TftW: Were-Kathy
TftW: Were-Kathy
Kathy Bates TG/Werewoman theme.
NOTE: This story serves as the prequel to Plus Sized Up and serves as the origin story of Trey and how he got cursed to become Kathy every night. This story deals with topics such as body-shaming and general bad forum member behavior.
Forums are sometimes the best places to go to make friends or to talk to others, but most of the time people on there can be cruel and horrid - going so far as to abuse others for the sake of a cheap sick joke and people like that often either don't know better or are complete jerks in general and Trey was one of those forum members. He was a nasty piece of work but at least he had his reasons..albeit, it was just a facade but still...he had reasons.
You see, Trey was a very shallow and obnoxious person who often bashed people based on appearance and weight and his annoying habit of body-shaming was the source of this, to him if the person behind the avatar wasn't attractive - then they were nothing but useless piles of flesh and 'wastes of oxygen'. But of course he was only acting like this to hide up the fact he was in a disturbingly abusive predator and prey relationship with another user who kept taking advantage of him and abusing him as well as humiliating him by posting photos of his privates and claiming they as his own while posting them online.
He may have thought he was tough but he wasn't , he was nothing more than the prey in this relationship and wasn't anything to his 'predator' other than just someone to be used, picked on and abused - he was basically useless, spineless and pathetic and acted the role of the bully just because he was afraid to admit he was being used.
One evening he went a little too far when insulting one user online by calling them 'hambeast' 'Snorlax' 'lard-bucket' 'whale' and other harmful names that made fun of that person's appearance and weight, his friends tried to talk him out of it but he never listened to them because he was too stupid to know when to quit. The user - named Louis McCallonison aka Nightman432 was a notorious forum member known for occupying various supernatural sites and for using their skills to help the community.
"Hey, hambeast...where's your farmer?"
"Trey...I don't think this is a good idea."
"What? I think it's a great idea, Captain Snorlax totally deserves it."
"No they don''re body-shaming them. You're hurting their feelings."
"Hambeasts don't have feelings."
"Please stop this..."
"Fat chance...ha, get it? Fat chance?"
"No...and it's not funny."
This user in particular was one user that happened to be not only a horror/paranormal buff, but someone who had a vast knowledge of the supernatural and had actual supernatural powers - despite not being as appealing looking as their avatar, this user was one not to be messed with. But Trey was still too stupid to know that it's never a wise idea to mess with someone like that.
That evening, this particular user got so ticked off and offended that they decided to give a good stern talking to Trey about his body-shaming ways and behavior in general, they decided to straighten him out once and for all. The user posted a response to his insulting comments that really got to him.
"So you think it's fun to pick on people who aren't 'attractive' in your eyes, huh? Well let me tell you something, it's not. Besides you are only doing it to make up for the fact you're nothing more than a useless piece of prey."
"What? I'm not a useless piece of prey, how dare you call me a useless piece of prey. You're just jealous because I have real friends you disgusting excuse for a human lifeform. You're a hambeast, a Snorlax, a lardbucket, a whale, a waste of space and you don't deserve to exist yet alone speak to me."
"Those people aren't your friends, they're just telling you that because they would laugh at you if they found out about your disturbing prey and predator relationship with that other user who gets a kick out of humiliating you and abusing you. You are a spineless coward who hides behind a mean, tough guy persona."
"But nobody is supposed to know's my secret."
"The fact is, that you're a spineless wimp that allows themselves to be involved in this sort of thing and picks on other people just because the other people on the forums are doing it, you're pretty much a useless appendage."
"No buts. Deep down you know that what you said to me was insulting and that you shouldn't have said it, your real friends tried to talk you out of it but you didn't listen and now you will pay the price."
"You can't scare me."
"Oh really? Then I shall send you my 'woman by night' curse. But this isn't any ordinary woman by night curse, now since you like picking on overweight people so much...once you've become the recipient of this curse you will be forever cursed to turn into one of the most famous plus sized celebrities ever - Kathy Bates. Not only that, but the Kathy side of you will be the opposite of how you are personality wise and it will happen every single night and not just on full moon nights."
The user in question smirked a little as they clicked send and sent him a curse of sorts via email, of course being the stupid jerkish moron that he was - he thought it was a joke but little did he know that it wasn't a was a real curse. But he acted like it was spam and he tried to block that person from sending emails but of course it was even an bigger mistake, you see - most of the time online curses don't work except when someone with actual supernatural powers sends them.
