Top 15 Jim Carrey Movies
Hello one and all it is I, Monstermaster13 here with another list and since we're in the middle of the spooky season of October I think it is time for a special kind of list.
Since part of the halloween tradition involves having fun as well as being scared and this includes dressing up and wearing costumes and masks....
It is only appriopriate that this list be about a certain comedian who knows how to both 'trick' and 'treat' his audience, this comedian is always putting on a mask if not several and is a man of different faces and a master facial contortionist.
I am of course talking about Jim Carrey. Who doesn't love this guy? Critics may loathe him from time to time but I say "Screw them!".
Before I start this list, I would like to say that I have NOT seen Mr Popper's Penguins or Yes Man.
So get ready to starting to seeing things in green, here is my list of my top 15 favorite Jim Carrey movies.
15. The Number 23
To top off the list we have something different than your typical Jim movie fare, this movie is NOT a slapstick comedy or a family movie - it's a horror/thriller.
The Number 23 has Jim play a dogcatcher named Walter who discovers this book and becomes obsessed over it and over the titular number, and this is one of the best dramatic parts Jim has ever gotten.
In this one, don't expect him to be humurous as in this....he's as TVTropes puts it: Darker and Edgier.
He also plays the character in the book the main character obsessess over, the character is a badass and menacing detective named Fingerling. And boy does he look awesome in that part, he's really muscular and he has these tatoos.
This movie got panned on Rotten Tomatoes but I don't care, this is worth your while if you're a true Jim fan.
14. Once Bitten
This one has two very special reasons to be on the list. 1. It's one of Jim's first. And 2. It's a vampire movie.
And not just any vampire movie, it's an 1980's vampire movie and it's a comedy. Once Bitten is tale of a young boy named Mark who is trying to get to first base with his love interest/girlfriend Robin, but all that changes when a rather seductive vampiress (Lauren Hutton) sets her sights on him and bites him.
This comedy is not only funny but it also has some truly catchy songs on the soundtrack, not to mention that Lauren Hutton is extremely gorgeous as the vampiress.
The way Jim's character changes into a vampire - well almost, i'd say half-vampire, is done extremely well.
Plus young Jim is really slick and kinda cute in my opinion.
13. The Truman Show
Another dramatic part for Jim, this one is rather fascinating and kinda spooky in someway.
This movie answers the question: "What if we're all being watched?" "What if our lives weren't real?"
In this movie Jim plays a man named Truman who finds out that his so called perfect life is really a television show.
It's brilliant in the way it explores this concept, with everything that happens to him and how and why.
There is a real life mental illness named after Jim's character called Truman Syndrome which is a form of delusion.
This movie could also be a jab at all those stupid reality shows that we see on tv now-days as well.
Jim does very well at being dramatic here, being the right amount of subtlety and likability to his character.
12. Liar Liar
The second outing Jim had with directing genius Tom Shadyac and it's absolutely brilliant in every sense of the world.
Jim plays a lawyer who due to a magical wish is forced to tell the truth for 24 hours, and every moment of this movie is pure comedic gold.
My particular favorite has to be the "Claw" which is not only a clever hidden homage to Evil Dead II but also a neat joke that Jim himself learned from his dad.
If I listed all the reasons this movie is great, you would be sitting in the exact same spot you are sitting in now - three weeks later.
This was paid homage to in the Leap Day episode of 30 Rock in which Jim appears in a fictional movie in which he transforms into a character named Leap Day William (the so called 'mascot' of the holiday known as Leap Day).
11. Dumb and Dumber
Jim's first outing with the Farelly Brothers, Jim and his co star Jeff Daniels play Lloyd and Harry, two extremely dumb but likable guys who are best pals.
These two go on a road trip and have all sorts of wacky misadventures, this is classic Jim right here folks.
There are so many outrageously zany moments in this movie it would be too hard to list them all but my personal favorites include the sing-along in the van ("") , this scene: "We got no food, no jobs... our pet's heads are falling off!", and of course the one everybody remembers:
Hey. Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!")
And I can relate to Jim's character because of what happened to my cat Nico. This movie is one of my personal favorite movies of his.
And yes, I am also a fan of the cartoon spinoff. I watched this along with the Mask
and Ace Ventura cartoon spinoffs as a kid, and I loved them to no end.
