Top 11 things that scare me

Hello, i'm Monstermaster13 here with another list. Well since it's getting nearer to halloween, it's time for another list.

This time it's of the top 11 things that scare me, this may include stuff that has scared me in the past and stuff that scares me now.

11. Babies

I always feel uneasy around babies, this may be an irriation fear but believe me...there's just something creepy about babies up close.

I'm not this creeped out when around Zoey or Maya though since they're not babies anymore, but around most babies I do tend to get creeped out.

There's just something too...Uncanny Valleyesque about them.

10. The Haunted Mansion/Phantom Manor

Before I start with this one, i'd like to say that I have had the proud honor of going to Disneyland at least twice or more.

This is one of the rides I avoided going on because of how creepy it is, I am of course talking about the Haunted Mansion or it's called over in EuroDisney ....Phantom Manor.

This ride always creeped me out for some reason and I didn't even go on it, I remember having this nightmare that I was standing in Frontierland and Phantom Manor was clearly noticable in the background.

All of a sudden this really demented voice comes out of the intercom, it's supposed to be the "Ghost Host" but sounds like a cross between Joker, Carnage and The Crypt Keeper.
And it still creeps me out to this day but in a good way though. My favorite parts of it being the changing portraits - I still wonder how they do that.

9. Disney Channel sitcom fans

Remember when I mentioned how much I hate Disney Channel for it's overruse of crappy teen sitcoms? Well I just found something a lot worse. The fans.

Man are these crazy sons and daughters of witches creepy, they creep the hell out of me. To me, it is like Disney is turning teens into zombies.

I'm surprised they haven't done a creepypasta about Disney Channel sitcoms yet...or maybe one about what really goes on behind the scenes of those shows.

You know like one saying that the Disney Channel teen popstars are really androids or living dolls made by a demented toy-maker.

Seriously, someone should do an ACTUAL creepypasta about it - I would so read that if they did.

8. Fire

This one can't be explained but i've always had a fear of flames (kind of like Frankenstein), in this one nightmare I had I was running on the sand while being persued by this fiery creature who had the ability to make everything become engulfed in flames whenever he/she touched it.

Fire, it can be used for anything including scaring us to death.

7. The Worms Crawl In

This song is a halloween classic and it both intrigues me and creeps me out, but for some of the right and wrong reasons.

For some reason this creepy song is a "children's song" even though the subject matter and lyrics are disturbing and not kid friendly.

It's basically just telling you "Hey kids. You're going to die one day and it's not going to be pretty at all and you won't be able to do anything about it because you'll be dead while it's happening. Sweet dreams!"

Seriously, THIS is a children's song? That's fucking disturbing.

I know nursery rhymes have a tendency to be dark but this one really DOES take the cake! I mean what kid is going to be morbid or creepy enough to actually like this song? And what kid is going to know what death is anyway?

Don't get me wrong...I like the's just....*shudder*. If this is what happens when you die...then screw that shit, I am getting cremated - just like Glenn Shadix!

6. The "Bad, Bad, Bad World" episode of Big Bad Beetleborgs

This is one of the only Beetleborgs episodes that scared me and that's because of this following scene:

After Jo drinks a potion that the Magnavores disguised as a soda, she involuntarily turns into a Mr Hyde-like evil version of herself and causes trouble.

There's a scene where Flabber is in the mansion and he's going up to the pipe organ because he hears someone playing it, he goes over to it and creeps up slowly - when he investigates it, Jo (in her demented Mr Hyde-like form) turns around and laughs evilly, frightening Flabber and the other House monsters.

Luckily no other Beetleborgs episode had this affect on me, except for the ones where Nukus drains the Beetleborgs of their powers and freezes Flabber. But that just made me cry.

5. The Witch from Snow White

Snow White was one of the first Disney movies I ever got on video and i'm pretty sure almost everyone knows how dark and creepy it is.

But to me the parts that frightened me the most were the ones with the Queen/Witch, especially her transformation scene and the whole her tricking Snow into eating a poison apple.

