TftW: Wacky Wally's Costume Emporium

Throughout history costumes and makeup have been a crucial part in bringing a character to life on stage and on screen.

And there have been many special occassions where wearing costumes is a part of the festivities including Halloween and Mardi Gras as well as the Jewish holiday of Purim and the Mexican Day of the Dead.

It is often said that wearing costumes on halloween keeps evil spirits away, but there are some who dress up for special conventions.

One evening our heroines Kathleen, Sophia and Kathryn were looking for a place to buy special fx makeup for a presentation.

Unfortunately all of the costume shops in the neighbourhood were closed except for one - and that one was one of the most famous shops in the Monster World.

"Say...I haven't seen that one before."

"I have, it's been featured in every monster themed magazine."

"Really? How come I haven't heard of it?"

"Because it's only known in the Monster World..."

"Should we go in?"
"I think so."

The girls headed over to the front door of the shop and looked at the sign, the sign read: "Wacky Wally's Costume Emporium". As they walked closer, the doors magically flew open and they were magically transported into the store.

" this the shop you mentioned?"


"It's...Wacky Wally's Costume Emporium!"

"So that's what it's called. I wonder if the owner is here. Hello, anyone there?"

Kathyrn reached over to the front desk and knocked on it a few times, upon hitting it the third time there was a spark of purple lightning and a man who looked a lot like Eugene Levy popped up.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! I am Wacky Wally, owner of this fine costume shop. Where your wildest fantasies can come alive. What can I do for you three?"

"We're looking for special fx makeup."

"Well we've got plenty of that right, Ernie?"

A large furry monster who looked like John Candy turned around and nodded, this was Ernie - Wally's assistant and partner.


"So what kind of sfx makeup do you need? Animals? Monsters? Gruesome gorey stuff? Age changing makeup?"


"And what kind of animal makeup would you like?"

"Poodle, Persian cat, and a lion - preferedably a boy."

"Excellent choices! I'll be right back!"

Wacky Wally teleported himself over to the makeup section of the store and got out his basket and put the chosen makeup kits in the basket before teleporting back over to where the girls were.

" did you do that?"

"That's my little secret."


"So here you go..."

He handed over the makeup kits to the girls and smiled as they in return gave him some monster world coins and points.

When the transaction was done, the girls left the store and headed back home with theri new purchase.

Once they arrived back at their clubhouse, they got out the makeup kits and tried them out, each kit came with a makeup appliance designed to resemble the animals they had chosen.

First to try out their makeup appliance was Kathleen, her makeup appliance was coloured purple and made to look like a dog's muzzle.

As she applied the makeup appliance to her face, something peculiar happened - the makeup appliance sprung to life and attached itself to her face.

As this was happening her skin was slowly turning a light shade of purple, also maueve coloured fur slowly sprouted on her face as her ears stretched and grew longer becoming more canine. Even her hair was puffing up and starting to turn purple.

The makeup appliance on her face began to harden and fused with her own nose and mouth - slowly pushing out into a canine muzzle as her lips blackened, the tip of her nose turning black and hardening - becoming very cold and wet.

In addition to this, mauve fur was also slowly sprouting on her hands and her fingernails lenghtened and sharpened becoming claws.

Her hands were also elongating and stretching out becoming paws as two puffs of fur grew around her wrists.

Her shoes tightenend and then slowly burst apart revealing fur was growing on her feet as her toenails lenghtened and sharpened as well, her feet elongating and stretching becoming paw-like as well.

To go along with this, puffs of fur popped up on her ankles as the fur grew on her legs and moved it's way up as a poofy tail burst right out of the back of her jeans.

She grew taller and more slender as the fur crept up her torso, chest and arms and even on her breasts and even from the neck up as the change completed, when it was done she was now a purple poodle.

"Oh my god! I'm a poodle?"

"I'm afraid so."

"How can this be?"

"I don't know..."

Next to try the makeup appliance was Sophia, this one looked just like the face of a persian cat.

As she was about to put it on, she was taken by surprise when the makeup appliance sprung to life and latched itself onto her face.