10. Man On The Moon.
This is another great dramatic turn for Jim as this time he's playing a real person, a person who by the way shares the exact same birthday as he does.
The person i'm talking about is Andy Kaufman, this eccentric genius played Latka in the show Taxi and also was a guest performer on SNL during the Seventies.
Jim brings a lot of likability and charm to Andy and makes him a very fun and likable person, and the scenes where he is being Tony Clifton are really hillarious.
And he actually stayed in character throughout the making of this movie, and this is specifically the reason he was chosen by Audrey Geisel (Dr Seuss's widow) to play the Grinch.
She saw him while he was filming this movie and asked him to audition - but since Jim was truly in character as Andy this was a special twist on things, as Andy he did an impersonation of Jim (himself) playing the Grinch. Woah, now that's commitment. Way to go Jim!
Speaking of which. If you go on the tram tour at Universal Studios, you'll hear this little story. Since some scenes in Man On The Moon were filmed near the 'Bates House' from Psycho, during the tour - a mysterious figure dressed as the "Mother" jumped out and scared the passengers.
Apparently he was bored and was channeling Andy's comic creativity and insanity. If this is what happens when he's bored...then he should do it more often!
He won one of many Golden Globes for this. Unfortunately this is one of the times where he's been snubbed at the Academy Awards.
You should definitely see this movie if you want to see a different side of Jim.
9. Horton Hears A Who
This is one of the few animated parts that Jim's had and it's the second Dr Seuss adaptation he's been in.
This is after Audrey Geisel that no more live action movies were to be made of her husband's movies due to the Cat In The Hat being a bomb.
Jim voices Horton, a lovable and imaginative elephant who one day hears voices coming from a tiny spec inside a flower, the voices come from the residents of the town of Whoville and it's mayor (voiced by Steve Carell).
Elephants are without a doubt one of my favorite animals (I have a few elephant beanie babies and an elephant mushabelly), they are so big and powerful but also quite handy at picking things up with their trunk and also...there's that classic saying..."An elephant never forgets". In fact one of my favorite characters in the Bloody Roar series is Ganesha (the boss from Primal Fury) who can turn into an elephant.
Actually...a friend of mine said that at the zoo, you can ask the zookeepers to let you in the elephant exihibit to spend a little time with the elephants, and if you breathe gently into their trunk, the elephant will never forget your scent.
He makes Horton a very lovable character and one that I can't help but relate to on many levels.
I got the movie as a xmas present from my cousin a few years back because she knew I was a Jim fan and loved cartoons.
8. Earth Girls Are Easy
Another first movie of Jim's and this time it's a sci fi/musical. Earth Girls Are Easy is based on a song by Dr Demento allumni Julie Brown (who also stars in this movie and is the voice of Julie Bruin in Tiny Toons, Minerva Minx in Animaniacs, and Saleen in Disney's Aladdin the series).
This movie is about a group of misfit aliens lead by Mac (a blue furred alien played by Jeff Goldblum) who land in the swimming pool of a woman (the woman is played by Geena Davis, who was Jeff's real life girlfriend at the time) and try to fit it. Jim plays the alien Wiploc who is a red furred alien who likes eating fish and watching television.
The unique thing about this movie is that the lines the aliens speak is sort of like a backwards version of common gibberish and there are subtitles.
Rodney Dangerfield (Jim's comedy mentor) once said: "Man, those people are looking at you like you're from another planet!" and in this movie it's certainly true.
7. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
I first caught this one on tv and to be fair, I really liked it - and Jim was really good in this, very good at being subtle and dramatic and there are lot of great sequences involving his character's mind.
This is an interesting movie that explores the important What If question: "What if there was a way to have bad memories removed?"
He and Kate Winslet do really great in this movie and this scored another golden globe win.
Unfortunately, like with Man On The Moon - he got snubbed at the Academy Awards.
Grrrr....stupid Academy Awards! You think that you can just forget about Jim and snub him, huh? Well you'll be sorry. Jim will get his revenge and so will I! Muwahahahaha! Sorry about that.
If you like your Jim on the more serious side, you'll love this one.
6. The Mask
Based off the Dark Horse comics of the same name, this movie is about a mild mannered bank clerk who puts on the mask of Loki and becomes a green faced maniac with the powers and attributes of a living cartoon.
I know the original comics were a lot darker and yes I am going to look at them sometime.
I love this movie and it's amount of wackiness and not to mention the Cuban Pete musical number.
