To Xeno in Gene's Transformation: 'So let me get this straight, you protect a child, that's fair enough, always good to see a nice monster, but also you know a lot about this child's dad and how he only views his wife as a pleasure object. How do you KNOW this exactly? I know the kid's father is an asshole but aren't you also being like this by intruding in on his personal life like this? It's guys like you that give monsters a bad name. It doesn't help that if your name had U instead of an o at the end you'd have the same name as the god that scientologists worship, you know...Xenu, who was the dictactor of a galaxy of 76 planets, brought his people down to earth, stacked them around areas with volcanic activity and killed them with hydrogen bombs? Sorry but I think you're an asshole. Who gave the right to stalk the kid's dad like that? Yeah I agree he was awful and he didn't believe you existed and the kid told you all that but come...