No More Mr Nice Guy.

No More Mr Nice Guy.
Alice Cooper TF/MC
There's always this one group of people that protests music or media that they find to be satanic or demonic,  and some can be really whiny about it too and some can be really snobby about it.  Like for example Nathan and Damon's old tutor Mrs Curtsie or her equally as loathsome lackey Mrs Selling,  Mrs Carol Selling always seemed to have it out for him often declaring his work to be rubbish -  and he tried so many tries too woo her and impress her but she still treated him like trash.  It made him wonder why she was even hired anyway, the woman looked like what would happen if the Cryptkeeper was crossed with Joan Crawford and she acted like a less brutal Ms Trunchbull, which made him hate her even more.   He always had suspicions about her too like how he suspected that she ate her student's souls or turned them into her undead minions,  or that she was some kind of demon who kept her victims locked in the classrooms in order to mentally break them down.    She, much like Mrs Curtsie had this stupid mindset about rock music,  and that was that bands like Tenacious D,  Metallica and to a lesser extent Lordi and ACDC were satanic and a 'bad influence' on the other students  .

Nathan found that to be extremely hypocritical of her to think that considering she herself had some satanic traits of her own.  One evening when the two of them were walking around their apartment they noticed Mrs Selling in the room a few paces away and they decided to concoct a plan to get back at her.  They decided that the only way to combat her demonic ways with someone or something that she considered to be demonic,  now that Nathan had used the voicebox that was an device turned app that also was in his DNA which enabled him to become a singer of his choice he thought carefully about which singer he wanted to be.

"Hmmm..what about Ozzy?"

"I'm saving that one for a special occasion."

"Arthur Brown?"

"I'm definitely considering him."

"Rob Zombie?"

"Not yet...but I might consider it early on."

"Jack Black?  You would make an awesome Jack Black, you know."

"As cool as it would be to be Jables,  i've got that one planned for much later."

"One of the members of Lordi or KISS?"


"Which rocker comes to mind when you think 'satanic' or 'dark'?"

"Alice..definitely Alice."

"Excellent choice."

The two of them crept into Carol's room while she was busy checking the list of souls that she had been collecting, all of the theories Nathan had about this woman were true...she did have supernatural powers and she did collect the souls of her victims and turn her students demonic on purpose to make them her thralls.  They caught her using her powers to summon the dark forces from the other side.   Nathan noticed the confiscated Alice Cooper cd on the front desk and he focused on the album featured Alice with glowing eyes holding a fanged skull.  His eyes gave off an eerie supernatural glow as he felt dark energy flowing through him,  he thought about Alice's songs and the imagery that was often accompanied with the songs like spiders,  the gothic horror aesthetic,  the iconic snake Alice often posed with and the elements of his concerts like people in monster outfits.

As he did so his skin slowly lost imperfections as it transfigured and paled,  his arms contorting as they lengthened and his hands slowly changing in size as a pair of fingerless black leather gloves materialized on them,  his fingernails lengthening quite a bit as black nail-polish applied itself to them  His chest and torso lengthened, becoming a bit more lithe as his clothing slowly contorted into a black and red pinstripe suit combo with an insignia on the back which resembled his normal spider-web insignia only with a bit more blood dripping from the edges.  His legs and feet altered to match as his hands as his back lengthened,  he shot up in height to 5'9 as he felt pretty awesome,  his neckline lengthened as his hair slowly grizzled up,  lengthening and extending as it altered in color from brown to black.  Black eyeliner applied itself around his eyes,  which formed in dark circles with spiked tips to the design,  his eyebrows bushing up and turning the same color as his hair while his eyes turned from their tawny earth brown color to icy blue, his nose realigning and contorting itself as his cheekbones sharpened.  His teeth brightened while his two canines sharpened, lengthening and resembling fangs as his features morphed and reshaped themselves, two black lines of paint appearing on the sides of his mouth in the process.

His features continued to morph and reshape themselves until he greatly resembled Alice, he cleared his throat as his voice gruffened and deepened, becoming sinister yet distinctive as it altered to match his appearance...making him resemble Alice vocal-wise as well...his mind and personality shifted, as he remembered who he was...he remembered he was Alice Cooper, by daylight he was a rockstar but at night he was part-vampire and also a monster hunter.   He had been sent to track down the demoness known as Carol and to slay her as well as the rest of the demonic tutors and also he knew a fellow monster hunter named Corbin Nash and a vampire with a knack for dressing in drag. 

"Ah,  the demoness's source of power.  If we can release all the souls and turn her pupils back to normal,  we can defeat her and end her reign of terror once and for all.  Luckily I came prepared for this, how about you Damon? Did you come prepared?"

"I'm always prepared for battle..let's do this."

Damon got out his demon hunting gear and Alice pulled out his just in time as the demonic students emerged from the shadows and tried to attack them.  Alice used his dark powers to perform exorcism spells on the students, returning several of them back to their normal forms and releasing from the grasp of their demented leader.   He then broke open all of the containers containing the student's souls and the student's souls were returned to their bodies.  Several demons and monsters emerged from the shadows but the two of them managed to defeat all of them.

Then  the final fight commenced and they went up against Mrs Selling herself.  Mrs Selling hissed at them as she turned into her demoness form and tried to unleash her dark powers on them,  Alice deflected her attacks with dark spells of his own and summoned some of his monster friends to help take care of buisness. A few hours later,  Mrs Selling was weakened enough times to be finished off and with one swift strike Alice reached into her chest and removed her heart before he ripped it into pieces and hitting her with an energy attack which sent her swirling down into a vortex that sent her and the other tutors with demonic attributes to a hell-like dimension which served as their prison and new home.

A new container materialized on the desk,  this time resembling the voicebox device that had been used before and next to that were 5 different musician trinklets starting with a sparkling glove representing Michael Jackson,  an Aunty Entity headband representing Tina Turner,  a glimmering head-dress representing Cher,  a cat goddess statue representing Katy Perry,  a Ziggy Stardust amulet representing David Bowie,  a 'Material Girl' angel figurine representing Madonna and finally a gothic looking staff with a skull  on top of it  with dark makeup around the eyes and sides of the mouth which represented Alice.   But there was a mystery one left,  so Alice decided to keep a close eye on that one and put it into his bag of monster hunting tools.

And thus with that Alice and Damon set off,  even though Carol had been defeated along with the rest of her ilk..there were more monsters out there and a lot of them were on the prowl and going after innocent humans.  It was up to the two of them to put these monsters to justice but they weren't terrified.  For no matter how many monsters would end up coming their way,  they would be prepared.  As for what happened later,  Alice decided to put on several concerts and also go on a bit of an investigation to see if there were other monsters lurking around in various places.  Being a monster hunter though he knew exactly where to find them.

Sometimes those people who complain about music we like being dark or satanic are the real monsters, sometimes it's not the musician who is the monster but rather it is those groups of people themselves...sometimes they are the real creatures of the night that are after humans and wreaking havoc.  Luckily for every monster there is a monster hunter, and you can bet that as long as there is a hunter/slayer on the prowl - the forces of darkness have no place to run or to even hide away in.


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