top 20 comedic influences

Hi there, i'm Monstermaster13 and this is another one of my lists, this time is one of my top 20 comedic influences and this includes fictional characters.

20. The Muppets

Jim Henson was a true genius when it came to the underrated art of puppetry, and the Muppets are his most treasured creations.
I take a lot from the Muppets including Gonzo's weirdness and off-the-wall sense of humour, Statler and Waldorf's putdowns, and Miss Piggy's anger (I sometimes use a Miss Piggy type voice in my rants especially when i'm mocking the people or thing that i'm ranting about)

19. John Candy

Ah, the late great John Candy. What is there to say about this guy that hasn't already been said? The guy was AWESOME. And if you don't like him....shame on you!

What I love about him is his down to earth personality and his laugh. And what a laugh it is. So jolly and happy.

I don't take much from him as well....i'm not Canadian but what I do take from him and make great advantage of is the ability to cheer my best friends up whenever they're sad.

18. Jay Leno

A lot of people seem to hate this guy because they either find him unfunny or annoying or because they think he's responsible for the whole Conan thing.

But I just adore Jay, the things I love about him include his nice guy personality and his good sense of observational humour.

I also love what he can do with his voice especially when voicing animated roles. One minute it sounds highly pitched, nasally and cartoonish and the next it's all deep, loud and almost superhero-like.

His autobiography "Leading With My Chin" is hillarious and full of wild and wacky-but-at-the-same-time-true stories about what it was like for him growing up.
My personal favorites include the ones where he mentions his parents especially his crazy as hell dad.

For example on one page he recalls doing an act at this club and he keeps getting interrupted by someone in the audience, that someone is actually his dad trying to order something from the menu but he can't because all the lights are out and it's dark.
One of the waitressess hands him a torch and he yells "LET ME HAVE THE FRENCH FRIED POTADAHS!" which is laugh out loud hillarious. Especially the way Jay's father says 'potatoes' as 'Potadahs.'

There's also his children's book If Roast Beef Could Fly which has the most hillarious plot ever. It's about Jay and his father - everytime when Jay's dad does something he calls it a 'project'.

So Jay and his father go and get some equipment for this newest project which is a BBQ and what follows later is comedic gold.

Jay's favorite part of the big BBQ is getting to try the roast beef and he attempts to do this using a comb, which ends up getting put right into the roast beef.
The climax involves the roast beef flying out the window with the family dog chasing after it and catching it.

What I take from Jay is the ability to tell really interesting and humorous stories.

17. Old school comedians of the 70's and 80's

I love old school comedians and old school comedies and I already covered John Candy so here's a few of the other old school comedians of the retro era which I like: Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Sam Kinnison, Dan Akyroyd, John Belushi, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Eugene Levy.

I love Rodney because he's a self depreciation type of comic, his "I Get No Respect" gimmick is timeless and so are his movies like Caddyshack, Back To School, The Fifth Tenor and others..

Richard Pryor was also awesome, one of the most hillarious comedians ever and probably one of the most well known African American comedians along with Bill Crosby and Eddie Murphy. I just love his zaniness and his energy.

Sam Kinnison and Bill Hicks are both awesome because one of my favourite comedian types are the 'rant/insult comic types' .

I love Eugene Levy because of how serious and deadpan he tends to be, I consider him the Canadian equillivalent to Rowan Atkinson because of this.

Dan Akyroyd and John Belushi worked great together and what I loved about those two is how laid back and cool Dan tends to be and how completely off-the-wall Belushi was.

I don't need to say anything about Chevy or Steve Martin because well....they're already legendary.

Things I take from them include Rodney's self depreciation/self mockery skills, Richard's craziness, Bill and Sam's rants and angry comic persona, Belushi's expressions, Eugene's sarcasm, Akyroyd's atittude, and Chevy and Steve's overall cool factor.

16. Flabber from Big Bad Beetleborgs

Another fictional creation makes this list and this time it is Flabber from Beetleborgs. can you NOT like this phasm?

Flabber was ALWAYS my favorite character in the show and I remember wanting to have a toy of him - and now i do, i've got the doll.

What I love about Flabber is his cheerful personality, his magic powers, and his quirky sense of humour.

The things I take from Flabber include his one-liners and catchphrases (I cannot count the many times I've said "Flabberific" "Flabtastic" or "Flabulous" instead of terrific, fanfastic or fabulous because i've used them so much) as well as his puns and quirky sense of humour.

15. Tenacious D.

Comedy and music go together quite well as demonstrated by Weird Al, Julie Brown and of course these two rocking dudes.

I'm talking about Jack Black and Kyle Gass also known as Tenacious D, this two do the most insane but at the same time awesome rock folk songs this side of Flight of the Conchords.