In those cases the curses do indeed work and they are real, and can affect the victim in real life as well as online. And when that happens, it's enough to make said victim regret ever getting in the way of said users because these curses have some rather peculiar twists to them.
As he went back to going on the forum, he shrugged a little and laughed to himself - he thought the idea of online curses actually being real was a stupid one and that there was no way that curse which was placed on him earlier was really going to happen. He laughed a few times to himself as he continued checking the various threads.
"Curse, yeah...right. Like i'm really going to turn into Kathy Bates tonight. That's just ridiculous. Everyone knows internet curses are fake - there's no way one of those can ever be real."
"Oh you better believe it's real.."
"Who said that?"
"Why, I did..."
He was taken by surprise due to the voice that had just chimed in from nearby, it was a familiar sounding voice of the feminine persuasion, it was very tough and free-spirited in tone and nature but with a great deal of warmth to it as well as a Southern accent, but oddly it was one that sounded normal instead of your typical country accent despite the fact it originated from Memphis.
If he didn't know better he could have sworn that the voice belonged to Kathy Bates, which it did and he was taken by another surprise as he saw Kathy's visage manifest itself in the mirror in his room, in the place of his reflection. Kathy looked rather fierce yet sweet at the same time and was dressed as her character in The Waterboy.
"Wait a minute...aren't you?"
"Yes...i'm Kathy Bates."
"But how?"
"Well it's one of many things to expect from your upcoming transformation into me. I'll show up in your mirror and give you a good talking to, which apparently is what you need for being such a spineless wimp and everything."
"Oh that's just great...not only am I going to be you but also you'll be sassing me in the mirror as well? I can tell that I am not going to like this curse at all... and I am immediately dreading it. It's going to be so horrible."
"Lighten up...sure, you're going to be putting up with me talking to you in the mirror and you will turn into me every night but it's not as bad as you think. Besides, this is basically what you get for body-shaming that poor user who had supernatural powers."
"But the curse...I can't believe it's really happening. I thought all internet curses didn't work, you know - like they're just a cute little email prank or something like that? I never thought one of those would be real yet alone work."
"Technically they DO work if said person actually has supernatural powers. You should have known not to tangle with someone who knows how to put actual curses on people even in email form."
"Isn't there ever a way to get a 'cool curse' of any kind?"
"I don't think so. You see, that's the thing with curses, you can't exactly ask someone to give you a 'cool curse' like say curse you to turn into a were-shark/dragon hybrid, or give you psychic powers or make you an immortal bloodsucking anti-hero or turn you into Ghost Rider."
"Aaaaw man!"
"Sorry but that's just how it works. I f you've done something bad or ticked them off in some way or another, which you certainly have... chances are you'll end up with a curse like this one."
"Is there a way to reverse this?"
"Why would you want to reverse the curse? You get to be me every night from now on and I would hardly consider that a bad thing. Because as you'll soon find out, this curse has quite a few benefits."
"You mean like additional things?"
"Well for one thing you'll get a major confidence boost. And you won't have to take orders from anyone anymore because when you're me, you'll be able to give them a piece of your mind. I know you've always thought of yourself as inferior and weak and used that mean persona of yours to cover that up."
"Yeah...I have. Wait, how do you know that?"
"Oh, I know everything."
"Will turning into you hurt?"
"It probably will but don't worry, it's not all that terrible. And the 'me' side of you will serve as your fiery, feisty, tough, free-spirited and confident alter-ego. Like I said, you'll be getting a major confidence boost from this."
"See? I told's not so bad..."
He thought for a few seconds after the image of Kathy faded, but not before looking out the window to see the last remaining hours of daylight slowly fading away while the sun setted in the distance and the start of dusk continued to take hold, the sky blackening as the stars became visible - the sky being cloaked in absolute darkness apart from the stars.
As the night arrived, he began to feel uneasy - as if he had some kind of strange illness, he didn't look sick but he felt sort of ill on the inside. He didn't know why but he did - he just felt very uneasy, maybe it was the curse starting to take effect or maybe he just had a bad overall feeling about it...he wasn't sure what it was - all he knew was that this probably wasn't going to be pretty in the slightest.
He gulped slightly as the moon arose, without warning he started grunting in agony as pain started to surge through his body in a supernatural manner - he panted and grunted several times as he felt it coursing through his entire body. He clutched his chest several times as he grunted in agony.
"Aaaagh....what's happening? This hurts so much...aaaagh.."
He tried as hard as he could to look away but he just couldn't - the moon's gaze was piercing right through into his very soul - his heartbeat rapidly increased as he saw that his favorite button up 'Screaming Banshees' shirt was tightening. Upon closer inspecting he saw his body was starting to expand and gain weight starting with his torso and chest along with his stomach, if he didn't know better he was starting to become quite chubby.
