Everything Wrong Wit That Site.

 -  Uhhhh...have the people on this shit-site ever seen Child's Play? Just because the doll Charles Lee Ray's soul is transported into is a kid sized doesn't mean he is a child, Charles Lee Ray himself is an ADULT.  After all, who would suspect a doll of murdering anyone? I think not.

- OvercookedBacon is a stupid username and you should feel stupid for having it.

- What's this?  A post on this shit hole of a site I actually like?  Not only that but one I agree with as well?  Well what do you know, those idiots did something right for once. Changed is a fucked up hot mess of a game that is essentially a symbiote fetishist's wet dream and what makes that game particularly scary is the 'transfur or die' plot that is fucking everywhere in the game! The game's dark and depressing plot and body horror-esque elements are always ignored in fan art in favor of 'Isn't Puro cute? Don't you wanna be him?'.   Yes, the plot is depressing.  So the first test subjects that were adminstrated this cure for the fatal virus lost their minds and transfurred because that was the only cure? I am sorry but that's like if the cure to covid was becoming a bat-monster!  Also screw that Dr K, it's his fault, I so wish his 'creations' would turn on him.  What?  It happens to ALL mad scientists.  Also the 'body horror' aspects may be down played but they are still there and the transformations look grotesque and painful (someone should do one of those 'this as an 80's fantasy movie' videos only instead of an 1980s movies they should do it as 'a David Cronenberg Body Horror movie!), also fuck Puro (how is this rejected Digimon both your friend and your enemy? Oh yes, did I mention in the original version of the game he forcibly assimilates you in one of the bad ending? Screw him, he is a terrible character, yes...he's miles better in the special edition but come on, what was Dragonsnow thinking putting THAT in there? Then again there are way too many dark endings in that game, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream had happier endings than this!) and also oh boy was Ciel's comic about Puro overly long and stupid, oh sure it was good the first 10 pages but once it got past pages 20-30 I realized this is all just the same crap 'Look at me I am in one of Ciel's comics. I am the victim of the day, oh no here she comes as Puro, and she is going to assimilate me, help!  Oh no she has got me and i'm being transfurred and I must fight, must fight, must fight it...must obey Mistress Ciel, yes mistress I will do whatever you say!' Oh and the fact Dr K dragged poor Collin into this mess is even more fucked up! Like you know Dr K, you may be a horrible shithead for being responsible for the fatal virus to begin with but dragging in someone who always seems to be ill to the point they could be dying into this mess just to have them be part of your sick, twisted scheme isn't helping!  Also it is sick and gross that it is being used by groomers on roblox to try and get people specifically kids to develop a fetish for this game.

- Nathan: Uhhhh....it is not a fetish, Aykroydology is a serious and very underappreciated topic, something a petty internet troll wannabe wouldn't be able to comrehend or understand! The intricies of the Aykroyd universe aka the Aykroyd-verse are complex.   Also the term you are looking for is simping, you morons!

- Nathan: You do know that I don't actually want to drink human blood, yet alone Dan Aykroyd's, right?  Because this is just a story, in-universe I am a vampire and as such...well what do you expect a vampire to drink, lemonade?   Anyway that is not how the 'Were-Aykroyd' method works.

- 'Leave Willem Dafoe alone' Dude, that is just a morph pic made to go with an FTM TG piece Nathan wrote based on one of the Snickers commercials, it's not offensive, it's just a morph of Alicia Silverstone becoming Willem, nothing to having a hissy fit over.

-   Considering what happened to CWC as of recent, any and all comparisons to him are very much obsolete and poorly dated...even by YOUR standards.

-  It's telling when the only posts on the Drmusic2 thread that are recent are either screencaps of posts/comments from a few months or years old or in the case of last year a link to a page on Deviantart that no longer exists because the admins took it down, it's telling you 'hey, maybe this thread should be closed forever because clearly nobody cares about this shitty post anymore!'

- Werebelushi: I would just like to say that Nathan never said he identified as John Candy, what kind of mandella effect did you imagine exactly?  He didn't say he identified as a werejohncandy,  you idiot.

- That werejohncandy has a name you know.

- Werebelushi: So you guess harp on him for liking Dan Aykroyd yet you totally let a psycho Homestuck fanboy who is so dangerously close to being the next Randy Stair on your forum? Oh, don't you worry, i'll get to HIM in a minute.

