TftW: Making Harley-Wise.
TftW: Making Harley-Wise.
Clown-girl TG
If there was one type of adventure character Mel loathed, it was perverted characters who wanted nothing more than to degrade their victims even if they were supposedly best friends with that person and only saw them as a potential sex slave and nothing more. It sickened her to see people she knew could do better having to be this creep's personal object of desire. Quinley was one of those people, a total disgusting sleaze who kept trying to get the rating of the episodes up from PG-13 to an X as much as possible and he had the most peculiar fetishes too, rubber/latex versions of any living creature, stereotype transformations which Mel never got since she thought it was bizarre or as she put it...'Since when was there a high demand to see people literally turning into firefighters or police officers?' diapers/sissyification, bizarre sex acts or as Mel called it...' buttlicking even a thing?' and clowns, he thought clowns were an actual species and Mel didn't get that either.
She didn't think he remotely cared about his friend/victim Ian and she immediately knew as soon as an episode started between the two of them that it would likely have that trope of Quinley wanting to fuck Ian, she never got why male characters seemed to have a thing for Ian's character, Ian to her wasn't remotely attractive...just a shlubby Josh Gad lookalike with a bad case of Body Dysphoria. One evening during the Ian's birthday episode where Ian was doing a DK and Funky Kong transformation, when both of them got confused and Quinley asked to continue on even the episode had ended, Mel used her magic to appear in the episode. 'No, this episode will end the way it is intended to end. With Quinley getting his just desserts by being forced to be Donkey Kong for an eternity. No turning this one around and starting again, Quinley.' 'But..' 'I've had enough of you.' Quinley produced a package, it was one of his signature packages. 'But you won't be thinking that after you open THIS.'
"Nice try but your rubber/latex crap doesn't work on me. No rubber or latex freaks can affect me anyway, just ask Puro."
"But you will join me....join meeeee..."
"Hell no, I am not going to become one of your mindless freaks to parade around like a stripper at a cheap stripclub. I am not going to be turned into a grotesquely overweight clown-freak or rubber-monster with a bulge despite lacking privates. I am sick of you treating everyone like this and basically god-modding them into being your slaves even though they don't want to be your slaves."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I had to witness an entire episode supposedly based around Zootopia where rubber-sheep drones fucked each-other, you degraded Judy Hopps and made her one of those. Do you have any idea how many times i've had to intervene in cases like this? More than a thousand. People like you make me sick. Seriously, you think clowns are a species? They're not. They're people in costumes. And guess what? They take those costumes OFF when they're not during their job. Because they have families and lives."
"Are you saying my clowns aren't good?"
"They're horrible. They're mindlessly happy Stepford Smilers who only want to spread happiness in a viral manner that borders on assimilation territory. They're basically akin to zombies only spreading mindlessly peppy and obsessed with silliness. The forced smiles are even creepier. You do know that the Joker has that type of smile because he's fucked up and insane, right?"
"I didn't think so."
She used her powers to disintegrate the package and then burned all of his rubber/latex-monster creatures, destroying every single one of them followed by erasing the very thing that he created that gave him those powers, that shop/factory where those monsters originated from which was really where the nest was. She then pulled him closer and used her powers to blow him a hypnotic kiss that knocked him out. 'Nighty night...' When he awoke, he found himself on a table with Mel and Eucalyptus leering over him. 'Where am I?' 'You're in the operation room and you're about to get fixed.' 'Wait...what?' 'You see, it's my friend Eukie's job to make sure scum like you get their just desserts, luckily she knows how to fix you.' 'Fix?' Eucalyptus giggled as she got out her spellbook which looked exactly like Mel's only with a few personal differences. 'Ah, here we are...Quinley. It says here the movies you were inspired by are Circus Orgy-Fest, Invasion Of The Latex Drones, This Definitely Ain't Zootopia XXX, and Gorilla-Freaks Do Texas.' 'Those movies are great.' 'And they're bad porno parodies. One of them being a Wood Rocket version of a Disney movie.' 'So?' 'I think I know how to fix you.' 'Oh?' 'You like clowns, right?' 'Oh yes I love them.'
