gold in terms of lulzy potential and now you've wanted it taken down?  Fuck you,  fuck you to hell you bitchass pussy.   FUCK YOU,  FUCK YOU ALL TO HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL!

Does bad Mr Badmin need to be hit with the ruler again,  hmm?   *hits him with the ruler several times* .    Also...next question...if a user politely asks you to leave them and their friends alone,  how do you react?

Mr Admin:
You came to the right admin.   If these people have been treating this person badly and this person has asked nicely to be left alone then I shall tell these people to leave them alone and let bygones be bygones.

Mr Bad-Min:
Fuck them,   they were rude to me so i'm going to let my weening loser friends continue to pick on them until the lulz are all dried up because I am a complete dickhead.   Did I mention i'm a complete dickhead?   Also fuck them,  fuck them all to death.

*slaps Mr Badmin several times*  No,  that is NOT how to react when someone politely asks you to leave them alone.  You are failing miserably at this,  now...next question....what your views on autistic people?

Mr Admin:
I think that it's wonderful that we have people online who are autistic or are part of the spectrum,   after all we are all different and we all have unique traits and quirks that make us who we are.   All are welcome here.

Mr Badmin:
Autistic people are banes on society and are useless and stupid.  They are all like CWC and are man-children who grunt like Neanderthals and probably have rancid breath and look all gross and hairy looking,  they probably hiss and snarl too.  I suggest we build a wall or firewall on this forum to keep out people with autism and prevent them from infecting our precious forum with their stupidity.

*hits Mr Badmin*   One more insult like that and i'm going to have to remove your ban-hammer privileges.     Next question...a user claiming to be a furry or other-kin has arrived on your forum,  how do you react?

Mr Admin:
Welcome to our forum,  new member and potential friend.   I've noticed you have an interesting animal choice for your fursona or otherkin self.   Very good.  You must have a healthy imagination.  You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger.  I hope you'll enjoy it here.

Mr Bad-Min:
Well well well,  if it isn't the furry fuckhead who fucks animals.   Look everyone,  it's that guy who has sex with fictional monster characters he created!  Let's point and laugh at how stupid his creations are.

Way to set the furry fandom back thousands of years,  you prick.  Using negative stereotypes of furries that trolls use is just another failed attempt at harassment.   You should be ashamed of yourself.   Next question... if a psychopath comes on the forum wanting to rape or murder said user how do you react?

Mr Admin:
My word...no! That's just unacceptable.  They could get arrested for attempted rape and murder,  not to mention for making death threats and I won't have that on this forum,  this is a family friendly site after all.

Mr Bad-Min:
Awesome,   this guy hates this retard as much as I do.  He is so  totally allowed on the forum...let him post on the forum?  Sure.  Allow him to talk about his morbid fascination with said user in graphic detail?  Hell yeah.   If it makes the user suffer for the sake of lulz i'm all for it.

*hits Mr Bad-Min with a whip*  Bad,  Bad Admin...Bad! Behave yourself next time or i'll go all Fifty Shades Of Grey on your ass.   Next question,   a forum thread made by said psychopathic user about their victim of choice appears to have past 1-10 pages, how do you react?

Mr Admin:
Oh deary deary me...has this thread really been around since four years ago?  This is just terrible,  I can't believe this post still exists.  I should have been gotten rid of that thread back when I had the chance but luckily I know how to use my title responsibly  *clicks on the lock thread button*  Attention all forum members,  this thread is now closed.

Mr Bad-Min:
*laughs insanely*  Oh that is ingenious. The fact it lasted for more than 10 pages proves there is endless lulz potential and I am totally in support of this post 100%.  That pathetic lulcow deserves it by the way.

*growls at Mr Badmin*  THAT'S IT.  IF YOU DON'T STOP ACTING LIKE A DICKHEAD,  I WILL HAVE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS REPORTED FOR HARRASSMENT.    Next question, how do you react if someone posts a naked picture of themselves to you?

Mr Admin:
Well...I wasn't expecting this.  Okay,  so you're not the most beautiful person in the world but I think you look fine as you are.  I wasn't asking for shots of you in the nude but okay...i'll let it slide,  i've seen that sort of thing all the time.  Plus,  you're not half bad looking.  Nice gloves by the way.