-  Werebelushi: I am just going to sum it up like this...Nathan was just favoriting some Homestuck character tfs (why?  Because he was just part of a character tf group, that is all, he did not know it was a commission for someone else, he just favorited it because he liked the artwork), then the Jade Harley fanboy comes along and is all 'thanks for the fave' only to very much berate Nathan for his photomanipulations (look, photomorphs are difficult to do, okay? Animorphs style morphs in particular. Nathan used to use Photoshop but Photoshop decided to give up working so he switched to Gimp, he uses Facemorpher because well...Morphthing doesn't seem to work when you upload a photo, it's like seriously stuck on please wait), and then said he recognized him as a lulcow (at this extremely specific point in time Nathan was rarely ever brought up by any lolcow based site,  like...you're several years too late, douche!), Jade Harley fanboy thought that Nathan was 'nice' at first only to talk about him to his trashy forum friends saying that he found Nathan's work to be creepy/insane/disgusting/etc (yeah I knew that was coming, I smelt his trollish scent from a mile away!), he mentions Nathan in a post of 'worst dinner party ever' (oh sure, just because Nathan has an anti-Homestuck stamp on his profile doesn't mean he hates the comic or the creator, it's just that he hates the fandom and can you blame him?) ,  and this Jade Harley fanboy very much started the 2019 debacle (Yes, he certainly did, and all you idiots bore witness to it! Even his obvious lie about giving it up!),  he supposedly gave up for a while only to guess what make a lame comeback bitching about Nathan saying it's stupid for him to have a Youtube account (he's the one to talk, all his one ever had was a joke AU for Undertale casting all the people he fanboys over including Mr Metokur of all people in the roles and there is no dialogue only music and more than just that, that stupid rant video he made of Nathan, yeeeah it was a poorman's Memelous, if I wanted mud-slinging i'd watch the 2016 election again!), make another outdated-by-now CWC comparison (look you do know that when Nathan posts on CWC content he is only saying he is not like him because his enemies compared him to him one too many times and it got annoying, right? That and it's offensive to compare all autistic people to CWC!) and bitched about Nathan doing a Homestuck fic (yeah i'm sorry but when you admit you're in the wrong, you can't just go back to berating Nathan like that, your stupidity never did cease to amaze me! Oh what's that?  You think it was about you being forcibly turned into Jade Harley and you thought it was inane, incomprensible and disgusting? Too bad, you stupid man-bitch! And what's the matter, I thought you LOVED Jade Harley, I mean you always talked about wanting to get inside...oops I mean be her! You started this, you know),  and also yeeeeah Nathan didn't get Mister Metokur's videos taken down, COPPA did or he just deactivated (yeah i'm sorry but I guess Papa Metokur's work isn't safe for kids, work, families, humans or for anyone in general! Unless you are saying that you think Nathan runs COPPA),  he got all triggered because Nathan posted a negative comment on his supposed wiki (remember that weird TF/TG wiki that this psycho did? I do! And believe me this isn't the first time this happened. Remember when that one person very much attempted to mock Nathan by doing a bad wikipedia page? I sure do. Yeah i'm sorry but the actual Wikipedia does not allow that kind of thing. Remember that stupid website that person did that looked like it was one of those sites from the 2000's internet era using hosting sites like Geocities?  I also remember that!), he childishly challenged Nathan to come out on the wiki and solve their little dispute (and by that, Nathan decided 'screw this, if this little shithead wants to bicker about me then I am going to let them keep doing it and go back to doing stuff I actually want to do because there's no way I am going to ever be able to get this Homestuck fanboy to shut up, so i'll just let him keep whining until he stops eventually and nobody cares about him anymore!', and said wiki didn't get made at all), and well..he has since shut up and never said anything again.

- Bonzi:  That Quora-post...you do know that was from a couple of years ago,  right? Nathan did not say he doesn't get the 'joke' that is combusting herpes, but then again there wasn't a joke to be found in that website. Remember what that website was a thing? I do and it was terrible.   On what planet or in what universe would you consider jokes about genitalia to be funny?  Not this one, that is for sure.  I tried reading those posts high, drunk AND under jungle bath salt influence and I STILL didn't find it funny! 

- CombustingHerpes hasn't updated since 2013. Probably for a good reason. That site is still active, it just hasn't been updated since 2013 and obviously...yeah, I can see why. Like unless you were a diehard edgelord or part of the 'I identify as an apache helicopter' crowd, there is no way you'd actually admit to being on that site. Come on, who would admit to THAT of all things?

- Nathan isn't trans, he's cisgender male.

