TftW: Disney Paint Fight.
Larry and Connor were two roommates who just never got along, they constantly argued and fought - both of them fought over Diana, a female who lived in the same apartment. Diana seemed to like Larry more than Connor which made Connor mad and a little bit jealous. One evening, the two of them decided to get some work done on their apartment, so they went out and got some special paints. "This is going to be great. I think our apartment will look nice." "So what color should we use to paint?" "I'm thinking a simple earthy brown." "What? Brown? How dull and boring. How about red instead? You know, to spice it up?" "No, I say brown." "Red!" "I still say brown!" "Red is more exciting!" "What? Brown is better by far!" "Hang on. I've got an idea, why don't we paint one half red and the other half brown?" "That sounds like a good idea." The two guys started work,...