Don't Tangle With Poke-Witches

Don't Tangle With Poke-Witches
Hildy Gloom TG.

Poke-witches have existed for centuries,  they are spellcasters who specialize in Pokemon related magic of different kinds and there are multiple different types, Melanie Sanders or Mel as she often liked to be called was one of them.  In fact she was a good Poke-witch who helped people in need and also helped Pokemon in need as well, she had her own team of Pokemon that she kept as familiars,  she made sure that no Pokemon got used for evil or insidious purposes.  One evening she was foiling another villain in the DA-Verse,  a villain known as Dr Caligaros aka the Pokemorpher, a dimension hopping shapeshifter who appeared as many different Pokemon forms but most commonly dark types like Zoroark.

Caligaros was terrorizing the city of Oakendale's citizens by transforming them into Pokemon and using his dark powers to brainwash them into essentially being his pets which roughly translated to making them his slaves or minions. Mel spotted him just as he was about to fully corrupt someone into becoming a Garchomp to serve him.  'Hold it right there, doc!' 'Oh caught me!' 'Indeed I have. This has gone on for far too long.'  'It's not like you can do anything to stop it though because i'm going to rule this city with my Poke-army.'  'No you're not, I cannot stand seeing Pokemon being used for evil, yet alone people who were turned into Pokemon.'  ' about this?'  He clicked his fingers as a Nidoking who used to be a human roommate of Mel's lunged out and attacked her,  luckily she countered his attacks with ones of her own. 'Very clever young marsupial,  but you'll never stop me.'  'Oh yes I will. I'm sick of you going around brainwashing people into being your Poke-slaves who can only say their names over and over and now you must pay.'

The koala-girl used her magic to fight off several of his minions who were people he corrupted into becoming Pokemon before she cast a protection spell on the man who was about to become his newest addition,  she then sent him flying into the ground with a whirlwind spell.  She levitated in mid air, concentrating her energy as eh released energy blasts in his direction, weakening him and binding him.  'I bind you Caligaros,  I bind you from causing harm.'  'How are you able to do this?'  'It's simple...i'm a Poke-witch.'  'Teach me this magic.'  'Are you sure?'  'Yes, I am...give it to me.'  'Now now...that's not how we ask for something. Say pretty please.'  'Pretty please?'  'That's it...'  She chuckled as her spellbook manifested in front of Caligaros.  'Foolish koala, once I have access to your spellbook and know how to use your magic I will be able to conquer the city.'  'I heard that!'

The shapeshifting villain grabbed the spellbook and began to peruse through it, anxious to find some of the most powerful Poke-magic spells imaginable.  'With these i'll be the most powerful spellcaster in the DA-Verse.' 'Oh no you won't...'  'We'll see about that!'.  He cackled to himself as he looked at a page containing a spell to make one's powers even more powerful/effective and he read the instructions.  'Ah here, we go...' 'It's a wish spell, have to wish for it to happen.'  

"Is that so?  Well in that case I will..."

"Heh heh..."

"What's so funny?"

"You'll see..."

Caligaros read the instructions and concentrated before focusing his energy and making his wish. 'I wish to be a powerful spellcaster,  just as powerful as Mel but equally as formidable to enemies.'  'Wish granted...' the voice of the spellbook intoned as a flashing neon blast of energy shot at him, blinding him in the process,  he looked at his body and then felt a tingling sensation going through his body.  His skin then slowly softened and smoothened as it paled, his arms lengthened and contorted as his hands shrunk,  his fingernails lengthened as purple nail-polish applied itself on them.  'What the heck is going on?  This isn't what I wished for.'  'Silly silly Caligaros, you should know that you should always be careful what you wish for.'  

'What? But I WAS careful...'  He spluttered as his clothing slowly changed to a purple and indigo gown as his torso and chest slenderized,  a pair of round formations known as breasts slowly developing on the former while his stomach slimmed, his legs also extended and his leggings developed the same pattern as the gown and his boots turned purple, he screamed as his his inflated and his privates retracted.  'Not careful enough it seems.'  Mel chuckled as she witnessed his transformation.   He screamed several times as his feet shrank and his back arched,  he tried to unwish the wish he had made but it was too late by now,  as he was already changing...and not in the way he expected to. There was no doubting it now,  he had been tricked by her.  

