Werebelushi rants: Racism

Werebelushi rants: Racism


(We see a male Werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi, he is sitting outside city hall.)


Hello everyone...i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades and welcome to another Werebelushi rant.

Today's rant is on racism...and i'm going to mention a few experiences i've had with this sort of thing.

The first of which wasn't even a real case of racism at all - it was some jerkass pretending to be of a different nationality online to troll people. It wasn't even real.

The second was regarding a scene in Blues Brothers 2000. Look....I already pointed out that I have nothing against African Americans, it's just...THAT scene with Queen Mousette is a Big Lipped Aligator Moment and had nothing to do with the actual plot. It wasn't needed much like that movie in general. I'm surprised Doug Walker has not reviewed this yet.

And the most recent is my ongoing flame war with this idiot who claims to be from some far off country I know nothing about. And how did this all start? It started with me saying that his favorite website wasn't funny - and then he started getting all in a tizzy because of this and he called me a Bosnian and a Turk. WTF? What did I ever do to him?

So apparently he thinks that i'm racist all the way he's proving how much of a hypocrit he is by calling my friend Nathan out refering to him as a "Sheep-fucker"..oh I get it...sheep fucker, because he's a New Zealander and that's a common New Zealand stereotype. How clever and original.

Btw if he's reading this and by him I don't mean Nathan but the idiot who started this to begin with....i'm NOT from Turkey or Bosnia...you idiot! I'm an American Werebelushi, from Chicago. Okay..my ancestors were half Albanian, but that's about it.

And another thing...what? You think that i'm the one who is being racist? Well..you're the one calling the kettle black, pal! Oh that's right....you're just putting own a faux racist/extremist persona to annoy other people.

I'm sorry but the only one who should be apologizing here is you...look i'm NOT racist, I appreciate people of different cultures. But you're just trying to annoy people with a fake persona.

Oh what's that? You're offended because I compared you to Yakoff Smirnoff? Well boo fucking hoo! I don't care what country you claim to be from...i'm not saying this to be racist...all I am saying is....STOP BRAGGING ABOUT YOUR STUPID COUNTRY ALREADY! IT WAS YOU WHO STARTED THIS, END IT, NOW!

I don't care if you're from some far off country of if you're a timelord, energy vampire, reptilian, or even if you're from the merry land of Oz....you're STILL an annoying prick and should shut up before someone makes you do it.

Again i'm not racist..i'm just pointing out how stupid you are. If that is a problem, then just give it up already!

I'm That Werebelushi In The Shade and this has been another Werebelushi Rant. Now if you excuse me.. i'm going to make sure shit like this gets the axe from now on.



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