This movie had a cartoon series spinoff which I watched on a regular basis and even had the toys for.
PS: If that Loki mask was real, I would so buy it, put it on and use it for all sorts of insane shenanigans.
By the way the less said about it's so called sequel "Son of the Mask" the better.
5. Ace Ventura 1 and 2
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then! Moving onto this number, we have none other than Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls.
I'm counting these as two movies since this is one of the two movies that introduced us to the mad genius of Jim.
The first outing with Tom Shadyac and what a memorable outing it is.
In this he plays a crazy pet detective with an equally wacky hairdo and has some terrific lines and quips.
As Ace, Jim is beyond awesome, he is outrageous and every moment with him is pure comedic gold.
Not to mention Ace's hairdo is awesome. The sort of pseudo Elvis hairdo and the way it's shaped - is magnificent. You see this? *points to the Ace Ventura movie poster, close up on Ace's hair* THAT'S how you do a crazy hairdo, Russell Brand!
This movie has a sequel which is the only instance in which Jim has been in a sequel to one of his own movies.
Ace Ventura 1 and Ace Ventura 2 also spawned an animated spinoff just like the Mask and even had an episode which was a crossover between the two. If you're wondering what my favorite episodes are - the Weremoose one and the one with the koalas are my favorite, that and the episode where Ace gets turned into all sorts of animals by a witch.
I'm not going to talk about the stupid prequel Ace Ventura Jr, because well...we all know how bad that movie is.
4. Bruce Almighty
The third outing with Tom Shadyac and one of Jim's finest. This answers the question: "If you had god-like powers for a day, what would you do with them?"
In this one Jim plays a news reporter named Bruce Nolan who after a day of nothing but bad luck, blames it on the big man in the sky and recieves his god-like powers.
Starring alongside him in this are Jennifer Aniston (from my cousin's favorite show Friends) and the awesome Morgan Freeman as the Big Man himself.
Also Steve Carell (who I already mentioned in under 9 for Horton Hears A Who) plays a newsman who ends up getting the job that Bruce wants.
Like with Liar Liar there are so many great moments in this movie that If i listed them'd be here all week.
But my personal favorites include where's making a nice romantic scene for him and his wife by bringing the moon closer to him and making the stars shine while Barry White's "Never Gonna Give You Up" plays (coincidentally this is what made me a fan of Barry White), the scene with the gang of hoodlums and how Bruce gets his payback, and of course Bruce using his god-like powers to make Evan Baxter do all kinds of stupid but hillarious things in the middle of a news report.
I really do love it when Jim plays a role in which he's given supernatural powers like in this movie and The Mask among others, The Grinch also qualifies because of the super strength.
Religious types might not like this movie but I love it, it's pure gold.
3. The Cable Guy
Before I start with this one, i'd just like to issue a warning - this is also different than your standard Jim fare, as in this one he's delving into the darker side of the human psyche.
This is one of Jim's first villainous parts and by far his creepiest part...i'm of course talking about the underrated black comedy gem The Cable Guy.
The name of Jim's character is never really revealed but he uses many aliases but the one he goes by is Chip Douglas.
The movie revovles around Matthew Broderick's character Steven as he's moving in and getting over his recent break up with his girlfriend, under the advise of his personal friend (who is played by Jack Black in one of his first movie roles) he hires the tituluar character to set up his cable tv and the channels that come with it.
Sounds like a good idea, right? Sure at first Chip comes across as rather likable but things take a really dark turn around the middle half. As it's revealed that he was fired from the company because of his stalking tendencies.
I think the main reason people don't like this movie is because they know all too well what it feels like to be around someone like Chip, either that or they don't appreciate dark comedy.
Jim does terrific in the role of Chip, bringing the right amount of patheticness, humor and creepiness to it - and a lot of that has to do with how he does it - including the lisp (which scarilly enough, I can do an imitation of).
Not to mention the many great scenes that make this movie what it is, including my personal favorite the nightmare scene where he's got those evil glowing eyes.
Hmmm...glowing eyes? This may be a precursor or a hint as to a certain other he would later play.
And there's also the epic karaoke scene and the Medieval times restraunt joust! Talk about awesome.
I also should mention that this was one of Doug Walker's list of Movies That I Like But Everyone Else Hates. And I agree with him there.
