Benefits of Being Undead.
Like it or not, death is indeed a part of fact it comes for each and every one of us, but there are people that are terrified of dying. Zack was one such person who was afraid of it, he was afraid of death mainly because of what happens to the body if you decide to get buried and it was all because of a song known as the Hearse Song. This song was sometimes labelled as a kids song despite its disturbing and creepy content, and he would have nightmares in which he was locked in a room with that song playing and well he never was able to sleep because of that.
"If it wasn't for that song I wouldn't be afraid of dying."
"Maybe we could do something about it."
"Like what?"
"Go to a graveyard."
One night he decided it was time to finally get over that fear, he was going to get over his fear once and for all so he decided to invite his friend over and the two of them made a trek over to one of the most famous local graveyards, and he decided to go and investigate. The two friends made a trip to the graveyard and looked around, he decided to take a closer look at the bodies, and no...that wasn't in a sexual way, after all...he's respectful and totally not a degenerate necrophiliac, he saw all the different graves which had amusing names like 'I.P Freely' 'Mike Rotch' and he came across a body that was heavily guarded.
He inspected the body and took photos of it, the body did not like it was rotting or decaying despite being there for more than a few months, in fact the body looked like it was still in a good condition, no signs of decaying at all, inspecting the body he found it to be the body of a male student, he reached over to touch the body, only for him to get bitten by the student. He yelped in pain for a bit but curiously there were little to no marks from the bite on him, no blood, nothing.
Not just that but the bite seemed to heal up all by itself, in addition to this..he noticed something very unusual as his body began to gain musculature and his skin turned a greenish grey color, his clothing slowly shifted to look like the outfit of the student's as he slowly grew in height, his shoulders broadened and his neckline altered, as his hair grew messier, turning from brown to black. In addition to this his eyes turned black with yellow schlera, while his features became more masculine and attractive, on one side of his face, specifically near the other side of his mouth...was a gash that made it look like a bit of it had peeled off. he gained a few scars as his voice deepened and he realized he was turning into the character of Brian Yu from Monster Prom which he honestly liked.
"Interesting result..."
"So was the student who bit you Brian as well?"
"I don't think so."
"I think they could maybe he gave it to you."
"I think i'm not afraid of death anymore."
'You're not?' 'I actually don't mind it now, I realize now that is indeed a part of life.' 'Indeed it is, someone dies so someone else may live.' 'That's indeed how it is.' 'So how does being Brian feel?' 'Interesting, i've never experienced what being a zombie is like before.' 'I bet it's fascinating.' 'That is one way of putting it.' The two friends explored the graveyard for a little bit and took some photos before deciding to head back home.
After heading home, Zack got to spend a bit of time as his new self and he liked it...he got to be Brian and also still got to be himself, he told all his online friends about his experience and about how he got over his fear of death, and he even made 'The Hearse Song' his new ringtone, and he truly seemed to now understand that death is a part of life and it's part of the cycle, and it is normal to be afraid and upset when someone we love goes to the great hall in the sky. After all, what better way to understand how death works than becoming undead?
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