Several buttons popped off his shirt all at once as the shirt itself slowly started to rip apart in some places while his arms broadened and shifted to become more feminine, a few seconds later a pair of large plus-sized breasts blossomed forth on his chest, causing him to jump back in shock. His hands broadened a little while becoming feminine in shape as his fingernails lengthened.
"What the? What's happening to me? So much pain, yet can't look away. My hands! My arms! My chest! And are those...breasts? Oh's happening. hurts so much.....OH GOD IT HURTS!"
He groaned several times as his back broadened and gained a feminine arch, the pain continuously coursing through his body as the changes progressed, his skin slowly lost all imperfections - in addition to this it also became softer and smoother. He found himself falling onto his back and landing on the ground due to losing his balance involuntarily, he panicked and groaned several more times as this happened.
His shirt gave up the ghost with a few more rips to reveal his much rounder frame, looking back - he could also feel his butt expanding and gaining weight as it altered to become feminine but not too large, he groaned a couple of more times as his legs broadened and took on a feminine appearance while his private parts retracted and reformed into a more feminine set. His feet broadened as did his hips, but the former broadened in addition to shifting to match his female looking hands, in turn tearing his night-shoes open.
", not my shoes. Aaaagh....I can't take hurts so much! Please, somebody help me! Somebody please help me! Please help me, heeeeelp me for pete's sake - heeeelp me!"
He cried out several times, crying out "Please help me" a multitude of additional times but alas he was the only one there - there was no one else except him and he was all by his lonesome in the middle of his transformation - and the pain was getting even more unbearable to him. He closed his eyes and hoped it was a nightmare but it wasn't, this was very real and there was nothing he could do about it - he was cursed and this was the result of his actions.
There was no one there to help him, this was his punishment and he had to endure it all - now, he regretted posting those body-shaming comments to that particular user and acting like such a jerk to cover up his own insecurities, if he could turn back time he would have fixed those wrongs and apologized to that user.
"Aaaaaagh.....i'm so sorry...aaaaaaaaaagh! I didn't mean to call you a hambeast, Louis!"
He cried several more times as his shoulders broadened while becoming feminine, his neckline shifting to match as he slowly shrunk down in height to 5'3 or 5'4 and his hair extended as it grew longer, turning from dirty brownish to black and growing slightly past his shoulders . Looking at his body, he now weighed 215lbs and was quite large and chubby as well as being very homely in terms of his build. He also found that now despite his build, he was now much stronger in terms of his strength, in fact his strength seemed almost superhuman.
His eyebrows turned black as they thinned, in the process his eyes widened as they turned from light brownish to a very lovely shade of blue while eyelashes grew and formed around them, in addition to this his nose shrunk and became dainty and feminine but with a fine amount of bone-structure - which became noticeable on the rest of his face and his head shape shifted to become oval or heart-shaped.
In addition to this his lips filled out as his features morphed and reshaped themselves, altering and reassembling themselves in numerous ways - slowly but surely changing his appearance into the likeness of none other than Kathy Bates, within a few seconds later he looked more like Kathy than his own self.
He groaned a few more times as his voice escalated itself higher in terms of pitch, becoming feminine sounding but also very tough and also very sweet-natured at the same time - developing a Southern accent of the Memphis variety that was normal as opposed to to the typical country accent. His voice shifted a few more times as it changed to match his appearance, he now had Kathy's voice to go with his appearance.
But that wasn't the last thing of his to shift, his personality shifted from being an insecure coward to a personality that was tough, fiery, feisty, sassy, free-spirited but also kind-hearted and caring - as well as almost motherly with a Mama Bear-like mentality, this personality was that of his or rather her new form. A few seconds later and Trey was no more, there was only Kathy Bates.
Kathy blushed her a little as she looked at her ripped shirt, although she had been seen without a top on before and was confident and happy with how she was - she had never been seen like this and it kind of scared her a little. But it didn't bother her that much, she just shrugged and picked up the remains of the shirt.
", I can't be seen walking around like this."
Thinking quickly, she fashioned herself a pink and grey skirt that had a leafy pattern on it, the blouse/skirt replaced the ripped shirt from earlier as a dark grey woolen jacket also appeared, the outfit in general was made of wool as was the jacket and it fit her plus sized figure rather well. She grabbed a pair of large, brown glasses and put them on to complete her outfit.
