Werebelushi rants: Snooz Bros

Werebelushi rants:
Snooz Bros


(We see a Werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi,  he is sitting at a table of sorts -  looking at his dvd collection)

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Werebelushi Rant.  I was looking in the movie/game rental place that is near the local pizza parlor,  looking for a good movie to review or rant on and guess what I found?   A Blues Brothers spoof movie called The Snooz Brothers!   They’ve even tried to parody the cover-art from the original Blues Brothers as well.

The movie starts with Blake Snooz -  just being released from prison by his parole officer and meeting up with his brother Dalwood.   Ha, ha, ha -  Dalwood -  get it?  It almost rhymes with Elwood!   Whoever is playing Blake sounds nothing like John Belushi,  he sounds more like Dan Fogler and he even resembles Fogler in Balls Of Fury.

Dalwood is even worse as he sounds more like Tom Hanks than Dan Aykroyd.  So,  Blake and Dalwood drive off in their Snooz-Mobile,  which looks like a poorly made parade float.   Ha, ha get it?  Because in Animal House the Deathmobile was disguised as a parade float!   Seriously...whoever designed this parody Bluesmobile knows nothing about how to design a car properly.   Oh and they really try to hammer it in that it’s a supernatural car,  even go so far as to reference The Car AND Christine at the same time.   I wish I was watching those movies instead.

So they find out that the Puppy Orphanage Factory...i’m not kidding,  it’s a dog-pound, a factory and an orphanage all combined for the sake of one overly cute cliche.  And we get our Curtis knockoff in the form of Otis.  Who wants to bet that Otis will die of old age 18 years later?

The two boys go through a series of obstacle ridden missions in order to get their band back together including encountering crazed rednecks,  bikers,   foreign extremists and...animal rights activists?   I don’t remember that part of the original Blues Brothers at all.  Oh and by the way,  love how the nun in this movie looks like a genderbend version of Danny Devito’s Penguin.

Also what the hell is up with the Snooz Mobile becoming an Autobot?  I don’t recall the Bluesmobile being a transformer.   Unless of course someone did come up with a Bluesmobile transformer,  now that would be awesome.

I know a lot of people have questioned Nathan’s appreciation for the greats like John Belushi and so forth because according to them,  Belushi was reportedly sexist and hated women,  as well as being a drug-addled sadsack but I personally don’t believe a word of that.    Yes,  I KNOW he had a drug related problem and he did have a few problems in his life but he was NOT that bad.  What do you think,  Shebelushi?

You have some very valid points here.  I know that personally I knew Belushi was never like that,  no disrepect to Jane Curtin or anything - but still...she was kind of over-reacting or making it up.  Plus it was a different time.   The 60’s and 70’s were when you had those shows like Leave It To Beaver or The Dick Van Dyke Show in which the women just were portrayed as stereotypical housewives.)

The movie Wired portrayed him in a very negative fashion and I didn’t like that all -  not to mention that fantasy elements had no place being in a movie about a real person,  the whole movie was nothing but one extremely crappy feature length PSA about the ‘horrors of drug use’ and was just flat out insulting.    I hope that the new John Belushi biopic approved by John’s ex-widow is better and does a better job than that movie did.  I mean having elements of the afterlife in a movie about a person like John Belushi is like having a homage to Aliens in a biopic about Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldin.   Or having a subplot involving Chinese Dragon Warlords in a Bruce Lee biopic.

I have a feeling that it probably will.   It hasn’t got a release date yet or any info on who is going to play the role of Belushi,  but I have high hopes for it.)

This movie really doesn’t know the first thing about parodying the Blues Brothers,  I mean the actors playing Blake and Dallwood don’t even resemble Belushi and Aykroyd,  not to mention the setting looks absolutely nothing like the town of Chicago.   It looks more like they filmed it on a soundstage.   

Also...what the hell is up with the random celebrity cameos?   I mean we got a ton of celebrity cameos in this movie,  most likely the same people who starred in previous movies made by the company that made this.   So far this is a pretty awful attempt at a Blues Brothers spoof,  the Snooz Bros aren’t likable in the slightest,  the plot makes no sense,  and the song numbers are awful and off-key.

But I do like how they make fun of the non-sequel Blues Brothers 2000 in certain parts and especially during the end credits were the last credits stinger goes something like this:  “Coming soon to a dvd player near you,  Snooz Brothers 3000!”.   Of course they actually DO a show a bit of the Snooz Brothers 3000 movie on there as well,  like for example Not-So-Mighty Hank replacing Blake as a nod to Mighty Mack replacing Belushi’s Jake,  the RuPaulesque drag queen as the Queen Mousette parody,  the annoying brat who serves as the spoof of Buster Blues,   and the scene with Otis’s kid being magically put into  Snooz Brothers clothing.   But also,  I like how they made fun of how nonsensical the plot to Blues Brothers 2000 actually was.  

The movie in general may be a poorly made spoof movie,  but I personally think this is a better and more legit followup to the original Blues Brothers than BB2K ever was and will ever hope to be.   It gets an eight out of ten,  but it is still pretty good despite the flaws this movie had.  Check it out if you must.

I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on the Snooz Brothers parody movie.    Are there any more parody movies like this?  Yes and I recommend them.     Now if you excuse me i’m going to watch the original Blues Brothers.


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