If you could turn someone into a werecreature
If you had the power to transform yourself or others into a werecreature of your choice, what would you choose and how would you do it?
- Werewolf
- Werevulture
- Wereshark
- Werekoala
- Werebat
- Wereowl
- Werelion
- Werepoodle
- Weredog
- Weretiger
- Weregorilla
- Weregrinch
- Werejohncandy
- Werejackblack
- Werejoshpeck
- Werehurley
- Wereleno
- Werekoala
- Werepanda
- Werepig
- Werebison
- Werespider
- Werecat
- Werechameleon
- Wererat
- Werebear
- WereStallone
- Wererabbit
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