The outfit made her look like she was dressed as a human version of Dawn Bellwether right down to the glasses and the woolly material the skirt was made out of, she gave a soft and heartwarming smile as she got back up on her feet. Looking at her, one probably
couldn't tell who she once was.
"Wow...this is amazing! I don't know why I was even complaining in the first place, it was so silly of me. I thought it was going to be terrible, now I like this a lot.. plus, I gotta admit being Kathy sure is fun. I love this!"
"See? I told you'd love it."
Once again Kathy Bates appeared to her in the mirror, this time to congratulate her on the transformation and for the change of heart she recently had. She smiled at her a few times before jumping up and down in a cheerful manner.
"You were right...I'm going to really enjoy this."
"I'm glad you've had a change of heart about this. Now you'll see that being me is a lot of fun and that it isn't as bad as you once thought it would be. Of course, there's a lot of enjoyment that comes from this."
"So how long am I going to be you?"
"'ll be like this until morning but at night you'll turn into me, and this isn't just a full moon thing either - it will happen every single night. It's irreversible, so no matter how hard you try - you'll be not only stuck with this curse but also stuck with me as well."
"I was wrong about this, it's not so bad after all.."
"That's the spirit! Overtime you may even learn to control the transformation as well, plus you're now a lot more confident than you were before. Before you got the curse, you were nothing more than a lowly spineless wimp - but now look at you.. you're a whole new're tougher and more confident than before."
"I was a fool before this happened. I was only pretending to be a jerk online to hide my own spineless insecurities and the shame I got from being abused by my so called friends who had no interest in me other than as their potential victim. I barely even had a real job, it was an imaginary one and I lied about being my own boss to try and impress those aforementioned friends."
"Ah, there you go. Now you see the errors of your former ways. And it's through me that you've learned that. You have to be real careful about what you say to people, especially if said people can make you pay for it via supernatural means."
"You are absolutely right..."
"Of course I am. Prior to this you were nothing more than a useless appendage and nothing but a piece of prey to those so called friends of yours, but now you're the one in charge and you can show others that their actions can have dire consequences if they mess with the wrong people."
"Yeah....that's right."
"Before this, you were nothing more than a little ol sheep among a whole mess of scarier and more terrifying beasties but now you're the bigger, badder and much more terrifying critter in sheep's clothing."
"I agree 100%."
"I can tell we're going to be the best team ever. At least the best team anyone has ever seen in a dogs age that is. Tonight's going to be a lot of fun and the fun's just started, so why don't we celebrate?"
The newly transformed Kathy nodded as she raced off with inhuman agility - heading over to her house before dancing and singing happily to herself, she whistled a melodic tune in the process and walked over to the dinning room, that's where she someone walk in and sit down.
"Hi there..."
"Well hi there yourself..."
"My...look at you, you look so sweet.."
"My...what beautiful blue eyes you have..."
"All the better to look at you with!"
"My...what a sweet and cuddly appearance you have."
"All the better to be adored with."
"What a very sweet and spunky non-typical Southern accent you have.."
"All the better to talk with.."
"What nice lips you have..."
"I bet they're the kind that is sure to lure someone bad."
"Don't ya worry about that, I can handle myself..."
"You look and sound familiar too...aren't you?"
"You're...Kathy Bates!"
"Well of course I am...who else would I be?"
"Aren't you just a sweetie pie? "
"You're too kind. I think you're kind of nice too."
"Now, don't go all Annie Wilkes on me."
"I wouldn't do that."
"My, what a big heart you have."
"All the better to be nice to others with..."
And so with that Kathy smiled and put her hands on her hips as she walked around the dining room table, sighing to herself and embracing her new form. For the rest of the night, she stayed as who she was - she wouldn't have had it any other way, even though she was cursed to become this form of hers every night - she didn't mind it as she did prior to this whole thing.
As for what happened later, well she stayed as Kathy Bates all through the rest of the night and stayed that way until morning where you know...she turned back into Trey, and yes you could say Trey definitely learned his lesson from this. And since then every night he turns into her - and as her he or rather...she is the one that is giving the orders and also being very kindly to others at the same time. The curse may not be reversible, but it's not like neither Trey or Kathy mind it that much. Sure it comes with a couple of awkward and embarrassing moments and it sometimes happens at the most inopportune situations or moments in general but it does have its perks, like for example a confidence boost.
Remember, you have to be real careful about what you say to other people online especially when it comes to comments - bodyshaming in general can lead to disastrous results and you don't want to say those type of comments to someone online who might have a few supernatural tricks up their sleeves. If you do, there might be a curse or two in store for you.
