I have something I wish to confess

I have something I wish to confess. A long while back before I got my own ED article I used to be a failtroll on forums specificially Blues Brothers Central.

I went under numerous names including Blackadder IIII, Cubby Blues and Crazy Jake and I acted kinda a little out of my mind and I kept claiming I was a Werebelushi in order to try and make myself stand out.

My behaviour caused quite a bit of tension between forum members and I didn't know any better and I didn't know how to follow rules at the time, and it was all my fault - I just couldn't take a hint.

I was banned numerous times for my bad behavior and since I wasn't a very good listener I somehow thought it would be a good idea for me to come back there numerous times again and again.

This was sort of a huge mistake on my part as I should have known better than to that disobey others, it's something that I really am ashamed of doing.

And yeah there was a brief period in which I was delusional enough to believe I was a fictional werecreature of my own creation, but by the time the whole Me vs Metokur thing ended I decided to drop that and just admit to the fact that I have and always will be a human being.

Unfortunately Takkunelwood  blocked me so I cannot apologize to her on her profile or via notes which is a shame because i'm surprised that she stills holds a grudge against me after all this time.

I have grown past this and I have learned my lesson, i'm not lying here I really have. And I really should have known better than to try and tick someone like her off.

I mean absolutely no disrepect to anyone on that site or the forums but I didn't know any better back then. I mean I absolutely mean no disrepect towards the Blues Brothers in general.

I freaking love the Blues Brothers, it's one of my favorite movies even though the "sequel" Blues Brothers 2000 was more than a little bit weak save for the music (i'm still waiting for the Nostalgia Critic to review it though since Paw already reviewed the original).

And I love John Belushi as well, and well...like I said before, I had sort of a fat fetish at one point - well not quite, i'm just a fan of his work that's all. It still surprises me that no one I've talked to knows who he is.

Heck I even worked on my own Animal House and Blues Brothers spin-offs in transcript form, which unfortunately I am unable to find.

The affinity for Jack Black thing is slightly exaggerated as I had only heard of him from School Of Rock, Shark Tale and King Kong - and only because my friend introduced me to Tenacious D and because my mom met him. I wouldn't say i'm obsessed with him as much as I am with Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carrey or Bruce Campbell though.

I hope that my followers on here can forgive me for my past as a failltroll and everything and for the mistakes that I made.           


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