I warn you though...once you've seen this, you might have to think twice about having cable installed.
If Jaws made people afraid to go swimming, and if Psycho made people afraid of showers....then the Cable Guy will make you afraid of repairmen and stalkers.
2. Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events
*In the style of Lemony Snicket* It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that you might not like this entry at all. If you are looking for a cheerful little musical romp involving cute and cuddly characters then this is not the movie for you, this movie is full of dreadful things that happen in the lives of three unlucky orphans. If you don't want to read the rest of this, I suggest you go and read something a lot more cheerful like the "Littlest Elf." But if you like this sort of thing, then carry on. With all due respect, Monstermaster13.
This is one of my absolute favorite Jim Carrey movies of all time, and it's one that is sadly underrated.
I am of course talking about Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events, based on the books
I had a friend who was a huge fan of these books and he was estactic when he heard there was a movie being made of it, I had to go and find out for myself.
We both went to see it together during the Xmas holidays in 2004 and we enjoyed it to no end, the acting is superb and the settings and costumes are wonderful and it is very cleverly written.
This is based off the first 3 books in the series which now has 13 books in the series, which is also quite eerie since I got the dvd on it on Friday the 13th of April 2005. Coincidence? I think not.
Of course in addition to the child actors playing Violet and Klaus, there is the adorable little baby who plays Sunny.
Timothy Spall is excellent as Mr Poe, Jude Law is great as Lemony Snicket, Billy Connolly (my dad's favorite comedian) is wonderful as Uncle Monty, not to mention Meryl Streep as the fraidy-cat Aunt Josephine..
But of course....the main attraction is none other than Jim playing the deliciously wicked and slimy Count Olaf. In the original books the character is a lot creepier, but this one is a lot more fun.
Mainly because of how humorous he is and how he portrays him, Olaf is a riot - playing a terrible actor but in a good way - hamming it up as only he could, and not to mention that voice. Woah.
And since like I said halloween is about dressing up....he does get to do a LOT of dressing up in this movie, especially when he's in disguise as Sham the sea captain and Stephano.
I can do a pretty good impersonation of him by the way and I have roleplayed as him on occassion.
So many good moments come from this movie so much so that it would take a lot more than just one page to list them all, but my personal favorite is his introduction.
You must check this one if you haven't already, you won't regret it.
1. The Grinch
Based on the classic Dr Seuss story and short cartoon special, this has the honor of being number 1 because it was actually the first Jim movie I ever saw.
That's right, I started becoming a fan of Jim because of this movie. How The Grinch Stole Christmas or "The Grinch" as it's called in the UK is a live action adaptation of the classic Dr Seuss book.
Directed by Ron Howard who also brought us such classics as Splash and Coccoon, this family fantasy movie is one of a kind.
Jim brings the Grinch to life so well that it's like he actually BECOMES the character and part of the credit for that not only goes to Jim but also to Rick Baker who is the makeup master behind an American Werewolf In London, the Eddie Murphy version of the Nutty Professor, Harry and the Hendersons and the reimagining of Planet of The Apes.
The makeup is so clever and very cool looking especially Jim's grinch makeup, you can barely tell it's him underneath it all and that's the brilliant part.
He truly has a LOT of fun in this movie and it shows. One of his finest roles yet.
As I already mentioned when I was talking about Man On The Moon, it was because of that movie that he got cast in this one.
Call me crazy but after I saw this, I actually thought that Jim WAS a real Grinch or at least part Grinch anyway, that's what inspired my monster world OC Growler the weregrinch.
And yes I DID really want to become a Grinch at some point, that's why a majority of my earlier works featured Grinch TFs.
To this day...I STILL think that Jim is part Grinch in some way. What? He's in human form most of the time, I haven't seen him "Grinch out" in years.
Without a doubt, this green furry monsterpiece of cinema has a soft spot in my heart and it's a movie that I couldn't hate not even if you persuaded me to.
And so there you have it, my top 15 Favorite Jim Carrey movies. Sorry if any of your favorites aren't on there. There wasn't enough room.
I hope you enjoyed looking at this list as much as I enjoyed writing it, now if you excuse me i'm going to plan a few tricks and treats of my own.
By the way, if you are a Jim fan like myself you might want to visit the number 1 Jim fansite in the universe: Jim Carrey Online. And those who are truly daring might want to lurk around Jim's official website.
