
 To Xeno in Gene's Transformation: 'So let me get this straight, you protect a child, that's fair enough, always good to see a nice monster, but also you know a lot about this child's dad and how he only views his wife as a pleasure object. How do you KNOW this exactly? I know the kid's father is an asshole but aren't you also being like this by intruding in on his personal life like this? It's guys like you that give monsters a bad name. It doesn't help that if your name had U instead of an o at the end you'd have the same name as the god  that scientologists worship, you know...Xenu, who was the dictactor of a galaxy of 76 planets, brought his people down to earth, stacked them around areas with volcanic activity and killed them with hydrogen bombs?  Sorry but I think you're an asshole. Who gave the right to stalk the kid's dad like that?  Yeah I agree he was awful and he didn't believe you existed and the kid told you all that but come on, don't you think it's a bit unfair to treat him like he's history's greatest monster and to force to be your dumb pet like that? And how come you can speak perfect English while he as a monster can ony speak like he's a caveman?  Are you some sort of snob that thinks they're above other monsters?  You know for a supposed good guy, are you sure you're not the actual villain of this story? Because I have a hardtime rooting for a monster who lures someone's father into a closet and uses bad monster breath on him to turn him into a monster and rob him of his identity, you're the most evil character here. Not even would I do that. Also...excuse me, just because you made him a monster doesn't mean he has to be a nudist freak like you are. I don't care if you're a monster who wears no clothes, either put clothes on yourself or leave my dimension, I don't allow nudity on my show.  And same goes for your monster pet too. Also why is he called Grumbo? That sounds like the Gromble from Aaaah! Real Monsters. Oh sure, you get a cool name but this guy gets the typical dumb monster sidekick name?  Couldn't he just keep his own name? Sorry but I could never a character so callously cruel and horrible.  Your cause is noble but you're not.  Also how ocme he has to eat garbage like you if he's not even the same species? You're a lizard-crocodile-mutant-monster-thing and he's a gorilla/orc/ram-thing. 

To Mama Bear from Smallfoot: ' didn't tell me that people actually could get turned into animals  according to that cave-art.  You didn't tell me that people do get turned into animals if they spend time with you in the cave. You're just lucky this is non-canon.'

To Norm from Norm of The North: 'You're a disgrace to animated animal characters, I can't believe some people think you're sexy. Ick, I guess ol Matteo has a type...and that type is literally bear-ish but with a huge ass.  Norm, why do you have no character traits apart from having a big ass that you love showing off to humans and twerking? Look, it was bad enough seeing Miley Cyrus do it,  I don't need an animal version of that.'

To Dum From Sheep N Wolves: 'Let's're big, politle, and not too're somewhat attractive by talking animal standards, you don't have much up there, and're polite, you're a himbo. I knew Matteo likes them, but he didn't tell me he liked them big and stupid.  He should meet Julie Brown. She likes her boys like that too.'

To the Sulley installment of the Gooey Earth storyarc: 'You're lucky this episode is non-canon and Nathan is only doing this because he likes you as a character, but come on..isn't the incest a bit much? For shame Sulley, for shame.  Look, if you're trying to make Nathan attracted to you, he's not into you, he'll simp for John Goodman, yes, but not as you.  Also for shame on you.'

To The Monstropolis Soda episode: 'Hey, you're the one who drank obviously tainted soda and turned into a rejected Jim Henson muppet.  Who are you to say that the other person wo drank it and started to transform shouldn't fight it because it will only 'make it' worse? No offense but if he feels like he is going to hate being like that, then don't try to convince him to freaking like it.  Also protip,  it's not going to be pleasant anyway...accepting the transformaton and not fighting it isn't going to make the pain go away,  involuntary transformations often tend to be painful.'

To The Tug Installment: 'Well you may be a bear but at least you're nicer than Elinor. Although, my problem exactly do you count as a furry character, you're a non-morphic talking bear,  just because you have fur doesn't make you a furry character, you're a talking animal character. Also how can you and the other brother bear animals talk in perfect English despite being non-morphic?  Were you lot former humans and the spirits were dickheads to you for some reason and made you into animals? How come humans can't understand animals in the universe of the movie you're from?'.