Eucalyptus chuckled as she cast a dark spell on him, several floating needles materialized before him and injected a series of DNA altering serums into his DNA, some of the DNA samples being from Killer in the ones from outer space. He felt a jolt of pain go through his body as his skin slowly softened and smoothened, also becoming pale as his arms lengthened and addition to this his hands shrank down several sizes as his fingernails lengthened, the tips becoming akin to claws. 'What's happening?' 'Well you said you have always wanted to be a clown, right?' 'Yes...but.' 'I know, you said a MALE clown. But i'm fixing you of your pesky problems.' She giggled as his chest and torso became a bit more trim and athletic, in the process a pair of round formations slowly developed on the former...puffing outwards and developing into what were commonly known as breasts. 'Breasts?' He examined his body with his hands as his stomach slimmed and his hips slowly filled out, his clothing slowly turning into a costume that resembled 2017 Pennywise's outfit and the Suicide Squad version of Harley Quinn's outfit as his back arched, his legs lengthened while his legs shrank down in size. He yelped in agony as his privates retracted and he let out a scream. 'Nooooooo, not my privates. I won't be able to jerk off anymore.' ''You won't be needing these things then.' Eucalyptus used her magic to erase every single copy of the porno parody movies that he liked including from his computer's hard-drive, and from his memory.
He panicked as his shoulders shrank inward and his neckline lengthened, his murky dark brownish hair slowly turned blonde as it lengthened and gained pigtails, with red and blue-ish highlights materializing at the very end of said pigtails, his eyebrows thinned as makeup similar to Harley's was applied his eyes, his eyes themselves turned blue as his cheekbones rose and sharpened, his nose shrinking as his features softened. His lips plumped up and his mouth in general widened, as his teeth sharpened, making him look like what would happen if this version of Harley was in Killer Klowns From Outer Space. His features feminized and contorted, becoming akin to Margot Robbie's as a couple of tattoos appeared on him. Mentality-wise he was losing the battle to keep his mind and memories as they altered, he wasn't thinking that he was his usual self but rather that he was this new woman, this freaky alien clown-girl from another planet who had been spending a lot of time on Earth learning of its customs.
He or rather 'she' as she was starting to remember herself as being began to feel a lot more comfortable about this, as her voice rose in pitch and became higher and feminine and also changing into a voice that sounded a lot like Margot Robbie's Harley voice only a bit deeper in some parts to give it an eerie almost alien sounding tone, mentality-wise she knew what she was...she was a clown-girl from outer space and she loved learning about humans and what makes them so unique and special, she wasn't like the other killer klowns who only wanted to feed on the energy of these humans, she wanted to befriend them. She wasn't like the others. A few seconds later her mind and personality had completely altered, becoming the one she knew she had always possessed. 'How do you feel?' 'I feel fantastic. You guys really know how to make a gal feel brand new.' 'No problem, we helped you get ready of that one human that was hitting on you and stalking on you. I know he thinks you're hot and everything but the way he portrays your kind was just plain offensive.' 'I not all of us are mindlessly happy. I'm genuinely tragic.' 'Don't worry, we know how you feel.'
"I have something I wish to ask you, Mel."
'My name is Miss Harleywise, but everyone calls me Harley. Will you be my friend?"
"Sure...we'll be your friends."
"Yaaaay! Thank you, thank you."
Harley-wise hugged Mel and Eucalyptus, thanking them for helping her and for befriending her. She had always felt like a misfit because she was the only clown in her group that wasn't evil and she didn't want to harm humans like the others did, she felt like nobody understood her, she genuinely just wanted someone to love and care for, someone to be there for her. 'There there, it's alright. We know you don't mean to scare people. It's just that you have trouble making friends because most humans are afraid of you.' 'It's like you're reading my mind.' 'We have our ways.' 'Do I look good enough?' 'Yes, you do.' 'You gals really are the best.' 'Thanks, and you're pretty amazing too.' 'You really think so?' 'Yeah, we know so.'
"Aaaaw, you're the sweetest."
"That's right, Harley, and you are too."
And thus with that Mel and Eukie began to teach Harley-Wise some more about earth customs and about the many different types of human in the DA-Verse, in particular heroes who work hard to fight the forces of evil and also they helped her appreciate who and what she was and above all, Harley belonged with them...they understood her and could relate to her, finding that there were some genuinely caring souls out there in the universe. As for what happened to her later, Harley-wise earned some fans of her own and later became a fashion icon/superstar and got to model many of Soo's outfits, and then took up a career in acting, she had found the one thing that she was truly good at. And here comes the part you all know is true, which is the moral. Remember my dear friends, sometimes our true calling is right in front of us. Just believe and eventually you might find yours, whatever it is..pursue it, work for it and try your best. Be the best you can be and don't listen to what other people tell you, and you too can be a shining star.