As a matter of fact, I had a Snow White figure set which unfortunately included the Queen in her Witch/Hag form, I put the Witch/Hag figure behind the radiator just so that I could get rid of her.

Like the Nostalgia Critic says....when you wish upon a star.....*in a demonic voice* EVIL WILL FIND YOU!

4. The Nickelodeon UK Closedown Cows

Back in the 90's and 2000's Nickelodeon would close at either 7pm or 10pm and everytime it did, they would have this disturbing closedown sequence.

It has an animated group of singing cows and this is in cut and paste style animation btw, and they sing this song here:
"Now it's time to go
Say goodnight
But don't be sad
'Cause we'll be back
Tomorrow morning
On the only network for you...

This is what caused my personal fear of/adversion to cows, this is what to blame for the creation of my demon cow monster Moocifer.

I mean after that I couldn't even get that infernal song out of my head. And what's worse is that this disturbing sequence would come on after Are You Afraid of the Dark, and to me it was scarier than the actual AYAOTD episode that was on before it.

I have heard there are some other closedowns that are like this in terms of creepiness like one of the other ones has howling dogs - including a wolf of all things, but the just remind me way too much of the singing busts from the Haunted Mansion.

Somehow Barnyard and Cow and Chicken didn't phase me even though both of them had a cow as one of the main characters, but this closedown sequence DID.

3. Jim Carrey in the Cable Guy.

This is the only two occassions I have been creeped out by Jim, and that's because in this one Jim's character is actually generally creepy.
He does the character so well and so creepily, that you don't know whether to feel sorry for him or run away from him.

At first all he wants is a friend but this takes on a more sinister darker tone throughout the middle of the movie, as his true intentions are revealed - he's a creepy ass lunatic who got fired from the company from stalking his customers.

He is definitely more than just creepy, he's like a slasher villain. I'm pretty sure i've seen a re-edited trailer for the movie on youtube that makes it look like a horror movie.

The Cable Guy, if Jaws made you afraid to go swimming, then The Cable Guy will make you think twice about having cable installed or make you afraid of repairmen.

2. Jim Carrey's Grinch.

I first became a fan of the Grinch back in the late 2000s, but around the time the movie came out I used to be terrified of the ads for the live action Grinch movie.
Especially the one teaser trailer which used In The Hall of The Mountain King by Edvard Grieg and we see the grinch's smile at the end of it. And there was a magazine that we also got on weekends and the one that came out in December had pretty much a whole entire article on the Grinch movie, there was a huge picture of Jim as the Grinch standing on top of Mt Crumpit and that just creeped me out.

To add to this, one of my mom's friends had a Grinch plushie that she kept in the living room, it had that grinchy grin and everything. And no matter where I was, I always suspected it was either following me or watching me.

But now I love the Grinch, he's my favorite Jim Carrey movie character and it's my favorite Jim Carrey movie.

Honorable mention: Jigglypuff's song from Pokemon.

I am a huge Pokemon fan but there's one pokemon that I really really hate. Jigglypuff, and it's not just because she is annoying but because her song is just plain creepy.

You know that singing attack she uses to put people to sleep and the one she uses in Super Smash Bros? Well that song creeps the hell out of me. It's just like a creepy nursery rhyme.

Hypno's so called song isn't as nearly as creepy and he doesn't creep me out as much as Jigglypuff does. But the episode in which Drowzee uses mind control to turn everyone's pokemon against their owners certainly did. True, Hypno is now suspected of pedophilia thanks to numerous Pokemon creepypastas but to me Jigglypuff is the creepier pokemon.

Her song reminds me of the scene in Hocus Pocus where Sarah Jessica Parker's character is singing: "Come little children, I'll take thee away..." and also of the the part in Poor Unfortunate Souls where Ariel is singing as Ursula is taking her voice away.

And now....the number one thing that scares me is....

