Werebelushi rants: BOTM
Werebelushi Rants:
(We see a male werebelushi who looks and sounds like John Belushi, he is sitting at a table of sorts.)
Hello everyone and welcome back to another Trollzie Award Presentation and rant with your host That Werebelushi In The Shades. Now I apologize in advance to any female readers in the audience if I offend them in anyway, and I apologize if the actions and words of this particular recipient results in you wanting to do harmful things to yourself, now before I start i’d like to point out that in i’m not sexist in anyway and believe women do just as good as the men but this award is for the type that just isn’t even remotely intelligent by any means. I call this the award The Bitch Of The Month award, for those female youtube commenters who come across as whiny uber-bitches or just failed-failtroll wannabes looking for attention.
Without further ado i’m going to start this little shit-fest up. So the user who shares a name in common with an anime character from an anime that is fairly popular here in the Monster World - who I shall call Bitchy McWhinerton mentions Nathan’s Deviantart account by now and...take a guess at what she said about him.
Yep, she just copied every other wannabe fail-troll in existence. In other words, she’s totally unoriginal. *sigh* Why don’t I ever get the more creative ones anymore? Why am I always just stuck with assholes like this? Can’t I get a troll wannabe with a brain for once?
Her dialogue in her comment about him just comes across as this: *imitating a stereotypical valley girl* bla bla bla hai, I haz poor grammar. Evur hear of Monstermaster13, he’s like a total sicko and his creation deh Wherejonkandy is like teh shittiest thing evar and he like does those shitty self insert fanfics and he is into thise transformation fetishy stuff which is alll...eeew like totally gross but he thinks it’s like totally kewl and he gives Tim Burton an terrible name and he is like totally ugly...like barfo-rama! He’s liek a shitty aurtist...you should like troll him or something because he like goes all BAAAW when people say that kind of shit about him unlike me because bla bla bla bla i’m like so much more talented and all that crap.
Wow. I just read that comment you made on the video, you madam are a TOTAL PRICK. I mean really? You think his work is shitty? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM! Unless you have a DA account or any account besides a G+ Plus or Youtube account, then you clearly don't know about him or know anything about him at all. Oh, let me guess, you found out about him thanks to a troll forum or some shit, right?
Not only was your comment the stupidest damn thing I have ever read but it has so many grammatical and spelling errors that even a fake grammar nazi would go completely insane if they had to proof read your shit-comment. And you can't even spell Werejohncandy right either? If you're going to make fun of his work at least try to spell the names of his creations right.
Oh that's wait, you don't have the brain capacity, because you're most likely a troll that only just heard of me because of the afforementioned forums, in which case...you're already too fucking late because the whole hating on Drmusic2/Monstermaster13 (that's him) thing DIED out 4 YEARS AGO.
You truly should be ashamed for posting such a comment, i''m pretty sure EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS that his work is supposed to be stupid, even he acknowledged it myself, he can poke fun of myself and he doesn’t need assholes like you doing it for him, got that?
I'm sorry but you truly are a total bitch. Oh, and hating on my appearance, yeeeah...a million other trolls did it first and did it BETTER. The only reason you are posting a comment like that is because you’re desperate for attention. Either that or you’re just a dumb teenager just to be hip and edgy.
You should just shut the fuck up or just leave him alone, preferably both. He does NOT werecreature stuff because he think it's 'kewl' (unlike your poor literacy), He does it because it's his thing and it makes him happy, He only gets huffy over people who don't realize it's all in good fun. So please STFU.
And what is wrong with writing transformation stories? Everyone on Deviantart does them! There are SEVERAL GROUPS dedicated to it. If you were actually on Deviantart often, you would KNOW THAT ALREADY! True, they may not be good but he’s NOT trying to impress anyone - so you have no right to diss his work based on that alone - he does OTHER things besides those.
Really? You think his stories of himself turning into various characters and creatures are ‘self insert’ fanfics? You do know that the fic in fanfic is short for FICTION as in NOT REAL, right? Nathan’s persona is a FICTIONAL character in a FICTIONAL world, none of it is REAL. What? I suppose you think that the Twilight movies are documentaries and that Edward Cullen exists as well. Oh, since you’re obviously some kind of weeaboo wannabe, you probably think your favorite anime character is real too, right?
Look up what the term ‘self insert fanfic’ means next time, you bitch! Also...I already responded to your horrendous grammar and spelling earlier. There’s a little function on your PC called ‘spell-check’ - USE IT! Also speaking of it, use the right version of it’s next time! I can’t believe I have to deal with morons like you on a regular basis.
Also….saying Nathan’s work is stupid...again, I HATE having to repeat myself just because idiots like you don’t get it. Look, it’s SUPPOSED to be ‘stupid’, just STFU about it and accept it.