Jim's official website is wonderfully wicked and interactive, and it was also used as a setting in one of my Tales From The Web episodes
Since part of the halloween tradition involves having fun as well as being scared and this includes dressing up and wearing costumes and masks....
It is only appriopriate that this list be about a certain comedian who knows how to both 'trick' and 'treat' his audience, this comedian is always putting on a mask if not several and is a man of different faces and a master facial contortionist.
I am of course talking about Jim Carrey. Who doesn't love this guy? Critics may loathe him from time to time but I say "Screw them!".
Before I start this list, I would like to say that I have NOT seen Mr Popper's Penguins or Yes Man.
So get ready to starting to seeing things in green, here is my list of my top 15 favorite Jim Carrey movies.
15. The Number 23
To top off the list we have something different than your typical Jim movie fare, this movie is NOT a slapstick comedy or a family movie - it's a horror/thriller.
The Number 23 has Jim play a dogcatcher named Walter who discovers this book and becomes obsessed over it and over the titular number, and this is one of the best dramatic parts Jim has ever gotten.
In this one, don't expect him to be humurous as in this....he's as TVTropes puts it: Darker and Edgier.
He also plays the character in the book the main character obsessess over, the character is a badass and menacing detective named Fingerling. And boy does he look awesome in that part, he's really muscular and he has these tatoos.
This movie got panned on Rotten Tomatoes but I don't care, this is worth your while if you're a true Jim fan.
14. Once Bitten
This one has two very special reasons to be on the list. 1. It's one of Jim's first. And 2. It's a vampire movie.
And not just any vampire movie, it's an 1980's vampire movie and it's a comedy. Once Bitten is tale of a young boy named Mark who is trying to get to first base with his love interest/girlfriend Robin, but all that changes when a rather seductive vampiress (Lauren Hutton) sets her sights on him and bites him.
This comedy is not only funny but it also has some truly catchy songs on the soundtrack, not to mention that Lauren Hutton is extremely gorgeous as the vampiress.
The way Jim's character changes into a vampire - well almost, i'd say half-vampire, is done extremely well.
Plus young Jim is really slick and kinda cute in my opinion.
13. The Truman Show
Another dramatic part for Jim, this one is rather fascinating and kinda spooky in someway.
This movie answers the question: "What if we're all being watched?" "What if our lives weren't real?"
In this movie Jim plays a man named Truman who finds out that his so called perfect life is really a television show.
It's brilliant in the way it explores this concept, with everything that happens to him and how and why.
There is a real life mental illness named after Jim's character called Truman Syndrome which is a form of delusion.
This movie could also be a jab at all those stupid reality shows that we see on tv now-days as well.
Jim does very well at being dramatic here, being the right amount of subtlety and likability to his character.
12. Liar Liar
The second outing Jim had with directing genius Tom Shadyac and it's absolutely brilliant in every sense of the world.
Jim plays a lawyer who due to a magical wish is forced to tell the truth for 24 hours, and every moment of this movie is pure comedic gold.
My particular favorite has to be the "Claw" which is not only a clever hidden homage to Evil Dead II but also a neat joke that Jim himself learned from his dad.
If I listed all the reasons this movie is great, you would be sitting in the exact same spot you are sitting in now - three weeks later.
This was paid homage to in the Leap Day episode of 30 Rock in which Jim appears in a fictional movie in which he transforms into a character named Leap Day William (the so called 'mascot' of the holiday known as Leap Day).
11. Dumb and Dumber
Jim's first outing with the Farelly Brothers, Jim and his co star Jeff Daniels play Lloyd and Harry, two extremely dumb but likable guys who are best pals.
These two go on a road trip and have all sorts of wacky misadventures, this is classic Jim right here folks.
There are so many outrageously zany moments in this movie it would be too hard to list them all but my personal favorites include the sing-along in the van ("") , this scene: "We got no food, no jobs... our pet's heads are falling off!", and of course the one everybody remembers:
Hey. Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!")
And I can relate to Jim's character because of what happened to my cat Nico. This movie is one of my personal favorite movies of his.
And yes, I am also a fan of the cartoon spinoff. I watched this along with the Mask
and Ace Ventura cartoon spinoffs as a kid, and I loved them to no end.
10. Man On The Moon.
This is another great dramatic turn for Jim as this time he's playing a real person, a person who by the way shares the exact same birthday as he does.
