
Showing posts from March, 2016


IMVU crashing yet again? Seriously? Even uninstalling it won't fix it? Daaaamn. I'm going to be so flipping bored. And even worse I won't be able to try new outfits on Mel. Also...can't even find the 3D on IMVU next. So trucking bored.  Someone please just do something to amuse me.  

Second Chances.

Second Chances Jay Leno TF -------------------------------- It was a rather quiet evening in May when Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13 was reminiscing about Jay Leno's tenure as host of the Tonight Show and the many fun times that came with it.  He loved Jay but he was ashamed to admit it because of the whole Conan/NBC fiasco and the rabid Conan fans setting him up as the 'monster'  or 'villain'.  Normally he would be all for respecting other's opinions but this was flat out bashing,  to him it all seemed rather stupid that the Conan fanbase or 'Team CoCo' as they were called thought of Jay as some kind of abomination that supposedly 'stabbed' Conan in the back. He knew it was Jeff Zucker behind the whole ordeal right from the get-go and he was determined to find some way to prove himself right,    he had been waiting to show those nay-sayers they were wrong about the whole ordeal and that both Jay and Conan got a raw deal because...

King Of The Night.

King Of The Night. Jay Leno TF/Vampire motif. NOTE: This is a nod to 80's and 90's vampire movies,  the picture of Jay used as a reference is one that was taken in the early to late 90's,   and of course this has horror/comedy elements to it as well as nods to vampire mythology and vampire rules.  This also has a few Tales From The Crypt inspired one-liners. ------------------------------- Nathan was sometimes a very heavy sleeper,  and some occasions a lightsleeper due to his nocturnal nature which went with his horror related interests,   and he also on occasion had trouble sleeping because he could never figure out which was the better way to face when sleeping,   well that and he remembered the insect problems that sometimes plagued the apartment he currently lived in.    He was never a day-person either,   in fact he felt more like he belonged to the night.   He always kept it nice and dark in his room,   the blind...

TftW: Alive At 11:35 Pm.

TftW: Alive At 11:35. NOTE: The following story is a more light-hearted Tales From The Web story that parodies how most some people mostly trolls think of them as 'revenge stories'.   It is also the first Leno TF story in February and is a re-imagining of the Leading With My Chin story.   Also this story is a little bit on the sad side in the beginning and is based on true experiences. This also includes a couple of Tarantino references too. --------------------------------------------------------- As any good storyteller will tell you,  every good story needs a beginning,  a middle and an end - and a twist as well.   And also another part of being a good storyteller or writer is the inspiration and what leads in the final result.    But sometimes it's not all that easy getting there,  there are obstacles one must face in order to reach the finish line and sometimes it is a very rocky and bumpy ride.   It's worth it t...

WB Rants: Admins.

WB Rants: ------------------------ Werebelushi: You know what really pisses me off?  Forum admins.  Especially ones that let power go to their head and decide to actually side with the trolls other siding with the poor victim -  are you kidding me?  Are you saying that the troll is actually right rather than simply doing the right thing and banning said troll?   You sir,  are a moron.   How the heck did a jerk like that become an admin yet alone an owner of said site or forum?  What?  Did he bribe the previous owner into killing themselves or something? Also what kind of excuse for banning people is...'they were rude to me'?  Oh boo hoo,  they hurt your precious non-existent feelings,  that doesn't mean you go all ban happy and ban them for no reason.  Chances are they were joking.  What? Can't you take a joke?  Oh that's right,  you have no sense of humor because you're not even human. ...