To Kenai: 'You I can understand being able to talk, but how do you explain the other animals in the movie you're from?  I thought you were the only one that the spirits did their karmaic magic on. Unless the spirits just enjoy treating other people like that too.'

To The Love-Wolf: 'Bitch, don't you use that "don't be negative" tone on me.  I saw what you did, that poor woman was just trying to get away from the sight of the grotesque gooey love-bear that tried to touch her only to run into your den, and only for you to try and coat her with your goop, and your kids attacked her and tried to make her love them.  You are a cold-hearted bitch who breaks hearts. Who broke my heart? You did, you did.  Bow to the target, blame Cupid, Cupid. You think you're smart, stupid, stupid.  Shoot that poison arrow to my heaaaaart, shot that poison arrow.  You thought I liked you but it seems you don't know that I don't care. I care enough to know that i'll never love you.  Did I break your heart just then? If I did, then I did my job. A goopy bitch like you deserves no love only hate. After what you put that poor woman through, you I think you deserve nothing but hate. Yeah i'm a real heartbreaker alright.'

To Toon Animal Logic: 'Yeah i'm not buying this. Look pal, you may be able to not get sick in your universe but you're in mine now which is partially based on reality and well how do I put this nicely?  In reality, disease is very much real and I don't care if you're SFW nude, in MY universe, you abide by the rules. Now suit up, mask on, and keep your paws off of me.'

To Raksha's half of the storyarc: ''re much're not incestous and you're not bears.'

To The Wolf-People: 'No offense to whoever designed you but how are you guys remotely werewolves anyway? Werecreatures aren't overgrown talking non-morphic animals and they aren't whatever you are, yeah you say your ancestors were werewolves who could turn into human forms but then they say they gave up that aspect and decided to stick with being these overgrown fluffball forms. You ain't no werewolf honey, you're just a marketable plushie waiting to be made.  Also...i'm a REAL werecreature and you offend me.'

To The Queen Elinor half:  'Rude? Rude? Rude? Oh i'll show you rude, you stupid bitch. Bitch you have no right to call Nathan rude just for saying he finds bear transformations boring, I mean there's nothing to you bears anyway apart from napping and eating and hiberating, you don't even do anything fun apart from go hunting for fish.  If it sounds like i'm being mean, i'm sory but excuuuuuuuse me, i'm sorry that you're peeved that Nathan hates being a bear and doesn't like you.  Also bitch, you abducted Nathan and took him from the world we know he belongs in, our world and brought him to your world, because you thought his life was boring and needed spicing up. Also...I don't think half of your world's  inhabitants even count as furry characters since apart from Robin Hood they're all mostly non-morphic talking animals, furry entails that the character is an anthro animal. Half of you are non-morphic, and you're a transformed human. talking? I'm sorry but I saw Brave and you clearly didn't have the ability to speak when you got turned into a bear.  This is not accurate to how you were in the movie.  Also...if it wasn't for that human intelligence, you'd likely be wanting to claw some poor sap's eyes out.  Use that "little one' crap on me and I'll have Mel turn in to something worse than what you already are. Also regarding Disney furries, half of you are non-morphic and Sulley doesn't even count as a species of animal, furry entails anthropomorphic animals and Sulley isn't an animal he is a mythical creature,  also if the form the goop molds you into is dictated by whatever character you come in contact with, then shouldn't he have a choice? I mean you're forcing him to accept being a goopy bear which you know he hates.  What does constitute as a Disney furry in this universe?  Since Disney owns Star Wars, do some of the aliens from Star Wars count? Since they also own the Muppets do all of the Muppet cast count?  What about Marvel's half-non-human characters?'

To The Weresona Paint Story: 'So in the universe you established this paint as being part of you said the werefursona form is usually something cute/happy and it can't be dark/scary yet you've got a werelion and a werewolf? Both of which are were-versions of predators, so I guess you didn't think that through. Also i'm cuddly enough as I am. And sexy too. I don't need a bunch of goop to do so.'

