Werebelushi rants: Joke Comments
Hello everyone and welcome back to another wild edition of Werebelushi rants, today’s rant is about another form of commenting that you can’t determine if the person is being serious or just seriously insane.
I’m talking about joke comments on other people’s work. Comments that come across as either poor attempts at trolling or just some cruel sick joke that the C.A.C (Complete Asshole Commentor) thinks is funny.
For example my most recent encounter with this was with a user who commented on a friend of mine’s work with the following: *horrible screams of agony are approaching”. I’d hate to reference a meme here..but lulwhut?
Is this is a joke? Is this some kind of prank? Am I being punked here? Is Ashton Kutcher going to show up any minute and laugh at me? Alright, who’s the evil genius that organized this plan? Whoever is responsible for this - confess!
I’m not being an internet tough guy here, it’s just that i’ve gotten so used to these ridiculous comments that they are just so easy to predict and yes - even parody. I mean judging by this guy’s comments, he must be seriously trucked up.
I mean he openly supports websites that promote cyberbullying, trolling and the like - that’s not a good sign at all. Oh well, maybe he’s just a heavily devoted RPer….maybe it will be okay for me to just play along.
*He approaches the location of where the screams are coming from, then snarls slightly as he turns to face who it is* Oh you’ll be in a lot more agony once i’m done with you. Acting like a prick, are we? Oh i’ll show you what a real prick is. *he growls, as he extracts his quills, he then impales the screaming man with them*
(Screaming Man:
Aaaaaaah! *dies*)
*His quills retract and he calms down* Well..that didn’t take long for him to get the point, now did it? It’s alright folks, he’s not really dead. It’s just a harmless role play session. and i’m pretty sure the person screaming in agony wasn’t even real to begin with so no harm done. It’s just that I personally hate it when people make comments like that about the works of my own friends and family.
I’m not asking for them to get ‘asspats’ as you humans call it - but please, a little good, clean, honest criticism that is ACTUALLY HELPFUL wouldn’t hurt. Because you know there is a difference between criticism and flat out bashing someone.
The difference is that with criticism you focus on both the positive and negative and also you are being helpful by giving the person in general hints on how to improve, with bashing - you just focus on the negative and flat out insult them.
Also how the hell is your ‘screaming man’ character still alive even though my character has just slain him with his quills? Let me guess...he can’t feel any sort of physical pain because he isn’t actually human - he’s the son of a weregorilla and a time-travelling deity and as such is also immortal and invulnerable at the same time! In other words you sir, are a god-modder! Ugh! If there’s anything I can’t stand about RP sessions like these - it’s god-modders! Hey, stop pulling superpowers out of your ass!
Once your character has been killed - they ARE dead, deceased, gone, vanished, forever in terminal dreamland! If your character is killed off and is human - then he/she will NOT be coming back from the dead.
Unless of course your character really is supernatural and is already either a ghost, vampire, zombie or other form of undead creature to begin with. Or if your character is actually a creature of another realm possessing the body of a human in order to blend in, or happens to be forever tied to the Underworld!
Look….I don’t care what your excuse for doing this is - but I will NOT let you carry on with this ridiculous behavior of yours. Either you apologize to my friend for saying what you said or doing what you did, or I will have to report you -got that?
Good. Now don’t do that again, you hear me? That’s better. Anyway, i’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on joke comments. Now if you excuse me, i’m going to set up a real RP session with my friends
Hello everyone and welcome back to another wild edition of Werebelushi rants, today’s rant is about another form of commenting that you can’t determine if the person is being serious or just seriously insane.
I’m talking about joke comments on other people’s work. Comments that come across as either poor attempts at trolling or just some cruel sick joke that the C.A.C (Complete Asshole Commentor) thinks is funny.
For example my most recent encounter with this was with a user who commented on a friend of mine’s work with the following: *horrible screams of agony are approaching”. I’d hate to reference a meme here..but lulwhut?
Is this is a joke? Is this some kind of prank? Am I being punked here? Is Ashton Kutcher going to show up any minute and laugh at me? Alright, who’s the evil genius that organized this plan? Whoever is responsible for this - confess!
I’m not being an internet tough guy here, it’s just that i’ve gotten so used to these ridiculous comments that they are just so easy to predict and yes - even parody. I mean judging by this guy’s comments, he must be seriously trucked up.
I mean he openly supports websites that promote cyberbullying, trolling and the like - that’s not a good sign at all. Oh well, maybe he’s just a heavily devoted RPer….maybe it will be okay for me to just play along.
*He approaches the location of where the screams are coming from, then snarls slightly as he turns to face who it is* Oh you’ll be in a lot more agony once i’m done with you. Acting like a prick, are we? Oh i’ll show you what a real prick is. *he growls, as he extracts his quills, he then impales the screaming man with them*
(Screaming Man:
Aaaaaaah! *dies*)
*His quills retract and he calms down* Well..that didn’t take long for him to get the point, now did it? It’s alright folks, he’s not really dead. It’s just a harmless role play session. and i’m pretty sure the person screaming in agony wasn’t even real to begin with so no harm done. It’s just that I personally hate it when people make comments like that about the works of my own friends and family.
I’m not asking for them to get ‘asspats’ as you humans call it - but please, a little good, clean, honest criticism that is ACTUALLY HELPFUL wouldn’t hurt. Because you know there is a difference between criticism and flat out bashing someone.
The difference is that with criticism you focus on both the positive and negative and also you are being helpful by giving the person in general hints on how to improve, with bashing - you just focus on the negative and flat out insult them.
Also how the hell is your ‘screaming man’ character still alive even though my character has just slain him with his quills? Let me guess...he can’t feel any sort of physical pain because he isn’t actually human - he’s the son of a weregorilla and a time-travelling deity and as such is also immortal and invulnerable at the same time! In other words you sir, are a god-modder! Ugh! If there’s anything I can’t stand about RP sessions like these - it’s god-modders! Hey, stop pulling superpowers out of your ass!
Once your character has been killed - they ARE dead, deceased, gone, vanished, forever in terminal dreamland! If your character is killed off and is human - then he/she will NOT be coming back from the dead.
Unless of course your character really is supernatural and is already either a ghost, vampire, zombie or other form of undead creature to begin with. Or if your character is actually a creature of another realm possessing the body of a human in order to blend in, or happens to be forever tied to the Underworld!
Look….I don’t care what your excuse for doing this is - but I will NOT let you carry on with this ridiculous behavior of yours. Either you apologize to my friend for saying what you said or doing what you did, or I will have to report you -got that?
Good. Now don’t do that again, you hear me? That’s better. Anyway, i’m That Werebelushi In The Shades and this has been my rant on joke comments. Now if you excuse me, i’m going to set up a real RP session with my friends
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