Virus Rant
Werebelushi: Look, a virus is a virus...and yes I know the world is going all The Last Man On Earth/Omega Man/I Am Legend because of it but I think they're making too much of a big deal over it, corona isn't the big bad serious threat everyone makes it out to be, yes people have died from it but those are rare and we have had diseases like that before. I think we'll fucking live. Look, it's okay to sympathize with tragedy victims really but you sound like you're about to preach a crappy message like this one...*he mimics a stereotypical radical hippy extremist*...'Like man, it's totally not okay to make light of a dangerous disease, man. Because it's like you're a heartless dickie if you do, man.' Look, dude. It's Eukie's idea and you can't tell her what she can and cannot do. I sympathize with causality victims too, but I don't think they need you to protect them. I know 2 billion people are suffering right now, but eh...that...