She chuckled as his shoulders shrank inward and his neckline altered, his scruffy long dark redish hair shorted as it turned purplish with pink highlights,  purple eyeshadow materialized around his eyes as they widened and his eyebrows thinned, his cheekbones sharpened and his nose shrank.  Eyelashes blossomed around his eyes while a mole manifested on his left check.  His lips slowly plumped up as blue lipstick was applied on them,  he screamed as he recognized who he was turning into...he had seen the woman he was turning into before.  He was told of legends of a group known as the 7D,  7 dwarves that constantly thwarted an evil sorceress with the same appearance as the one he had now, a sorceress known as Hildy Gloom.  'No...I can't be becoming her! I didn't ask for this.'  'Oh yes you are, you act just like her too!' 'I so do not act like that!'.

"Oh yes you do..."

"Oh no I don't...I don't like this!"

"Sorry, no take backs.."

His appearance slowly morphed and reshaped itself,  until it morphed completely into Hildy's likeness. He screamed several more times and as he did, his voice softened and feminized, developing an English accent and becoming her voice, which is to say he possessed Hildy's voice, he now sounded exactly like Hildy...which is also to say he sounded like Kelly Osborne.  He held his head as his mind and personality slowly altered, becoming Hildy's own ones as his memories shifted,  becoming Hildy's as well...a few minutes later his transformation had completed itself,  Caligaros was no more...there was now Hildy Gloom in his place.  Hildy remembered that she had been wanting that poke-witch spellbook from Mel for ages but Mel always kept it hidden,  she also remembered the reason why she wanted that book, to get back at what had happened prior to her arrival.  Specifically she remembered using a Pokemorph spell on herself in order to become what she viewed as a fierce and powerful Pokemon, only for it to backfire and for her to be transformed into a Garbodor,  which she hated because she thought that it was 'icky'.

"Give me that book! I need it,  pretty please?"

"Sorry Hildy, no can do. You know I cannot let you have it."

"But I want it.  Me wanty!"

"I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to comprehend Poke-magic."

"Oh yes I would, give it to me!"

Hildy used her magic to try and nab the book from Mel but Mel used a spell to protect the book and transported the book back into her satchel,  but that didn't stop Hildy though.  The purple-haired witch used a spell to try to turn herself into a Pokemon form like before. 'Come on, Charizard...Zoroark, Noivern!' She used the spell to transform herself, hoping to become one of those aforementioned Pokemon, but when the spell was cast she ended up going through several different Pokemon forms including a Purrugly, a Growlithe, a Teddiursa, and a Snorlax.  The latter she wasn't happy about being.  'A Snorlax?  Oh that's just great, i'm all fat! Icky, icky, icky icky!'. She then tried again, only for her to wind up turned into a Jigglypuff.  

"Aaaaw...who's a cute little evil sorceress?"

"Cute? No, you're supposed to be afraid of me.  I'm supposed to be a fierce Pokemon...a fierce one!"

The sorceress turned Jigglypuff huffed and puffed herself up in anger,  angrily attempting to hit Mel and zap her with her wand.  She pouted and sobbed, but that wasn't before her husband Grim showed up.  Grim arrived and looked over at er before picking her up and pinching her cheeks.  'Aaaw, what's wrong my little lovely nightmare?' 'I wanted to become a powerful Poke-witch like Mel but when I attempted to use a spell to make myself into a Pokemon, I got turned into this...I can't be powerful if I'm a little puff-ball!'  'There there,  Hildy Wildy...allow me to help you.'  Grim used some of his magic to try and turn Hildy back to normal,  which worked...only for Grim to be turned into a Spinarak. 'Eeeew! Bug type, icky...icky, icky!'  'What's wrong?'  

Grim took one look at himself and screamed. 'Oh no! I'm a spider Pokemon! I'm a spider.  I don't like spiders yet alone being one. Help! Help!',  'There there Grimmy Wimmy...I know just what to do.'  Hildy used a spell to turn him back to normal,  but not before Mel noticed a rope, pulling on the rope triggered a sound, that sound was the sound of a bell..specifically the Bing Bong bell which summoned the 7D.   And thus with that Mel and the 7D teamed up to defeat Hildy and Grim,  using the Poke-magic to summon her Pokemon team familiars and also to turn several of the people who had been turned into Pokemon back to normal.  And also luckily for her,  Dopey also knew how to speak to Pokemon.

As for what happened later Grim and Hildy retreated and flew off on their broomsticks, heading back home to their hideout while Mel invited the 7D over to her place to stay the night. To which they did.  The koala-girl had acquired herself some new allies to hang out with and thus brings us to the moral of the story...never tangle with a Poke-witch who also happens to be an expert trickster,  because she'll always have ways of getting back at you, and ways of tricking you into making a fool of yourself in more ways than one.  Remember,  never use Pokemon for evil purposes and never try to gain the upperhand when dealing with a Poke-witch,  she'll always have the upperhand over you anyway.  


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