MQ: Monster Rules.

All I was getting at is that I find it odd that a werewolf would be portrayed as a hive-minded human hating bigot, especially since well...they're part human themselves, isn't that hypocritical to be species-ist against your own species? I mean you're half human too you know, you're basically hating your own race. I'm not saying that all monsters should be the same, i'm just saying wouldn't the whole hive-mind thing make more sense if it was a 'were-insect' and not a werewolf, because get it...insects, hives? I don't have anything against anyone who tries something different with werecreatures, but still..i'm just saying, the hive-mind thing just doesn't work with werecreatures that aren't insects. If you want to have a vegan were-leopard, that's fine..or a were-fish that doesn't suffocate on land, that's also fine...i'm not saying people cannot be different with werecreature depictions, i'm just saying the way the werewolves in depicted in this episode made it seem like they were all evil human hating bigots who rip-off of the Borg from Star Trek and assimilate humans into being like them. It comes across as racist to werecreatures if you ask me, and also with demons as well...i'm sorry but I find it odd that a demon would turn others via a bite as it hasn't happened in any existing demon media in general, not even in Supernatural. Biting is a vampire, werecreature and general undead creature thing...what would a demon bite even do to anyone since demons have no use for that?  Demons possess people, not bite them. Evil Dead and Night Of The Demons have the sort of biting thing, yes...but they're not ordinary demons.

Also...yeah, werecreature transformations aren't that instantaneous. Usually depending on the source the transformation happens on the night of the full moon after the night you got bitten/scratched/turned, and's not ALWAYS a full moon. That is a werewolf cliche, just like the whole stereotyping wolves as villains thing.  Yeah, wolves are stereotyped as being evil because of fairy tales, just like how rats are stereotyped as evil because of the plague and sharks are stereotyped because of well...Jaws. It's fine if you want to do a werecreature or demon scenario with different rules, but if you're going to portray them in a way that to me comes across as racist/specie-ist, then frankly you need to go back to monster school.


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