My favorite songs of theirs include Wonder Boy, Karate, Pick Of Destiny, Classico and of course the best song in the whole mother lovin world....Tribute.

Well Tribute is not actually the best song in the world it's just a tribute to what the greatest song in the world is but it's still a pretty awesome song. Some say it refers to Led Zepplin because the opening and ending parts are reminicent of Stairway to Heaven.
What I love about these guys are the songs they sing and their collaborations, both of them made appearances in Bio-dome, The Cable Guy, and Shallow Hal (which Jack Black himself stars in)

I take quite a bit of inspiration from these two as well as JB's manic energy and wild man personality and KG's reactions to the various things JB gets involved in. The two have had a movie which I found to be hillarious and epic, more than two albums, have appeared on many talk shows and even got to be Crank Yankers as well as having their own short lived tv series.

I got to see these guys in concert and there were beyond epic, my head would have exploded like in David Cronenberg's Scanners if they were any more awesome.

14. Jim Carrey

Jim is one of my all time favorite comedians, my favorite movie of his is How The Grinch Stole Christmas which I feel is underrated.

He's able to be both comedic and serious and can even pull of scary roles like in the Number 23 and The Cable Guy.

What I love about Jim Carrey are his expressions and his mimicry skills, he can pull off an expression or impersonation and do it with ease - he can even do Sly Stallone.

Things I take from him include his mischevious nature, his humourus rantings he sometimes does, his impersonations and his energy.

13. Robbie Rotten

This fictional character is my favorite character in the hit series Lazytown, Robbie Rotten is simply hillarious and very much similar to Jim.

He's a little like Jim's portrayal of the Grinch except he isn't green, but he's twice as hillarious and always manages to steal the show.

The things I like about him is well...his physicallity - he's a superb dancer and one hell of a singer, I also love how he never gives up despite how many times he gets foiled by Sportacus.

Things I take from him include his humourus quips, his knack for dressing up, and his outbursts (such as "Robbie Rotten doesn't dance, robbie doesn't move!")

12. The following internet reviewers: Linkara, Nostalgia Critic, Spoony, AVGN and the Cinema Snob

I've been told by others that i'd make a good reviewer because i'm good at reviewing movies and such.

My favorite internet reviewers are Linkara, Spoony, Nostalgia Critic, Phelous, AVGN and the Cinema Snob.

What I admire about Linkara is his attention to detail and he's also a Power Rangers fan like I am, I also love his storyarcs especially the Mechakara and Entity/Missingno story arcs, the missing number story arc was really intense and the reveal was particularly chilling especially when 90's kid took his shades off to reveal those staticky eyes not to mention that voice and that cry, you know the one, the one that goes like this: HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMAAAAAAN.

Mechakara is also one hell of a villain, I just love the episodes he appears in.

What I love about the Nostalgia Critic is how he can go absolute berserk at times as well as his ability to mock what it is he's reviewing.

Like in the Judge Dredd review he makes fun of how no one can say the word "LAWWW!"
right, especially Stallone.

I also admire AVGN because of his video game related knowledge, his tirades, and the fact that he often has guest characters in his show depending on what game he's reviewing.
I also do adore Phelous for his tone and the jokes he makes especially when he's a reviewing a really bad horror or slasher flick.

As for Cinema Snob, I love his deadpan delivery and the sound of his voice.

I take quite a bit of inspiration from them including Linkara's attention to detail, Cinema Snob's wit and deadpan delivery, NC's rants and outbursts, Phelous's quips, AVGN's gaming expertise and Spoony's comedic timing.

11. Michael Jackson

Michael was known for being a superb singer and dancer but it is his sense of humor that really gets me chuckling.

I love the way he clowned around on and off camera, especially when you hear the stories that John Landis and numerous other friends of his tell.

My favorite instance of this was when in Ghosts when he's making those goofy funny faces before he scares everyone by pulling his face off, and also how he possess the Mayor (who he also plays in this) and makes him dance.

And another one I love is in Moonwalker during the brilliant claymation video for Speed Demon with those crazy characters that he runs into including that group of insane fans that are after him.

Of course my favorite part of that is the bunny disguise he puts on to fool the crowds, especially during the whole song when he shapeshifts into several different people and these include: Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman, Mick Jagger (I think it's Mick anyway), Tina Turner....and Sly Stallone.

Holy crap! Michael transformed into Sylvester Stallone. That is just epic. I wish I could do that, actually I wish I could shapeshift in general. It's just an awesome power to have!

Michael sure loved to have fun and he had one of the most adorable and infectious smiles ever along with a singing voice that even Elvis would have been jealous of.