Clown-girl TG
If there was one type of adventure character Mel loathed, it was perverted characters who wanted nothing more than to degrade their victims even if they were supposedly best friends with that person and only saw them as a potential sex slave and nothing more. It sickened her to see people she knew could do better having to be this creep's personal object of desire. Quinley was one of those people, a total disgusting sleaze who kept trying to get the rating of the episodes up from PG-13 to an X as much as possible and he had the most peculiar fetishes too, rubber/latex versions of any living creature, stereotype transformations which Mel never got since she thought it was bizarre or as she put it...'Since when was there a high demand to see people literally turning into firefighters or police officers?' diapers/sissyification, bizarre sex acts or as Mel called it...' buttlicking even a thing?' and clowns, he thought clowns were an actual species and Mel didn't get that either.
She didn't think he remotely cared about his friend/victim Ian and she immediately knew as soon as an episode started between the two of them that it would likely have that trope of Quinley wanting to fuck Ian, she never got why male characters seemed to have a thing for Ian's character, Ian to her wasn't remotely attractive...just a shlubby Josh Gad lookalike with a bad case of Body Dysphoria. One evening during the Ian's birthday episode where Ian was doing a DK and Funky Kong transformation, when both of them got confused and Quinley asked to continue on even the episode had ended, Mel used her magic to appear in the episode. 'No, this episode will end the way it is intended to end. With Quinley getting his just desserts by being forced to be Donkey Kong for an eternity. No turning this one around and starting again, Quinley.' 'But..' 'I've had enough of you.' Quinley produced a package, it was one of his signature packages. 'But you won't be thinking that after you open THIS.'
"Nice try but your rubber/latex crap doesn't work on me. No rubber or latex freaks can affect me anyway, just ask Puro."
"But you will join me....join meeeee..."
"Hell no, I am not going to become one of your mindless freaks to parade around like a stripper at a cheap stripclub. I am not going to be turned into a grotesquely overweight clown-freak or rubber-monster with a bulge despite lacking privates. I am sick of you treating everyone like this and basically god-modding them into being your slaves even though they don't want to be your slaves."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I had to witness an entire episode supposedly based around Zootopia where rubber-sheep drones fucked each-other, you degraded Judy Hopps and made her one of those. Do you have any idea how many times i've had to intervene in cases like this? More than a thousand. People like you make me sick. Seriously, you think clowns are a species? They're not. They're people in costumes. And guess what? They take those costumes OFF when they're not during their job. Because they have families and lives."
"Are you saying my clowns aren't good?"
"They're horrible. They're mindlessly happy Stepford Smilers who only want to spread happiness in a viral manner that borders on assimilation territory. They're basically akin to zombies only spreading mindlessly peppy and obsessed with silliness. The forced smiles are even creepier. You do know that the Joker has that type of smile because he's fucked up and insane, right?"
"I didn't think so."
She used her powers to disintegrate the package and then burned all of his rubber/latex-monster creatures, destroying every single one of them followed by erasing the very thing that he created that gave him those powers, that shop/factory where those monsters originated from which was really where the nest was. She then pulled him closer and used her powers to blow him a hypnotic kiss that knocked him out. 'Nighty night...' When he awoke, he found himself on a table with Mel and Eucalyptus leering over him. 'Where am I?' 'You're in the operation room and you're about to get fixed.' 'Wait...what?' 'You see, it's my friend Eukie's job to make sure scum like you get their just desserts, luckily she knows how to fix you.' 'Fix?' Eucalyptus giggled as she got out her spellbook which looked exactly like Mel's only with a few personal differences. 'Ah, here we are...Quinley. It says here the movies you were inspired by are Circus Orgy-Fest, Invasion Of The Latex Drones, This Definitely Ain't Zootopia XXX, and Gorilla-Freaks Do Texas.' 'Those movies are great.' 'And they're bad porno parodies. One of them being a Wood Rocket version of a Disney movie.' 'So?' 'I think I know how to fix you.' 'Oh?' 'You like clowns, right?' 'Oh yes I love them.'