Mr Bad-Min:
Eyuck.  Put that blubber-away, whale-lady! I mean eeeewwww...look at how grossly mishapen that body is,  it looks like you're trying to turn yourself into Jabba the Hutt and also what's with those freaky gloves?  Is that some kind of bizarre cosplay or something? Or do you use them to fap?  *is slapped by Werebelushi*

We don't act like that around here.  Shaming others based on how they look.  Body-shaming is frowned upon and you should know better than that.   Next question,  if a user who is clearly underaged having pictures of their privates posted online...what do you do?

Mr Admin:
I ask whoever is the user responsible for taking said photos of that user's private parts to stop doing what they are doing because it is implied pedophilia and thus illegal and against the rules and against the law.   Clearly they are not respecting that person's wishes and should know better than to do this.  *deletes the photos*

Mr Bad-Min:
Woah ho-ho,  I could so totally fap to this because this is totally hot.  I mean look at sexy underraged penis or vagina being touched.  Oh yeah that's it baby,  stroke it,  pet it,  lick it, show me it baby...let me cum all over the screen in ectasy.  Because that is so hot, I don't care if it's underraged  -  just show me the money shot.  I'm getting hard just by looking at it, woo-oh.  *does overly sexual pelvic thrust movements but is spayed by Werebelushi*

Oi...keep that snake of yours in your trousers.   The last thing we need is your jizz all over the screen.    Next question,  if a user is really serious about them wanting you to leave them alone,  what do you do?

Mr Admin:
Well...if they feel that they should be left alone and not talked about in such a negative manner,  then I shall apologize to them and tell them that if it helps -  I will never ever post negative things about them again.

Mr Bad-Min:
Fuck them.  I'm not going to stop doing what i'm doing just because they got all butthurt about it,  they tried to put a curse on me and my butthurt weening loser friends.  Besides, if they really want me to leave them alone - they'll have to post about how much they love me and my precious forum and about handsome and sexy I am.  Because i'm like a total sex machine that needs love.  *does more pelvic thrusts but is kicked in the nuts by Werebelushi* Owwww..my special little friend.

That's for all your failed responses...you're lucky that I'm not considering kicking you out like I did to everyone else who failed this class.    Next question,  if said forum user has sent you videos -  how do you react?

Mr Admin:
Aaaaaw....they dedicated an MLP: Friendship Is Magic video to how wonderful and nice to others I am,   that is so sweet.  I wish I could get you something in return.  Knowing that you're such a nice person in real life as well as online makes things better.

Mr Bad-Min:
How cute,  the lil lulcow sent me a stupid Youtube video.  They probably think that they're being funny or creative when they use these and they think it's a clever way to insult me, ha - what losers!  What?  Did the lulcow get bored and want more attention like the attention whore they are? *Werebelushi beats the crap out of him*

Seriously...the only things you're the admin of right now are jack and shit.   And jack left town.   Last question,  how do you feel about how this poor user has been treated and is there anything you wish you could have done?

Mr Admin:
I felt bad for this poor person,   they got picked on just because they're a popular trolling target and were treated like dirt.    I'm so sorry if their feelings were hurt in anyway and I feel that this whole thing should have been prevented,  I will do whatever I can to defend this person and make sure they live their lives happily.

Mr Bad-Min:
*laughing insanely again*  The pathetic little lulcow deserves it,  look how retarded they are,  they're just like CWC.   They totally deserve the royal pwning me and my weening loser friends gave them,  I hope this user ends up in a group home FOREVER ALONE.  Get it?  Forever Alone?  I referenced an outdated meme that makes me cool, right?  *Werebelushi jabs him with one of his quills*

Let's see how you both did.  Mr Admin,  congratulations -  you passed.  Because you are sensible and you answered in a responsible and intelligent manner,  you truly care about the people on your forum.   Mr Badmin on the other hand...oh boy,  you failed big time -  all of your answers were wrong and insensitive,  that is NOT how to be an admin -  you clearly care about nothing except lulz and you don't care about anyone besides yourself and your stupid weening loser friends.   I'm afraid that sice you failed this class,   you fail at being an admin and this means that you suck at your job. 

