
Showing posts from October, 2012

TftW: Disney Paint Fight.

Larry and Connor were two roommates who just never got along, they constantly argued and fought - both of them fought over Diana, a female who lived in the same apartment. Diana seemed to like Larry more than Connor which made Connor mad and a little bit jealous. One evening, the two of them decided to get some work done on their apartment, so they went out and got some special paints. "This is going to be great. I think our apartment will look nice." "So what color should we use to paint?" "I'm thinking a simple earthy brown." "What? Brown? How dull and boring. How about red instead? You know, to spice it up?" "No, I say brown." "Red!" "I still say brown!" "Red is more exciting!" "What? Brown is better by far!" "Hang on. I've got an idea, why don't we paint one half red and the other half brown?" "That sounds like a good idea." The two guys started work,...

Werebelushi rants: Memes

Werebelushi: Hello one and all, it is I, That Werebelushi In The Shades here with another rant. This time it is on something that almost everyone else except for people who don't go online can agree on.. You know what really makes me pissed off at the universe? Memes! Internet memes are so irritating and unfunny. Sure they're really funny at first but they get repeative and it gets REAL annoying. For example, the facepalm. Many people associate this meme with Patrick Stewart and for good or in this case bad reason, he helped make this gesture into a full blown - or in this case overblown meme. I am NOT bashing Patrick Stewart, I think he's a fantastic actor. But I don't think that being one of the originators of the facepalm meme is a good claim to fame. I'm sorry, but Picard - you are an asshole for helping make that meme exist. Then there's the others like "U Mad?" to which I respond with: "Well duh, of course i...

Top 11 things that scare me

Hello, i'm Monstermaster13 here with another list. Well since it's getting nearer to halloween, it's time for another list. This time it's of the top 11 things that scare me, this may include stuff that has scared me in the past and stuff that scares me now. 11. Babies I always feel uneasy around babies, this may be an irriation fear but believe me...there's just something creepy about babies up close. I'm not this creeped out when around Zoey or Maya though since they're not babies anymore, but around most babies I do tend to get creeped out. There's just something too...Uncanny Valleyesque about them. 10. The Haunted Mansion/Phantom Manor Before I start with this one, i'd like to say that I have had the proud honor of going to Disneyland at least twice or more. This is one of the rides I avoided going on because of how creepy it is, I am of course talking about the Haunted Mansion or it's called over in EuroDisney ....Phan...

Monstermaster13's thoughts: Russell Brand

Hello one and all, monstermaster13 with another edition of Monstermaster13's thoughts. This is sort of a rant on sorts on one of the most unusual and completely wacked up people in the history of comedy. I am of course talking about Russell Brand. I mean seriously, what is it that makes this man so damn popular? I don't hate him, I am just saying that he's well...weird and not in a good way. I just find him to be too crazy to a regular person, there's several different levels of Craziness, there is Lovable and Manic, Jim Carrey-Like, Eccentric, and then there's Axe Crazy (e.g Jack Nicholson in the Shining). Yes I know that I have fanart of him in my "Favorites" on here but that's there for a reason, because in a strange way - I find him kind of interesting. Yes I have favorited several videos of him on youtube, but that's only because he's interesting. I just don't get why people consider him to be attractive. ...

Top 15 Jim Carrey Movies

Hello one and all it is I, Monstermaster13 here with another list and since we're in the middle of the spooky season of October I think it is time for a special kind of list. Since part of the halloween tradition involves having fun as well as being scared and this includes dressing up and wearing costumes and masks.... It is only appriopriate that this list be about a certain comedian who knows how to both 'trick' and 'treat' his audience, this comedian is always putting on a mask if not several and is a man of different faces and a master facial contortionist. I am of course talking about Jim Carrey. Who doesn't love this guy? Critics may loathe him from time to time but I say "Screw them!". Before I start this list, I would like to say that I have NOT seen Mr Popper's Penguins or Yes Man. So get ready to starting to seeing things in green, here is my list of my top 15 favorite Jim Carrey movies. 15. The Number 23 To top off the ...

TftW: Young and Charmandered

Toby was a 14 year old boy at Carwarden High, he and his best friend Joseph used to have all sorts of wacky misadventures with their supernatural friend Russell-Juice. Russell-Juice was this character who was a combination of Beetlejuice and Russell Brand, he had been Toby's supernatural best pal since he was 8, but like with imaginary friends only he and Joseph could see him. Russell-Juice or RJ as he was often refered to as had Russell Brand's looks and voice including the hair but Beetlejuice's powers and personality as well as the same type of costume. Unfortunately Toby's mother had also heard about him and one night she decided to get rid of him by capturing him, in various different ways. Unfortunately he had to deal with bullies on occassion, all because he didn't want to grow up. One night he was in his room and he was rather sad because his mother had told him that it was time for him to give up his favorite childhood things, he was looking t...