Eucalyptus chuckled as she cast a dark spell on him, several floating needles materialized before him and injected a series of DNA altering serums into his DNA, some of the DNA samples being from Killer in the ones from outer space. He felt a jolt of pain go through his body as his skin slowly softened and smoothened, also becoming pale as his arms lengthened and addition to this his hands shrank down several sizes as his fingernails lengthened, the tips becoming akin to claws. 'What's happening?' 'Well you said you have always wanted to be a clown, right?' 'Yes...but.' 'I know, you said a MALE clown. But i'm fixing you of your pesky problems.' She giggled as his chest and torso became a bit more trim and athletic, in the process a pair of round formations slowly developed on the former...puffing outwards and developing into what were commonly known as breasts. 'Breasts?' He examined his body with his hands as his stomach slimmed and his hips slowly filled out, his clothing slowly turning into a costume that resembled 2017 Pennywise's outfit and the Suicide Squad version of Harley Quinn's outfit as his back arched, his legs lengthened while his legs shrank down in size. He yelped in agony as his privates retracted and he let out a scream. 'Nooooooo, not my privates. I won't be able to jerk off anymore.' ''You won't be needing these things then.' Eucalyptus used her magic to erase every single copy of the porno parody movies that he liked including from his computer's hard-drive, and from his memory.
He panicked as his shoulders shrank inward and his neckline lengthened, his murky dark brownish hair slowly turned blonde as it lengthened and gained pigtails, with red and blue-ish highlights materializing at the very end of said pigtails, his eyebrows thinned as makeup similar to Harley's was applied his eyes, his eyes themselves turned blue as his cheekbones rose and sharpened, his nose shrinking as his features softened. His lips plumped up and his mouth in general widened, as his teeth sharpened, making him look like what would happen if this version of Harley was in Killer Klowns From Outer Space. His features feminized and contorted, becoming akin to Margot Robbie's as a couple of tattoos appeared on him. Mentality-wise he was losing the battle to keep his mind and memories as they altered, he wasn't thinking that he was his usual self but rather that he was this new woman, this freaky alien clown-girl from another planet who had been spending a lot of time on Earth learning of its customs.
He or rather 'she' as she was starting to remember herself as being began to feel a lot more comfortable about this, as her voice rose in pitch and became higher and feminine and also changing into a voice that sounded a lot like Margot Robbie's Harley voice only a bit deeper in some parts to give it an eerie almost alien sounding tone, mentality-wise she knew what she was...she was a clown-girl from outer space and she loved learning about humans and what makes them so unique and special, she wasn't like the other killer klowns who only wanted to feed on the energy of these humans, she wanted to befriend them. She wasn't like the others. A few seconds later her mind and personality had completely altered, becoming the one she knew she had always possessed. 'How do you feel?' 'I feel fantastic. You guys really know how to make a gal feel brand new.' 'No problem, we helped you get ready of that one human that was hitting on you and stalking on you. I know he thinks you're hot and everything but the way he portrays your kind was just plain offensive.' 'I not all of us are mindlessly happy. I'm genuinely tragic.' 'Don't worry, we know how you feel.'
"I have something I wish to ask you, Mel."
'My name is Miss Harleywise, but everyone calls me Harley. Will you be my friend?"
"Sure...we'll be your friends."
"Yaaaay! Thank you, thank you."
Harley-wise hugged Mel and Eucalyptus, thanking them for helping her and for befriending her. She had always felt like a misfit because she was the only clown in her group that wasn't evil and she didn't want to harm humans like the others did, she felt like nobody understood her, she genuinely just wanted someone to love and care for, someone to be there for her. 'There there, it's alright. We know you don't mean to scare people. It's just that you have trouble making friends because most humans are afraid of you.' 'It's like you're reading my mind.' 'We have our ways.' 'Do I look good enough?' 'Yes, you do.' 'You gals really are the best.' 'Thanks, and you're pretty amazing too.' 'You really think so?' 'Yeah, we know so.'
"Aaaaw, you're the sweetest."
"That's right, Harley, and you are too."
And thus with that Mel and Eukie began to teach Harley-Wise some more about earth customs and about the many different types of human in the DA-Verse, in particular heroes who work hard to fight the forces of evil and also they helped her appreciate who and what she was and above all, Harley belonged with them...they understood her and could relate to her, finding that there were some genuinely caring souls out there in the universe. As for what happened to her later, Harley-wise earned some fans of her own and later became a fashion icon/superstar and got to model many of Soo's outfits, and then took up a career in acting, she had found the one thing that she was truly good at. And here comes the part you all know is true, which is the moral. Remember my dear friends, sometimes our true calling is right in front of us. Just believe and eventually you might find yours, whatever it is..pursue it, work for it and try your best. Be the best you can be and don't listen to what other people tell you, and you too can be a shining star.
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