WB Reviews: Great Outdoors.

Hello everyone and welcome back to Werebelushi reviews and welcome back to Aykroyd-Mania, with my co-host Eucalyptus the koala-girl.  Now since everyone in the world is panicking and can't go outdoors,  we're going to be talking about a movie we can enjoy indoors which is about the outdoors,  the underrated classic The Great Outdoors which is directed by Howard Deutch (who is also the husband of Lea Thompson, yes the same one from Back To The Future) and written by John Hughes.  And starring John Hughes's favorite actor to work with (at least before the break-up) John Candy.  Who doesn't love this guy? He's very much like the dad we all wish we had.  This movie of course also stars Dan Aykroyd, and he's bringing his A-Game. 

Shall we talk about this one?

Indeed we shall...this is the Great Outdoors from 1988.  The movie focuses on two contrasting families, Chet and his family -  Chet wants to have a good, relaxing time with his family and just not have to worry about anything,  and his brother-in-law Roman and his family.  Right from  the start we know what these two people are going to get on...not very well. Ugh...Roman is such a dickweed.  But hey, he's a likable dickweed.  And he'll get more likable later on so he's not all bad.    We get some really amusing cat and mouse style interaction between the two dads throughout the movie and both Candy and Aykroyd  play off each-other really well.

Daaaaaamn,  Roman Craig is one good looking bastard.  I'd date him in a heartbeat,  and the interaction between the two can't be beat.  Especially when they're talking about what each of them sees when they look at the woods,  and the BBQ scene or as we call it the 'lips and assholes'.    And of course there's Chet's story about the bear,  which turns out to be true as we soon find out. 
Also...oh my gosh, shirtless Aykroyd. *she sighs* 

Here we go again. 

*she sighs and purrs as if she was a cat* Mmmmm...shirtless Aykroyd. *she drools like Homer Simpson*, where was I?  Oh yeah, the cat and mouse banter between the two is hilarious and you learn so much about each of them just by their responses, so many good scenes including a personal favorite..the infamous bald bear scene from earlier.  Eventually of course Chet feels like Roman is driving him insane and he gets angry at him and he calls him out,  the two of them have an argument.  There's also a blossoming teen romance between Chet's son and a girl that he sees at the bar,  and also that steak scene...oh boy, that steak scene.  If you haven't seen this movie already,  you should.

My favorite is when they go to to the bar to celebrate the birthday one of the oldest citizens only for it to turn out that said oldest person actually died.   And Chet's breakdown and the argument with him and Roman,  yeeeeeeeah....that's a great scene in itself especially when we learn what Roman is actually like.  Remember the beginning? Well he's not a rich sophisticated type at all,  in fact he's broke and the reason why he came was to share his investments with Chet so he could keep up the life-style.   Oh and the bear from earlier? She's baaaaaaaaack.  And seeing Roman actually become a better person and learn from his mistakes.

He even protects his daughters from the bear attacks.   I used to think this guy was horrible but now I see he is flawed and just needs someone to help him.  Poor guy, he and Chet both need love.  If you haven't seen The Great Outdoors see it right away...so after the two guys get back to their families,  well let's just say it ends with both families leaving the campsite and meeting up again for dance party,  and everyone is having fun.   I give it a high recommendation, check it out...and have yourself a good time.

But if you think Aykroyd-mania is done,   once again we are only getting started. Stay tuned for the rest of the upcoming Aykroyd reviews.


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