The Lady Of The Night.
The Lady Of The Night.
Cher TG
Out of all the inventions Nathan had used, none had brought him as much success as the Voicebox, an invention that could change the user into a singer of their choice . The voicebox was sent to him a couple of days ago as a present from a friend and yet he had so much fun testing it out, so far he had become Michael Jackson, Tina Turner and Katy Perry and there were a couple of singers he was yet to become but excited about turning into nonetheless. Now that he had the properties of the device turned app in his DNA he could become any of those singers whenever he wanted or whenever someone called on him to use them, unfortunately this time one of his friends - that one named Kevin to be exact was the one who needed him. Kevin just couldn't seem to get out of trouble, he always was being taken advantage of by enemy monsters and being possessed, transformed and corrupted into being evil and he had no idea why, whenever someone tried to point this out to him, he would get all defensive and say it wasn't his fault.
This time Kevin had been talked into joining a gang of music monsters because he had told them that he knew a famous musician, in this case he claimed to know Cher and the gang demanded proof of this. Nathan scowled as he looked at Kevin, the two of them walking along down the hallways of the apartment, he was clearly very disappointed in his friend..he was angered and disappointed at the exact same time you might say. Kevin felt guilty, and like he had done something to offend his best friend.
"I'm sorry okay, it's just there are these guys that I met and they talked me into being part of their gang."
"And yet you joined them anyway?"
"These guys are music monsters who talk about music based magic. I just had to.."
"What am I ever going to do with you?"
"Well at least this isn't like the time I tried that cola that turned me into a cat-person or that time I got that cursed Terror Toons dvd/bluray from that half demon half Koopa clerk. Or the time I became a Kritter-like gator monster or the time I was attacked by the Killer Tomatoes."
"True but you're still in a heap of trouble."
"What for?"
"Lying, you said that you knew Cher. And they want proof."
"That's what i'm asking you for.."
"You want me to..."
"Yes, can you be Cher for me? I'll let you explore what it's like to be her later on."
"Oh alright, but promise that you won't get into any more trouble."
"I won't."
Nathan took a deep breath and concentrated and as he did, supernatural energy flowed through his body due to the device-turned-app's properties being implanted/uploaded into his DNA. His skin slowly softened and smoothened as it paled and his arms slowly altered in build, slimming but also becoming athletic as his hands shrank down, his fingernails lengthening in addition to this. His chest and torso contorted as a pair of round formations developed on the former, these formations developed into a pair of breasts as his stomach slimmed. His whole body in general was developing a more athletic build.
His hips inflated as his clothing slowly turned into a lacey black gown that looked like it was a Bob Mackie-esque design, while his legs lengthened and his privates retracted. His feet shrank down in size as his black shoes shifted into a pair of black boots as he elevated in height from 5'7 to 5'9 as his back gained an arc to it, in the process his neckline slimmed as his shoulders folded inwards. He didn't mind this though, after all this was natural to him and by now he was really enjoying it and the chance to be someone else had always appealed to him. He ran his fingers through his hair as his hair lengthened, turning from brown to jet black as his eyebrows thinned. His eyes darkened as eyelashes blossomed around them, eyeliner applying itself around them as well as his nose shrank down and his features softened and feminized, becoming those of an iconic songstress.
In addition to this his lips plumped and became kissable as his features continued morphing, his voice morphing along with them, becoming feminine but also developing a low-pitch and extremely powerful tone...matching his appearance, his appearance and voice both were extremely familiar to him, in fact they were those of the singer he was turning into. He had the appearance and voice of Cher herself as his personality altered, he or rather she knew who she was at this point, she was Cher and proud of it. She swirled around as her transformation completed, she remembered that she was there to help Kevin. Kevin wanted to have a photo taken with her so he could show his new monster friends.
"Alright Kevin...i'm here, let's take this photo."
"I've got my camera app set let's go."
Kevin activated the photo app and set it to automatic timer mode as he and Cher posed while the app took their photo, taking multiple different photos of the two of them and uploading them to his phone. She blushed a little, it seemed for a little bit that she didn't realize just how spectacular she looked, but then she remembered that she had always looked that great in general. She decided to post a couple selfie pictures and send them to the music monster gang, a few hours later the boys caught word of this and Kevin was initiated as a member of the gang. The gang weren't evil, they were just really into using music based magic and had a dark vibe to them, they were misunderstood and viewed as villains by society.
"So...did you learn anything Kev?"
"Yeah...I learned that friends are always there for each-other and a little white lie can cause more than a few large-sized problems unless you can provide proof. And also I learned that not all of the monsters I run into are evil. Some monsters are genuinely friendly."
"That's about that other thing."
"What other thing?"
"You promised i'd get to spend a lot of time like this."
"Well you can...enjoy yourself. And thanks."
"No problem."
And thus with that Cher whistled one of her songs to herself as she made her way down the hall, running over to her apartment room and opening the door and she saw a group of fans who couldn't wait to meet her. She spent the rest of the night greeting fans, making jabs at Trumpty and being her awesome and sassy self - and of course rehearsing for upcoming events and concerts amongst fan meet and greet sessions and photoshoots, she got to try on a lot of new outfits too. As for what she did later...she decided to post some photos of her day on her web-page and on her Twitter account. She was extremely satisfied with how everything went and she was glad that she was able to teach Kevin a lesson and help him out at the same time, after all that's what friends are for.
