Instant Alien.
Instant Alien, Add Water.
Serleena TG.
Joseph Connerson was your average sci fi and fantasy fan, he loved to go on adventures with his buddy Toby and explore the great world of the supernatural. Well, average is an understatement, because he actually had a rare gift and supernatural powers, granted he had trouble coping with these powers's unpredictability but also with keeping himself and his bestie out of trouble. Luckily there was one magic shop owner who was always there to help him, his name was Swizzle and he was a goblinesque creature, the kind of character you'd expect Danny Devito to play because he had that sort of look to him, he was a good friend to Joseph who always had an item ready to sell him, like the good reliable shop owner he was. He was a former treasure hunter that had returned his position and decided to run a store that had all the treasures he collected, that way he wouldn't have to worry about giving up his prized possessions or about them being stolen.
"So what are we going to do for our next adventure?"
"To Swizzle's store, we've got an item to search for."
"A mystical item?"
"You could say that."
He was talking with his bestie Toby at Swizzle's store one evening as he was looking through items...'What exactly are we here to get again?' 'Swizzle said he had a new product for me.' 'You're always buying things from him.' 'Well yes but it's a special item, it's..well, an an instant alien egg.' 'Instant alien egg?' 'Yeah, it's supposed to be an alien egg which you can hatch and grow into a creature when you put it in water.' Joseph hurried down the isles of the store up until he came across the item in a box that Swizzle himself had presented just for him. 'Is that the box?' 'Yes..hey Swizz, what is that?' 'Instant alien egg, just add water.' 'So it's like those toys where it's an egg you put into water and it hatches into a creature.' 'Exactly but nobody knows what kind of creature it is.'
"Sounds like quite an item. What does it do?"
"Some say it has hidden powers."
After Swizzle explained where the egg came from, Joseph handed him the money in exchange for the egg and the two of them used magic to transport themselves and the egg back to their shared apartment. Once they got into their apartment, they set the egg up on a table before putting in a tub filled with water. ' now do we wait for it to hatch?' 'Yeah...what kind of creature do you think is in there? Some kind of xenomorph?' 'Maybe it's a friendly alien.' Little did they know that the egg was already breaking in several places from within the tub as it burst open and hatched revealing a plant-like alien that took on a humanoid form, the female being rather volumptous and sexy, and being a dead-ringer for Lara Flynn Boyle. The alieness, known as Serleena broke free out of the tub before making a slinky black tank top and jeans appear on her body, she didn't want people to see her naked body.
She looked over at Joseph and blew a kiss in his direction, his supernatural powers and his body were the key to gaining her lost energy back and she knew how to do it. 'Hello Joseph. You have quite the gift, it seems.' 'Wait...I know you.' 'Yes, i'm Serleena. Nice to meet you.' She kissed him a few times and seduced him. 'So what are you doing here?' 'You freed me from the egg and now i'm going to give you something in return.' 'What could you do for me?' 'Well it seems you're shy about using your powers and I can help you overcome that.' 'I don't know..this seems dodgy to me.' 'Relax, let me help you.'
Serleena explained that prior to being freed she had formed an alliance with a plutarkian named Lawrence Limburger, mainly for the purpose of teaming up against the Biker Mice, his arch enemies. 'So how come you are here?' 'I fled the scene right after Limburger Tower got destroyed. That happens all the time aparently.' 'So you're going to help me?' 'Yes..just listen to my voice.' Joseph was very nervous at first, he wasn't entirely sure about letting a villainess seduce him but yet he was a very weird and unusual sort of guy and he knew that this was for a cause so he looked into her eyes as she spoke, and within seconds he fell into a trance. 'That's right, nice and easy...are you ready?' 'Yes, Mama Serleena.'
She chuckled as she took on a transparent form and dove down his throat, possessing him in the process..his stomach gurgled but slimmed down as his skin smoothened, his torso and chest lengthened as a pair of breasts developed on the former. His arms lengthened as his hands shrank, his fingernails extending as his clothing slowly turned into a sleak catsuit. In addition to this his hips flared out while his legs lengthened, his privates retracted but he didn't mind, this felt nice to him and rather good, he had always wanted to experience this.
In addition to this his shoulders shrank and his back arched, his neckline lengthened while his hair turned from dark brown to jet black - lengthening and becoming much longer while he was already thinking this was normal for him - he felt powerful, and like he could do anything - as his eyes widened, eyelashes blossomed forth around them, he blushed and couldn't help but admire himself. His eyebrows thinned as his cheekbones rose up, his nose shrank and his lips plumed up...his features slowly feminizing and taking on the visage of the alien that had possessed him, which is to say he resembled Serleena herself as his voice rose up several octaves but became sultry and also equally as hypnotic as hers, with a voice like that he could hypnotize anyone into serving him.
A few seconds later his mind and personality merged with his while his feet shrank, a few alterations latter mentality-wise and he was now Serleena, Serleena had made a return and she was ready to get back at those three martian mice, but yet she felt that the one she wanted to go after was Vincent 'Vinnie' Van Wham, she chuckled to herself as she looked over at Toby and blew him a kiss, which sent him into a trance-like state. 'Yes, mistress I will do whatever you tell me to do.'
"Alright Toby, Mama Serleena has a new order for you. I want you to help me go after those mice."
"Yes, Mama Serleena. Those mice you seek are at the Last Chance garage over in Chicago. They are with a red-haired woman named Charlene Davidson."
"Excellent...I can tell you will be of good use to me."
And thus with that Serleena clicked her fingers as an alien pod emerged out of the ground which teleported them out of the apartment and over to the city of Chicago, luckily Serleena and Toby were able to get by undetected and she was also able to send a few alien minions over to the Last Chance Garage to spy on Vinnie, Throttle and Modo. She also slithered over to Limburger Tower and used an alien pod to teleport herself there. When she arrived there she was greeted by Greasepit and Dr Karbunkle, Karbunkle had been expecting her to make a return anyway...and this was most definitely her big comeback.
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