Kathy Bates TG/Werewoman theme.
NOTE: This story serves as the prequel to Plus Sized Up and serves as the origin story of Trey and how he got cursed to become Kathy every night. This story deals with topics such as body-shaming and general bad forum member behavior.
Forums are sometimes the best places to go to make friends or to talk to others, but most of the time people on there can be cruel and horrid - going so far as to abuse others for the sake of a cheap sick joke and people like that often either don't know better or are complete jerks in general and Trey was one of those forum members. He was a nasty piece of work but at least he had his reasons..albeit, it was just a facade but still...he had reasons.
You see, Trey was a very shallow and obnoxious person who often bashed people based on appearance and weight and his annoying habit of body-shaming was the source of this, to him if the person behind the avatar wasn't attractive - then they were nothing but useless piles of flesh and 'wastes of oxygen'. But of course he was only acting like this to hide up the fact he was in a disturbingly abusive predator and prey relationship with another user who kept taking advantage of him and abusing him as well as humiliating him by posting photos of his privates and claiming they as his own while posting them online.
He may have thought he was tough but he wasn't , he was nothing more than the prey in this relationship and wasn't anything to his 'predator' other than just someone to be used, picked on and abused - he was basically useless, spineless and pathetic and acted the role of the bully just because he was afraid to admit he was being used.
One evening he went a little too far when insulting one user online by calling them 'hambeast' 'Snorlax' 'lard-bucket' 'whale' and other harmful names that made fun of that person's appearance and weight, his friends tried to talk him out of it but he never listened to them because he was too stupid to know when to quit. The user - named Louis McCallonison aka Nightman432 was a notorious forum member known for occupying various supernatural sites and for using their skills to help the community.
"Hey, hambeast...where's your farmer?"
"Trey...I don't think this is a good idea."
"What? I think it's a great idea, Captain Snorlax totally deserves it."
"No they don''re body-shaming them. You're hurting their feelings."
"Hambeasts don't have feelings."
"Please stop this..."
"Fat chance...ha, get it? Fat chance?"
"No...and it's not funny."
This user in particular was one user that happened to be not only a horror/paranormal buff, but someone who had a vast knowledge of the supernatural and had actual supernatural powers - despite not being as appealing looking as their avatar, this user was one not to be messed with. But Trey was still too stupid to know that it's never a wise idea to mess with someone like that.
That evening, this particular user got so ticked off and offended that they decided to give a good stern talking to Trey about his body-shaming ways and behavior in general, they decided to straighten him out once and for all. The user posted a response to his insulting comments that really got to him.
"So you think it's fun to pick on people who aren't 'attractive' in your eyes, huh? Well let me tell you something, it's not. Besides you are only doing it to make up for the fact you're nothing more than a useless piece of prey."
"What? I'm not a useless piece of prey, how dare you call me a useless piece of prey. You're just jealous because I have real friends you disgusting excuse for a human lifeform. You're a hambeast, a Snorlax, a lardbucket, a whale, a waste of space and you don't deserve to exist yet alone speak to me."
"Those people aren't your friends, they're just telling you that because they would laugh at you if they found out about your disturbing prey and predator relationship with that other user who gets a kick out of humiliating you and abusing you. You are a spineless coward who hides behind a mean, tough guy persona."
"But nobody is supposed to know's my secret."
"The fact is, that you're a spineless wimp that allows themselves to be involved in this sort of thing and picks on other people just because the other people on the forums are doing it, you're pretty much a useless appendage."
"No buts. Deep down you know that what you said to me was insulting and that you shouldn't have said it, your real friends tried to talk you out of it but you didn't listen and now you will pay the price."
"You can't scare me."
"Oh really? Then I shall send you my 'woman by night' curse. But this isn't any ordinary woman by night curse, now since you like picking on overweight people so much...once you've become the recipient of this curse you will be forever cursed to turn into one of the most famous plus sized celebrities ever - Kathy Bates. Not only that, but the Kathy side of you will be the opposite of how you are personality wise and it will happen every single night and not just on full moon nights."
The user in question smirked a little as they clicked send and sent him a curse of sorts via email, of course being the stupid jerkish moron that he was - he thought it was a joke but little did he know that it wasn't a was a real curse. But he acted like it was spam and he tried to block that person from sending emails but of course it was even an bigger mistake, you see - most of the time online curses don't work except when someone with actual supernatural powers sends them.
In those cases the curses do indeed work and they are real, and can affect the victim in real life as well as online. And when that happens, it's enough to make said victim regret ever getting in the way of said users because these curses have some rather peculiar twists to them.