Cher TG
Out of all the inventions Nathan had used, none had brought him as much success as the Voicebox, an invention that could change the user into a singer of their choice . The voicebox was sent to him a couple of days ago as a present from a friend and yet he had so much fun testing it out, so far he had become Michael Jackson, Tina Turner and Katy Perry and there were a couple of singers he was yet to become but excited about turning into nonetheless. Now that he had the properties of the device turned app in his DNA he could become any of those singers whenever he wanted or whenever someone called on him to use them, unfortunately this time one of his friends - that one named Kevin to be exact was the one who needed him. Kevin just couldn't seem to get out of trouble, he always was being taken advantage of by enemy monsters and being possessed, transformed and corrupted into being evil and he had no idea why, whenever someone tried to point this out to him, he would get all defensive and say it wasn't his fault.
This time Kevin had been talked into joining a gang of music monsters because he had told them that he knew a famous musician, in this case he claimed to know Cher and the gang demanded proof of this. Nathan scowled as he looked at Kevin, the two of them walking along down the hallways of the apartment, he was clearly very disappointed in his friend..he was angered and disappointed at the exact same time you might say. Kevin felt guilty, and like he had done something to offend his best friend.
"I'm sorry okay, it's just there are these guys that I met and they talked me into being part of their gang."
"And yet you joined them anyway?"
"These guys are music monsters who talk about music based magic. I just had to.."
"What am I ever going to do with you?"
"Well at least this isn't like the time I tried that cola that turned me into a cat-person or that time I got that cursed Terror Toons dvd/bluray from that half demon half Koopa clerk. Or the time I became a Kritter-like gator monster or the time I was attacked by the Killer Tomatoes."
"True but you're still in a heap of trouble."
"What for?"
"Lying, you said that you knew Cher. And they want proof."
"That's what i'm asking you for.."
"You want me to..."
"Yes, can you be Cher for me? I'll let you explore what it's like to be her later on."
"Oh alright, but promise that you won't get into any more trouble."
"I won't."
Nathan took a deep breath and concentrated and as he did, supernatural energy flowed through his body due to the device-turned-app's properties being implanted/uploaded into his DNA. His skin slowly softened and smoothened as it paled and his arms slowly altered in build, slimming but also becoming athletic as his hands shrank down, his fingernails lengthening in addition to this. His chest and torso contorted as a pair of round formations developed on the former, these formations developed into a pair of breasts as his stomach slimmed. His whole body in general was developing a more athletic build.
His hips inflated as his clothing slowly turned into a lacey black gown that looked like it was a Bob Mackie-esque design, while his legs lengthened and his privates retracted. His feet shrank down in size as his black shoes shifted into a pair of black boots as he elevated in height from 5'7 to 5'9 as his back gained an arc to it, in the process his neckline slimmed as his shoulders folded inwards. He didn't mind this though, after all this was natural to him and by now he was really enjoying it and the chance to be someone else had always appealed to him. He ran his fingers through his hair as his hair lengthened, turning from brown to jet black as his eyebrows thinned. His eyes darkened as eyelashes blossomed around them, eyeliner applying itself around them as well as his nose shrank down and his features softened and feminized, becoming those of an iconic songstress.
In addition to this his lips plumped and became kissable as his features continued morphing, his voice morphing along with them, becoming feminine but also developing a low-pitch and extremely powerful tone...matching his appearance, his appearance and voice both were extremely familiar to him, in fact they were those of the singer he was turning into. He had the appearance and voice of Cher herself as his personality altered, he or rather she knew who she was at this point, she was Cher and proud of it. She swirled around as her transformation completed, she remembered that she was there to help Kevin. Kevin wanted to have a photo taken with her so he could show his new monster friends.
"Alright Kevin...i'm here, let's take this photo."
"I've got my camera app set let's go."
Kevin activated the photo app and set it to automatic timer mode as he and Cher posed while the app took their photo, taking multiple different photos of the two of them and uploading them to his phone. She blushed a little, it seemed for a little bit that she didn't realize just how spectacular she looked, but then she remembered that she had always looked that great in general. She decided to post a couple selfie pictures and send them to the music monster gang, a few hours later the boys caught word of this and Kevin was initiated as a member of the gang. The gang weren't evil, they were just really into using music based magic and had a dark vibe to them, they were misunderstood and viewed as villains by society.
"So...did you learn anything Kev?"
"Yeah...I learned that friends are always there for each-other and a little white lie can cause more than a few large-sized problems unless you can provide proof. And also I learned that not all of the monsters I run into are evil. Some monsters are genuinely friendly."
"That's about that other thing."
"What other thing?"
"You promised i'd get to spend a lot of time like this."
"Well you can...enjoy yourself. And thanks."
"No problem."
And thus with that Cher whistled one of her songs to herself as she made her way down the hall, running over to her apartment room and opening the door and she saw a group of fans who couldn't wait to meet her. She spent the rest of the night greeting fans, making jabs at Trumpty and being her awesome and sassy self - and of course rehearsing for upcoming events and concerts amongst fan meet and greet sessions and photoshoots, she got to try on a lot of new outfits too. As for what she did later...she decided to post some photos of her day on her web-page and on her Twitter account. She was extremely satisfied with how everything went and she was glad that she was able to teach Kevin a lesson and help him out at the same time, after all that's what friends are for.
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