Top 18 reasons why Sly Stallone is Awesome

Hi there Monstermaster13 here with another list, this time it's centered around one of my favorite movie stars EVER.

I admit it I am obssessed with Sylvester Stallone and his incredibly awesome movies, and who can blaim me? The guy's just incredibly awesome and epic in every aspect.

When the word 'badass' comes to mind he is right up there with Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Mr T, Clint Eastwood, The Governator himself, and of course the underrated but awesome beyond all reason Bruce Campbell.

My first introduction to Sly first came from the Nostalgia Critic and his review of Judge Dredd (1995), as well as Film Brain's review of Spy Kids 3: Game Over, and Spoony's Demolition Man game review.

So put your boxing gloves on and get ready for some high explosive action, because it's time for the Top 18 reasons why Sly Stallone is Awesome list.

18. He has a birthday in the same month as Bruce Campbell.

Sly and Bruce Campbell have a lot in common including the following factors: They're both badass, they're both still going strong despite the fact that they're much much older now, and they both have Cancer as a star sign.

And they can be both be versatile and pull off dramatic parts. For Sly it would be not in the first and last Rocky films but in Cop Land as Freddy Hefllin, the shy and deaf in one ear portly ex sherrif. For Bruce, it is the role of an elderly Elvis Presley in Bubba Ho-Tep.

I consider Bruce to be the horror equlivalent to Sly in every sense except with a little bit of Jim Carrey's craziness thrown in.

Both of these guys are a Cancer along with a few other entertainers including Anjelica Huston (my favorite actress).

Considering these two guys have a lot in common especially their legendary status, I'm really surprised that these two haven't worked together on any film projects.

Let's see a show of hands...who would love to see an Rambo VS Army of Darkness crossover? I thought so.

17. His movies have great villains in them.

One thing i've come to admire about Sly is that his movies have some really amazing antagonists in them.

My personal favorites being Simon Phoenix from Demolition Man, Eric Qualen from Cliffhanger, and the Rocky rogues gallery.

The Rocky rogues gallery has Spider Rico, Apollo Creed, Tommy Gunn, Mason "The Line" Dixon, Ivan Drago, Clubber Lang (I pitty the fool who doesn't know who Mr T is!) and Thunderlips.

The latter two Clubber Lang and Thunderlips are my good friend DPMoonwalker33's favorites, and Clubber Lang is also a fan favorite of Rockybalboa101.

Of course an honorable mention goes to Ned from The Specialist played by James Woods (who even when he's overdoing it - is to quote Film Brain:"Assholishly awesome!")

16. He was a close friend of Michael Jackson

Anyone who was a member of the MJCOF (Michael Jackson's Circle Of Friends) is awesome in my book and Sly definitely was very close with the late king of pop.

I have seen photos of him and MJ together that were taken during the 1980's. And as a bonus Michael even morphs into him in the Speed Demon segment of Moonwalker which blew my ever-loving mnd.

I mean that was completely awesome. I wish I could do that. It's no fair, how come MJ gets to turn into Sly and I don't? I want to be Sly Stallone damn it.

15. He's still in good shape despite the fact he's in his 60's.

Let's face it people, we don't stay young and fit forever but Sly is one of those people who actually HAS managed to stay in shape despite the fact he's in his 60's.

Many rumors have said he uses steroids but it's actually not a steroid at all but HGH (human growth hormone) , and he admits to being busted in Australia for trying to export them but the rest he owns to his sure willpower, skill and raw strength along with dedication and hard work.

I mean just look at those muscles on him. He's now literally like a superhero, to the point of being almost demigod-like.

14. He's got brains AND Brawn.

While he's mainly known for playing tough guys/badasses, in real life he is actually quite an intelligent man and not as dumb as people make him out to be.

He has excellent taste in art and is a writer/painter himself, heck....he even came up with the script for Rocky. He's also extremely witty.

Brains AND Brawn? That's a deadly combination.

13. He's severely underrated.

Now i'm probably not the only one who thinks this but....Sly is actually a good not good, not...great...but AWESOME and EPIC.

Most people including critics say he can't act and he can only play moron type roles.

To which I say...that is preposterous. Rocky Balboa is NOT a moron, sure he's a little slow but he's very lovable.

He's actually pretty amazing when it comes to acting and is versatile.
I even liked him in Spy Kids 3 as the Toymaker, he was actually quite funny in that and not to mention the costumes he wore were awesome.
As for what they say about him in comedic roles. Well I can honestly say he does very good with what he's given. his singing in Rhinestone was kinda iffy but hey...he did try. And Oscar is ingeniously clever. And yes....I actually liked Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot even though

Sly himself regrets being in it and says it's his worst movie ever. Yeah I know it was bad, but least it wasn't along the lines of Arnie's comedic attempts Junior, Kindergarden Cop, and Twins (we all know how Nostalgia Critic feels about Junior and Jingle All The Way).

12. His voice is just so powerful.

One of the things I love about Sly is his voice, it sounds so deep and epic and badass like he's straight out of a comic book.

A lot of people often make fun of him because of this saying that he sounds like he's mumbling but I say it's more like purring, because it has sort of a grrowly kinda of purrry feline quality to it.

How can you not love a voice like that? I'd love to have that voice.

11. He's got a great supporting cast in his movies.

One thing I love about Sly's movies are the supporting cast members and as an example I shall include the Rocky and Rambo saga as well as Demolition Man.