As he went back to going on the forum, he shrugged a little and laughed to himself - he thought the idea of online curses actually being real was a stupid one and that there was no way that curse which was placed on him earlier was really going to happen. He laughed a few times to himself as he continued checking the various threads.
"Curse, yeah...right. Like i'm really going to turn into Kathy Bates tonight. That's just ridiculous. Everyone knows internet curses are fake - there's no way one of those can ever be real."
"Oh you better believe it's real.."
"Who said that?"
"Why, I did..."
He was taken by surprise due to the voice that had just chimed in from nearby, it was a familiar sounding voice of the feminine persuasion, it was very tough and free-spirited in tone and nature but with a great deal of warmth to it as well as a Southern accent, but oddly it was one that sounded normal instead of your typical country accent despite the fact it originated from Memphis.
If he didn't know better he could have sworn that the voice belonged to Kathy Bates, which it did and he was taken by another surprise as he saw Kathy's visage manifest itself in the mirror in his room, in the place of his reflection. Kathy looked rather fierce yet sweet at the same time and was dressed as her character in The Waterboy.
"Wait a minute...aren't you?"
"Yes...i'm Kathy Bates."
"But how?"
"Well it's one of many things to expect from your upcoming transformation into me. I'll show up in your mirror and give you a good talking to, which apparently is what you need for being such a spineless wimp and everything."
"Oh that's just great...not only am I going to be you but also you'll be sassing me in the mirror as well? I can tell that I am not going to like this curse at all... and I am immediately dreading it. It's going to be so horrible."
"Lighten up...sure, you're going to be putting up with me talking to you in the mirror and you will turn into me every night but it's not as bad as you think. Besides, this is basically what you get for body-shaming that poor user who had supernatural powers."
"But the curse...I can't believe it's really happening. I thought all internet curses didn't work, you know - like they're just a cute little email prank or something like that? I never thought one of those would be real yet alone work."
"Technically they DO work if said person actually has supernatural powers. You should have known not to tangle with someone who knows how to put actual curses on people even in email form."
"Isn't there ever a way to get a 'cool curse' of any kind?"
"I don't think so. You see, that's the thing with curses, you can't exactly ask someone to give you a 'cool curse' like say curse you to turn into a were-shark/dragon hybrid, or give you psychic powers or make you an immortal bloodsucking anti-hero or turn you into Ghost Rider."
"Aaaaw man!"
"Sorry but that's just how it works. I f you've done something bad or ticked them off in some way or another, which you certainly have... chances are you'll end up with a curse like this one."
"Is there a way to reverse this?"
"Why would you want to reverse the curse? You get to be me every night from now on and I would hardly consider that a bad thing. Because as you'll soon find out, this curse has quite a few benefits."
"You mean like additional things?"
"Well for one thing you'll get a major confidence boost. And you won't have to take orders from anyone anymore because when you're me, you'll be able to give them a piece of your mind. I know you've always thought of yourself as inferior and weak and used that mean persona of yours to cover that up."
"Yeah...I have. Wait, how do you know that?"
"Oh, I know everything."
"Will turning into you hurt?"
"It probably will but don't worry, it's not all that terrible. And the 'me' side of you will serve as your fiery, feisty, tough, free-spirited and confident alter-ego. Like I said, you'll be getting a major confidence boost from this."
"See? I told's not so bad..."
He thought for a few seconds after the image of Kathy faded, but not before looking out the window to see the last remaining hours of daylight slowly fading away while the sun setted in the distance and the start of dusk continued to take hold, the sky blackening as the stars became visible - the sky being cloaked in absolute darkness apart from the stars.
As the night arrived, he began to feel uneasy - as if he had some kind of strange illness, he didn't look sick but he felt sort of ill on the inside. He didn't know why but he did - he just felt very uneasy, maybe it was the curse starting to take effect or maybe he just had a bad overall feeling about it...he wasn't sure what it was - all he knew was that this probably wasn't going to be pretty in the slightest.
He gulped slightly as the moon arose, without warning he started grunting in agony as pain started to surge through his body in a supernatural manner - he panted and grunted several times as he felt it coursing through his entire body. He clutched his chest several times as he grunted in agony.
"Aaaagh....what's happening? This hurts so much...aaaagh.."
He tried as hard as he could to look away but he just couldn't - the moon's gaze was piercing right through into his very soul - his heartbeat rapidly increased as he saw that his favorite button up 'Screaming Banshees' shirt was tightening. Upon closer inspecting he saw his body was starting to expand and gain weight starting with his torso and chest along with his stomach, if he didn't know better he was starting to become quite chubby.