The person i'm talking about is Andy Kaufman, this eccentric genius played Latka in the show Taxi and also was a guest performer on SNL during the Seventies.
Jim brings a lot of likability and charm to Andy and makes him a very fun and likable person, and the scenes where he is being Tony Clifton are really hillarious.
And he actually stayed in character throughout the making of this movie, and this is specifically the reason he was chosen by Audrey Geisel (Dr Seuss's widow) to play the Grinch.
She saw him while he was filming this movie and asked him to audition - but since Jim was truly in character as Andy this was a special twist on things, as Andy he did an impersonation of Jim (himself) playing the Grinch. Woah, now that's commitment. Way to go Jim!
Speaking of which. If you go on the tram tour at Universal Studios, you'll hear this little story. Since some scenes in Man On The Moon were filmed near the 'Bates House' from Psycho, during the tour - a mysterious figure dressed as the "Mother" jumped out and scared the passengers.
Apparently he was bored and was channeling Andy's comic creativity and insanity. If this is what happens when he's bored...then he should do it more often!
He won one of many Golden Globes for this. Unfortunately this is one of the times where he's been snubbed at the Academy Awards.
You should definitely see this movie if you want to see a different side of Jim.
9. Horton Hears A Who
This is one of the few animated parts that Jim's had and it's the second Dr Seuss adaptation he's been in.
This is after Audrey Geisel that no more live action movies were to be made of her husband's movies due to the Cat In The Hat being a bomb.
Jim voices Horton, a lovable and imaginative elephant who one day hears voices coming from a tiny spec inside a flower, the voices come from the residents of the town of Whoville and it's mayor (voiced by Steve Carell).
Elephants are without a doubt one of my favorite animals (I have a few elephant beanie babies and an elephant mushabelly), they are so big and powerful but also quite handy at picking things up with their trunk and also...there's that classic saying..."An elephant never forgets". In fact one of my favorite characters in the Bloody Roar series is Ganesha (the boss from Primal Fury) who can turn into an elephant.
Actually...a friend of mine said that at the zoo, you can ask the zookeepers to let you in the elephant exihibit to spend a little time with the elephants, and if you breathe gently into their trunk, the elephant will never forget your scent.
He makes Horton a very lovable character and one that I can't help but relate to on many levels.
I got the movie as a xmas present from my cousin a few years back because she knew I was a Jim fan and loved cartoons.
8. Earth Girls Are Easy
Another first movie of Jim's and this time it's a sci fi/musical. Earth Girls Are Easy is based on a song by Dr Demento allumni Julie Brown (who also stars in this movie and is the voice of Julie Bruin in Tiny Toons, Minerva Minx in Animaniacs, and Saleen in Disney's Aladdin the series).
This movie is about a group of misfit aliens lead by Mac (a blue furred alien played by Jeff Goldblum) who land in the swimming pool of a woman (the woman is played by Geena Davis, who was Jeff's real life girlfriend at the time) and try to fit it. Jim plays the alien Wiploc who is a red furred alien who likes eating fish and watching television.
The unique thing about this movie is that the lines the aliens speak is sort of like a backwards version of common gibberish and there are subtitles.
Rodney Dangerfield (Jim's comedy mentor) once said: "Man, those people are looking at you like you're from another planet!" and in this movie it's certainly true.
7. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
I first caught this one on tv and to be fair, I really liked it - and Jim was really good in this, very good at being subtle and dramatic and there are lot of great sequences involving his character's mind.
This is an interesting movie that explores the important What If question: "What if there was a way to have bad memories removed?"
He and Kate Winslet do really great in this movie and this scored another golden globe win.
Unfortunately, like with Man On The Moon - he got snubbed at the Academy Awards.
Grrrr....stupid Academy Awards! You think that you can just forget about Jim and snub him, huh? Well you'll be sorry. Jim will get his revenge and so will I! Muwahahahaha! Sorry about that.
If you like your Jim on the more serious side, you'll love this one.
6. The Mask
Based off the Dark Horse comics of the same name, this movie is about a mild mannered bank clerk who puts on the mask of Loki and becomes a green faced maniac with the powers and attributes of a living cartoon.
I know the original comics were a lot darker and yes I am going to look at them sometime.
I love this movie and it's amount of wackiness and not to mention the Cuban Pete musical number.
This movie had a cartoon series spinoff which I watched on a regular basis and even had the toys for.
