King Of The Night. Jay Leno TF/Vampire motif. NOTE: This is a nod to 80's and 90's vampire movies, the picture of Jay used as a reference is one that was taken in the early to late 90's, and of course this has horror/comedy elements to it as well as nods to vampire mythology and vampire rules. This also has a few Tales From The Crypt inspired one-liners. ------------------------------- Nathan was sometimes a very heavy sleeper, and some occasions a lightsleeper due to his nocturnal nature which went with his horror related interests, and he also on occasion had trouble sleeping because he could never figure out which was the better way to face when sleeping, well that and he remembered the insect problems that sometimes plagued the apartment he currently lived in. He was never a day-person either, in fact he felt more like he belonged to the night. He always kept it nice and dark in his room, the blind...