Several buttons popped off his shirt all at once as the shirt itself slowly started to rip apart in some places while his arms broadened and shifted to become more feminine, a few seconds later a pair of large plus-sized breasts blossomed forth on his chest, causing him to jump back in shock. His hands broadened a little while becoming feminine in shape as his fingernails lengthened.
"What the? What's happening to me? So much pain, yet can't look away. My hands! My arms! My chest! And are those...breasts? Oh's happening. hurts so much.....OH GOD IT HURTS!"
He groaned several times as his back broadened and gained a feminine arch, the pain continuously coursing through his body as the changes progressed, his skin slowly lost all imperfections - in addition to this it also became softer and smoother. He found himself falling onto his back and landing on the ground due to losing his balance involuntarily, he panicked and groaned several more times as this happened.
His shirt gave up the ghost with a few more rips to reveal his much rounder frame, looking back - he could also feel his butt expanding and gaining weight as it altered to become feminine but not too large, he groaned a couple of more times as his legs broadened and took on a feminine appearance while his private parts retracted and reformed into a more feminine set. His feet broadened as did his hips, but the former broadened in addition to shifting to match his female looking hands, in turn tearing his night-shoes open.
", not my shoes. Aaaagh....I can't take hurts so much! Please, somebody help me! Somebody please help me! Please help me, heeeeelp me for pete's sake - heeeelp me!"
He cried out several times, crying out "Please help me" a multitude of additional times but alas he was the only one there - there was no one else except him and he was all by his lonesome in the middle of his transformation - and the pain was getting even more unbearable to him. He closed his eyes and hoped it was a nightmare but it wasn't, this was very real and there was nothing he could do about it - he was cursed and this was the result of his actions.
There was no one there to help him, this was his punishment and he had to endure it all - now, he regretted posting those body-shaming comments to that particular user and acting like such a jerk to cover up his own insecurities, if he could turn back time he would have fixed those wrongs and apologized to that user.
"Aaaaaagh.....i'm so sorry...aaaaaaaaaagh! I didn't mean to call you a hambeast, Louis!"
He cried several more times as his shoulders broadened while becoming feminine, his neckline shifting to match as he slowly shrunk down in height to 5'3 or 5'4 and his hair extended as it grew longer, turning from dirty brownish to black and growing slightly past his shoulders . Looking at his body, he now weighed 215lbs and was quite large and chubby as well as being very homely in terms of his build. He also found that now despite his build, he was now much stronger in terms of his strength, in fact his strength seemed almost superhuman.
His eyebrows turned black as they thinned, in the process his eyes widened as they turned from light brownish to a very lovely shade of blue while eyelashes grew and formed around them, in addition to this his nose shrunk and became dainty and feminine but with a fine amount of bone-structure - which became noticeable on the rest of his face and his head shape shifted to become oval or heart-shaped.
In addition to this his lips filled out as his features morphed and reshaped themselves, altering and reassembling themselves in numerous ways - slowly but surely changing his appearance into the likeness of none other than Kathy Bates, within a few seconds later he looked more like Kathy than his own self.
He groaned a few more times as his voice escalated itself higher in terms of pitch, becoming feminine sounding but also very tough and also very sweet-natured at the same time - developing a Southern accent of the Memphis variety that was normal as opposed to to the typical country accent. His voice shifted a few more times as it changed to match his appearance, he now had Kathy's voice to go with his appearance.
But that wasn't the last thing of his to shift, his personality shifted from being an insecure coward to a personality that was tough, fiery, feisty, sassy, free-spirited but also kind-hearted and caring - as well as almost motherly with a Mama Bear-like mentality, this personality was that of his or rather her new form. A few seconds later and Trey was no more, there was only Kathy Bates.
Kathy blushed her a little as she looked at her ripped shirt, although she had been seen without a top on before and was confident and happy with how she was - she had never been seen like this and it kind of scared her a little. But it didn't bother her that much, she just shrugged and picked up the remains of the shirt.
", I can't be seen walking around like this."
Thinking quickly, she fashioned herself a pink and grey skirt that had a leafy pattern on it, the blouse/skirt replaced the ripped shirt from earlier as a dark grey woolen jacket also appeared, the outfit in general was made of wool as was the jacket and it fit her plus sized figure rather well. She grabbed a pair of large, brown glasses and put them on to complete her outfit.