1. Russell Brand

This man is what unfortunately the UK thought it would be a good idea to unleash onto the US. Now you're probably wondering what is so scary about him. I'll tell you what's so scary about him.....EVERYTHING!

For starters, there's the fact that some people like him or think he's funny - and even worse that they consider him attractive.

What? This long haired maniac is considered attractive? You've got to be kidding me. With hair like that, he looks more like he's the long lost bastard cousin of Beetlejuice. Seriously, Russ....have you ever heard of a hairbrush?

I know he can be a good actor but he's just plain weird, he weirds me out and freaks me out. Don't get me wrong, I like him as the voice of Nefario in Despicable Me and the Ponderland series was quite funny, and I haven't seen anything else he's in, but he' not in a good way! Not to mention that absolutely insane as all hell performance he did at the Olympics this year.

Seriously....people think this lunatic is funny? And this guy is from the UK which brought us such comedy gems as Blackadder, Mr Bean, Red Dwarf and the Young Ones? What the hell? What are they thinking? And what are these people on?

I'm sorry if I am offending anyone who likes him, but the man is just and creepy-looking, not to mention his hair! Seriously...the guy needs a haircut. I know that backcombing it is a style and everything but still...

He should do something about it before it's too late, or his hair might come alive and attack people, or even worse - his whole head will grow spider-legs and walk around just like in John Carpenter's The Thing.

What's worse is that Katy Perry married him! Thank godness she divorced from him. Seriously....Russell Brand is UBER CREEPY in my opinion. Yes I know i've got him in my DA and youtube favorites, but still he creeps the hell out of me.

And what's even worse than that....there's no stopping this guy. He's even resorting to ruining classics like Arthur and now doing a Drop Dead Fred remake? Well at least I can say that he hasn't gone so far as to try and ripoff or remake Beetlejuice yet...
*checks online, looks through the various entertainment related articles and comes across one that says...."Russell Brand to be in Beetlejuice styled comedy film The Hauntrepeneur"......

What? He's going to be in a movie that's a ripoff of Beetlejuice? Excuse me for a second.......*takes a deep breath, then screams* OH GOD WHY? WHY? WHY? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD, WHY? WHY?

Oh least he's not going to be in a remake of Beetlejuice or anything...that would be a lot scarier. *goes to Retrojunk, finds a forum post that says"Beetlejuice remake starring Russell Brand* What? A Beetlejuice remake? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Oh i've got an email. *checks email messages* Ooh, i've got some Netflicks recommendations from my friend. Let's see....*looks* Wait a minute....Get Him To The Greek? The Arthur remake? Rock Of Ages? What the hell is going on? I'm not even a fan of Russell's. I didn't even ask for these to be on my Netflicks queue at all. I must be dreaming.

(Russell: Oh this is no dream, it's a nightmare! *laughs evilly*)

No....I thought I banished you. Stay back you foul, long-haired creature from the depts of the Neitherrealm!

(Russell: Nathan, come on. I wouldn't try to hurt you!)

Oh yes you would. Now if you excuse me....i'm outta here!

(Russell: Not so fast, Nathan...we're gonna have some laughs, *clicks his fingers*)

*clothing rips open to reveal he's wearing Russell's clothes, looks down in terror,
then feels his hair - sees he's got Russell's hair* *imitating Otho* Aaaaaah! *runs away*
*A few seconds later...wakes up screaming*

Aaaaaah! What a horrible nightmare. I dreamed that Russell Brand was going to be in a movie called The Hauntrepeneur and that he was going to be in a remake of Beetlejuice. Then he showed up and I ended up with his hideous hairdo. And even worse...his clothing...ugh.

(Otho: I know how that feels!)

Well...thank goodness that's over. *clears his throat* Anyway....Russell Brand, he's one comedian that I wouldn't want to run into even in my own nightmares.

And so there you have it, my list of top 11 things that scare me. I hope that you liked this list as much as I enjoyed writing this.

Now if you excuse me....i'm going to go into my bedroom and check my attic and wardrobe for Russell Brand


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