Werebelushi Rants: YMBAMT
Werebelushi: Hello everyone, i’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and welcome back to another Werebelushi rant, now as you know the internet is often filled with assholes, weirdos and moronic trolls. Now how can you tell if someone might be a moronic troll? Well...let’s take a look at the sample Nathan has brought us today. If you have an account that is strictly for the purpose of pointing out how crappy you think that certain things on DeviantArt are, you might be a moronic troll. I have nothing against sites that are DA related personally, it’s just posts like that make me want to triple face-paw myself! If you mention Nathan’s Monstermaster13 account in a negative fashion including bashing his photomanips - then you might be a moronic troll. Come on, be a little more original will ya? If you think that any of his fantasy stories are real but yet you need someone to put out to you that they’re not - you m...