The outfit made her look like she was dressed as a human version of Dawn Bellwether right down to the glasses and the woolly material the skirt was made out of, she gave a soft and heartwarming smile as she got back up on her feet. Looking at her, one probably
couldn't tell who she once was.
"Wow...this is amazing! I don't know why I was even complaining in the first place, it was so silly of me. I thought it was going to be terrible, now I like this a lot.. plus, I gotta admit being Kathy sure is fun. I love this!"
"See? I told you'd love it."
Once again Kathy Bates appeared to her in the mirror, this time to congratulate her on the transformation and for the change of heart she recently had. She smiled at her a few times before jumping up and down in a cheerful manner.
"You were right...I'm going to really enjoy this."
"I'm glad you've had a change of heart about this. Now you'll see that being me is a lot of fun and that it isn't as bad as you once thought it would be. Of course, there's a lot of enjoyment that comes from this."
"So how long am I going to be you?"
"'ll be like this until morning but at night you'll turn into me, and this isn't just a full moon thing either - it will happen every single night. It's irreversible, so no matter how hard you try - you'll be not only stuck with this curse but also stuck with me as well."
"I was wrong about this, it's not so bad after all.."
"That's the spirit! Overtime you may even learn to control the transformation as well, plus you're now a lot more confident than you were before. Before you got the curse, you were nothing more than a lowly spineless wimp - but now look at you.. you're a whole new're tougher and more confident than before."
"I was a fool before this happened. I was only pretending to be a jerk online to hide my own spineless insecurities and the shame I got from being abused by my so called friends who had no interest in me other than as their potential victim. I barely even had a real job, it was an imaginary one and I lied about being my own boss to try and impress those aforementioned friends."
"Ah, there you go. Now you see the errors of your former ways. And it's through me that you've learned that. You have to be real careful about what you say to people, especially if said people can make you pay for it via supernatural means."
"You are absolutely right..."
"Of course I am. Prior to this you were nothing more than a useless appendage and nothing but a piece of prey to those so called friends of yours, but now you're the one in charge and you can show others that their actions can have dire consequences if they mess with the wrong people."
"Yeah....that's right."
"Before this, you were nothing more than a little ol sheep among a whole mess of scarier and more terrifying beasties but now you're the bigger, badder and much more terrifying critter in sheep's clothing."
"I agree 100%."
"I can tell we're going to be the best team ever. At least the best team anyone has ever seen in a dogs age that is. Tonight's going to be a lot of fun and the fun's just started, so why don't we celebrate?"
The newly transformed Kathy nodded as she raced off with inhuman agility - heading over to her house before dancing and singing happily to herself, she whistled a melodic tune in the process and walked over to the dinning room, that's where she someone walk in and sit down.
"Hi there..."
"Well hi there yourself..."
"My...look at you, you look so sweet.."
"My...what beautiful blue eyes you have..."
"All the better to look at you with!"
"My...what a sweet and cuddly appearance you have."
"All the better to be adored with."
"What a very sweet and spunky non-typical Southern accent you have.."
"All the better to talk with.."
"What nice lips you have..."
"I bet they're the kind that is sure to lure someone bad."
"Don't ya worry about that, I can handle myself..."
"You look and sound familiar too...aren't you?"
"You're...Kathy Bates!"
"Well of course I am...who else would I be?"
"Aren't you just a sweetie pie? "
"You're too kind. I think you're kind of nice too."
"Now, don't go all Annie Wilkes on me."
"I wouldn't do that."
"My, what a big heart you have."
"All the better to be nice to others with..."
And so with that Kathy smiled and put her hands on her hips as she walked around the dining room table, sighing to herself and embracing her new form. For the rest of the night, she stayed as who she was - she wouldn't have had it any other way, even though she was cursed to become this form of hers every night - she didn't mind it as she did prior to this whole thing.
As for what happened later, well she stayed as Kathy Bates all through the rest of the night and stayed that way until morning where you know...she turned back into Trey, and yes you could say Trey definitely learned his lesson from this. And since then every night he turns into her - and as her he or rather...she is the one that is giving the orders and also being very kindly to others at the same time. The curse may not be reversible, but it's not like neither Trey or Kathy mind it that much. Sure it comes with a couple of awkward and embarrassing moments and it sometimes happens at the most inopportune situations or moments in general but it does have its perks, like for example a confidence boost.
Remember, you have to be real careful about what you say to other people online especially when it comes to comments - bodyshaming in general can lead to disastrous results and you don't want to say those type of comments to someone online who might have a few supernatural tricks up their sleeves. If you do, there might be a curse or two in store for you.
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