Second Chances.

Second Chances
Jay Leno TF
It was a rather quiet evening in May when Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 was reminiscing about Jay Leno's tenure as host of the Tonight Show and the many fun times that came with it.  He loved Jay but he was ashamed to admit it because of the whole Conan/NBC fiasco and the rabid Conan fans setting him up as the 'monster'  or 'villain'.  Normally he would be all for respecting other's opinions but this was flat out bashing,  to him it all seemed rather stupid that the Conan fanbase or 'Team CoCo' as they were called thought of Jay as some kind of abomination that supposedly 'stabbed' Conan in the back.

He knew it was Jeff Zucker behind the whole ordeal right from the get-go and he was determined to find some way to prove himself right,    he had been waiting to show those nay-sayers they were wrong about the whole ordeal and that both Jay and Conan got a raw deal because of what went down.    That evening as he made his way to his apartment he came across what appeared to be an interesting looking stone of sorts,  it was attached to an amulet of sorts and was colored a light blue color -  he remembered seeing one of these on an expedition and decided to pick it up.

"I remember seeing this type of stone on one of my previous adventures.  From what I understand,  it has mystical properties.  Like maybe it has a spirit trapped inside it or something.  Maybe it grants wishes or gives you superpowers.  I know I shouldn't touch this because I know what might I happen if I do...but i'm all for taking chances so i'll give it a shot."

He touched the stone with his hand and rubbed it,  hoping to find some of the mystical properties as spoken in the in the stone's legend,  and he inspected it -  as he did, the stone gave off a warm glow to it.   This glow was one that he couldn't look away from no matter what he did,   it also made him curious.

"Hmmm...I wonder.  Maybe If I make a wish on this thing,  something might happen.  What to wish for,  what to wish for...hmmm... what should I wish for?  There are so many things I could wish for.  Oh I know,  I know. "

He thought really carefully before touching the stone a second time,  he didn't ask for anything too big or extravagant,  he didn't want to be rich or anything,  he didn't want immortality or to rule the world but he did know what he wanted.   Thinking carefully a second time, he picked it up and gave it a gentle touch.

"Yes.  That's it.  I just wish there was someway I could show Team CoCo that Jay Leno isn't evil and that he's not to blame for the incident at NBC and that he's really a nice person and that it was nothing to do with him in general."

As if on cue,  the stone began to levitate and glow -  flashing a radiant aura as it levitated ever so softly and gracefully,   and just as Nathan caught it before it landed,  he began to feel the supernatural effects of the stone's powers flowing through him,  and it felt like he was being cleansed by a warm shield of energy.   And he began to feel much calmer and more relaxed as a result of this but that wasn't all that was happening.

Looking at his blue short sleeved t shirt he could see it slowly morphing and reshaping itself into a suit of sorts with his jeans following suit as his sneakers slowly blackened and became a pair of black shoes,  in the process he felt himself bulk up a bit and gain a bit of lean muscle,  he wasn't exactly fat but rather athletic ,  in the process his appearance slowly started to shift in numerous ways,  starting with his build which was very athletic ,  it wasn't on the overly large side but  it was almost muscular in someway.

In the process his skin started to clear up and lose its imperfections,  he started to feel rather dizzy as if the room was spinning,  to him it felt like things were getting smaller but in actuality he was growing in height from his normal height to 5'11.  His hands and feet were slightly larger but not too big.   Normally he would be panicking about this but he didn't feel like panicking at all,  in fact the process to him felt more relaxing.

"I should be worried about what's happening to me,  but somehow i'm not.  It must be the magic of the stone itself.  Or maybe that's just me.  Although I seem to be a bit more buff than I normally am,  and i've grown to 5'11...oh well."