PS: If that Loki mask was real, I would so buy it, put it on and use it for all sorts of insane shenanigans.
By the way the less said about it's so called sequel "Son of the Mask" the better.
5. Ace Ventura 1 and 2
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then! Moving onto this number, we have none other than Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls.
I'm counting these as two movies since this is one of the two movies that introduced us to the mad genius of Jim.
The first outing with Tom Shadyac and what a memorable outing it is.
In this he plays a crazy pet detective with an equally wacky hairdo and has some terrific lines and quips.
As Ace, Jim is beyond awesome, he is outrageous and every moment with him is pure comedic gold.
Not to mention Ace's hairdo is awesome. The sort of pseudo Elvis hairdo and the way it's shaped - is magnificent. You see this? *points to the Ace Ventura movie poster, close up on Ace's hair* THAT'S how you do a crazy hairdo, Russell Brand!
This movie has a sequel which is the only instance in which Jim has been in a sequel to one of his own movies.
Ace Ventura 1 and Ace Ventura 2 also spawned an animated spinoff just like the Mask and even had an episode which was a crossover between the two. If you're wondering what my favorite episodes are - the Weremoose one and the one with the koalas are my favorite, that and the episode where Ace gets turned into all sorts of animals by a witch.
I'm not going to talk about the stupid prequel Ace Ventura Jr, because well...we all know how bad that movie is.
4. Bruce Almighty
The third outing with Tom Shadyac and one of Jim's finest. This answers the question: "If you had god-like powers for a day, what would you do with them?"
In this one Jim plays a news reporter named Bruce Nolan who after a day of nothing but bad luck, blames it on the big man in the sky and recieves his god-like powers.
Starring alongside him in this are Jennifer Aniston (from my cousin's favorite show Friends) and the awesome Morgan Freeman as the Big Man himself.
Also Steve Carell (who I already mentioned in under 9 for Horton Hears A Who) plays a newsman who ends up getting the job that Bruce wants.
Like with Liar Liar there are so many great moments in this movie that If i listed them'd be here all week.
But my personal favorites include where's making a nice romantic scene for him and his wife by bringing the moon closer to him and making the stars shine while Barry White's "Never Gonna Give You Up" plays (coincidentally this is what made me a fan of Barry White), the scene with the gang of hoodlums and how Bruce gets his payback, and of course Bruce using his god-like powers to make Evan Baxter do all kinds of stupid but hillarious things in the middle of a news report.
I really do love it when Jim plays a role in which he's given supernatural powers like in this movie and The Mask among others, The Grinch also qualifies because of the super strength.
Religious types might not like this movie but I love it, it's pure gold.
3. The Cable Guy
Before I start with this one, i'd just like to issue a warning - this is also different than your standard Jim fare, as in this one he's delving into the darker side of the human psyche.
This is one of Jim's first villainous parts and by far his creepiest part...i'm of course talking about the underrated black comedy gem The Cable Guy.
The name of Jim's character is never really revealed but he uses many aliases but the one he goes by is Chip Douglas.
The movie revovles around Matthew Broderick's character Steven as he's moving in and getting over his recent break up with his girlfriend, under the advise of his personal friend (who is played by Jack Black in one of his first movie roles) he hires the tituluar character to set up his cable tv and the channels that come with it.
Sounds like a good idea, right? Sure at first Chip comes across as rather likable but things take a really dark turn around the middle half. As it's revealed that he was fired from the company because of his stalking tendencies.
I think the main reason people don't like this movie is because they know all too well what it feels like to be around someone like Chip, either that or they don't appreciate dark comedy.
Jim does terrific in the role of Chip, bringing the right amount of patheticness, humor and creepiness to it - and a lot of that has to do with how he does it - including the lisp (which scarilly enough, I can do an imitation of).
Not to mention the many great scenes that make this movie what it is, including my personal favorite the nightmare scene where he's got those evil glowing eyes.
Hmmm...glowing eyes? This may be a precursor or a hint as to a certain other he would later play.
And there's also the epic karaoke scene and the Medieval times restraunt joust! Talk about awesome.
I also should mention that this was one of Doug Walker's list of Movies That I Like But Everyone Else Hates. And I agree with him there.
I warn you though...once you've seen this, you might have to think twice about having cable installed.