I take a lot from him including musical talent, child-like innocence and lovable and kind hearted nature - I also love animals just like he did - especially cats.

10. Bruce Campbell

He's Bruce F------ng Campbell, need I say more? This lantern jawed deadite slaying badass is the living definition of awesome.

Come to think of it he is the horror equillivalent of Sly Stallone in my opinion as he and Sly have a lot in common.

The things I love about Bruce are his one-liners, his personality and also how he can go from being a jerk to being totally badass within a matter of minutes.

All the slapstick in Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness is ingenius including the Good Ash VS Bad Ash scene, the scene where he's fighting his possessed hand, and many more.
The things I take from Bruce are the quips/one liners and his sharp wit.

9. Rowan Atkinson

If you're American, you'll know Rowan as Mr Bean but if you're British you'll know him from Blackadder or Not The 9 O Clock News.

He's simply brilliant and can mix both physical and verbal humor all in one, as demonstrated in his live shows.

I love him for his deadpan delivery and the insults that he uses in the Blackadder series especially during the 2nd and 3rd seasons.

There are so many quotes and insults that it would be extremely difficult to try and list them all down.

I take quite a lot from him mainly including the deadpan delivery and the Blackadderesque insults which I use sometimes.

8. Drake Bell and Josh Peck

Like Kenan and Kel these two guys are a comedy team only Nickelodeon could produce but they work together so well.

Especially on Drake and Josh where Drake is the laid back cool guy and Josh is the adorable nerd.

I always loved Josh Peck even before he lost weight, there's just something about him that makes him irriestable.

What I love about Josh is how he reacts to things Drake does in the show, his lovable nerdy personality, and certain other traits of his.

I borrow a lot from Josh rather than I do Drake, this includes my nerdiness and sometimes repeating things for emphasis (Emphasis!) and reactions to what others do and say.

Another character I borrow from is Crazy Steve, when I get mad or frustated at someone I tend to go on rants and yell a lot like Crazy Steve does.

7. Elvira

This sassy mistress of the dark is one of my favorite fictional females and it's not because of her 'goods' either.

What I love about her is how her personality contrasts to her appearance, the black hair and clothing suggests gothic chic but the voice and personality suggests sassy valley girl type.

I love how she makes fun of whatever bad movie she's hosting, and those witty quips she says just before the break.

I borrow quite a bit from her including her quips and her sarcasm.

6. Alice Cooper

Alice is one hell of a rocker, able to bring both horror and humor to the table to dish up heavy amounts of ghoulish enjoyment.

My personal favorite things about him are his twisted sense of humour, his love of all things terrifying,and the dark and twisted themes of his songs.

I borrow quite a lot of things from him include his twisted sense of humour, his love of scary stuff and the offbeat surreal style.

5. Wallace and Gromit

My mom's friend Bridget is a huge fan of these two and so am I, what I adore about them is their timeless quality and the many wacky misadventures they get up to.

Including Wallace's various kooky inventions, the various interesting enemies they end up encountering like the dog in A Close Shave or Feathers in The Wrong Trousers.

While I can't really borrow much from them physically but I do borrow quite a bit from Wallace and his eccentric nature and inventing skills.

4. John Landis

One of my favorite directors and another master of comedy and horror, I love his style of directing and the little quirks his movies have.

I also love how wel written and humorous some of his comedies are especially Blues Brothers, Animal House, Trading Places, Oscar and a few others.

I borrow pretty much everything in terms of humour from him and often quote lines from Animal House, Blues Brothers or An American Werewolf In London.

Also..his book 'Monsters in the Movies' is one you must simply read for yourself.

3. The Simpsons

It's the Simpsons, nuff said. There are so many reasons as to why I love them so much so that I would be here all night if I tried listing them all.

I love everything about the show.

If there's anything I borrow from the show in particular it's the light hearted humor and the various Bartisms that Bart Simpson has.

2. Jerry Seinfeld

I got introduced to Jerry as the voice of Barry in Bee Movie but he is one of my favorite comedians, i love his show Seinfeld and I think he is a superb writer.

What I love about him is his wit and his observational humor, his book "Halloween" is extremely funny and a great children's book.

I take a lot of my observational humorisms from him as well as from the show Seinfeld.

1. Megamind

Yes, another fictional character. But could you blame me? Megamind is my favorite Dreamworks movie and Megs is my favorite Dreamworks character.
There's so much to love about this guy from his eyes to his misprounications, what's not to love?

I already listed my top 12 reasons why I love him but he's one alien that is irriestable and funny. If there were more aliens like him i would say "Please bring on the invasion!"

I take a lot from this character including his misprounciations, we have similar taste in music and we both like the colour black. We're also both pretty lovable in our way.


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