Demolition Man has the lovely Sandra Bullock as well as Glenn Shadix, Benjamin Bratt, yes even the ever annoying Rob Schneider (you know....the guy he's in those Adam Sandler movies and always in movies where he's some guy who is always becoming something or someone else due to a supernatural cause which may or not be entirely random?) and Dennis Leary (who delivers one hell of a rant) and not to mention an early appearance by Jables himself the always awesome (sings in an rock operatic style) Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Blaaaaaaaaaaaaack in his pre-(sings in Jack Black's style) Tenacious D...days!

Sly really knows how to pick good supporting characters for his movies and speaking of supporting characters - where would Rocky be without Paulie, Mickey or the lovely Adrian? He wouldn't be anywhere.

10. His appearance is just as badass as his voice.

Like I said earlier, Sly is just a badass and he himself knows it. His appearance helps with this as well.

Even though he's only 5'9, he looks like the kind of man you wouldn't want to mess with if you're were a villain and the kind of guy you would want to have protect you if you were on his side.

I mean look at those muscles and that mane of hair. And not to mention that perrenial snarl, which by the way is the result of an accident that happened when he was born.

He even looks awesome in glasses as well, and that's saying a lot.

9. He really knows how to tug at your heart strings.

You know you're doing something right as an actor or actress when the audience watching your movie actually starts breaking out into tears.

Sly knows how to do this extremely well as indicated by the emotional scenes in Rocky Balboa, his Cop Land performance and his breakdown in First Blood.

It's these types of scenes that can really get you all mushy on the inside, hell even seasoned veterans cried during that scene in First Blood where Rambo has his his breakdown.

8. His movies have awesome songs in them.

One of the most well known Stallone trademarks I know of is the epic songs in his films including the Rocky films which has quite a few.

Which include Gonna Fly Now, No Easy Way Out, Eye Of The Tiger, Living In America, and many more.

As well as other Stallone movie songs such as It's A Long Road, Turn The Beat Around, Demolition Man by Sting, and more.

Once you hear Gonna Fly Now, you're immediately gonna get the urge to create and motivate and inspire and then some. *Gonna Fly Now plays* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaadrian! Aaaaaaaaadrian! Sorry...I've just gotten a little bit of Stallone in me.

Even though his singing in Rhinestone was a little bit iffy....those songs have been permantley stuck in my head and I'm not going to get them out anytime soon. Curse you Drinkenstein, curse you!

And as a sidenote: Josh Peck (yes, the adorable one from Drake and Josh) says that he has the Rocky theme on his playlist - i'm not sure if it's Gonna Fly Now or Eye of the Tiger but I must say it's an excellent choice seeing as his life is a lot like Rocky as well.

7. He's got a superb sense of humour.

Whoever said that Sly hasn't gotten a sense of humor is either an idiot or they don't know Sly at all because to me....Sly has a superb sense of humor.

He can poke fun of himself and mess around with others at the same time, he just sounds like an awesome person to hang out with.

6. He's a very good father

I hear from a lot of fans that he is one of the most gentle fathers in show buisness - in contrast to his former competitor Arnie Schwartzenegger who tends to be a bit more strict when it comes to his kids.

Sly is very gentle and caring towards the people he loves especially his children, his wife and his close circle of friends.

He can still be tough when he needs to be but he saves that for his films.

5. He's got a great sense of style.

He may not be a fashion ester but Sly knows a lot when it comes style as a matter of fact he's launched his own Rocky and Rambo inspired clothing lines.

He's very buisness savy and definitely the kind of guy i'd love to have on my team or part of my group if I had one.

4. He never gives up.

No matter what happens ol Sly Stallone never gives up, sure he's won his share of Razzies and he's been bashed by pretty much every critic around..

But does that stop him? No it doesn't. Is he washed up? Hell no. He sucessfully brought Rocky and Rambo to both great conclusions in the form of Rambo (2008) and Rocky Balboa (2006).

Both of these movies did extremely well and the only thing that went wrong is that Rambo got beat by Meet The Spartans at the box office (grrrr....Seltzerberg..I HATE those guys so much).

But nonetheless, he never gives up no matter what happens to him or to his close friends in the buisness.

3. He owns Planet Hollywood

In addition to being a writer/actor/director, Sly also owns Planet Hollywood with some of his show biz buddies.

That place would be the most awesome place to eat, i've been dreaming of eating there for weeks now.

The coolest part of it is you get to see all the props from various movies and shows including on floor the cyro dummy of Sly from Demolition Man.

2. His versatility

Like I mentioned before, Sly can be versatile and even though he has been mainly known for playing tough guys/badasses there are times when he can be subtle dramatic parts too.

His performance in Cop Land is an excellent example of this - and he gained over 40lbs to play that part (eating a diet consisting of nothing but pancakes) , now THAT is what I call commitment.

Sly's a truly timeless classic and I hope he'll continue being awesome for years to come.

1. He's freaking Sly Stallone.

Need I say more about this? Sly is legendary. He's a badass and one of the most well known action movie stars out there.

Even though he's not as tough in real life, you would still have to think twice before taking him on in a fight of any kind.

And god help you if you happen to be a villain or psycho for hire, he'll clean your clock real good and put out your lights at the same time.

Why is so awesome? Because he's freaking Sly Stallone. That's why.


And so that concludes my list of top 18 reasons why Sly Stallone is Awesome, if you liked this list check out RockyBalboa101's youtube channel or go to for all your Sly related needs.

I'm off to go and practice my Sly impersonation, see ya.


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