Virus Rant

Look, a virus is a virus...and yes I know the world is going all The Last Man On Earth/Omega Man/I Am Legend because of it but I think they're making too much of a big deal over it,  corona isn't the big bad serious threat everyone makes it out to be, yes people have died from it but those are rare and we have had diseases like that before. I think we'll fucking live.  Look, it's okay to sympathize with tragedy victims really but you sound like you're about to preach a crappy message like this one...*he mimics a stereotypical radical hippy extremist*...'Like man, it's totally not okay to make light of a dangerous disease, man. Because it's like you're a heartless dickie if you do, man.'  Look, dude. It's Eukie's idea and you can't tell her what she can and cannot do. I sympathize with causality victims too, but I don't think they need you to protect them.

I know 2 billion people are suffering right now, but eh...that's only because they're not following the rules and not staying indoors. I mean it's like answering the phone in a horror movie or doing anything in a horror movie, they are working on treatments for the 'virus' as we speak. Yes, I sympathize with causalities and tragedies, but this isn't anything compared to the plague. Look, virus stories and viruses as a concept have been done in media before. I mean this is a trope that has been done million of times, especially in horror.  But it mostly applies to creatures that can turn people into their ilk, specifically werecreatures, vampires or zombies or pretty much every other monster of that ilk according to Dungeon and Dragons. And you can't forget about the assimilation trope.  

In some media, vampirism is used as a virus allegory (as well as sometimes a drug allegory). Because in a way they are addicted, like how addicts need a fix of the good stuff, vampires need a fix of the red stuff to survive. You could say the same thing about zombies although technically zombies represent consumerism. We are them and they are us. Werecreatures represent in many ways our inner demons, that voice in your head that tells you to do bad things, what happens to us when we're upset and what we look like if we don't get enough sleep at night.  We are beasts, in our own way.   Not all of us are beasts, but we act like that. True in real life humans cannot turn into monsters, at least not without extreme modifications and plastic surgery, but in lore it is very possible.

The point is..the concept of a virus affecting people in fiction has been done even before this, it's pretty much a trope in itself.


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