- Bonzi: Okay so let me get this straight, you think that he wrote an incest-fic, you do know that two characters who clearly are not related to each-other in the slightest sharing a bed together and being romatic isn't incest, right?  If you ever read the actual plot of that piece you'd see that Nathan mentions that the other character in the relationship isn't related to the protagonist but is viewed as a 'father figure'.   Also, what interracial subtext? Oh you think that apes = African Americans.  Look I am only going to say this once, gorillas have GREY skin and BLACK fur, not black skin...fur and skin are entirely different things,  also you of all people should know this,  and I can't believe I have to tell you this (but I am a gorilla and who else is going to explain it to these morons? That's right, me!)

- Werebelushi: Hey, DON'T you bring me up, you scumbags. I want to speak to your admin immediately so I can berate them.

- - That plus sized woman you keep thinking is Natalie is an actress who clearly didn't want to be part of your crappy movies which are blatant hate-filled propaganda, you used her, you sexualized her and I find it gross that you are hitting on her.

- That plus-sized woman in the school graduation photo isn't Nathan, or Natalie for that matter.

- The post you have linked to is no longer in service, please dial another number and try again.

- So you assume Nathan isn't hygenic yet we've seen him shower countless times?  Yeah i'm sorry but the person who likely sleeps in their mom's basement or likely hasn't come out of the troll cave in over a decade shouldn't be the one to talk.

- - What is wrong with having a fursona based on a Jim Carrey movie?  Look, Nathan's favorite Jim Carrey movie is the Grinch and the Grinch is his favorite Carrey character, yeah Viewer-Alt made a 'the Dr Seuss Foundation should sue him' comment about him once, but I doubt Audrey Geisel would have a problem with people making OCs based on her late husband's work. If anything, she was more pissed off at the live-action Cat in the Hat movie and also..probably doesn't know about the 'Mean One' horror movie that is coming out which is a 'parody' so to speak.  Having an OC based on or inspired by a beloved character isn't a crime.

 - I am just going to explain it like this..Nathan stated HIS opinion on a fake review of Combustingherpes, Fake Serbian Douche attacks him for it and calls him a terrorist (even though the only remotely threatening thing he did was put some tissues in the toaster resulting in a near fire related accident happening at the school he worked in!) and claims that he is trying to bomb Serbia (Nathan has never even been to Serbia, neither have I. If this guy's posts were around today he'd be getting one of those 'the problem with apu' style documentaries made about him!) and accuses him of being a Balkan (he's a New Zealander, you idiot.) of all things, Nathan tries to ignore this guy, he shows up everywhere, the guy questions him for liking the Muppets (accusing him of doing nudes of them when it's just fanart made with Heromachine for crying out loud, no nudes at all!), and doesn't even know that Christopher freaking Walken's name is spelled WALKEN and NOT 'Walker',  tricks Nathan into looking up a fake movie that doesn't exist, tricks him into going on Ask and asking about a fake movie...spoilers: Chetnik Warrior 1, 2, or 3 aren't real! It was Dogs of War the whole time! He admits he wasn't even Serbian to begin with yet everyone believes him.  What joke?  There's no jokes in Combustingherpes that anyone who isn't  in the MSG stoner demographic or in the dank memes demographic would find in anyway funny (trust me there isn't! I tried watching some of their material stoned or under jungle bath-salt influence and that didn't help in the slightest! Tell me on what planet are jokes about private parts funny? Certainly not ours that is for sure.) , pretending to be Serbian is NOT a joke. Other countries and ethnicities are NOT titles to brag about in an an attempt to seem edgy. It's like if someone claimed to be Russian for the purpose of pretending to be a badass on 4chan. The Serbia Strong meme is just a meme, it is not something to be taken seriously!

 - The post you have linked to is no longer in service, please dial another number and try again.

- You do know that Nathan actually DID do research when it comes to the 'spirit animal test', I know online personality tests don't actually count as actual quizzes or anything but crows do have the reputation of being somewhat connected to mysteries and magic and have a mysterious reputation in general hence the bit about being 'anti-social',  it's the same as the cockroach one.

- Well if you already still remember him then you did a piss poor job of forgetting him.

- Said 'parody' if you could even call it that was a poor attempt at ripping off Nathan's characters and using said characters without permission, said character was used without permission and killed off brutally.  I'd chimp out too if that happened to me

- What Nathan Actually Said: 'Weight gain where it's just a skinny character putting on weight and being a slob is demeaning, not weight gain in general, slob enforces negative stereotypes of overweight people hence why it is demeaning, and also not much of a transformation, maybe if it was into a character or species known for having that kind of body type it would make sense.'