If Jaws made people afraid to go swimming, and if Psycho made people afraid of showers....then the Cable Guy will make you afraid of repairmen and stalkers.
2. Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events
*In the style of Lemony Snicket* It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that you might not like this entry at all. If you are looking for a cheerful little musical romp involving cute and cuddly characters then this is not the movie for you, this movie is full of dreadful things that happen in the lives of three unlucky orphans. If you don't want to read the rest of this, I suggest you go and read something a lot more cheerful like the "Littlest Elf." But if you like this sort of thing, then carry on. With all due respect, Monstermaster13.
This is one of my absolute favorite Jim Carrey movies of all time, and it's one that is sadly underrated.
I am of course talking about Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events, based on the books
I had a friend who was a huge fan of these books and he was estactic when he heard there was a movie being made of it, I had to go and find out for myself.
We both went to see it together during the Xmas holidays in 2004 and we enjoyed it to no end, the acting is superb and the settings and costumes are wonderful and it is very cleverly written.
This is based off the first 3 books in the series which now has 13 books in the series, which is also quite eerie since I got the dvd on it on Friday the 13th of April 2005. Coincidence? I think not.
Of course in addition to the child actors playing Violet and Klaus, there is the adorable little baby who plays Sunny.
Timothy Spall is excellent as Mr Poe, Jude Law is great as Lemony Snicket, Billy Connolly (my dad's favorite comedian) is wonderful as Uncle Monty, not to mention Meryl Streep as the fraidy-cat Aunt Josephine..
But of course....the main attraction is none other than Jim playing the deliciously wicked and slimy Count Olaf. In the original books the character is a lot creepier, but this one is a lot more fun.
Mainly because of how humorous he is and how he portrays him, Olaf is a riot - playing a terrible actor but in a good way - hamming it up as only he could, and not to mention that voice. Woah.
And since like I said halloween is about dressing up....he does get to do a LOT of dressing up in this movie, especially when he's in disguise as Sham the sea captain and Stephano.
I can do a pretty good impersonation of him by the way and I have roleplayed as him on occassion.
So many good moments come from this movie so much so that it would take a lot more than just one page to list them all, but my personal favorite is his introduction.
You must check this one if you haven't already, you won't regret it.
1. The Grinch
Based on the classic Dr Seuss story and short cartoon special, this has the honor of being number 1 because it was actually the first Jim movie I ever saw.
That's right, I started becoming a fan of Jim because of this movie. How The Grinch Stole Christmas or "The Grinch" as it's called in the UK is a live action adaptation of the classic Dr Seuss book.
Directed by Ron Howard who also brought us such classics as Splash and Coccoon, this family fantasy movie is one of a kind.
Jim brings the Grinch to life so well that it's like he actually BECOMES the character and part of the credit for that not only goes to Jim but also to Rick Baker who is the makeup master behind an American Werewolf In London, the Eddie Murphy version of the Nutty Professor, Harry and the Hendersons and the reimagining of Planet of The Apes.
The makeup is so clever and very cool looking especially Jim's grinch makeup, you can barely tell it's him underneath it all and that's the brilliant part.
He truly has a LOT of fun in this movie and it shows. One of his finest roles yet.
As I already mentioned when I was talking about Man On The Moon, it was because of that movie that he got cast in this one.
Call me crazy but after I saw this, I actually thought that Jim WAS a real Grinch or at least part Grinch anyway, that's what inspired my monster world OC Growler the weregrinch.
And yes I DID really want to become a Grinch at some point, that's why a majority of my earlier works featured Grinch TFs.
To this day...I STILL think that Jim is part Grinch in some way. What? He's in human form most of the time, I haven't seen him "Grinch out" in years.
Without a doubt, this green furry monsterpiece of cinema has a soft spot in my heart and it's a movie that I couldn't hate not even if you persuaded me to.
And so there you have it, my top 15 Favorite Jim Carrey movies. Sorry if any of your favorites aren't on there. There wasn't enough room.
I hope you enjoyed looking at this list as much as I enjoyed writing it, now if you excuse me i'm going to plan a few tricks and treats of my own.
By the way, if you are a Jim fan like myself you might want to visit the number 1 Jim fansite in the universe: Jim Carrey Online. And those who are truly daring might want to lurk around Jim's official website.
Jim's official website is wonderfully wicked and interactive, and it was also used as a setting in one of my Tales From The Web episodes
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