
Showing posts from August, 2020

WB Rants: Mature.

 Werebelushi: You know what really irks me? When there are certain Discord servers that insist on asking you what your age is before you can join especially when the person who invites you to them doesn't even bother to warn you, oh sure they attempt to do it but most of the time...'it's hey, want to join this totally risque server?'.   It's hard to find a good character transformation server, and one of the only two ones is a mature one.  Fine, if you're going that way I don't think I wanna join if you are gonna be doing shit like asking me how old I am. I just feel insecure about that, you know.

WB Rants: Corona.

 Werebelushi: I'm just going to say this...stop complaining about Corona/covid19 being sexualized, it's the internet...there is rule34 and rule63 of everything and everyone.  So what if Covid got depicted as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl who looks like Chun Li?  I don't mind it.  Please note that China only started revealing info about the virus once it started to affect human beings, it affected animals previously, just like swine flu and bird flu. Do I look like a doctor to you? Of course not.  I don't have a medical degree so don't ask me how I think diseases work or whenever i've seen viruses that have been as bad as this, ask your doctor.  Look, kid..i'm just a fictional character,  I don't know anything about the medical industry. And don't ask Nathan either, in fact you shouldn't be asking him at all.  Also I have seen serial killers, political figures and dictators get the sex object treatment, and yes hybristophilia is a thing.  So it's n...

Proud To Be Weird

 Proud To Be Weird A Dan Aykroyd TF tale. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello everyone,  i'm Nathan Forester...or as some of you weirdos out there call me the 'were-celebrity' guy. And to be honest I am perfectly happy with that title. If it sounded like I hated the title before, it's because i'm a little too socially awkward for my own good and way too damn self conscious, i'm a mess really...I guess I take after my mom. Yes, I DO self insert myself into my own stories, so what? I see no problem with it, because i've always wanted to imagine what it's like to be transformed into something or someone else, i've always wanted to imagine that and dream about that frequently.  I'm a freak alright, and damn proud to be one too. I've always been fascinated with the idea of shapeshifting. I blame my personal favorite show Big Wolf On Campus for that.  Yeah, that show made me realize that 'holy crap, being a monster would be awesome and i'd be able to do all ...

Canadian Blood.

Taking A Taste Of Canadian Blood. Were-Aykroyd TF. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nathan Forester was rarely the type who got involved in drama, in fact if anything he just wanted to get away from it. If he ever did get involved in drama he mostly hid away and refused to say anything, any attempts at trying to defend himself at least to him would have fallen on deaf ears. Sometimes he just wanted to get away from it all, and just get lost in and in character...he loved transformation himself, he was a shapeshifting, horror obsessed transformationalist and half-vampire of royal descent and he wasn't going to change for anyone, especially if they didn't like him for who he was, he liked celebrity transformations and wasn't going to change that even if they complained about it. It's just that he had been longing for someone who actually understood him. He was in his apartment one night, watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, specifically the episode Halloween since he wa...

How To Be A Gorgeous Sorceress.

 How To Be A Gorgeous Sorceress. Fairuza Balk TG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two misconceptions about transformation fiction, one being that it mainly is a fetish fantasy when it isn't (at least not all the time) and the second being the 'transformation is always being used as a punishment' thing, which isn't entirely true's just the number of horror stories and transformation stories in general seem to be heavily focused on the Karmic Punishment trope but that's usually just reserved for twist endings. Plus, you don't go into a show like Tales From The Crypt expecting to sympathize with the characters that do get punished for their actions.  Besides, this isn't one of those stories.  This isn't one of those revenge-fics where someone writes about a famous person or character they don't like suffering and they post it to spite that person for no reason only to get rid of it and post a 'sequel/prequel' that no one can see.   ...

Freakish Change In Personality.

 Freakish Change In Personality. Corey Feldman TF/Possession theme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was August 8th 2020 and Nathan Forester/Monstermaster13 had just returned to his apartment, he was looking forward to taking care of his Pokemon and just relaxing, that was until he got something that really ruined his evening. 'Ugh...another bad guy who thinks i'm threatening him?'  'Yeah i'm afraid so.' 'I don't know why I bother. I try to ignore people like that, I try to forget they exist but they make me feel horrible. They just do.'  'What did you do?'  'Said a few things that implied I wanted them dead, made threats, acted like a brat.'  'Why?' 'I just don't like nitpickers, alright?'  'Understood.' 'I mean if they can't answer their own damn questions, then why are they asking me for them?' 'Maybe they think that because it's your show that you know the answers.' 'Hell if I know.'  He...

Aykroydian Invasion.

 Aykroydian Invasion. Tom Everett (Caddyshack II) FTM TG/Were-Aykroyd theme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes being a paranormal law enforcer isn't easy, and that's something Melanie 'Mel' Sanders had to put up with all the time, from villains who were too stubborn to change their ways to people who thought of her as a 'threat' or 'pest' rather than an ally, it wasn't easy at all for her to cope and it was very stressful, sometimes she felt like she just wanted to break out into her she-hulkesque form and get back at those types of people but she was above this, she was above using violence or hostility...she only did that on truly horrible people. But one night when she was on duty with Matthias T. Radke aka That Werebelushi In The Shades (who had signed on a security chief) she had gotten herself into quite a pickle,  she didn't mean to's just that she got involved with a type of monster that got the better of her,  that was a t...