To Boomer from Wonder Park: 'To whoever keeps doing this with largely built animal characters and making them a walking butt-joke who has no personality traits apart from having a big butt, you should be ashamed for doing this. And YOU,  you're not any better..yes, you have a nice ass but it's not your ass i'm after.'

To The Gloria one: 'Sorry Gloria, not attracted to non-morphic hippos. Besides, you're  voiced by the woman who is married to the man who tried to replace Robin Williams as the Genie and that would make me a traitor if I ever were to fall for you.  Besides, there's nothing more to you other than a walking butt joke. I find walking butt joke furry characters to be demeaning.'

To The 100% Wolf Cast: 'How are you guys werewolves again? You all look like non-morphic talking wolves on two legs to me.  Did the producers of this movie simply forget what an actual werecreature does? No offense, but i'd like to see you in a more anthro/humanoid form and by the way how come we don't see your human forms often in the movie? Also why do you hate Freddy for being a werepoodle? Dogs and wolves are in the same family, yeah they're not the same species so it makes no sense to hate dogs even though you're canine yourself. It's like if a race of actual reptilian members had someone who was a turtle-creature in their ranks and hated him for it.'

To The Robin Hood Cast: 'How come you guys are the only anthro characters on Gooey Earth? All of the others are non-morphic talking animals. Also if there are no villains, explain why the Sherriff is here.'

To The Louis The Alligator episode: 'I'm only allowing this because according to Disney Wiki you were originally supposed to be a human turned alligator and that is my headcanon version of you, I am going with my personal headcanon with this and not having you be an actual non-morphic talking alligator.'

To the endless lovey-dovey stuff: ' he always this needy and overly affectionate? Yikes, it's like i'm dealing with James Corden only this guy is a lot less obnoxious. But come on, I am feeling physically ill just watching this.'

To The Full Moon Zoo episode: 'So are you saying that hanging around with weredonkeys and werehorses makes him a weremule because there's only one were-donkey in the whole exihibit.  Shouldn't he just be a werehorse? Itis not like he came in contact with the weredonkey or anything? Does this episode go on Animorphs rules or something?'

To The Simba instalment; 'For shame Simba, making out with your own son. I'm sorry but isn't Nathan supposed to be your own son as a gooey lion and not your mate?  Look there's a reason the mating habits of male lions in real life aren't mentioned in the film you're from, because then the movie would have to be rated R. What would your father think of you?'

To The Baloo Half: ' you don't want to have sex with Nathan unlike the others but're forcing this love interest on him, a female bear he even isn't interested in and you're non-morphic for pete's sake. To whoever keeps thinking talking animal  = furry character, you're an idiot.  Look, he just got adjusted to being a gooey bear, you don't need to force something else upon him.  Baloo, I don't know if you realize this but when some girls and some gay guys say they have a thing for bears they don't mean the animal.'

To The Full Moon Zoo episode: 'So are you saying that hanging around with weredonkeys and werehorses makes him a weremule because there's only one were-donkey in the whole exihibit.  Shouldn't he just be a werehorse? Itis not like he came in contact with the weredonkey or anything? Does this episode go on Animorphs rules or something?'

To The Simba instalment; 'For shame Simba, making out with your own son. I'm sorry but isn't Nathan supposed to be your own son as a gooey lion and not your mate?  Look there's a reason the mating habits of male lions in real life aren't mentioned in the film you're from, because then the movie would have to be rated R. What would your father think of you?'

To The Baloo Half: ' you don't want to have sex with Nathan unlike the others but're forcing this love interest on him, a female bear he even isn't interested in and you're non-morphic for pete's sake. To whoever keeps thinking talking animal  = furry character, you're an idiot.  Look, he just got adjusted to being a gooey bear, you don't need to force something else upon him.  Baloo, I don't know if you realize this but when some girls and some gay guys say they have a thing for bears they don't mean the animal.'


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