- Werebelushi: Okay...so you can't comprehend the fact that Nathan you know, likes animal transformations where it's a women being tfed?  I am sorry but that's stupid. Let me guess, you are only offended by the pig transformations because they have women in them and if it was male it wouldn't offend you in the slightest, right?  Look, it's not Nathan's fault, they are like that, it's what the artist behind the pictures chose to do.  Also don't kinkshame him for having a hyperfixation for hooved animals!   Because obviously you totally wouldn't freak out if it was a man being transformed? Because hurr hurr...men are pigs, get it?

 - Nathan never said he 'identified' as a werejohncandy or other characters, the werejohncandy is HIS oc and guess what he has a name, it's Chumsley Huggington Jr, and also Nathan did dress as John Candy for halloween and a series of fake blogger posts which were roleplay pages,  but he didn't want to wear John's skin or anything, that is just a bunch of rumors.

- Well if you already still remember him then you did a piss poor job of forgetting him.

- You do know that woman didn't actually voluntarily send nudes to admins, right? She was tricked into it and they made a  humiliating movie about it and a humiliating post about it blurting out their entire evil plan on a PUBLIC forum no less, right?  She got hit on by one of the members only for that member to berate her.

- Actually he said that in-universe non-werecreature shapeshifter characters get offended at being called werecreatures, only because only a handful of those characters are actual werecreature ones, i'm one of them..technically i'm more of a werecelebrity character, the fictional versions of David Bowie and Chris Walken are vampire or vampire-like, Trumpty is a Trump-creature but isn't actually Donald Trump, yes...the Forgotten Werecreatures cast are all types of werecreatures, Dan is a Were-Aykroyd, my counterpart is a Were-Aykroyd, and Growler is a weregrinch. Mel and Eucalyptus are part of a whole different race (they are koala-girls), Soo is a Pandaren, Oats and Opal are both anthro horses (yes Prince Oats is who Oatsie the Ponyta is based on), Holly and Hoofer are both anthro Clydesdales, Mimi is a Minionette (a race of female anthro-ized versions of the Minions), etc.

- What you think Nathan said: 'Weight gain where it's a person becoming a fat version of themselves are horrible but pig tfs are okay', what Nathan actually said: 'If it is just a skinny character gaining weight and eating like a slob it is not much of a change and also actually is demeaning, pig transformations and transformations into a species or character that is naturally like that actually make sense to have weight gain in them.'

- You do know those aren't diaper photos, right? Those are pants made for someone with a larger body type, not that Nathan is overweight or anything, a little stocky, but not short or overweight.  Also 'butt garments?'  That's like calling a hat a head-garment!

- These fools think CWC and Natalie and Nathan would make a cute pair...aaaaaw, ain't that cute? BUT IT'S WRONG!

- Nathan: The term you are looking for is being a simp, and believe me, I am.  For the record, Aykroydology as I call it is NOT a fetish, it is a way of life. And you better not question it, just be glad i'm not a Were-Aykroyd right now.

-  Okay...so tell me again why you hate racial changes?  The ones I have seen are fairly harmless and aren't offensive. No yellowfacing, white-facing, blackfacing or any stereotypes or racial slurs are ever featured in these, these are fairly well written and very nice and harmless.  Look, I know that everyone has to be super PC these days but come on, this isn't the 1940's.

- You do that the SimilarWorlds post is a repost from the old Experience Project, right?  Experience Project had a bit of a problem for a while and deactivated only to come back as SimilarWorlds.

- Writing fanfiction of your favorite shows, movies, anime, games, books and characters is not immature, it's a great hobby!

-   Nathan never claimed that his weregrinch fursona/oc was original, after all the character is a character who is a fanmade character for a series of fics he did based on the Saban series 'Big Bad Beetleborgs' and his character was a house-monster OC.  Also...yeah I would say that a fanmade OC does count as an 'original character'.  Then again canon characters also start off as 'original characters/OCs of the authors so it's not far-fetched. Also I am pretty sure everyone knows the word grinch and all associated with it originated from Dr Seuss's novel and making the mean one green originated in the animated specials. Yeah saying a character that was based on another author's character is unoriginal is redundant,  also you know the plot for the Grinch is totally almost the same as A Christmas Carol, right?  Yet nobody way back when that book was made ever accused Theodore Geisel of ripping off Dickens.  The Charles Dickens estate didn't protest about it. And why would they?  It's nothing like Dicken's novel apart from having a grumpy character who has a change of heart at the end!  I didn't see anyone ever saying..'you know this is just a lame kids version of A Christmas Carol!', did you? Of course not.


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