The background around him slowly but surely began to warp and alter until it morphed itself into what appeared to be the city of Burbank,  California.  Looking behind him,  he could see the familiar NBC tv station appearing completely with ads for The Tonight Show manifesting themselves on billboards,   as the process went on he continued to transform further as his head enlarged slightly but not too much,  in the process his shoulders broadened a bit and his hair started shifting in style to become more quaff-like in addition to slowly turning black with a white/grey streak in the middle.   His eyebrows thickened a little bit as they turned the same color as his hair.

He decided to go inside the television studio to get a closer look,  upon looking inside - he found a dressing room with the name Jay Leno written on the door - and that's when it hit him,  his wish...he was becoming Jay,  but he wasn't worried,  he was actually quite enjoying the process.   His eyes widened a bit,  becoming wider and doe eyed in shape as they turned from hazel to a shade of pure blue that just screamed innocence and friendliness.  They were a very a fine shade of pure sky blue too.  His eyelashes elongated slightly but they weren't too long.   His mind shifted slowly as well,  as new memories and thoughts came into it - memories of being a comedian named James Douglas Muir Leno,  but he also knew that everyone called him Jay for short - and that was just fine,  he liked that name very much as it suited someone like him.

He always knew that he was a friendly,  energetic and cheerful person and that he wouldn't harm anyone or do anything wrong,  because he knew that he was an extremely nice guy off camera as well as due to his heart-warming personality and warm and friendly appearance, including those sky blue eyes.    In a way,  with those expressive eyes - you could say that he knew what it takes to make a pro blush.

His features slowly began to morph and reshape themselves,  one by one morphing themselves into the features of Tonight Show host Jay Leno as his expression altered itself into a friendly looking smile that made him look very approachable.   He could feel his jaw-line shifting too,  and he could feel a tingling sensation in his chin as it slowly elongated and stretched out,  altering until it became more pronounced and also reshaping his jaw-line into what could be described as a 'lantern jaw'.   Looking at his chin,  he somehow knew this was the chin he was born with and he couldn't imagine himself without it.  After all,  the chin was his trademark.

Knowledge of cars and motorcycles and automobiles of all kinds flowed through into his head and as he did he remembered everything about how he got those cars and about which ones he liked the best.  Of course there were so many of them in his garage it was hard to pick just one.  His transformation wasn't finished yet though,  he coughed a little as his voice slowly started to shift too,  becoming slightly higher but also a little bit deeper too - developing a little bit of a nasal but playful tone to it,    When his voice had finished altering,  it sounded exactly like Leno's voice.

Rushing off to the mirror in the dressing room,  he saw that his transformation was finally over and he had well...Jay,  he was Jay Leno now and he was okay with it because he knew that while there were some people that didn't like him,  he knew that there were lots of other people who liked him and that he was just fine the way he was.  And he knew that he'd never do anything bad or evil because he was such a nice man -  and even his friends and personal mechanic could tell one that as well.

The stone from earlier dropped into his pocket as the aura from it dimmed down, and he decided to keep it so that he could protect it from anyone who tried to come near it,  he also knew that he could use it to help others and to right the wrongs that had happened.

"You're on in 5 seconds,  Jay..."

"Jay?  Oh that's right,  my name's Jay.  I'm Jay Leno.  I host the Tonight Show,  of course I knew that.  How would I not know my own name?  That just sounds silly if you ask me. But anyway,  i've got to go -  i've got a show to do."


"That's my cue..."

And so with that,   Jay ran out of the dressing room and headed over to the set and onto the Tonight Show stage,  hugging and high-fiving everyone in the audience as he waved,  giving them all friendly smiles and greetings as he started the show.   The show went off without a hitch and he knew that he was doing a good thing.

As for what happened later,  he decided to use the stone's powers to help right the wrongs that happened in NBC in late 2009 during the debacle and also used them to help others,  of course he grew to really enjoy being who he was.   After all,  as another great comedian once said -  it's good to be the king.

Even people who have been wrongfully accused of something they're not deserve another chance and it's often these people that know how to fix things and right the wrongs that have happened.  In the case of our lantern jawed friend here,  it is most certainly true.


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