Slowly but surely whitish fur started growing on her face as her face puffed up and her ears slowly moved to the top of her head and became cat-like.

Whiskers sprouted out of the now chubby cheeks on her face as two small fangs grew in her mouth, her nose turned pink and her face slowly pushed out into a feline muzzle.

Her hands were also starting to change as white fur slowly grew on them and her fingernails grew longer and sharper, her hands becoming larger and rounder and changing shape resembling feline paws.

Her shoes were starting to strain a little bit due to what was happening to her feet, the sides and back of the shoes ripped off completely to leave room of her changing feet.

As the front of the shoes burst open, her feet sprouted white fur and the toenails lenghtened and sharped and her feet became larger and rounder before becoming just like her hands.

Her clothes tightened as she bulked up and started gaining weight, the material on them was stretching and straining until finally her clothes ripped off completely to reveal her much larger, chubbier frame covered in white fur.

There was a bulge forming at the back of her jeans until finally the back of her jeans ripped open, revealing a more feline tail growing out.

When her changes were complete, she was now a chubby, furry persian cat.

"Sophia! You're a cat?"

"I know....this is too weird.."

"Maybe there's more to these makeup appliances than meets the eye.."

"Like what?"

"Maybe something supernatural..."

Katryn carefully inspected her makeup appliance before deciding to try it on but as she did, the appliance came to life and also like the others, attached itself to her face.

She tried pulling it off but halfway through the process of doing so , she was caught off guard by something.

That something was tan coloured fur slowly growing on her face and her hair growing longer and longer.

Her ears also were changing, starting off pointed then moving to the top of her head and becoming more feline.

She closed her eyes, then instinctively upon reopening them they changed from their normal colour to emerald green and became cat-like with slitted pupils.

Whiskers grew out from the cheeks on her face as her nose turned black along with her canine teeth becoming razor sharp fangs and her face slowly pushing out into a feline muzzle.

It wasn't just her face that was changing but her hands were also changing as well, sprouting tan coloured fur on them as her fingernails grew longer and sharper becoming like claws.

Her hands changed shape, elongated and became paw-like as her shoes tightened and slowly burst apart to reveal what was happening to her feet.

Fur was growing on her feet as her toenails grew longer and sharpened just like her fingernails as her feet changed shape and became paw-like to match her hands.

Her clothes tightened and slowly began to rip apart as her body began to gain more muscle mass starting with her shoulders, back arms and torso.

In addition to this her femimine frame was also becoming more masculine in shape and musculature, as fur grew all over her body and up her torso up towards her neck.

It was then when her hair which had already gotten a lot longer, grew into a long
leonine mane as a feline tail burst right out of the back of her pants.

By this time now she was now almost a he, and not just any old he either - when the changes were finished, he was now a male lion.

"Oh no..."

"What are we going to do?"

"Maybe we can ask the shopkeeper for help..he'll know what to do."

"Did someone call for me?"

Wacky Wally materalized behind them this time he was dressed in a wizard's outfit and carrying a bag of magic items.

"Oh thank goodness you here...something's happened."

"Yeah, these makeup appliances we got actually transformed us into animals..."

"That's something I kinda forgot to tell ya, the costumes I sell in my shop are magically enhanced as are the masks and makeup kits, you become what it is the costume, mask or makeup kit is based on. In your case, a purple poodle, a perisian cat and a male lion."

"They're magic? And you didn't tell us?"

"Well I didn't want to spoil it for you three."

"That's understandable."

"But at least you will look great for your presentation."

"Speaking of which? Isn't it in a few hours time?"

"I can take you there if you like."

He clicked his fingers and used his magic to transport the trio over to the center where their presentation was going to take place.

With that the newly transformed trio arrived at the presentation center just in time to get ready for their presentation, making sure that everything was alright.

Once everything had been set-up, they headed over to the main room to give their presentations on transformation related subjects.

As for what happened later, the whole thing turned out to be a huge success and not only did the trio become famous on tv but also Wacky Wally's shop got some new customers.

Remember, if you are looking for monstrously good makeup and costumes visit Wacky Wally's costume emporium


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