Old Enemy Reunion.
Old Enemy Reunion.
Martin Blank to Grocer TF/Possession TF
This is part of the Aykroyd-Verse stories and involves a non-Aykroyd character becoming an Aykroyd character, in this case it is Martin becoming his arch nemesis.
Martin Blank and his nemesis Grocer couldn't be any more different from each-other, Martin was more nuanced and more casual and Grocer was chaotic although he was friendly. You see the two of them were rivals and competition often heated-up to extremes with the number of people they snagged each and everytime. It had been several years since Martin's re-encounter with Grocer, and he thought that he didn't have to worry about him considering he was killed all those years back, but that's when Grocer's spirit emerged from a tv he was sitting near and pulled him closer before going down his throat and possessing him in the process, he thought for a few seconds that he dreamed the whole thing and he was seeing things at first...because he knew Grocer had died before, but there was Grocer...as a ghost, now possessing him and speaking to him in his mind. 'Heeeello buddy.' 'Grocer? You're back?' 'Yeah. How are you doing?' 'How am I doing? I was just getting over the fact you died prior to this and now you're a ghost and you're possessing me.' 'I know, isn't it fun? Don't ya worry, i've got something big planned for you.'
"Really? What? I dread to think what it is."
"I've decided to use your body for a little bit."
"Excuse me...did you just say you want to use my body?"
"Yeah and I have plans for it."
He gulped for a little bit, he dreaded to think what those plans were because he knew he wasn't going to like them...a loud gurgling sound was heard coming from his stomach as his stomach slowly began to fatten up a little bit, his skin was also undergoing several changes, it was aging up several years as hairs slowly coated his arms which broadened and grew as his hands enlarged, his shirt was also starting to change color and style as it slowly turned into an identical copy of Grocer's shirt, his broadening chest and torso grew right into the suit as the hairs developed on his chest and downwards towards his naval area. 'Grocer...I don't approve of this.' Martin could hear his rival's laugh in his mind, and it was driving him wild, as if he was being taunted by him from within. 'Come now, pal. I think you're going to love this, you'll be just like me.' 'But...I never wanted this, you know this.' 'Oh but you know that you did.'
"What makes you think that I wanted to turn out like you?"
"Many things, you underestimate me."
"You're a demented assassin, you're scary."
"So? People are scared of both of us...didn't you like that?"
"No...I didn't."
Martin struggled, arguing with Grocer's voice as he attempted to resist what was happening to him...he knew he was turning into Grocer himself and he didn't want this to happen to him, he panicked and tried to spit Grocer out...but Grocer laughed. 'Now now, don't be like that. You know I never would make you suffer or anything of the sort.' 'But i'm suffering right now and i'd like you to stop.' Grocer continued to mock his nemesis from within, and trying to coax him into accepting what was happening to him. 'But what is happening to you is a good thing, you're becoming exactly like me and you are going to love it..' The professional assassin watched as his pants changed into a pair of pants that resembled Grocer's ones while his legs broadened, his rear slowly plumped up a little and all of a sudden he felt....attracted, to the transformation and just how good looking he was becoming, he became more than a little bit entranced by it as he touched his new rear and blushed.
"Oh my...uhhhh...this is new."
"New but a good feeling, see how delicious and thicc I am? You've been missing out on this."
He never considered his nemesis to be attractive by any means, but he knew lots of ladies liked him and expressed wanting to bang him even though he was evil...'well...women do love bad boys.' 'Indeed they do, you'll be like catnip to them when you are me,you've got to admit that it feels pretty sexy.' 'Yesss...it feels good. Wait, what am I saying? You've been corrupting my mind to make me think that I am going to like this.' 'Oh but you are enjoying it, look at how much you like your much larger build.' Martin panicked and looked at his feet, they grew, becoming larger than usual as two of the toes on each toe stuck...giving him webbed toes. He didn't want this to happen but yet he did, he wanted to be like him, as his nemesis was already hypnotizing him and conditioning him into accepting the process. He screamed but at the same time groaned as his back and shoulders bulked up and broadened, he slowly went up in height to 6'1 and his neckline altered, it was a rather shocking sight, seeing himself with the body of his nemesis.
But yet he couldn't help but get enamored and get entranced further by it as his wavy black hair spiked up, and lightened...slowly turning a dark shade of brown as his forehead extended a bit in length and size, his eyebrows thickened while one eye turned green and the other eye remained brown, his signature roguish features slowly plumped up as they became a perfect replication of Grocer's own features, while his nose broadened and a small dent popped up in the middle of it, in addition to this his features altered further, until he was completely an identical version of Grocer appearance-wise, which made him horrified but oddly fascinated. 'What have you done to me?' 'Beautiful isn't it?' 'I have made you into me...but i'm not done yet.' 'No, nooo....no more.' He groaned as his voice slowly deepened and contorted, slowly contorting from his regular suave John Cusackian voice to a more Aykroydian one, which is to say it was becoming Grocer's voice. He struggled to keep Grocer from influencing him further but at this point, he was already fearing losing all that he had yet alone his identity, and he held his head and tried to focus on memories of his life...they played out as mini-movies in his mind reflecting everything that had happened, only to slowly get replaced with Grocer's ones. Which made him panic, but ultimately there was no choice but to give in. Shortly, within a few seconds later there wasn't a Martin Blank anymore, there was now Grocer and Grocer was back once again, Grocer got out a Smartphone and made a call. 'Hello. I'm afraid Martin cannot come to the phone right now, please leave a message.' 'Martin?'
He then got the phone out and made a second call...'Ah, Nathan. The King Were-Aykroyd.' 'Grocer..how did you?' 'How did I find out your secret? It's easy, silly...you already told us you were one and of course you're the king of them.Don't think you can hide your Were-Aykroydism from us, we know.' 'So how have you been coming along?' 'With Blank out of the way, we can now focus on sending out more Aykroyds, or turning people of your choosing into them.' 'That's excellent to hear.' 'It sure is, now meet me over in the next apartment, i've got a plan.' A few hours later Nathan arrived and met Grocer and the two of them came up with the next step of their plan, Grocer then noticed Nathan's old rival Eben coming by and he decided to 'help' him, with a few hypnosis sessions, Eben was fully transformed into a fellow Were-Aykroyd. And thus with that the Were-Aykroyd invasion of the city of Oakendale began to take full effect. Sometimes you know, when you think that the villain is dead, they come back, sometimes they come back...oh yes they do.
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