Oh? So you think that having a fetish is a sin against nature, do you? Well in that case, you might as well call me the fucking devil because of the many fetishes I have, for example I have a slight weight gain/inflation fetish, a hypnotism/mind control fetish, a monster-girl fetish, a transformation fetish, a giant/giantess fetish, a TG Fetish and even a furry fetish. There is nothing wrong with having a specific fetish, as long as you are not harming anyone and you’re not doing anything like say pedophilia.
Everyone has different tastes, you just need to accept that. To hate on someone just because you think their work is crappy and for no reason is just plain stupid, it’s like me hating on a director or actor other people just because I hate their work.
Which is NOT how I do things at all, I am honest in my reasons as to why I don’t like said director or actor. Like for example Kenny Ortega, I like his earlier work and I love Hocus Pocus, Newsies and the work he did with the late Michael Jackson but since he made the High School Musical franchise which I already stated I had a bad experience due to the over-popularity of said franchise, I have him as one of my least favorite directors because of this. He USED to be talented, but then Disney Channel got a hold of him and now he’s stuck making Teen Bop Musical movies. Moral of the story: Don’t work for Disney Channel. It will suck the talent right out of you. You will be stuck doing Teen Bop musical movies for the rest of your life because of it.
I always state the reasons why I like and dislike certain directors or actors, in a honest fashion that doesn’t come across as bashing or trying too hard. I don’t flat out hate either based on their work alone.
Take for example John Landis. He is a TALENTED as all hell director, he’s really funny in interviews, his Trailers From Hell bits are pure comedy gold, and not to mention his book Monsters In The Movies is one of the BEST books I have ever read. Yet a lot of people hate him for a specific reason - because of the Twilight Zone accident - which they still bring up even to this day which is sickening because no one knows what exactly caused the accident to begin with.
I have NEVER said anything negative about John Landis or his work, except for Blues Brothers 2000. And that’s because Blues Brothers 2000 was a completely unnecessary sequel that came out 18 years after the original, had only a few cast members from the original in it, had a Big Lipped Alligator Moment that isn’t brought up again, and had the addition of The Scrappy trope in the form of a little kid. Landis should have known better than to agree to make that movie, and Aykroyd should have known better than to come up with the idea for that movie in the first place. Both of them are very talented, and know better! Blues Brothers 2000 is my least favorite sequel to any movie next to the limitless Disney direct to dvd sequels and Son Of The Mask. Sure, they had good musical numbers in it - but that was the only good part.
See? I NEVER hate on anyone based on their work alone without my share of reasons and explanations why. I may not be a professional critic by any means but at least I know how proper criticism works.
Never in my whole life would you ever catch me doing something like this: *starts writing a fake angry fan-letter* “Dear John Landis, you are a complete monster - I can’t believe you haven’t been arrested for what you did that resulted in the accident that killed Vic Morrow on the set of Twilight Zone the movie. You clearly knew what was going on - but yet...you didn’t confess even though everyone knows about the accident and knows you were probably behind it?”
“Also...I hope you are happy for ruining the legacy of the Blues Brothers by making the crap-a-thon that was Blues Brothers 2000, you took a classic, flawless movie and ruined it with a crappy sequel. It was a terrible waste of time, the plot was nothing more than a rehash of the much better original film, Buster Blues was annoying, the musical numbers were the only good part, the part with Queen Mousette makes no sense, and it’s all around crapfest! For shame on you, John Landis, for shame! For shame to Dan Aykroyd for giving you the idea to make this idea, for shame on all of the cast and crew, for shame for the musicians making cameos, a pox on everyone involved with this movie, a POX! Love from That Werebelushi In The Shades.” In case you’re wondering the letter is fake, I would never say anything like that.
I was just giving you an example. That was what you’re basically being like right now, a bitch with obvious mental problems. Just bitching about Nathan for no valid reason apart from how much you hate his work despite the fact you don’t even HAVE a Deviantart account.
Ladies, i’m sorry if you have a person like this representing you OL. I’m sorry if you have to put up with this kind of thing on a regular basis, clearly this woman needs therapy. Scratch that, she needs to be sent to an insane asylum or group home, then given a straitjacket, no...a straitjacket and an enema, then given another enema!
Youtubers - I’m sorry if this user has ever harassed you or posted negative comments about you on another person’s video. Clearly, she doesn’t know better - she doesn’t even have a brain.
Bitchy McWhinerton, I - That Werebelushi In The Shades reward you with the Bitch Of The Month award! You really have earned this as well as a piece of my mind. You truly are a hopeless cause, there is no help for you. Either leave Youtube at once or apologize to Nathan right away.
I’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on the winner of the Bitch Of The Month award. I hope I never have to deal with this shit ever again. Now if you excuse me, i’m going to listen to some commentators that are actually good.
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