You think that users like my good friends are beneath you and that everything is an abomination to mankind including furries and autistic people,  i'm afraid i'm going to have to remove you from your position as admin.

Mr Bad-Min:
But you CAN'T do this to me,  i'm too sexy to have my position removed.

Too bad.   You didn't listen to a single question and clearly are too occupied with jerking off to underage genitalia than being even remotely competent.   And as such,  you don't even deserve to be an admin.  You deserve to be humiliated in the worst way possible, starting with everyone online seeing you for the backstabbing pain-in-the-ass you really are.  Next,  it's customary for me to not only to remove you from your position as admin but to also take away your ban-hammer.

Mr Bad-Min:
Not my secret weapon...anything but that.

Relax I already spayed and neutered you earlier.   I'm not even remotely interested in your love-making area.   *he grabs Mr Bad-Min's banhammer from him*  You won't be needing this anymore.    Especially since you abused the power that this wonderful weapon possesses,  you could have used it for good but noooooo...you just had to use it for trolling and for being a dickhead.

This is what happens when you let power go to your head.  And now....come here,  Mr Admin...I have something special for you.  Something that should have been yours all along, here...have this.  *hands Mr Admin the banhammer that was formally Bad-Min's*

Mr Admin:
Is this for me?   My,  how wonderful.  I know this used to be Bad-Min's, but he doesn't need it now that he's not even a real admin.   Only a real admin should be able to wield the legendary power of the banhammer so it must be for me.

Yes.  It is.   You proved yourself to not only be a good listener but also a good admin,  you showed that you really do care and that it's not always about upholding the rules,  you showed that you could be responsible and treat others with respect.  Unlike Badmin, you didn't harass anyone or pester the poor user,   you respected them and let them do what they feel makes them happy.   You know when enough is enough and when things should be left well enough alone.

You,  are a REAL admin.  You are everything that an admin should be.   And therefore,  you are the one that should have the ban-hammer in the first place.   You are a good role model and thus,   you are perfect for the title of Admin.

Mr Admin:
Thank you so much Mr Werebelushi,  you've been a wonderful teacher and I learned a lot from you.   I shall use my title and my powers responsibly and will only ban those who break the rules of my sacred forum,   if a user is being harassed -  I will be there to defend them and protect them.

Mr Bad-Min:
Oh,  shut the fuck up you pansie.  You're too much of a goody good to know what true power feels like  unlike me.    You'll never be the badass admin that I am not even if you stripped down.

Mr Admin:

YOU COULDN'T LEAVE THEM WELL ENOUGH ALONE NOW COULD YOU?  OF COURSE NOT, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT AN ENERGY VAMPIRE THAT FEEDS ON THE MISERY OF OTHERS FOR PLEASURE! Aaaaand....if you don't stop acting like this I will show you a side of me you won't like to see and you'll regret seeing it.

Mr Bad-Min:
Oh?  And what does this face look like?

Mr Admin:
THIS! *his skin slowly turns pale and grey as his eyes turn a piercing golden yellow,  his mouth widens to inhuman lengths as his brow becomes more monstrous,  as his teeth lengthen and sharpen*  You asked for it and now here it is!

Mr Bad-Min:
W-w-what the hell are you?

Mr Admin:
I'm not just an admin....i'm a monster.   And not just any monster,  my mother is a Deadite and my father is a Chud.  But the point is...DON'T fuck with the real admins.  A real  admin such as myself could kick your ass.   Now...*roars* SHUUUUUUUUUU!

 *Mr Bad-Min runs away*

And so you see,  you shouldn't try to pass yourself as an admin if you're only interesting in getting lulz out of your victim or if you're just desperately searching for the next CWC because if you do those things and if you're a hateful person like Mr Bad-Min,  then you are a Bad-min and you don't deserve to be admin.   If you insist on making ridiculous demands and act like a crybaby,  you are a bad-min.

Remember,  don't be a bad admin  - be a good admin and be responsible,  smart,  sensible and helpful,  respect others for who and what they are and they'll respect you in return,  take full responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others and above all -  DON'T act like a complete douchebag. 

Don't be a bad admin,  be a good one.  Be like Mr Admin.  I'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on forum admins.   Now if you excuse me, i'm going to enjoy me some Leno.


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